
Chapter 312 The Great Lake

"What kind of power?" Aldred asked.

"I don't think I am qualified to tell you."

"I see. So it's better for me not to use this ring?"


"I agree as well," Stella said. "When she touched the ring, I felt something terrifying leaking out."

"If you think it's terrifying, then it must be true. You're a Diamond Rank after all."

"Let's not talk about this anymore."

Aldred and his wives sailed for months on the open water, killing monsters and dumb pirates who thought they could take on a gigantic fleet with two motherships and more than a hundred warships accompanying it.

Aldred showed no mercy and cleansed them on the face of this planet.

Months later, they saw a lot of fleets entering the Persley Strait. The strait was a narrow canal for ships to pass through. There were some tensions in the air, but not one moved their cannons, so Aldred didn't do anything.