
Reincarnated as Saitama in OPM

First fic made by me so it's inevitable for it to have mistakes.

Zoomshoe · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

She's Back

Saitama's face darkened, this could be bad, really bad. He felt the amount of power that attack carries. It would be very bad if he doesn't receive this head-on. Multiple cities would be devastated and countless lives would be lost.

He was a hero, and it's his job to protect the people of this world. Therefore, he would receive this blow head-on to save countless. He braced himself, clenched his fist, ready to punch it into oblivion. He wouldn't use his strongest attack. As that would do more damage than saving.

He looked up, staring directly at the big ball of death. A smirk formed on his face, he was by far the strongest foe he fought and even survived one of his punches, definitely a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately, he met Saitama, thus meeting his inevitable doom.

Saitama quickly reacted, raising his fist and cocking it backward. With an unimaginable speed, he punched the air in front of him.

"Regular Punch." Is what's this move called, he named it himself. It was the most regular punch of them all yet, the results were devastating. Regular? Yes. Stronger? Yes.

He already estimated the strength of this attack, it was at least slightly weaker than the one canon Saitama used in his (one-sided) battle with Boros. Yet this slight difference in power didn't even matter. It had the same results, absolute devastation to the surprise of the Subterranean king.

Saitama didn't even directly punch the ball-shaped beam, the shockwave was what stopped it.

The Subterranean king smiled weakly, understanding that this was his end. Closing his eyes, he waited as his own attack swallowed him.


Minutes after, news reporters and A plus heroes arrived at the scene. They all helped the lucky survivors, while some grieved at the sight. The entire city was destroyed, no intact building remained.

Saitama had already left the site before anyone saw him.

"Hey, guys! Come here I think I've found something!" One hero shouted as he called his fellow heroes.

"Huh? What is it?" A woman's voice rang throughout the place, attracting everyone's attention.

"A-ah! Miss Tatsumaki!" And yes it was indeed Tatsumaki, though she was no longer the little girl she was in the past, by now her body had matured, though not too much.

She pushed the hero that discovered something and stared at the sight in front of her. There, laid a heavily injured humanoid being. But Tatsumaki knew that he was still alive thanks to this incredible ability that she just developed through her hard work and thanks to a bald fellow.

Saitama had told her to train, train, and train before they parted ways. She wanted to be strong too, now, years later, she was at the top of the leaderboard being currently at A-Rank 1. Her goal was to be the number one S-Class hero.

"You... What are you?" Tatsumaki said. She was an esper so it's only natural for her to sense others' strength.

The Subterranean king mouthed something that wasn't heard by the other heroes other than Tatsumaki. She widened her eyes.

"Tell me! Where is he?!" Tatsumaki said as she violently shook the humanoid being with her ability. The Subterranean king simply smirked, and soon his life faded away.

"Tsk." She clicked her tongue, she was searching for Saitama and this guy died before she got her answers. "I'm leaving," Tatsumaki said as she began to fly high up towards the sky. Her destination? She was going to search for Saitama. Since it wasn't that long after the fight ended.


Saitama was walking with no destination in mind, he was currently at City-F it was far away from the fight. his clothes were long gone leaving him with his tracksuit leggings left. This attracted the attention of the people walking by since he was technically topless right now.

He looked like a hobo with his clothes and dirty body, but he didn't care about the attention he was getting right now. Since he has other things to worry about, his house. It was destroyed.

He sigh, well he could solve that easily once he contacted the HQ about this...

"Hey, you!" A women's voice called out from behind, Saitama stopped in his track as he turned around. Not fully expecting the person that called him to be someone he knew.

He raised his eyebrows, in front of him stood Tatsumaki, who looked excited yet irritated at the same time. Tatsumaki looked around, they were currently the center of attention.

"Tsk, come here!" Tatsumaki clicked her tongue as she forcefully dragged Saitama with her.


Somewhere on City-A

Tatsumaki held onto Saitama's wrist as she dragged her along, the place was devoided of people. "So, are you gonna say anything?" Tatsumaki said as she dropped Saitama's arm and turned around, facing him.

Saitama had yet to say anything after he met Tatsumaki for the first time in years.

This irked Tatsumaki as she furiously smacked Saitama with her fist.

"You baka! baka! baka! It's been years since the last time we met and you're not gonna say anything?"

"You-!" Tatsumaki was cut short as she felt a hand land onto her head.

Saitama had unconsciously started patting her head, this was his way of comforting her years ago.

Tatsumaki smacked his hand away, "Humph!" and turned around, oblivious to the fact that her face was currently beet-red.

"Sigh, she sure did grow up into a sassy girl," Saitama smirked as he followed her tracks.


Took a break, and played lots of Osu. And it's pretty obvious that the chap uploads would be slow. So yeah.

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