
Reincarnated as Poseidon in GOW

Imagine your shock when you open your eyes and notice that you are not at home or even on your planet. Now imagine waking up in the body of Poseidon and trying to live your immortality in peace... It would be easy if you had not been sent to a time when Kratos was on the loose and on his way to Olympus to get his revenge. Follow along and watch the challenges that the new Poseidon will have to face on his journey in this new world. ------- I own nothing. All rights belong to their respective owners.

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1 – Reincarnated as Poseidon

At some bar, a group of friends were drinking beer and talking about life until one of them suddenly asked, ''If you had a choice between being a God or an ordinary human with a lot of cash, which would you choose?''

The group of friends looked at this particular friend as if he was an idiot.

''What? It was a serio,-BURP, serious question !''

The group laughed and started to answer, '' If it's a God with a humanoid appearance, I'd rather be a God, but if it's a rat God who can't transform into a human, I'd rather be human.''

''I would accept being any God. Imagine you being immortal and enjoying various things. The concept of time would be nonexistent.'' Another one of the friends gave his opinion.

''But wouldn't it be boring to live forever?''

The silly question from a drunk person generated a discussion among the group of friends. Although they didn't reach a complete consensus, most of them would accept becoming a God, as long as they could change some things, like appearance and shape.

''But why did you ask that, John?'' The group became curious.

''I'm almost finished with the new God Of War and this question has been on my mind. Imagine you guys who said you'd like to be a God and end up becoming a Greek god during the time of Kratos' massacre.''

The whole group shudders, '' Yeah, if I had a choice I'd stay far away from the GOW universe. It would be nice if I went to the Percy Jackson universe, or even our Earth, where there isn't much danger.''

John's comment led his friends, who had already stopped talking about the subject, to turn their attention back to the topic.

'Sigh, I should have stayed quiet... Oh, a snack.'

The drinking continued into the early morning hours and only ended when everyone couldn't take it anymore.

After the group checked themselves out and made sure that everyone was okay, they took an Uber to their homes.

John, who was the drunkest, still had the energy to play video games, 'I'll beat this game today even if I die!'

John paid and thanked the Uber, got into the house, and went straight to his PS5. He turned it on and put GOW Ragnarok on.

'FINALLY. I stopped because I couldn't beat Odin in the final fight ... now I should win.'

John was totally lost, not noticing that he was much worse than earlier when he tried to beat up the game sober.

The game started and John clicked continue, straight into the battle against Odin. John went with his confidence sky high and...


He tried again.



RETRY? 10,9,8...

John kept trying for a while until the game seemed to sense his situation and offered him the option to lower the difficulty.

To say that John felt offended would be an understatement. He went crazy, '' Do you think I, John Smith Malcolm Antonio Second Junior, would give up on beating this game on the last difficulty? I WILL DO IT BEAT OR MY NAME IS NOT JOHN ANTONIO JUNIOR SECOND... THIRD!!!!!''

With new motivation, John went to challenge Odin again. It seemed that he already saw victory in his hands.



John cried.

Hopeless, John tried one last time. And this time it seems that luck was on his side, for he managed to defeat Odin with practically no life left.

''YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!'' Drunk John screamed so loudly that some people in his building woke up.

After feeling extremely good and proud of himself, John got ready for bed and went to turn off the PS5.

But just as he was about to press the power button, he noticed that the game screen was different from the others he had seen, with the question: DO YOU WANT TO TRY EVERYTHING NEW, FROM THE BEGINNING?

John, not noticing that this was extremely strange, clicked yes, '' I had no idea they would release NG+ so soon...''

John just wanted to get NG+ ready, he wouldn't have played the game yet.

John noticed that everything started spinning after he clicked YES and the last thing he could hear before he passed out was a robotic voice, '' Good luck.''


The first thing John noticed after waking up was that he was on a very high place because he could see clouds literally in front of him, ' What the hell happened and where am I?'

John slowly stood up and began to look around, panic began to take over him.

'Calm down and let's think about the situation... I was playing GOW, I won against Odin and then I clicked on NG+. I don't remember anything after that.'

John then began to touch his body to see if it hadn't been kidnapped to steal organs, but he was surprised by something else.

He was practically naked and with only some sort of cloak covering his private parts.

'... Since when do I have a six-pack?'

After a few seconds, since he started touching himself, he finally realized, ' This is not my body!!!!!!'

John tested, once, twice, three times and the result was the same, this was not his body.

Feeling more and more anxious and panicky, John started to look for a mirror in this place above the clouds, and for the first time since waking up in this damn place, he started to look at it carefully.

'This place is amazing!'

Even with panic and anxiety above normal, John was trying to keep calm and started to look at this strange place attentively, admiring its beauty and looking for a damn mirror.

The place John was in was immense and as mentioned before, above the clouds. John could feel the sensation of touching a cloud by raising his arm. He also noticed that the furniture here seemed much older than his current time, but it was still beautiful and sturdy.

After spending time admiring the place and looking for a mirror, John found the second best thing, a huge place filled with water, like a lake.

' Finally, I can see how I look.'

John took a big sigh and looked out over the lake, '' OH MY GOD, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!''

John looked extremely surprised as if he recognized who he had turned, ''... I have no idea who this guy is.'

Feeling defeated and completely lost in this situation, he decided to take a swim in this lake. John didn't care if the situation was strange, he just wanted to rest a little and the water was a better option than the ground.

As soon as John entered the water, he felt a totally new sensation for him, it was as if he could feel this whole lake with his body, '' Eh, what's going on?''

Even a slow person would notice this phenomenon, and John did too. He also felt that he was calmer, more serious, and without fear when he entered the water.

Almost as an instinct, John let himself be led into the depth of this lake. When he got there, what took over his mind was calmness and he used this to analyze the situation.

'Let's start thinking. An hour ago I was playing the new GOW and I won when that message appeared... I'm starting to think that it wasn't a message to start NG+ and it wasn't something from the game.'

John began to put together a puzzle that was quite jumbled, 'The message asked if I wanted to start from the beginning, but it didn't say it was from that game. It could have been referring to the whole franchise.... which would mean that....''

John remembered his affinity with water, and his appearance as a middle-aged man with blue hair, and came to a conclusion, the only one that seemed logical at the moment.

'I have become Poseidon! And if my guesses are right, I'm in the God Of War universe, where gods are killed at any moment.'

'But how did this happen, why that, and why me? It doesn't make sense.'

Even though he was coming to a frightening conclusion, John was extremely calm. 'The water is keeping my emotions in check. If it hadn't, I'd probably be screaming like a little girl.'

' I am inside Olympus right now and in the same universe as Kratos...'

' Shit.'

Okay, now I will explain the powers and how they work in my story. 

If you kill a God here, you absorb their power and you can give it to someone else you want, but it requires a touch. Example: If Kratos killed Hermes but doesn't want his power, he could pass it to Athena, but he needed to touch her, in any part of her body, to pass his power. It could only happen if both parties are willing.

There's no limit to God's Power a body can have, but if there's too much, there could be complications. Not so severe as Death but it still could happen.

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