
Chapter 314 Entering The Tomb

The Devourer quickly passed the other submarines and went deep into the sea cave.

A few minutes later, they saw a building in the shape of a pyramid.

"A pyramid? Wait, it's a tomb," Aldred said. Aldred looked at the astrolabe and the green arrow pointed toward the building.

"Let's enter it," Stella said.

The mothership approached the tomb.

"The entrance is too small." Mary frowned.

"We have to swim inside if that is the case," Aldred said.

"But what about the other submarines?" Zafrina asked.

Aldred looked at the projection and noticed a lot of submarines were approaching.

"Destroy them," Aldred said.

"Are you sure?" Mira asked. "What if they attack our ships on the surface?"

"Then we should make sure that none of them survived," Aldred said. He took a communication crystal from his pocket. It let out a purple light as Aldred brought it close to his lips.

"Commodore," he said.

"Yes, My Lord?" Burchard asked though he already knew what his order was going to be.