
Reincarnated as shido in date a live

Ren Ashdoll , a young boy, meets a R.O.B and is forcefully reincarnated in Date a live as Itsuka Shido with the power of all the spirits at their prime and ability to share his power with normal in exchange for their servitude. Now how will his journey proceed, find out now.

Soham_Mukherjee_0507 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Meeting a R.O.B in real life


No, black.

No colourless, just like the void.

Wait, void?

wait , wait, WAIT UPPPP!!!!!!!! Where the hell am I?

The last thing I remember doing is crossing the road on a red signal,after .... after what? Now that I think about what's my name? Hmmmm , guess I lost my memories.... Haaaaah , well guess I can't do anything. Though it's strange how calm I am , despite the outrageous situation I am in. Well , probably because I am dead , I guess.

As I kept drifting in void, suddenly a light became visible, just a small dot of light. So , as any curious person would(or maybe not) , I willed myself towards it.

Closing in , I saw a old man, with long white beard and a wrinkled face in a white cloth, watching.... anime?

Turning back,the old man showed a bit of surprise, but quickly composed himself and said,"Wow , it has been a while since I saw a soul capable of serving in the void. Congratulations, young man , you are one in a quadrillion human capable of this feat. For that I will give a chance to reincarte in another world."

Just as I was about to dance in joy, he continued,"But the world will be decide by me. Also the powers will be decided by me." Seeing my crestfallen , despairing look for not getting wishes, he added," Don't worry young lad , the power I will give will be op and world you are going is not too dangerous. The world will be Date A Live and you will be reincarnated as Itsuka Shido, but with a copy of all of the spirts powers at their prime. Additionally , I will even make it so that you can lend those power to normal humans and make them your slav...cough.. I mean partners."

Seeing my dumbfounded look , he suddenly made a face of enlightenment, and said, " Oh, you don't have your memories ,do you? But that's fine, it make your journey more interesting. Well I will tell your name though. Then off you go , and make sure to live a fun life, Ren Ashdoll."

And just like that , without even getting the chance to speak anything, I started falling into nothingness.