
Reincarnated As the Dukes Trap Son

WARNING!!!! THIS STORY CONTAINS RAPE!!!!! THE MAIN CHARACTER ALSO HAS STOCKHOLM SYNDROME!!! IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THIS SORT OF THING THEN THIS NOVEL IS NOT FOR YOU!!!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!!!!!! As a very shy introverted person, Ye Bao spent most of his time locked away in his room. One day when his mother wasn't home a moan broke into his house and rapped him, after he was finished he kidnapped Ye Bao to somewhere unknown, their he continued to rape Ye Bao, sometimes for days straight. This happened for 6 months straight causing Ye Bao's body to change, he couldn't stand being without a dick penetrating him anymore. Because of this Ye Bao was connected to a Trap system and transported into another world.

ProudFujo · LGBT+
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2 Chs

[M] Break In (Part II)



The man forcefully rammed his cock into Ye Bao's unprepared back hole.

"What a little slut, you intentionally go about seducing men to come and fck you with this face am I right~?" said the man as his hips sped up its thrusting.

Ye Bao was in so much pain he couldn't even think straight, he wanted to run away, to scream out for the man to stop... but no words came out of his mouth, only moans of pain.

Every time the thick and long cock came in it kept pounding on the delicate and sensitive prostate causing Ye Bao so much pain and agony.

Everything the man did was violent and rough, he twisted Ye Bao's nipples so hard they turned red and was left throbbing. Every time the man entered Ye Bao's now mess of a chrysanthemum a loud PA sounded in the room showing exactly how hard and fast the man was going.

Because of their rough "love" making the bed underneath them started to creek with every thrust.


The man removed the mask a little and bit Ye Bao on the neck so hard it drew out blood, a sadistic smile formed on the man's face as he put his mask back on.

"What a slut, What A Fcking Slut!" the man said out loud as he unloaded his load deep into Ye Bao's hole. The man pulled out and fixed his pants, he took one of the little chibi figures Ye Bao had on his shelf and stuffed it into the now gaping hole preventing any semen from leaking out, he then gagged him, threw him over his shoulders and left the house.

Although Ye Bao was weak he still tried to struggle as much as he could, tears pouring out of his eyes.

Mother Ye was filled with rage as she cried out to the operator questioning why has no help arrive yet.

The operator was also confused, the nearest officer was only 15 minutes away and one hour had already passed, why have they not arrived yet?

Mother Ye was angry, she was angry at the operator, angry at the police, but most of all angry with herself... if she had not left her child home alone, if she had not placed too much trust in the house's security system none of this would have happened, it was all her fault.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry my Angel, if I wasn't so foolish to leave you home alone none of this would have happened..." She was devastated, utterly devastated!


Ye Bao was placed in the back seat of an SUV, at some point he was blindfolded, he didn't know where he was being taken.

The man drove for almost an hour before stopping. Ye Bao felt he was being carried again, the man walked for a while before he stopped, he spoke in an unknown language to god knows who before continuing his walk.

After about 30 minutes Ye Bao felt himself being placed on a bed, the bindings on his hands were removed and replaced with chains, and his legs were also chained, when he was finished the man finally removed the blindfold from Ye Bao's eyes.

This time the man didn't have any mask on as he looked at Ye Bao with cold and sadistic eyes, "how are doing baby? Do you like your new home?" an asked as he caressed Ye Bao's cheek.

The whole of Ye Bao started to tremble, he couldn't speak, he wanted to but he couldn't, all the words he wanted to say felt like a lump stuck in his throat.

The man leaned down and took Ye Bao's petal-like lips into his as he fiercely kissed him, his tongue explored every corner of Ye Bao's mouth before letting it go.

Ye Bao stared blankly at the man, no one is going to come and save him right? No one... he's all alone now...

The man reached his hand to take out the little chibi figurine that he had stuffed into Ye Bao's hole causing him to jump in fright.

"Don't move baby," said the man, "unless you want to be punished~?" an evil smile formed on his handsome yet evil face.

The man spread Ye Boa's legs apart and stood between them, "your little hole looks so lovely," he said as his fingers circled the gaping swollen red chrysanthemum hole.

"Ah~" Ye Bao flinched and moaned in pain, "P-please don't touch it" he pleaded to the man who turned a deaf ear.

After admiring the swollen chrysanthemum hole the man inserted his 8 inches long cock into the hole of the person he has yearned for ever since he first laid eyes on him.

The man did a few shallow thrusts so Ye Bao can get used to it before going all in.

"Ah~ no, p-please, ngh~ ah~ ah~" Every time Ye Bao tried to speak only broken words and moans came out of his mouth.

I don't want this,


Can someone help me?

Do I have to endure this forever?

Maybe if I try to endure it the pain will go away,

Just maybe...

The man's pounding was getting harder and faster with each thrust sending Ye Bao who was starting to get pleasure from this type of intense fck into a world he was bound to get addicted to.

"Does baby like getting fcked by my cock?" Asked the man as he grinded fiercely on Ye Bao's prostate.

"I, Ah~ ah~ li, ah~ ngh~ f-faster~"

A smirk formed on the corner of the man's lips as his speed slowed down, "If baby doesn't answer I won't fck you anymore"

"Like it, I like getting fcked by your big cock~!" Ye Bao whose brain was muddled with pleasure loudly stated.

"Fck me, ah~ please, fck me hard like befo- Ah~!"

The man who was tempted by Ye Bao quickly started to fck like never before, he'll fck him until all he can do is lay on the bed with his legs spread begging for a fck.

This type of intense sex continued all throughout the night until it was the evening of the next day.

The man finally withdrew his still-hard cock from the now convulsing Ye Bao and went to get him something to eat.

Ye Bao laid there on the bed with legs wide open, his belly bloated with all the semen the man had shot into him, he stared blankly at the door the man had just left through, and after a few minutes the man finally came back.

"Is my baby hungry?" the man asked as he helped his cute little lust-filled baby up. The man stored the bowl of porage in his hand before taking a spoon full to Ye Bao's lips.

"Eat up baby," said the man, "we still have plenty more fun things to try~"

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Ye Bao will be reincarnated in either Chapter 3 or 4, that's when our official smut journey begins!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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