


At midnight, fifteen meters under the water, suddenly, a portal opened, and a man emerged from it.

Since the portal was inside the water, the man woke up with a jolt. "Whaa#$#*" He clutched his neck because he couldn't breathe.

After somehow getting his bearings, he thought, 'What the hell is going on? Is this a dream or a prank? Why the hell am I in the water? Shit!! I don't even know how to swim. Am I going to die without even knowing how I got into this situation?'

He started panicking, which resulted in him losing more oxygen. 'NO!! I REFUSE TO DIE LIKE THIS.'

All of a sudden, his body was overlapped by some kind of aura, and he started ascending towards the surface at a forty-five-degree angle.

Coincidentally, once he got out of the water, he flew up to twenty meters and started coming down towards a building. 'SHIT!! I am losing consciousness.' "BOOM!" and he crashed through the wooden ceiling of the building.

"What's going on? Are the pirates attacking us?" yelled a robust man.

"Stop yelling like a child, Patty," said a young man after kicking the robust one.

"OI SANJI! DO YOU WANT A FIGHT??" said an angered Patty.

"No! But are you itching for a beating?" said Sanji.

"STOP IT, YOU SHITHEADS," said a man.

He was very robust and had a big breaded mustache, and one of his legs had a wooden stump from his knee downwards.

"Yes, Chef Zeff," said Patty. But Sanji remained silent.

Chef Zeff stared briefly at Sanji, then proceeded.

"Can't you guys see there's an unconscious person lying in front of you?" He looked towards Sanji and said, "Sanji, go and check if he is breathing or not."

"Tch," Sanji clicked his tongue but proceeded to check.

"You better be alive, you shitty bastard, so that I can beat the crap out of you for ruining my sleep." He put his fingers on his neck to check and sighed with relief.

"He is breathing, but we need to change his clothes because he is soaking wet or he might get sick."

"Someone bring the first-aid kit. Let's see if he is injured somewhere."

"WHAT?!" "But Chef Zeff, what if he is a criminal? We could get into trouble with the Marines," said Patty. "YES," chorused the others.

"I don't care if he is a criminal or not, but right now he is a man who needs help, and we are going to provide it. I won't allow him to die on my watch," said Zeff.

This made Sanji's expression soften up.

"But how did he end up here? Is there a ship outside?" asked Sanji. "No, there's none," replied an unimportant character.

"Wait, he broke the ceiling with his fall. Then he flew here, or someone or something threw him," speculated Sanji. "Are you saying a Sea King spat him and he flew here?"

"SHUT UP, ALL OF YOU!! What's important right now is saving his life. After that, you guys can speculate all you want," said Zeff, looking towards Sanji. "Ok! Take him to your room, change his clothes, and see if he has any injuries. Inform me when he wakes up," said Zeff.

"Wha..." "Ok, everyone, let's go back to sleep because we have a long day tomorrow," said Zeff before Sanji could go on.

"OK, Chef Zeff," replied everyone.

"WAIT UP, YOU OLD BASTARD!! WHY AM I THE ONE TO TAKE CARE OF HIM?? I WILL THROW HIM OVER! YOU BETTER BELIEVE THAT!! Only a beautiful lady deserves to have that kind of privilege," but Zeff and the rest ignored him and kept walking.

"OI!!! STOP IGNORING ME, YOU BASTARDS!!!" But nobody cared.

"Fucking bastards," Sanji cursed. But he picked the man up. "So heavy! What the hell is this man made of?" He looked at the man. "You better be grateful for tonight, you sleeping shit," said Sanji, dragging the man to his room.


"Hurry up, everyone! Customers will be here soon for breakfast." "Damn! I couldn't sleep well last night." "Yes, me too." "Hey, you two, hurry up and set the tables." "Yes."

Inside Sanji's room, "Man... who left the TV on? A man can't even get a peaceful sleep." The man woke up because of all the noises.

He rubbed his eyes, stretched his arms, and started looking around. But he froze, and his eyes widened for a minute! "This is not my room," he thought after looking around. "That means it was real and not a nightmare, and this doesn't feel like my body either. Reincarnated? But I don't remember dying. Well, whatever, it's not like my life was great and all," he thought.

"This body does feel great, and I have great biceps, triceps, even abs? 1, 2... 8 packs!!! Let's see what I look like," he started walking towards the mirror. "Hm? Where have I seen this face?" he started thinking after seeing his face in the mirror.

"Aarrggg!" All of a sudden, his head started to hurt, and he started to experience some unknown memories.

After a while, his head stopped hurting, and his eyes almost popped out. "SON GOHAN!!!"