
Reincarnated as the Alluring Ice Dragon Princess

[!!!Mature Content!!!] ++++++++++++++++++ Luna Roe was a young woman that just wanted to experience love and have her own happily ever after. She was in a once amazing relationship with a man named Thomas, but after only a couple years he began to prioritize everything but her. One day, she decided that she had enough and walked out. Luna was going to find a gorgeous man and finally have her happy ending….. And she found him! Maybe? The last thing she remembers was dying……. But that wasn’t the end of Luna. Instead, she was reincarnated as Princess Lola Lovette; the same princess from a book she didn’t think was a good enough read! Now she must adapt to her new life; being the only dragon princess surrounded by dragon princes that only want to kill her and steal her kingdom…. Or so she thought... +++++++++++++++++++ -will probably keep this free :) Though if you want, check out my other romance I started involving Vampires. The Fodder Queen: A Vampire's Muse -Reverse Harem: Guranteed 4 love interests- -Smut- ;-P But It'll mostly be romanticized/ no threesomes or anything like that (Chapters with scenes will be marked R18) -no rape, no incest; nothing that is essentially illegal worldwide. -my writing is definitely not perfect, but I’m trying- ——As always, thank you to everyone that takes the time to read my work! ——

ioPharia · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

The Date

"Where'd the woman go?" Lola asked Raiden as they walked through the city of his kingdom. He only grunted; his face cold as he tried to avoid the topic. 

They were on their way to the original place Raiden had said would benefit the kingdom if they went, but Lola was wondering how much of a date it would actually be, considering a date isn't supposed to help anyone except the couple having it; or so she thought. 

Near the edge of his city sat a building, old and decrepit, but full of life as people filled it. "What's this?" Lola asked, watching as the brown roof of the green building barely held on, looking as if it would collapse at any moment. 

Finally, Raiden spoke, though his tone wasn't as stern as it usually was. "It's a kitchen. I like to feed those that are a bit less fortunate than others." He seemed broken and Lola began to have a hint of regret begin to fill her. It was obvious Raiden had strong feelings towards the servant that was serving him in more ways than one. 

"I didn't take you to be the cooking type," The daughter of Artrio quipped, following him closer to the building. 

As people started to notice the royal duo approaching, the multitude of voices that filled the area began to silence, turning their focus to bowing or curtsies as they passed them to head into the nearly collapsing building. 

Inside was just a large, high vaulted room with no other rooms inside. The kitchen was just a small area in the corner where an open, controlled fire stood, kissing the bottom of a pot as the liquid inside boiled. A soup kitchen, or at least this universe's version of it. Lola smiled; she didn't expect this type of treatment by any of the princes. Especially Raiden. 

She watched as Raiden made his way towards the kitchen area, where people began to line up with a bowl they had each brought from their own home. Once filled they sat at one of the many tables that the kingdom provided to the failing structure. 

Raiden tucked his long, green hair behind his ears as he began to stir the stew, even tasting it. It was obvious to Lola that he was used to doing stuff like this and it wasn't just for show. 

As the princess looked about the room, she felt normal for once. She stuck out like a sore thumb, standing at the entrance in her near goddess-like skimpy dress with expensive heels, but the citizens treated her like a person. They would give her a glance, but that was all. 

Raiden may appear fierce, but it was obvious he refused to invoke the fear of dragons into the citizens of his people. 

"Excuse me, miss?" A young girl's voice appeared from behind her as she felt a small hand tug upon her dress. Lola turned around to face the small child, their big, brown eyes looking up at her with pure amusement. 

"Why, hello there," Lola greeted her sweetly, bending down to be at eye level with her. "How are you?" 

"I'm great! Are you our new Queen!?" Her voice was so sweet, almost angelic; her innocence adorable. 

The princess chuckled softly, making sure not to offend the child, "no, but one day," Lola smiled at her; but not wanting to mention that it didn't mean Raiden would also be the King. 

"So, you're going to marry him and have babies!?" She seemed to glow with excitement. 

Lola decided to humor her a bit, "I'm not sure, is the prince a good man?" 

The girl thought for only a second, "yes! He comes here almost every day to be sure we're alright and have a full stomach." Lola looked around the room, taking in everything that seemed broken. 

"What about the broken ceiling?" Lola was trying to be as simple as possible with her questions; the girl, with her black hair pulled into small pigtails and wearing a pink, flower dress, couldn't have been more than 7. 

Before the young girl could answer, a man walked up behind her, placing a hand upon her head gently, tussling her hair. "He's tried," the man began. Lola excused herself from the child, before straightening herself up to talk with the man. 

He looked like the father of the girl. He had short black hair and green eyes, but was dressed in clothes that couldn't be considered anything more than rags. He had on brown trousers and an off white, long-sleeved shirt with a pair of black shoes, but everything, including his shoes were covered in holes. 

"What do you mean he's tried?" 

"He's not king, so his father and mother have the final say in everything. He managed to convince them to convert this shambled building into a place to help people like us, but he's been unable to convince them to put money forward to fix it." 

Lola tried to imagine Raiden, a typically hot-headed man, or so he appeared, trying to make deals with his father and mother. "Can't he just, threaten them?" Lola inquired, taking into account the other side of him she's seen. 

"What's to come of it?" The man asked. "If he becomes King now, then he's stuck here, unable to expand our territory." He picked up his child, propping her onto his hip. "He doesn't want to appear weak, but he really is one of the kindest people I've ever met; one of the kindest sons of Kitare if I may say so myself." 

Lola thanked him for the information, before turning to look back at Raiden. He was now happily scooping the stew into the bowls of the many patrons that had lined up patiently. 

Was this the real Raiden? The princess wondered as she watched him. Surprisingly, this version of him made her melt, but she wondered if it were all just for show. 

She walked over to where he was in order to help him; after all, he wanted to use this as their date. 

"Everyone is lovely," Raiden simply stated as Lola joined him, throwing on an apron over her dress before beginning to scoop out stew for them as well. 

Others were helping him, but everyone loved Raiden and Lola being present, that they all only wanted either of them to serve them. 

"I can see that," Lola confirmed. "I'm surprised they don't hate me, considering what was going on before I came to this world. Tomik's kingdom is sure to let it be known." 

Raiden finally chuckled. "Unlike Tomik," his voice was sharp as he said his name, "I know how to treat my people." 

Lola scrunched her face in a fake, exaggerated smile. "Most," she corrected, knowing full well of what he actually did to the servant; Lola didn't have to be there to know. "But it's refreshing to be able to walk around others that aren't fairies and where I don't have to fear being attacked." 

Raiden ignored her low blow, "have you forgotten who you are? There are only 3 others in the world like you, and even then, what do you have to actually fear? Your presence has us on a damn leash. That is as much as I can relate to the others aside from obvious reasons." He summoned his wings, as the room gasped in awe. It was obvious he enjoyed showing off to those that didn't have his abilities. 

Lola giggled at his show, though her cheeks were a light shade of pink. She didn't remember being this turned on by simple acts in her previous life, but seeing him just being decent made her want to fuck him. 

The ice princess leaned over and whispered into his ear. "I think I dropped something on the balcony, can we go back?" 

Raiden stopped scooping, trying to process what she could have dropped. "Alright," he stated, still confused before he informed the other workers that he and Lola had to leave. 

Lola removed her apron as he talked to the others before making her way outside the building once more and summoning her own wings, though waiting for the prince to appear to take off. She started walking a bit from the building to get away from the crowd of people flocking inside. 

She bit her lip as she imagined them together. Must be the dragon part of me. She thought to herself, I don't remember ever feeling like this. Unless I just had a shitty boyfriend back then. What was his name again? 

As Raiden finally left the building, Lola turned to him, immediately dashing to him, flapping her wings to give her a boost. 

Raiden, never having another dragon charge him before, immediately thought Lola was about to attack, and took off into the sky to avoid her. Even under threat of an attack, it didn't seem like he had it in him to hurt her. 

Lola chased after him until they were high above the city with the citizens now looking like ants before finally shouting out to him to stop. As if he was a dog being commanded, he did as he was told. 

"What-" Was all Raiden could manage to say before Lola stopped herself mere centimeters from him, planting her lips upon his and wrapping her arms around his neck as she retracted her wings. 

The prince lifted his arms up simultaneously, catching her before she fell, embracing her just the same.