
That Person

Previously, my father told me that he will take me into the Castle because he wanted me to meet someone. For some reason, Mother doesn't want me to meet that someone. She said, quote "That person is too much! I know that person would want to take my little princess away from me!"

I didn't understand what my mother is talking about but I just wish it wouldn't be the First Prince of Seiya, Prince Harold of Seiya. You see, Prince Harold is the male lead and me, the villainess is his fiancee at the age of 20. The villainess Calla Victoria Antonette-Hamilton was jealous of the sudden appearance of the illegitimate child of Baron Stephen Mobray, Stephie Rosa Mobray. Stephie is a very friendly girl and Prince Harold became her friend. They became friends and thus, their feeling developed and became lovers. What Lady Stephie did wasn't good. You see, Prince Harold is engaged to Calla who dearly loved the Prince. Yet, Stephie dares to snatch the Prince. Calla was depressed, and jealous. That is why she tried to get rid of Stephie but ended up dying due to the Prince's orders.

I can always avoid dying. Option #1, avoid the Prince. Option #2, flee. Option #3 make the Prince became friends with me and do not become his fiance. Option #3 sounds good. I'll try my best not to die.

"Tory, we have arrived." Father shakes me and I took a peek from the carriage window. The castle is so beautiful. It's like the version of Disneyland on Earth but even better! I wonder is it would be better to go see the castle in winter. That might be much better and enchanting.

When we step into the palace. I thought that inside the castle, it would be peaceful but no! The maids are everywhere. Seems like they are searching for something. Father actually didn't mind about that and went straight to the throne room where the King of Seiya sits on the throne, looking ruthless and invincible with his golden crown sits on his head.

I greeted the King and perform a curtsey. "Calla Victoria Antonette-Hamilton, At your service your Highness."

The King looked extremely tired but he still gently smiled at me. "Ah! My future daughter-in-law." He said and I flinched. Can I not be your daughter-in-law sire? I might die.

"Sire! My daughter is still too young." Father protested. Who would want their child to be engaged at a young age? Well, probably these guys but not my Father and Mother. Wait! Speaking of, Is this the person that mother didn't want me to meet? There might be a possibility.

"Oh Please! William! Stop with the honorifics. It is just the three of us here. I don't mind dropping the honorifics. Just like old times." The King smirked. He stood up and went towards me. Who would have thought that The great King of Seiya would pick me up?

The King laughs in happiness and he said. "It must've been great to have a daughter."

Father sighs. "Cedrick, you know, If you want one, then make one! You know that Sophia would reject if you want to take Tory as your future daughter-in-law!" Ah! Father really spoke to the King like how normal people would do!

Wait...What!? The King wanted me to be his daughter-in-law!? I read this part! The King did wish for Victoria to be his daughter-in-law! Because of him, the engagement happened! How could I forgot such a thing! Stupid Tory! This is where Victoria meets the King for the First time and she actually told the King that she wanted to be the future Queen of Seiya!

The King gently drops me into the ground and pats my head. "How about you go explore the Garden Tory. The path to the garden is on the right."

A chance! A chance to escape! I quickly nod and run as fast as I can just to go to the garden. Wow! Being a 12-year-old child is really energetic. I soon arrived at the garden and there was a maze. I wanted to try these when I was on Planet Earth but I couldn't enjoy it!

I decided to go and try the maze. I was happily strolling inside the maze but after a couple of minutes, I was lost. Wow! An old soul like me lost my way likely, I heard someone playing the violin. The music is beautiful and for that, I wanted to know who is playing and so, I've searched where the music came from.

I stopped walking when I saw a handsome child playing the violin with his eyes closed. Two Butterflies are flying around the boy. I bet he is somewhat 2 years older than me. When he opened his eye and saw me, the violin created a very disturbing sound.

I panicked for a second, thinking what I'm going to do. "I-I apologize for disturbing you but I am lost and looking for a way out," I told him.

The young man smiled at me. "It's fine. I will help you get out of this maze. Follow me."

Chapter 2 is here!!! I hope you would like this chapter.

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