
Reincarnated As The God Of The Xenomorphs

Leo died in a car crash with a book of all his drawings in it. even Tho he was American his parents loved other countries so he knew a lot, he found himself pale white and curled up in a new body he was stoked to know that he was an alien and not just an alien that he created. so he knew about it and everything it could do this isn't any regular xenomorph this is the shinryaku (invasion) xenomorph the "God xenomorph”

Mochi_Bats · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Crash landing!

You know when I use to be human I never thought there would come a day in my life that is ide control an army but look here! A whole ship being over runner and completely obliterated by aliens under my control!

I feel nothing ever single one of these fools are heritable human beings. I feel nothing towards these people. some escaped using the space shuttles but I Fear not, why you ask? Hahaha! AHAHAHHAHAH!

There's a royal facehugger in every one of the shuttles they won't get away. Not that easily.


As Leo walks slowly through the halls both underneath him and above them a stream of xenomorphs flowed constantly towards the front of the ship. No matter how much the people killed them they kept coming. But a bigger threat grew closer each second each step Leo made sent shivers through their spine. Even tho they didn't see him they felt the creature's prescience easily.

'Got damn it I'm running low on ammo John!' a short but healthy-looking man said as he kept firing shots while backing up and closing the doors after each hall ended. The xenomorphs took almost no time at most 10 mins to break down the doors.

Someone threw a grenade at the door ' you dumb ass! Run!' a man said as he looked at the grenade and started to run back towards the cockpit of the ship. But a explosion was heard and the ship started to have a chain of explosion all around.

This made Leo fall over, he felt more explosions go off before the ship tiled. The whole ship was splitting apart into three parts. Air was being rapidly sucked out of the ship and the thrusters stopped working after the explosion. They started to turn and fall towards the planet rapidly.

'The hell just happened!' Leo thought as he gripped onto the side of a door before breaking it to see space and the other half of the ship and most of his xenomorph floating away in space and some were dying as they were getting sucked towards the planet and melting.

'Those fools!' Leo attempted to crawl back in but another explosion happened on his side of the ship it ended up blasting Leo away from the part of the ship he was holding on to. But it shot him towards the front of the ship that broke off.

'Fine.. I'll do it myself!' Leo hissed before he grabbed onto the side of the ship before crawling to the half that was broken off and he went into a vent he crawled through the vent and busted out into the main hallway that was closed. 6 people were standing there. Leo started a bit but immediately took out three with one slash of his tail before grabbing the other two and slamming their heads against the wall before hitting a hole through the last one's head.

He then broke a small opening into the next door before sliding through but there was only one person there. 'A-a white one!' he yelled before pulling out two pistols and started rapid firing but the recoil made him spin and fall to the floor.

Leo just stepped on him and his lungs were crushed. Leo snarled at the corpse before marching into the cockpit where the captain and 10 others sat there holding guns and aiming them at the door.

Leo decided to connect to them using telepathy.' I am inevitable. The best thing you can do is lie there like a good dog and accept your fate with your belly up. Leo said before looking out the window to see them hurling towards the ground. He then noticed they had parachute packs.

Leo ran at him before there was a bump in the ship where everyone floated upwards and hit the ceiling half was knocked out while the others stumbled. Leo got up slowly and jumped towards the others that were stumbling he sliced off one head and grabbed the captain and threw him at the window cracking it inevitably. The captain tumbled to the floor with blood gushing out his head.

A man ran up to Leo before getting slapped down by leo's tail and picked up and thrown at the last guy. Leo picked up the last guy swiftly but then they collided with the ground and an explosion happened on the main cockpit.

The explosion put a crack in the planet that was deep it was like a canyon that lead to darkness.

Leo was launched out of the ship at the explosion and he landed on the other side of the canyon before the ship slowly fell into it and exploded again.

1 month later.

'Hey Leo wakes up man it's time for school!' Leo heard before he woke up to see himself in his normal body but it was his dead mom he heard and he was also on the floor. He looked up to see his friends and family. ' you guys are alive! I can't believe it! It was all a dream! I'm so happy!' Leo yelled as he tried to get up but he slipped and fell back on the floor.

'Ow that hurt! Heheh t-that means this is real! I can't believe it was just a dream!' Leo said as he had his face on the ground with tears in his eyes. He soon flicked his head up towards where everyone was again.

'I'm So Happy! THANK GOD YOUR NOT DEA-' but instead of leos family Leo was met with grey ash-filled dead land and his hands were no longer human, they were the hands of a white xenomorph.

He sat there staring at the nothingness that was in front of him. His body was in complete shock as the reality was donned on him.

After some hours passed, he slowly picked himself up in an irregular way before walking away from the crash

-Tutorial over-

-Leo - not coherent:

-only surviver: Leo

-i sincerely hope you don't come in contact with this monster-

A message appeared over the crash site and stayed there while Leo slowly with janky movements walked away.