
Reincarnated as NPC in the Manga World

Stranded in the deep abyss. Himeya Shin, our main character trying to make his way to claim the role of protagonist in this story, "I never thought that I’ll get a chance to reincarnated into this world…”

KanaKaze · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Future

Kashima Masuoka, a 45 year old man.

Born in the area of Kyoto Prefecture.

His parents run a dango shop called "Mashuya"

He was known for his bad behavior from an early age and was involved in a local motorcycle gang for a time. His parent also wished for him to be rehabilitate. He gains notoriety.

At the age of 19, he enlisted in the Self-Defense Force at the strong urging of his relatives who wished for rehabilitation. Masuoka, who has always had his own physical strength and is a big brother, quickly surpassed his peers. He becomes a leader and gain popularity.

During this time, his enthusiastic attitude toward training led him to win the battalion commander's award twice and he was appreciated by it.

When he was 25 years old, He got drunk and hooked up with the hostess at the club. He is arrested by the police on suspicion of assault.

After another incident at the age of 27 he was discharge from his job.

Masuoka moved from job to job. He worked as truck driver and security guard, but none of those jobs lasted long. Eventually, Masuoka ended up in a nightlife.

At first, he worked as an employee at an adult entertainment shop as a driver, but his strong appearance and tenacity as former Self-Defence force officer made him to get a scout from another gang member.

Furthermore, around this time, he was involved in two incidents of assaulting a woman. He's using a method of blackmailing.

In these cases, charges have been postponed due to insufficient suspicion.



After reading his life biography, I never thought that there will be a man like him in this world…

"…A real villain…" I said as I swallowed my saliva unconsciously.

This man is a murderer with a strong physique trained in the Self-Defence Force.

'If Hiro can take this man…so can I'

'Is she really trying to take revenge on this man?'

Touka said that her family and life were destroyed by Masuoka. 

I know the truth about her…

Even so… I have to keep this story as if this was the manga.

She likes to tell me a story that surprised me, as if I was hearing them for the first time.

She must have been crossed many dangerous bridges in order to continue searching for this man. 

That day… when she jumped out of a hotel…

According to Touka, she thought that a member of the media has the information about Masuoka and there was a possibility that he was still in possession of the information.

In the end, the info was a miss, and she quickly ran away from that place. And it seems that she has committed such criminal acts many times.

All the suspicious behaviour of her up till now was part of this.


"I won't forgive him…" Touka said.

I look behind me, before I knew it, Touka woke up and climbed onto my back.


"That guy…Masuoka will be released on parole this year…" Touka said.

"…Is that…so.." I said.

"…After all this, the sentence was reduced due to insufficient evidence…"

"Even though he was the main culprit, he pinned the blame on another gang member…"

"…" I just silent myself.

"I know…what he did…"

"It's also a lie that he spent the money he stole…I'm sure he's hiding it somewhere" 

"Killing a person…getting over 200 million yen, and getting out of prison after only 10 years… living comfortably with the money you stole for the rest of your life… I won't allow that!"

"…That's why you want to take a revenge?" I asked.

"That's right, I'm going to make him suffer and take back the money he stole" She said.

"Even if he kneels on the ground and apologize, I won't forgive him…even if he cries and regret his sins, I will never forgive him…!"

"I will…definitely…"



"…Ehe" She smiled at me.

"It's unusual for me to get mad…I was thinking of going to bed" She said.

"…yeah" I said.

"Good night…Himeya…"

Touka fell asleep again while leaning on my back.

'Revenge huh…'

The moonlight shining through the window, illuminated Touka's unprotected skin in white.


"Fhuwaaa…." I yawn.

Last night, I was working until nearly dawn to finish up the novel's story.

Thanks to it, I'm not getting enough sleep.

*Ring – ring*


The phone in my pocket trembled. It seems like my past self has sent me a chat after a long time. 

'What happened to me in the past after that… me in the past was a very stubborn and had a rebellious attitude…'

[Touka is about to do something outrageous]

[But maybe that's more than Touka can do on her own]

[That's why, I think I'll help Touka]

[It's an easy thing]


[What is Touka trying to do??!]

[Touka is trying to do a revenge]


[Revenge on the Robbery and murderer]


"What are they thinking…?!"

After exiting the ticket gate, I forgot to buy my usual bento and continued to type the message while walking quickly.

[The murderer you said…is it Kashima Masuoka?]

[You knew huh?]

[Just the name]

[The only thing I knew is that Touka was collecting materials about that man]

[I learned that after I got Touka's phone]

[You mean her…]

[I also haven't heard anything until Touka has moved out]

[Touka didn't moved out]

[The moved-out thing was a lie]

"…What is he…"

[Stop doing stupid things]

[Stop Touka]

[Can't do it]

[Because I promise to be her partner]

[I'm going to help Touka]

[Is cooperation really going to benefit Touka?]

[Isn't it more important to stop her?]

[I confessed to Touka]

[Touka also told me that she likes me]

[That's good then, don't do anything weird and just be in love with each other]

[I did it with her]

[I'm not going to leaving her side anymore]

[I will cooperate with Touka and take revenge on Masuoka]

[Wake the f up, idiot!]

[The person you want to take on is a murderer]

[Hear me, please stop Touka!]

[I beg you, please stop her]

[If you're me from the future, you also knew about him, don't you?]

[Why won't you stop Touka?!]

'I…that's wrong… I wanted to… but… senpai…Haruka…'

Suddenly my head was struck by an incredibly pain, the pain that I have not feels for a long time.

"Why now…?"

I look at my phone.

[I don't know how my actions will affect you in the future]

[If the result turns out to be bad, I'm sorry]

*Step – step*


I look behind me, as if there was someone following me"

I look at my phone again, replying to the chat.

[Don't do it if you'd rather apologize!]

[Absolutely please, stop Touka]


[Hey, reply me]



"What the… this… why is this happening…?"

I didn't understand this.

There's only one thing I know.

All I knew was that, it was no longer past I had experienced, it was becoming a different past, completely different…