
Reincarnated as Rimuru in Tensura with wishes but god played with me

First few is mostly following the story I was just your average worker, I owned a million dollar business. That business was my life so I didn't have much of a life and it was boring. That was until a truck hit me at a stop light. I'm doing this for my entertainment so if you don't Like how it's going I don't care, please don't complain in the comments because they will be ignored. Thanks I hope you enjoy. I don't own the original work all credit goes to the author of that time I got reincarnated as a slime.

Busy_Driver · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

The Orgres

The first thing I noticed when I arrived was a old man with white hair slashing Gobta in the stomach then retreating.

I walked towards Gobta, he's on the ground rolling around holding his stomach area.

"Oh, it hurts to much I'm going to die right here, we're did I go wrong."

I walked next to him and bent down. "It's not even that deep are you sure it's that bad?"

"Lady Rimuru, did you come all this way to save me, I knew my charm worked on you."

I stood up and started to walk towards the others fighting.

"Apparently you're just fine if you can joke around like that."

"Wait, I'm sorry for joking about your body earlier, I'd really like a potion."

I just threw one at him while walking.

I heard a loud howl in the sky, I looked up to see Ranga fighting two people one huge black skinned man and a blue skinned man.

Once they landed I called Ranga to my side.

"I'm sorry master I couldn't protect the others."

"It's fine what's going on? What happened to the others?"

I looked around to see most the goblins laying on the ground.

"The pink haired girl put them all to sleep."

"Interesting." I looked to my left to see Rigur fighting a tall purple woman. "Rigur retreat!"

He jumped over to me and fell to his knees because of being tired.

"I'm sorry my lady, I couldn't do anything about them, they are to strong."

I have him a potion. "Don't worry about them, I'll take care of them."

"I'm sorry, I didn't think we would run into Ogres."

So that's what they are interesting.

I looked in front of me and I saw all six of the Ogres line up.

There was the tall broad shouldered black skinned one, next to him was a slightly shorter blue haired guy, then we have the Purple haired one who fought Rigur, then the pink haired one who did magic and looks like she has hiding, then a tall red haired one who looks like he's protecting the pink haired one,

And last but not least the white haired man who slashed Gobta.

They look to strong for most of my guys maybe only me and Ranga can do anything to these guys.

Let's try speaking, that helps some times.

"Hey, I don't know if my guys did something wrong but if they did I'm sorry can we talk this out?"

I got nothing for a while so I just stared at them while I thought what to do.

Through Thought Communication.

("Ranga, if they attack I want you to distract the pink haired one, don't do anything fatal.")

("Yes master.")

The red hair Ogre spoke with an angry tone.

"Quit playing tricks Magic Born, enslaving monsters isn't at feet a weak human could do."

"Enslaving! I think you got the wrong guy here, I haven't made anyone slaves, these guys actually came to me wanting to serve under me."

"You can't trick me, that mask might hide your aura but it doesn't change the facts.

The white hair man spoke. "There is no need to hide we know who you are.

The blue hair man spoke. "Looks the the mastermind came to us, that makes our job easier."

You have to be kidding me , mastermind? Mastermind of what building a town.

No that can't be it.

"I think there's a misunderstanding, I'm just a."

The red one starts to unsheathe his sword.

"No more lies! That mask you wear is all the proof we need."

"Ok, now I know you all got the wrong guy, this is just a gift from a very nice person and not someone who would have harmed you guys."

"I will not listen to you anymore, today I will avenge my people, and I will leave with you head pig leader!"

Pig leader? Why would I lead pigs? Does me mean Orces?

Ranga looked at me. "What are we going to do master?"

"What I said earlier, remember don't kill her, I don't need them to have more to blame me for."

"Yes master."

Laud enough for them to hear me "I'll get the rest myself."

"But master that will leave 5 Ogres to fight by yourself."

Waving my hand. "It's fine there easy."

I did this hoping it will make them angrier and get sloppy.

"As expected of my master."

The red one got angry. "You're very confident in yourself, either you're very good or over confident, either you'll put up a good fight."

I can say the same for you. He went to go slash at me but I just simply dodged and went towards the big black guy.

I simply made a barrier around his head and used some wind Control Particles to make him pass out due to lack of oxygen.

I sensed someone behind me. "Nice try but you can't sneak up on me."

I turned around. "whoa, are those things planets.

Wait, sorry that fell out of my mouth."

I just tied the purple haired woman up with Sticky Steal Thread.

"Man, if you wanted me so badly you didn't have to kiss my boots to get my attention."

I seen the blue hair one come at me with his sword and I had a very interesting idea.

(Notice combining Black Flame, Sticky Steal Thread, Control Particles with Degenerate to make Black Whip.

[YES] [NO]

(I thought it of course I'd like it to happen.)

Then I jumped in the air and did a sideways spin over the sword and made a Black Whip{it's a wipe made of black flames,} I wrapped it around the sword and shattered the blade.

I'm so glad right now that I took martial arts classes in my last life.

Then I used my whip to grab his arm then I spun him around and punched him into a tree knocking him out.

I looked at the last two, the white haired old Ogre and the red hair one.

I faked a yawn. "3 down just 2 to go who would like to fall next."

The white hair Ogre spoke. "Be carful Young Master he has many skills and who knows how many he hasn't shown yet, he's dangerous."

I mocked. "You're right who knows, I could have shown you them all or just a fraction.

Isn't it obvious you can't win, so is there any chance we can just talk?"

The red one. "Quiet! I'll admit you're quite strong, but that only confirms my suspicions."

"If I might ask, is what?"


I scratched my head. "One of them doesn't ring any bells, so who's that?"

"I still can't believe that we the mighty Ogres where defeated by some lowly Orces!"

So I was right. "Now I know you're not thinking straight, I have nothing to do with."


"You got the wrong person."


I put my hand up. "Calm down."

I suddenly have Magic Sense go crazy so I dodged and had my arm cut off at the elbow.

(How did that happen, Magic Sense didn't show anything?)

(Notice; he somehow must of found a blind spot.)

I definitely have to keep that old man in my vision at all times.

The old Ogre sheathe his sword. "I must be getting senile in my old age, I was aiming for your head."

I can almost feel sweat form on my face from that.

All my people got worried about me. "Don't worry this is nothing."

The red haired one spoke. "You must be driven by sheer foolishness, I must praise you on your ability to not make a noise and remain calm when your arm is cut off.

But I most remind you that I told you not to underestimate us Ogres, maybe you'll be smarter IN YOUR NEXT LIFE!"

(Notice the skill Self Regeneration has evolved into the skill Ultra-speed Regeneration, but you lost some native slime skills.)

(Doesn't matter I never use those anyway, healing faster is always better.)

I walked over and picked up my cut arm and absorbed it and instantly a new grew in place of the old one.

I flexed my arm and moved it around, feels like normal cool.

I looked at them. "That's nothing, it's easy to just grow a new one."

The red one looked scared then got angry again. "YOU will die here."

He put his hand up around his mouth. "Ogre Flame."

Then a flame shot out and surrounded me turning into a vortex around me.

I just stood there enjoying every second of this.

I slowly walked out of the flame with nothing wrong with me or my clothes.

"Not to bad, but don't you just love Fire Immunity.

I'll admit I didn't expect you to have that type of power.

To show you some respect I'll not hold back."

I took off my mask and released my aura, I had a shroud of purple around me.

The old Ogre looked amazed. "His aura is amazing."

I looked at the red one. "Since you used flames I will to."

I pointed my hand to my left and shot a tiny flame at the ground.

The red one looked confused. "That's nothing compared to mine."

I just grinned and to make it more dramatic I snapped my fingers, then we all were surrounded by flames as high as the red Ogre.

"How do you like my flames."

I wanted to be more dramatic and cool so I tried to make it as tall as I could just as an experiment.

They all looked beyond amazing and scared.

After what the pink haired one said they all got even more scared.

She pointed out that normal magic flames are fueled my surrounding Magicules but mine is powered by my internal power.

I wanted them to lose the will to fight me so I wanted to show some more power, after fighting them I want them to join me so if all possible I don't want to eliminate them.

I pointed at the rock not to far away from me and released some Black Thunder.


The rock was completely gone.

(Sage why was it so powerful I didn't put that much magic in it on purpose?)

(Black Thunder is made to have more of a punch then Black Lightning so you don't need to put a lot into the attack.)

Good to know for next time.

"Enjoying the show or are you ready to stop the fight?"

The old one tried to get the red one to take I'm guessing the pink one when he mentioned the princess and run.

He refused and said no matter what he must fight to avenge his people as the new leader.

Both the old and red head got ready to fight when the pink hair one came running and blocking there path saying I might not be there enemy.

She said things like "he's extremely powerful" as a reason to why I wouldn't need anyone else to try to persuade her brother to not go on a suicide mission.

I just handed them my mask since it seems like it's one of the reason for there attack and they admitted that it looks like the mask of the person who attacked but wasn't the same one.

Then they all apologized for rushing into the fight.

"It's ok. Since we are all friends now I should put the flames away."

I just pointed at the spot I originally shot at and it all disappear.

"If you'd like you all are welcome to come to my town and Join the celebration if you'd like."

Then we woke everyone up and headed back to the will be town.