
Reincarnated in a Novel???

When my eyes slowly opened, the blinding light of a classroom ceiling greeted me. I shook my head in confusion, trying to make sense of the unfamiliar surroundings. It had been years since I graduated from college, so why was I here? Was it all just a vivid dream?

But when I pinched my face, the sharp pain confirmed that this was no mere dream. I was in a high school class, and the realization sent shivers down my spine.

As I tried to compose myself, the teacher's eyes bore into me with a questioning gaze. "Jurietta, what are you doing looking around?" she asked, her voice laced with suspicion.

"I apologize, teacher. I was just startled by a bug," I replied, forcing a smile that didn't quite reach my eyes. The truth was, I had no idea how to explain my presence in this classroom.

The stifling heat of the summer day wafted in through the open windows, bringing with it the buzz of insects. I silently cursed my luck for getting caught up in this strange situation.

As the class ended and I glanced around the room, I realized that I didn't recognize anyone. Even the notebook in front of me, with its foreign handwriting, confirmed my suspicions that I had somehow landed in someone else's body.

It wasn't until the next class that I realized the full extent of my predicament. As a girl with a sweet smile introduced herself as Yuna, the pieces began to fall into place. This was the world of a cringeworthy romance novel that my best friend had recommended to me. And to my horror, I had been reincarnated as the antagonist.

The title of the novel eluded me, but the plot was all too familiar. It was the classic tale of a new girl, Yuna, who transferred to Jurietta's school and found herself seated next to the school's most popular and cold-hearted boy, Hiro. At first, Hiro detested Yuna, and their interactions were riddled with conflict. But as time passed, he began to see her in a new light - as a kind and brave girl who challenged him to be his best self. Slowly but surely, Hiro found himself falling for Yuna's charms and began to work hard in school to keep up with her. Eventually, their love blossomed, and they went on to attend the same university.

She was a rare gem among students, a paragon of excellence that shone with a brilliance that could not be matched. Her talent for the piano was nothing short of breathtaking, and her virtuosity had earned her international recognition. But she was much more than just a prodigy. She was the embodiment of compassion, dedicating her time to volunteering at orphanages and taking care of stray animals that had been abandoned by the cruel hand of fate. Her love for art was another facet of her complex personality, one that she pursued with a fervor that bordered on obsession. Each stroke of her brush or pencil was imbued with a passion that could only come from a heart that beat for creativit

As I reflected on the contrast between the Jurietta I now knew and the one in the novel, I couldn't help but feel a sense of injustice. She didn't deserve to be reduced to a caricature of a villain for the sake of a plotline. Determined to set things right, I resolved to help Jurietta break free from the constraints of the story and pursue her own dreams. It wouldn't be easy, given the direction the novel had taken, but I was determined to do my best to steer her toward a happier ending.