
Reincarnated as the Alluring Ice Dragon Princess

[!!!Mature Content!!!] ++++++++++++++++++ Luna Roe was a young woman that just wanted to experience love and have her own happily ever after. She was in a once amazing relationship with a man named Thomas, but after only a couple years he began to prioritize everything but her. One day, she decided that she had enough and walked out. Luna was going to find a gorgeous man and finally have her happy ending….. And she found him! Maybe? The last thing she remembers was dying……. But that wasn’t the end of Luna. Instead, she was reincarnated as Princess Lola Lovette; the same princess from a book she didn’t think was a good enough read! Now she must adapt to her new life; being the only dragon princess surrounded by dragon princes that only want to kill her and steal her kingdom…. Or so she thought... +++++++++++++++++++ This is my first attempt at a romance! I hope you enjoy! -Reverse Harem: Guranteed 4 love interests- -Smut- ;-P But It'll mostly be romanticized/ no threesomes or anything like that (Chapters with scenes will be marked R18) -no rape, no incest; nothing that is essentially illegal worldwide. -my writing is definitely not perfect, but I’m trying- ——As always, thank you to everyone that takes the time to read my work! ——

ioPharia · Fantasy
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28 Chs

The Perfect Slumber

 Luna awoke slowly, a small migraine radiating through her head. She thought everything she had just experienced was only a bad nightmare, but upon opening her eyes, she realized it was her reality. She was inside a small, metal room that only contained a bed that she was constrained on, and a bucket near the upper right side of it. It didn't even have a door to shut it off from the rest of the world; she had a partial view of a vacant hallway, as the foot of her bed faced it. 

Then she realized; James most likely didn't need a reason to have a door separating the room from the rest of the building. The building, which she assumed was a warehouse by its groans and high-pitched squeaks, was most likely already away from the rest of the world. A building someone wouldn't look twice at, let alone once as they drove by. 

She immediately began to scream for help, hoping her luck would change, but the sounds of the creaking warehouse drowned out her cries and pleas. Whoever this James guy was, knew exactly what he was doing. 

She was unable to move much at all; her arms and legs were tied to the headboard and footboard of an uncovered bed using handcuffs. With every move she made, no matter how big or small, her handcuffs clanked loudly against the metal bed frame before echoing throughout the building like a nightmare. She was stuck, and she knew what her fate was going to be. 

She saw who took her, and everyone knows that no one lets people go when a victim can recognize who kidnapped them, and she began to weep silently. She didn't want to die; she may have hated certain aspects of her life, but it was never enough to want to die, especially in such a way where no one would find her. She screamed out in agony, the echoes of her screams hurting her own eardrums. 

Urine and blood stains, some fresh and others old, covered the bed like a sheet, some of the stains still able to soak into her dress as she lay there helpless. But where were the people that produced the stains? She thought to herself. 

Panic began to set in even further, and she began to violently shake her arms and kick her feet about as hard as she could to try and somehow break something free. With each shake and kick she made, the cuffs were dinging against the metal frame like a bell; A bell only her and her captor could hear. 

Her head raced with what ifs; every scenario of what she should have done instead of trusting the rich man in the nice car. 

Idiot, idiot, idiot, she kept pounding the thought into her brain, as she continued to rattle her constraints, her only hope being that the constant clash would make them break. 

"It really is no use, you know," James finally chimed in, scaring Luna as she immediately refocused her undivided attention towards him. He was leaning in the doorframe with his arms crossed, staring at her almost lovingly like she was some type of pet to him. 

"What do you want!?" She screamed at him, her once clean, orange hair, now a tangled mess, and the side of her face where he had hit her was swollen and badly bruised. 

"It's not what I want," He simply said, "it's what the Gods want." He straightened himself out, readjusting the sleeves of his jacket. 

"You're insane," she spat at him, "fuck you!" Her voice was turning raspy from her screaming and yelling, and it felt like sandpaper. 

"Oh contrary, miss. The Gods have indeed spoken to me," he began to walk towards the bed, putting his hands in his pockets like a casual stroll. "They are looking for a princess, but they are unable to find one of their own world. I am the voice of the Gods!" 

"Princess?" She began to try and humor him, trying to get him closer so she could at least try and bite him. 

"Yes, they are unhappy with theirs. Theirs is weak and for some reason the Gods are unable to produce a strong enough soul to represent them," James began explaining, reaching the foot of her prison and leaning on the footboard. "So, they whispered to me. Find me a Princess, and you shall be rewarded." 

"What's your reward?" 

"To be able to meet them," his eyes began to light up. He then pushed himself up from leaning and began to make his way towards the bucket, before sitting down on the bed near her right side. 

Luna felt her stomach drop. 

"But I can't seem to find the right one. I've tried so many, but they keep getting rejected," he flung his hands out to amplify his confusion. "I'm not sure what they want. Every girl I bring here promises to worship them no matter what and do whatever is wanted of them as long as they get to live." James looked at Luna, solemnly, "isn't that what a God wants?" 

"Fuck you," Luna spat again, before she started to shake about like a rabid animal once more in another failed attempt at escaping. 

"Now, with a tongue like that the Gods definitely will not want you," James frowned at her, shaking his head in disappointment. "Perhaps we shall fix that?" James reached back into one of his pockets before pulling out a black cased switchblade, instantly sending a shiver down Luna's spine. 

After pulling the blade out, he leaned over on top of her, trying to hold her down as he began to shove the fingers of his free hand into her mouth to grab her tongue. 

Luna began to gag, trying with everything in her power to keep him from grabbing it. 

Fuck it. 

She immediately brought her teeth together, biting his fingers and drawing blood instantly. He let out a loud holler, before he quickly jammed the knife into her throat, causing her to let his fingers go. 

Her vision immediately turned black, though she knew her eyes were open, and all she could hear was ringing. She faintly felt her head be pushed to the side before being stopped by the bucket that once rested next to the bed. 

He was collecting her blood.... 

Why didn't I trust my gut? She thought, before she felt everything go numb, and peaceful, like the perfect slumber.