
Reincarnated as NPC in the Manga World

Stranded in the deep abyss. Himeya Shin, our main character trying to make his way to claim the role of protagonist in this story, "I never thought that I’ll get a chance to reincarnated into this world…”

KanaKaze · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Curtain of The Night

Since then, we've been tracking Masuoka and here we are now, on the hotel.

But, last night,

"Huh?! What do you mean we're stopping?!" I said.

"… I think, I don't want to made you do this any longer…" She said.

She began to walk away.


She keeps walking and never look back.

"It was a long night…"

Why did she said that…

I lie down on the bed and close my eyes as my conscious fade away.

"Heyya" ???


I was in the blank space as I heard a girl voice. 

I look around, searching the voice that I have heard.

"In front of you" She said.

"…" I was surprised to see her in front of me.


A girl with a white haired and the eyes that looks like a turquoise color appeared in front of me.

Right, of course.

"Long time no see, Kagami…or should I say…Himeya?" She said.

 … Kagami was the name before I reincarnated here…

"Why are you calling me here…um…Your highness?"

"Stop with that calling, just call me Attila" She said.

"So, why am I here Attila?" I said.

"Right, I just want to inform you that, this choice of yours…Tonight, will determine everyone's fate"

"What do you mean by that?" I asked her.

"I see that your future self has been helping you this time. He's giving you a lot of spoilers don't you think?" 


"That's all I have to say to you, I wish you well, Himeya" She said with a smile as she fades away.


I open my eyes and I look around the bed. Touka was nowhere to be seen.

The first thing that comes to my mind is that I am not sure what am I supposed to be doing.

"She must be…huh?"

As I began to stand up, I found a note.


"No way"

[Thank You… But, I can't involve Himeya anymore. Masuoka's release date was also a lie. In reality, he has already been released from prison and is staying somewhere now. I'll go alone. Sorry. I love you. 0707]

"…That's a lie…Touka…"

'This choice of yours…Tonight, will determine everyone's fate'






Still no answer…

Where do you go?

I've been looking for Touka for the past few days, but I haven't been able to find her.

There's no sign that she has returned home.

Maybe she's staying at a hotel somewhere.

Or maybe she's already heading to where Masuoka is.

"…Why are you doing this at the very end…?"

You told me that you want me to be with you forever…

I believe that you wouldn't tell me any lie…


"Right…why didn't I notice this from the very start…"

"The story is entirely different from the Manga…"

"I…I broke the story…"

I was left behind…



I took my phone out and…

"It was me from the future…"

[Have you found her]

[No, I haven't]

[I've been looking everywhere but still; I cannot find her anywhere]

[Maybe she's already on her way to Masuoka]

[Is there any clue she leaves behind?]

[Only a note]

[Send me the photo of that note]


I send him the photo.

[The last thing on the note]

[What of it?]

[Is that a date on your time now?]

[The day when she wrote this note?]

[Don't you find it weird]


[Why is she putting more effort to wrote the dates]

[Also, when you write a date, don't you write it usually July 7th and not 07/07]

[It's strange right?]

[July 7th was a meaningful day for her, don't you remember?]

…That's right…

The day when we climbed up the lighthouse together and lit up our flashlight…

After receiving a point from my future self, I reviewed my notes again.

"I love you. 0707"

If this number is not a date…


I struggle to regulate myself to breath.

"There you are…"

When I spotted her, she was looking up at the business hotel, I reached over and put my hand on her shoulder.

"I finally found you—"


The world spun around, followed by a shock on my back.


She grabbed my hand, which should have been on her shoulder, and threw me.

I immediately felt a cold sensation on my neck.

"HEY, It's Me. Himeya"


Touka had a shocked expression on her face, and when I nodded, the cold sensation on my neck was subsided.

I was relieved when I realized that the stun gun on her hand was not clicked.

"Can you stand?" She said as she hands out her hand.


With her help I stood up.

"I'm glad I made it in time…" I said.

My back ached from being smashed on the asphalt, but the joy of seeing her again outweighed it.

"You're staying near here?"

"…" She doesn't say anything but look down.

"Are you looking for an opportunity for Masuoka to go out?"



"Why did you come…?"

"Even if you ask me why—" 

"Why do you think I disappeared from your sight!?"

"I said I didn't want to involve you!"

"But how could you… why would you…"

"Because I made my mind" I said.


"I already decided that no matter what happens, I'll be with Touka until the end"

"Even if I have to go through hell, I'll always be with you… if that's what I should do"


"Do you need any more reason than that?" I said.


Tears fall from her eyes.

"I already know… that Himeya is a bottomless idiot…"

"Both of us are and idiot" I said.

"…I agree…"

"…But, how did you know that I'm here?"

"…Well, the power of love?"

Actually, I found out about Touka's whereabouts through a chat from my future self. He's helping me to get through to her.

He went to the shop of Masuoka's mistress and said that Masuoka had been hiding there after his release from prison.

Apparently, he even asked the location.

I've been told that Touka would surely be nearby, so I was on the lookout for her and found her exactly as I had seen her.

[Touka is likely to be there, she's probably staying at the nearby hotel and looking for opportunities. Be sure to find Touka and Save her]

[I understand, Thank you]

[Take care of Touka. I need you both to live]


Himeya-kun, the other party has arrived. Are you ready?" Atsuko said.

Atsuko Matsumiya, she was a director editor from the company I work now.

And today was the day of the second meeting regarding the drama adaptation of "The girl in the Sea Candle".

Last time, it was just a face-to-face meeting, but this time, the details will be finalized in preparation for the drama.

Failure like last time is not an option…

"Yes, this is fine"

I am concerned about Touka, but I left that to myself in the past.

I'm me, and I have to do what I have to do now.

On the day of the next supermoon, the past and the present will be integrated again.

I don't know what the outcome will be, but for now, I have no choice but to believe in him.

I felt like I'm not a person that has been reincarnated… I felt like I'm just me now…

"Yo!" ???

I look up and found out it was Yuka.

Why is she here?

This is a meeting for the adaptation…

"Why are you here?" I whispered.

"Well, I have to go here on behalf my little sis" She said.

"You have a sister?"

"Oh…you didn't know?"

I look at her with a sharp eye.

"I tell you later, but first let's focus on the meeting" She said.


The meeting has begun.


On the next day after I found Touka, both of continue our mission and wait for Masuoka to get out from the hotel.

As I was staking out the hotel, a man stepped out of the doorway.


He's a little thinner than in the photo… but, I still can see that his body was well trained.

"Looks like he's taking a taxi" Touka said.

"What are we going to do?" I said.

"Of course, we'll be following him"


I don't know what will happen next. My knowledge about the story has been cut off. It must be because I broke the story… I hope that I'm doing the right thing now.

Both of us got in the car, and I start the engine.

I let out a deep breath as if to relieve my tension.

The taxi carrying Masuoka stopped in front of the cemetery.

We followed Masuoka into the cemetery without hesitation, trying not to be noticed.

"He stopped…" Touka said.

I look at her, I can see well that she's not happy. After all, Masuoka stopped in front of a certain grave.

"That grave…" As I said that, Touka grits her teeth.

"You gotta be kidding me" She said.

Masuoka looks around.

"Let's go there, so that he won't be aware of us" She said.

After checking his surrounding, Masuoka begins to shift the stone slabs on the ground. He's taking something out.

"A phone?" I said.

"It's an old model" Touka said.

It seems like he's checking the phone but, I can't tell it from this distance.

"Is the money he stole was also there?" I said.

"There's no way…"

Touka slowly stood up from where she's at and begin to walks toward Masuoka.

"Hey, don't be reckless" I said as I grab her hand.

"I know, just pretend that we're visiting someone's grave" She said.


Masuoka turned around and looked at me.

I deliberately looked away and acted like I didn't care.

Touka has already three stepped away from me.

As I walked pass him,

"Wait…" He said.


The moment I turned around to look back at the voice that calling me out, I was pointed with a gun in front of me.


"Don't play dumb with me. You've been following me since I'm on the hotel" He said.


"Next time, when you come to visit a grave, bring a stick of incense" He said.


"Who the hell are you? And why are you…"



After making a noise, Masuoka collapsed on the spot.

Touka tased him.

She's standing behind him while holding a stun gun.

"…Gh..y-you brat…"

Masuoka, who has fallen on his face, tried to get himself up.


Touka tased him again.



"I told you, I'm not being reckless" She said.

"…You saved me…"

Little by little my body began to shake.

The fear of being dead again…

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Y-yeah…" I said as I clench my shaking hands and calm myself down.

"Alright then, let's continue our mission"



"It looks like you're awake"

"Where is this…?"

"The place where you'll die" Touka said.


The place where we brought him is the Fukaya radio tower building. We put Masuoka who had fainted in a rental car and brought him here.

Masuoka tries to analyze the place and he realized that he's at the locker.

"This will be your coffin" Touka said.

"Do you remember me?"


"What do you think?"

"…How should I know, I never seen your face before" He said.

"…I see"

"Where is it?"

"What are you talking about?"

"The money you stole. You killed the president of a real state company and stole the money from his safe"


"…I don't know"


Touka then reached out to her pocket and took out Masuoka's cell phone.

"The phone was locked; can you open the lock?" Touka said.

Masuoka just became silent.

"Well, that's fine"

Touka put back the phone on her pocket and then she reached for another Item.

It was the pistol that Masuoka pointed at me back then.

There was no expression coming from her as she pointed the gun at Masuoka.

"There are two things you must do to get out of here alive" She said.

"First, admit that you're the culprit behind the robbery"

"Second, return the money that you have stolen"

"What do you think? It's easy, right?"

"What if I refuse?"

"That's easy, I just have to kill you"

"Don't make me laugh" Masuoka said.

"You never killed someone haven't you brat?"


"You said like it was easy to kill—" 


A gun shot sound rang out.

Empty shell casings fell to the ground and made a metallic sound.

"It was easy, what?"


"Can you unlock it for me now?"


"You can stay there until you remember" Touka said.

Touka kick the locker door and locked the door.

The sound of flailing in the locker echoes, perhaps out of fear, perhaps in search of how to escape.

"Let's leave him for a while"

I nod at Touka

"What is it?" She said.

"No, it was just…it's the first time I see a gunshot" I said.

"Oh…we're the same" She said as she's smiled at me.

Touka's hand was trembling as she held the gun.


While I was riding the train home. I received a message.

[We're here now]


At first, I didn't understand what it meant. However, when I saw the photo the photo sent to me afterwards, I couldn't help but take a deep breath.


A locker is buried in the ground.

Inside it, there was a man with his hands and feet tied up with a rope.

He seems to have lost consciousness.


"Did they do this?"

Once I got home, I couldn't stay still, So I got on my bike and came to Fukaya Radio Tower.

Previously after the meeting for the serialization drama, Yuka talked to me about Touka's plan in the past. Which is that, she's abducting Masuoka to the Fukaya Radio Tower.

The place in the that photo is definitely inside.

There's a big padlock on the front entrance and I can't open it.

When I visited here before, I saw part of the fence where the wire mesh was torn.

It had been repaired but, only by patching the holes with wire, which was much thinner than wire mesh.


Cutting the wire with the nippers I had brought with me made a hole big enough for one person to walk through on his or her stomach.

I broke in through the wire fence and went straight into the building under the radio tower.

The door was locked, but several pieces of glass in the building had been broken, through which one could enter.

I proceeded to illuminate the area with the flashlight I had brought with me.

The abandoned building is littered with spray graffiti, broken liquor bottles and used fireworks.

It's like what Yuka said.

The Desks and chairs that would have been left behind were also heavily destroyed.

"…Are you on the other side...?" 

Forcing the badly built door open, I proceeded further in.


I came to the same place as the photo sent to me by my past self.

The ceiling has been torn off and is failing to the ground.

Due to the broken glass, the interior was terribly dusty from the wind and rain and dust that had entered.


Coughing up dust, I move the ceiling boards that have fallen to the floor one by one.

As I brushed away the faint layer of dust, I eventually saw a partially exposed object that appeared to be a locker.

The color was peeling, and rust was showing, but it was definitely the locker in the photo sent to me.

My foot unconsciously trailing behind me, stepped on something.

I picked it up and it was an old empty shell casing.

My eyes naturally turned to the locker.

I couldn't take my eyes off it.

The photo comes to my mind.

A tape where Masuoka's being tied up.

I desperately swallowed what was rising in me at that spot where I opened the door and left.

A breath of fresh air finally allowed me to regain some composure.

"…Where is this…?"

Selflessly, I ran out of the room with the lockers. Up the stairs and through the door was this place. There was no roof, and the view was open. It looked like the middle floor of a radio tower building. In front of me, a steel-framed tower extended into the night sky.


The top of the tower seemed to be a helipad with a ladder leading to it. In the darkness, extending into the night sky, it radiated a strange atmosphere.

"It's like a tombstone…"

I took out my phone and text myself in the past.

[Are you both okay?] F

[Yeah, we're both fine] P

[Is Touka with you now?] F

[She's here sleeping right now] P

[I'm watching over Masuoka now] P

[He's still alive?] F

[He's been quiet in the locker for a while] P

[Never kill him okay!] F

[Promise me!] F

[What's with you all of sudden?] P

[No matter what the circumstances are, Touka must never kill someone] F

[The sins you commit will be exposed one day, and you will surely pay for them] F

[When you kill someone, not only that person's life ends, but your life as well] F

[My future will change completely and the dreams I had envisioned will no longer come true] F

[You'll end up killing your own life too] F

[I don't have anything to say now] P

[Take it seriously!] F

[The life that you've wanted with Touka would surely be gone] F

[Let me also tell you one thing] F

[I don't know where Touka is right now] F

[Where is she now, what is she doing now, Is she alive or dead. I don't know that] F

[You mean, she's missing now?] P

[Yeah] F

[I haven't seen Touka ever since she left me when I was a student] F

[Maybe, I'll never be able to see Touka again] F

[But you're different] F

[Touka is right beside you] F

[Don't ever let go off her] F

[Don't let go of your life with Touka in it] F

[Don't be like me, I beg you] F

I wished him well and sent the text.

In other words, Masuoka is still alive.

I don't know what is happening to Masuoka in this world. The locker I saw earlier may have contained the skeletal corpse of Masuoka.

And if that's the reason why Touka is missing…

Never kill Masuoka by any means.

I can't let Touka kill him.


A reply from myself…

[I understand] P

[No matter what happens, I will not let Touka kill Masuoka] P

[I will stop Touka] P

[I promise] P

"I'm counting on you… Me on the past"

I couldn't help but let out a sigh of a relief. Of course, this doesn't mean that I can feel safe.

Still, Touka might do something reckless, and I don't know what Masuoka will do…

[The worlds here and there merge on the day of the supermoon, right?] P

[It just my guess, but maybe] F

[Then if I stay with Touka forver, you might be able to meet her again] P

[Leave it to me] P

[I definitely reunite you with Touka] P

[I'll change your future] P

You cocky little bastard…


I couldn't help but cry.

The past cannot be change. That's common sense.

But the past that I know has already changed a long time ago…

It begins when I was born into this world…

Things happen that you don't remember experiencing, and people you should have lost are by your side.

The past can be changed.

And that will lead into a certain future. 

"I believe in you…"


If me from the past can change the future, then I will change my own fates too.


"I can't sleep…"

I turn the flash on my phone and look around.

Touka was nowhere to be seen. I think that she's checking on Masuoka.



Touka's voice was heard from the window. I stand up and walk to the window as well.

"Can't sleep?" She asked.

"Yeah, my eyes are kind of clear" I said.

"It can't be helped"

"You were sleeping like a baby" I said.

"Oh, really?"

"You were snoring and grinding your teeth" 

"No way" She was flustered.

"I lied" I said as I was smiling.



While laughing, I noticed that Touka was holding a gun in both hands.

In her left hand was a 3D printed gun, and in her right was the gun she took from Masuoka.

"Hey, is that…"

"Hmm? Ah…"

Touka held out a pink gun in her left arm.

"Himeya can have this one" She said.

"No, I…"

"Just in case, okay?" She said with a smile.


I decided to accept in for now and take it from her.

"Hey…when you said that you were going to kill Masuoka, that was a threat, right?"


"Isn't that a threat to get him to unlock the phone?"

"I wonder…"

"But, well… I do feel like I want him to die" She sounded as if she was joking.

But Touka could seriously do it.

"…Just don't kill him" I said.


"No matter what happen, don't kill Masuoka" I said.

"What wrong, all of a sudden?"

"Revenge on Masuoka might give you some temporary satisfaction" I said.

"But that doesn't cure the sadness, it doesn't change the past" 

"That's why—"

"I thought about that many times" She said.

"I also knew that…"

"But… I can't help but to do it…" Then Touka smiled sadly as she looked up at the radio tower.

No amount of conventional persuasion will stop Touka.

That's what I thought, and I hit Touka with what future me had said in the chat.

"If you kill him…you kill your own life" I said.


"If you kill Masuoka, not only his life but also Touka's life will end"

"The future will change completely and the dreams I had envisioned will no longer come true"

"It's not just Touka, It's my life too"

"I'm the one who will kill Masuoka, Himeya's life will never end" She said.

"Well, there may be some punishment as an accomplice, but Himeya can start over"

"I…maybe impossible, but…"

"It's the same" I said.

 "It's the same when Touka is no longer with me" I said.

"I can't imagine my life without Touka"


"That's why, please don't kill Masuoka, no matter how much you want to kill him. Please don't" I said.

"Not just for sake, but also for mine"

"…I'm kind of talking today…" She said as she gives a little laugh.

"Hey, take it serious—" 

"I heard you; I'm seriously heard you" She said.

"That one…yeah…it kinda give me comfort" 

After saying that, Touka blushed and gave me a light smile.

"Promise me" I said.

"I would say…well…let's not aim for the vital parts" She said.

"No, it's not just vital parts that can kill him okay"

 "I guess that depends on Masuoka's attitude" She said.

"If he would just be honest, I wouldn't have to pull the trigger" 

"…Telling him to admit that he was the main suspect in the robbery and the whereabouts of the stolen money… I really have to ask you that…"

"I don't care about the money…" She said.


"Actually, I don't care where the stolen money is. What I want to know is…"

Touka raised her right gun and aimed it at the top of the radio tower.

"The truth"

We went back to check the locker where Masuoka was locked up.

"How's it going? Ready to talk?" Touka calls out to Masuoka, but no reply is heard from the locker.

"Is he asleep?"

"No, …no way" If he is sleeping soundly under these circumstances, he must be a man with a big heart

"Hey, are you listening?" Touka said.

As expected, there is no reply.

"…Is he dead?" 

I was thrilled for a moment.

"But it's not sealed to the point of suffocation…" I said.

"…Do you want to try to open it?" She said.

"…Yeah, let's" I said.

Touka takes her locker key out of her pocket.

"I'll open it. Touka, stay a little further away" I said.


I received the locker key from Touka.

Touka did as I told her to, standing a short distance away from me and readying her gun.


"Just in case" She said.

Nervously, I inserted the key into the keyhole.


"…ready?" I gave Touka a cue.

"Yeah" She nods.

Carefully I open the locker door.


"What's wrong?" 


There was no sign of Masuoka in the locker.

"He's gone…" Touka's voice is filled with tension.


Inside the locker, there was only the rope that had tied Masuoka up lying around.

"When did he…" I said as I tried to pick up the rope inside the locker.


I look up in a panic at the sound of Touka's surprised voice.

"Masuoka?!" What I saw…

It was the sight of the gun he had retrieved and held against Touka's head as he put his arm around Touka's neck.


"You brats…"


Masuoka escaped from the locker, he hid inside this room… when he saw an opening, he attacked Touka from behind.

"Let go of Touka!" I said.

I immediately tried to run towards Touka.




The bullet fired by Masuoka missed and hit the wall behind me.

"I did it on purpose" He said.

"Don't move unless you want to die"




How can this be happened?!

I didn't need to be told; I couldn't move. With one shot, my whole body became tensed up, the soles of my feet stuck to the ground, and I couldn't take a single step.

"Crawl on the ground and put your hands on your head" He said.


"Hurry up!"

Cold sweat trickles down on my forehead.

He rushed me to, but I stood my ground.

"…Run Himeya!"

The next thing I know…

Touka was wrapped around Masuoka's arm.

"This kid…"

"What are you doing! Hurry up and run away!" Touka said.


"He can't aim at two people! Hurry up!" She said

"There's no need for both of us to die. I told you before, it has nothing to do with Himeya in the first place!"

"That's why you need to run, now!"

With tears in her eyes, Touka pleads with me in a sad tone.

Touka's hand reaches towards Masuoka to take back the gun.


"Don't underestimate me!"


Masuoka's fist caught Touka in the face, and Touka fell to the ground, spewing blood from her nose.


The moment I saw Touka's bleeding face, my body was freed from the bondage caused by fear.

My anger won out over fear.


I tried to run towards Masuoka. However, Masuoka's turned his gun towards me.

I'm going to get shot…

Am I going to die again…?



One shot ring out.


I grab onto his chest as if to tackle him.

If I could just throw him away, like how I train.


I was the one who was floating in the air.



I get slammed to the ground.


My vision was flickering…

I could see Masuoka trying to shake his fist down.

My vision is all blurry… and I close my eyes.

Is this the future…?

"Is this how you want it to end?" ???


I look up in front of me, there was Attila with a sad look.


"Attila, please help me. Don't let Touka die!" I said.

"…It's a fate…" She said.

"…No, no. I won't approve of this. Please I need you to help me!" I said.


Attila just look on me with a pity.


Tears began flowing from my eyes.

I was useless…

I can never keep my promise to me in the future…

Attila walks towards me and she grab my cheek.

"I can do this…only for one time… but the consequences…"

"I don't care about the consequences, just please…help her"

Attila then got her head closer to me and our forehead was touching.

In that moment, a memory flown into me. A memory of the future, of how the ending should. And also…a memory of a certain person.

"…This is…"

"…You're a troublesome little brother, aren't ya Himeya?" She said as she giggles.


"You're full of secrets Sis" I said as I smiled.

"Ugh…" My head was spinning, and I got up from where I collapsed. My phone was getting a nonstop notification. I took my phone out and as expected, it's from me in the future.




[What is it] P

[Where is Touka?] F

[I don't know] P

[You don't know? What do you mean by that?!] F

[Masuoka ran away from me] P

[Are you safe now?!] F

[For the time being] P

[I'm going to look for Touka now] P

[One thing I do know for sure, Touka will kill Masuoka] F

[You must save her!] F

[Please protect her] F

[I beg you] F

[Save her] F


From somewhere in the building, a gunshot rang out.


I put back my phone in my pocket and stood up.

"Damn it…!"

My leg felt shaky, but this was no time to stop here.

"I still got this…"

I took out the gun from my pocket. The gun that Touka entrusted to me.

I ran towards the direction of the gunfire.



"Huh? Yuka?" I look up, there was Yuka in front of me.

"Are you okay?"


"What happened? Are you having a stomach attack on the toilet?" She said jokingly.

"Y-yeah…I think so…" I said.

"If you're okay now, I have to go. You got a meeting with a production company today, right?"

"Yeah… see you again Yuka" I said.

"Yeah, see ya" She said.

After Yuka walked out from the building another woman came to greet me.

"So, you're Shin Himeya huh?" a girl with a golden hair said.

She looks at me with a mysterious expression.

"Yeah, I'm Shin Himeya, and you are…?"

"Kirihara Michi, I'm Kousuke little sister and I will be the one who sing the opening song for your series" She said.


"Kousuke got a little SISTER?!" I was surprised by the fact that my friend got a sister.

"Is that something that you're getting surprised by? Well, let's go to the meeting room. I think that the producer is already there" She said.


After both of us went to the meeting room, the producer said that we're going to discuss the configuration changes requested by the production company.


I proceeded cautiously toward the room where the shot had been fired. At the top of the stairs is the middle floor of the building.


By the moonlight, Touka stood there. I was relieved for a moment.


In front, a short distance away from Touka, was Masuoka, who was holding a gun. The muzzle of the gun is firmly aimed at Touka. The earlier shot must have been a warning shot.

"Are you going to kill me?" She said.

"…Do you really want to die that much?" Masuoka said.

"If I have to be shot to death by you, so be it" She said.


"If you kill me, you will go back to prison. You will go back to prison and will never come out" She said.

"Hmm… as long as they don't find out, it won't matter" He said.

"Someday your sins will be exposed, just as I have exposed yours. Just like I know your sins" Touka said.

She's going to confess?

"What do you mean by that?"

"You killed two people" She said.

"What are you talking about? I only killed that one rich guy" He said.

"No, you killed another person" She said.

"And who is the person that I killed then?" 

"My mother…"


"Kashima Masuoka, you're the person who killed my mother" Touka said.

"I'm not a person who lay my hands on a woman" He said.

"No, you killed her"


"You stole my mother's life" Touka said.

"You took everything from my mother, everything that made life worth living, everything that brought her joy!"

"Miyako Chika…don't tell me you've forgotten!"


"Two assaults on women by you… one of the names of the victim was hers. You raped my mother, impregnated her, and place a curse on her that will never be broken! Mom couldn't love me, she couldn't hate me, she died in pieces, body, and soul. Because of the curse you put on me. It's my fault I have your blood in my veins!" Touka said.

"…Don't tell me… you are my…?"

"I will never forgive you…never! Do you have any idea the kind of life my mother and I have led because of you?" Touka said as she took a step towards Masuoka.

"I have thought many times that I want to kill you. I have lived my whole life thinking only of killing you!" Touka takes another step forward.

"I've decided that if that doesn't happen, you're going to kill me. I'm going to frame you for the murder of your own daughter and throw you back in jail!" She said as she takes another step.

"I'm not going to let you get away with being in a cage for just 15 years. You must pay for the mess you made of my mother's life…with your life!" She said.

"Don't come over here!" The bullet that Masuoka fired grazed Touka's cheek and missed.

"Where are you aiming? If you're going to kill me, get a better aim" 


Masuoka takes aim again, but Touka doesn't care and takes another step toward Masuoka.

"Stop it! Masuoka!" I couldn't resist jumping out and aiming my gun at Masuoka.


"Touka! Get away from Masuoka!" I said.

"Thank God…you're alive…" Tears welled up in Touka's eyes.

"Touka, get over here! Hurry!" I said.

There was no time to respond to Touka's word. Now I just want to get through this situation and get out of here in one piece with Touka.

"Drop the gun, Masuoka" 

Masuoka looks at Touka with his gun pointed at her.

His expression was somewhat blank.

"Touka, quickly come here! Let's run away from here" I said.


"You don't need to get your hand dirty or get killed for this guy! Come and run away with me" I said.

"…I can't…" She said.


"No… because I haven't gotten my revenge on him yet…" She said.

"Enough with revenge! Enough is enough!" I said.

"It's not good enough at all! I'm going to put a curse on this guy too! I curse him too, as the murderer of her own daughter" 

"You're not a curse! At least I was always happy when I was with you. I'm glad you were there for me… and I hope you will continue to be there for me. It doesn't matter whose child you are, what kind of life you have led, or what you're carrying on your back! So…please run away with me! Run away with me!" I said as I turn my attention back to Masuoka.

"Drop the gun, Masuoka! Drop it or I'll shoot! I'm really going to shoot you!" I said.

Masuoka didn't throw away his gun, but rather pointed it at me, as if he was frightened.

"No! If you're going to shoot, shoot me!"


Masuoka seemed confused. He is quite upset to learn that Touka is his daughter.

I failed my life once… and I will not fail this one, I can't let this opportunity pass me by!


I shot Masuoka in the leg, knocked him to the ground, and I try took his gun while he was still on the ground… I aim at his thigh.

The gun that Touka gave to me was 3d printed gun and it can only fire one shot. That's what I thought how it should be but…

I only got one chance.


"Masuoka!!" Touka scream.



Once again, he pointed his gun on Touka.

'This is bad!'

I immediately pulled the trigger again and…



The bullet grazed Masuoka's thigh and he stumbled unconsciously. I didn't hit it…but I can't stop now.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, I ran toward Masuoka and jumped on him.

*Blab* I punch him on the face.

"You brat"

In the nick of time, I succeeded in grabbing Masuoka's gun by the hand. Then, I used my self defence technique that I learn from when I was on Junior high.



Masuoka fired one shot. However, thanks to my grip on the gun, the bullet flew in the direction of the other side.


I held Masuoka's arm and threw him off in a single backbreaking move like Touka did it to me.

"Gah!" Slammed to the ground, Masuoka sprawls in pain.

I take this opportunity and snatched his gun and pointed it at him.

"…Shot me…c'mon…what's wrong?"


"I said shoot me!"

"…You're not worth killing" I said.

"Get lost, Masuoka… get out from our sight now!"

"Huh" Masuoka slowly stands up, turns away dazed, and walks toward the stairs.

I held the gun up all the way until Masuoka was out of sight.


After Masuoka was gone, I finally put down the gun and turn my sight on Touka.


Touka slumped in place as if her entire body had been drained of strength.

"Hey, are you okay?"

I leaned in close to Touka, put the gun on the floor, and hugged her back for support.

"Himeya…" Touka said as she slowly looks at me. Her eyes were wet with tears on it.

"And you told me not to be reckless…" She said.

"I'm sorry, but I knew I had to be reckless to help Touka" I said.


"You're so…reckless…and dummy…"

"…Sorry…" I said.

"But I'm glad…thank you…Himeya…"


"Can you stand? Come one I lend you a hand…" I said as I offer her a hand.

I tried to get Touka to stand, but she couldn't and slumped back down.

"…Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?"


"Touka?" When I saw Touka frowning, I realized something was wrong.


"Hey, Tou—" I was about to say it, when I realized.

The area around her sides is stained red.


"I'm sorry… I don't think I'm going to be able to stand up for a while…" She said.


What's going on?!

Why is she bleeding?

The fate cannot be change?

"Maybe…haha…a bullet bounced off somewhere…" She said.

"…No way…"

I only shot Masuoka… and Masuoka only fired one shot…

That can't be…

It seems that one of the bullets bounced off and hit Touka.

"There's no way…"

I put Touka down on the floor and presses his hand on the wound.

"Get a hold of yourself! Touka! Hey!" 

"…Huh… I guess…it was destined to happen like this" Saying that, Touka laughed.


I took out my phone and text myself in the future.

[Touka has been shot!] P

[Is she still alive?!] F

[She's alive] P

[At any rate, I bound the wound with a strip from my shirt to stop the bleeding] P

[But her face is pale and she's trembling] P

[Shit, what should I do?!] P

[Go to the hospital immediately!] F

[Where are you now?] F

[Still in the radio tower] P

[above the locker room] P

[Get down now and call an ambulance!] F

[If she can't walk, carry her on your back] F

[It's a bad idea to go down there, Masuoka might still be hanging around] P

[Masuoka still alive?] F

[Alive] P

[He might be downstairs looking for his cell phone] P

[If I run into him, I can't fight him while Touka is on my back] P

[Then run upstairs!] F

[Upstairs?] P

[ On the top of the radio tower] F

[It should be a helipad] F

[Call for a medevac and wait there] F

[Climbing up there with Touka on my back?] P

[Yes, can you do it?] F

[I don't want to move Touka] P

[Touka will die if she stays there!] F

[If you don't like that, move! Help Touka!] F

[Only you can do it!] F

[I'll try] P

*Step step*





"You're awake…" I said.


"You're passed out for a little while" I said.

"…I see"

"Don't look down or you'll freak out…" I said.

"Huh" As I was saying this, Touka looked down and was surprised at how high it was.



"Ugh… I'm not sure if I'm okay… ouch…"

I was carrying Touka on my back, while climbing the ladder of the radio tower. In case of emergency, my body and Touka's are tied together with a rope.

"Just a little bit more…ugh…hold on…If we get to the top…hah…the medevac will come…hah…" I said.

"Don't force yourself…" She said.

"Idiot…if I don't force myself…you'll die…kgh…"

"If I die on Himeya's back…I guess that's okay…" She said.

"Idiot! Don't say that…!" I said.

"I still want to live with Touka…"

"We'll go to many places… We'll talk about all kinds of things and… We'll be together forever…"


"I'm sorry for hiding it for you…"

"About what?"

"About me, being Masuoka's daughter…That I was the daughter of a murdered… I though Himeya would hate me if I said that"

"Screw that, Masuoka is Masuoka. Touka is Touka" I said.

"The person I fell in love with is Miyako Touka, it doesn't have anything to do with your parents" 

"Thank you…I'm glad Himeya was here…"

"I…I always hated myself. To my mother I was a cursed daughter…No matter how much I wanted affection…it will never come true…I always wondered why I was born…I wish I had never been born… I've been thinking that for a long time… But… Himeya told me that he liked me… that he loved me… that he wanted to be with me forever…I was really…happy…"

"Don't talk too much" I said as I was holding my tears.

"I've had a terrible life… but now… even if I die… I won't have any regrets…"

"Hey, don't talk…!"

"…No…I still want to have a chat with Himeya… I still want to hear you voice…besides…this…is…the last time…I heard it…"

"Don't be silly! Don't say like this will be the last…!"

"…I want to go…far…away… Somewhere far… a foreign country… far away… with Himeya… The place where no one knows about me… I want to foget…about everything… and start over… with Himeya…"

"We can start over! We can start over from now on!" I said.

"I'll take you anywhere! No matter where you want to go!"

"…I want try Australia…"

"I'll take you there! Even if it's beyond the moon…I'll take you there! Hell, I will also ask Haru-nee to go with us, even if you want my mom to go, I'll granted your wish!"

"Really? Do you mean it…?"

"I Promise…so don't die… Promise me that you won't die!"


"Beyond the moon, just the two of us…huh…"


Tears overflood my eyes.








"The meeting will be resumed ya know" Michi said.


I have no choice but to leave Touka to my past self.

No, I believe in myself. 

I believe that he will not make a mistake the same as I did…

And That's all I can do.

"We will now resume the meeting. Have you reached a consensus?" Matsumiya said.

"Yeah... we've come to a decision," Said the producer.

"Then, would you please share it with us?" She said.

"Yes. We, for our part, would like to discuss the dramatization of "The Girl in the Sea candle" He said.



With Touka on my back, I managed to climb up the ladder. I let Touka off my back and take out my phone with my weak hand. The request for a medical helicopter was made before I climb the ladder. In the meantime, I thought that I will have to contacted future me about it.


However, due to Touka's blood, my hands were slippery…

*Tuk Tak Tuk*

I dropped the phone…

There was nothing I could do but watch as my smartphone bounced off the steel frame and fell.


I lay on my back on the floor.

The sky in the distance was a little brighter.

It's almost dawn.

Now, all we have to do is wait here for the chopper to arrive. And when the chopper comes, I pick Touka up and go to the hospital. She may be hospitalized for a while. But she'll be fine… When She feel better, we will go on a trip somewhere together.

"I'm looking forward to it…Touka…"

Touka did not reply. She lay there with her eyes closed, as if she was asleep.

"…Hey…wake up…" I said.

"It's almost dawn…"


"You should at least answer me…"






Today, I am on my way to the office as usual, on a crowded train.

Same crowd as usual.

Same scenery as usual.

The same routine…

Today, the day begins as usual.


As I went to my usual bento shop to by my usual lunch box, I saw the 'Notice of Closing' posted on the glass, and I couldn't help but shout.

"Are they have to close now?"

"They're building a station building around here, redevelopment you can say" ???

"Seriously…? …Huh?"

A voice of a woman can be heard from my back, I turn my face around and it was Uguisu-senpai.


"Good morning Himeya-kun" She said.

"Good morning Senpai, what are you doing here?"

"I was about to grab some coffee near the Luna café, you wanna come around?" She said.

"Ah, Sure…"

'Redevelopment huh…'

The world has changed just a little bit, even if you think it is always the same. I am sure that is how the future will be made.


While we're on our way to the café, I took out my phone, checking if there's any notification from me on the past. I have tried sending some chats to me on the past many times since then, but never once did I receive a reply or a read. And because of that, I don't know what happened to me and Touka in that time.

I am worried and have always been concerned. But time moves on regardless of my feelings, and I have to live in the present, accepting my fates. Because I'm sure that, both of them are safe…

I always checking my notification everyday like this, believing that one day I would be able to contact him again.


"What is it, senpai?"

"Do you have any scheduled after this?" She asked me while drinking some coffee latte.

"Uh… well I think that I have a meeting at my office at 9 a.m." I said.


"What's wrong? Do you need something from me?" I said.

"Well, how about tomorrow night?" She said.

"…I don't think I have anything to do at that night" I said.

"It's decided then" She said.

"About what?"

"Come to…."



After works I come back to my parent house.

"I'm home…" I said.

"Welcome home, Himeya" Mom and Haruka said.

"Welcome back, son" My dad said.

It's been a six month since I return to this house. Because of the distance of the place I work, I have to rent an apartment. And yeah, my dad came back before I graduate from high school, he said that he's been missing my mother… what an old man…

"What's for the dinner mom?"

"Before that, there's some package for you" Mom said.

"Huh, it's not my birthday though" I said.

"Haruka, give it to Himeya" Mom said.

"I already put it on his room" Haruka said.

"Alright, I'll go and see it then" I said.

"I want to see them too" She said.

We went to my room and I saw 3 packages, wrapped on like a gift.

I go and look up to see from who the packages were and there's no name. There's only an alias there. 

"Moon…? Who is that?" Haruka asked.



"Huh? Oh, um… I think it's from my friends?" I said.

It can't be??

"Congratulation for the serial adaptation of 'The girl in the sea candle', I can't wait for it to be release soon…it said" 

"…Is it from the people on the office?"

I open the packages and there's some Pen, Book, and also a sticker, The pen looks expensive for me because it's a fountain pen.

"Uwahh… Fountain pen, that'll be useful for you Himeya"

"…I write my stories on digital ya know" I said.

"Well, if you are a writer, you probably have a fountain pens, right?" She said. 

"…Is that so…?"

My sister is right, there is an image of fountain pens when it comes to writers.

Am I a writer?

The Night after that day.

I went to Fujisawa Station before 7 a.m. and found Uguisu senpai standing there.


"Good evening Himeya-kun"

Looks like, Hiro and the others do not seem to be here yet.

"So, we're going to have a reunion tonight huh…?"

"Yeah, I was consulting with Takamine-kun and Kirihara-kun while you were busy with your work"

"Is that so…?" I said.

"Well, I have to admit I was a little nervous about leaving them in charge for us to have this reunion"

"Um...sorry to hear that haha" I said while laughing it out.

"Anyway, a reunion renting out an observation lighthouse would be quite a romantic thing to do" She said.

"Well, this is what Takamine-kun suggested me, he said that we do it at an unusual place, not a regular restaurant"

"…That Hiro…" 

"…I hope that Touka will come too" Senpai said.


In the end, Touka was missing until the end. I hope she hears a rumor of a reunion somewhere and shows up.

As expected, such miracle will not happen.

"Ah…looks like Takamine-kun and the others have arrived" Senpai said.

"Yo, long time no see. Himeya" Hiro said as he offers his hand for a shake.

"Yeah, long time no see too, Hiro" I said as I'm shaking his hand.

"Sorry for the wait" Kousuke said.

"There you are, at last" I said.

"What's wrong?" He said.

"You're going to tell me about your sister ya know" I whispered to him.


"…Bullseye" I said.

"Alright, now that we're all here, let's go and have a drink"

"…This is a reunion…right?"

I look at senpai.

"Hehehe, you guys are the same as always" She laughed.

On the Sea Candle Light house.

Uguisu-senpai was the receptionist while we were busy hosting and entertaining the teachers we had invited.

"Ugh...I don't remember being this busy as a secretary...?" Hiro said.

"It's not on the same scale as the company's drinking parties, so there's nothing we can do about it" Kousuke said.

"I don't know...it's a reunion, and we're the only ones who aren't nostalgic for the old days..." Hiro said.

"Kousuke aren't even on the same class as us ya know, besides I don't see why I should complain. This is what being a secretary is all about" I said.


"What is it Senpai?"

"At any rate, it looks like almost everyone who was scheduled to attend came" She said.

"Um… is Miyako Touka here" Hiro asked.

"No... unfortunately, I still think she's absent" Senpai said.

"Is that so…I was hoping that someone with Miyako's contact information would be able to tell her about today's events."

"Hey, secretary! We need more booze, booze!" 

"Let's go boys…" I said.

While I was about to go and deliver the drink,

"There's one person who hasn't arrived yet" Senpai said.

"Ah, yeah… I don't think that I see her yet"


"You're talking about Michigami right?"

"Huh?" Senpai looked at my back.

"I just got here, Yahoo" She said.

Yuka was standing behind Me.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I was having some meeting and just got back" She said.

"No... thanks for coming" I said.

"I'm glad I made it in time" She said.

"So, that's all the people who are expected to attend" Senpai said.

"Thank you. Senpai, please get some rest" I said.

"I will" She said.

"There's a lot of people…" Yuka said.

"Well yeah, most of our classmate is already here"

"Is that so…then I'll have a drink, join me, will you?" She said.


"I need to talk to you about something" She said.


Holding a glass of sake, Yuka and I went out on the deck.

"…It's beautiful" She said while looking up at the sky.


The night view of the city from the deck was beautiful and shining.

"You look like you've been busy. Are you in a case?" I asked.

"This time, it's not a job" She said.


"I was sorting out some of the file cases"

"That's a job then"

"…I found a lot of things" She said.

I clinked the ice and poured the thin cocktail down my throat.

"For example?"

"Have you ever heard of the Book of Spirits?" She asked me.

"No... is it a famous book?" 

"Long ago, séances were all the rage in England and the United States. The book was written by the man who set them up. I checked and it was a first edition"

"Sounds like a great value..." I said.

"The content is worthless, though" Muttering this, Yuka clears her throat a little.

"There's a whole pile of that stuff out there. Not just books. There were smelly antiques, jewelry... even a ridiculously large mandala."

"Are you…"

"Well yeah, I've been looking on something from the national library" She said.

"The collective unconscious" 

"…Collective unconscious…?" I murmured.

"...There is only possibility in this world. There is no space, no time, no past, no future. Behind the world we see, so to speak, there is a vast, deep, and unexplored depths that we might call the original consciousness of the universe. And our souls come from there and return there..." Yuka said this without referring to anything.

"The collective unconscious is something we all share in the depths of our unconscious... And some wondered if there might be a place beyond that to which their souls should return..." She said.

"You're talking about afterlife?" I said.

"There is no past or future in that world. If we could access it... we could connect another time line via the cosmic original consciousness. Someone was foolish enough to think such a thing." She said.


"...I have one theory. Do you want to hear it?" She said.

I nod.

"Then…" Yuka opened her mouth slowly while looking out across the night sky.

The story… that's just too wild. But now I could honestly believe it.

"…and That's all" She said.

"That's my theory"


"Why... why did you decide to tell me this story?"

"Somehow, I wanted Himeya to listen to me...that's all" She said as she gave me a light smile.

"But I don't think we'll ever talk about it again"

"The D-WAVE transmission used by our technology will cease to function as of midnight tonight. D-WAVE's servers have been running all this time. But there's no need for that anymore. Humans are creature that move toward the future. There's no need for all of that now, as of midnight tonight, in Japan time…D-wave will end its role. Miracles won't happen. Even if they did, they would end today" 

After saying this, Yuka handed me the glass and walked away.

Suddenly, I looked up. In the distance, a light glow repeatedly. The irregular glow repeats itself. The light is located around the top of the Fukaya radio tower.

That is…

"Morse code…"

I looked up at the night sky. A big full moon is shining.

"A super moon" 

Riding the bike on the beach street, the wind cutting through the air. In my mind's eye, the "Theory" that Yuka mentioned earlier was echoed over and over again.

"There is an organ called microtubule. Microtubules are tiny tubes in our brain cells. There is a theory that people are connected to the cosmic primordial consciousness through microtubules... Through biometrics, we read the waves of the microtubules and put them on an advanced wave that takes us to the past using Luxon subatomic particles... Sometimes I wonder if, by some miraculous chance, it succeeded in this attempt."

"Somewhere in the world.... I thought maybe there was someone out there who could connect with the past. When the sender, receiver, and relay all come together, D-Wave is connected to the past..."

When I'm thinking about it again and again, suddenly my head was struck by an incredible pain.


"This is…"


…A memory of the past…

"You did well Himeya" ???

"Who is that?" I said as I look around me, searching for the voice.

"It doesn't matter. Now go!" The voice of the girl said.


I jumped from my bike and came to the ruins of the Fukaya radio tower.

Once I sneak inside, I type a message into my phone while running up the stairs.

[Did you do this?]

[Did you know about all of this?]

[Sending the message to myself on the past?]

[Am I right?]


I sent the chat and waited for a while. Then I got a read on the message I just sent.


My heart raced. There is a person who called the message now.

"I'm sure it's…NO!"

The screen suddenly blacked out. My battery ran out.


Eventually... I climbed out of the radio tower at once.

A woman stands there, bathed in the dazzling moonlight.

The woman laughed as she switched off the flashlight in her hand.

"You came…" She said.

"...Because you didn't show up" I said.

"I had a lot of things going on right now and it was hard for me to show my face honestly. That's why, I was thinking that if Himeya didn't notice, that would be fine"

"There's no way that I wouldn't notice" I said.

"How could I not…I…*Hic*" Tears welled up in my eyes as I speak.

"Ahaha, you've become a crybaby while I haven't seen you for a while" She said.

"Shu..t…up…*Hic*… I thought…you…were never…going to…"

"Ah…I'm sorry for being late. I wish I'd gotten back sooner, too. 'A lot of things... yeah... a lot of things happened..."

"I've done a lot of bad things...I've been through a lot... and I've been thinking to clean all of that stuff and then go to see you"

"I thought that I wanted to meet Himeya after I became a new me... and I thought that Himeya would forgive me if I did that..." There were tears in Touka's eyes as well.

"I can't forgive you…? When did I ever say I didn't forgive you?... I…I…I always been thinking about you, I've always remembered you… I never forgot…I've always…been…about you…" I said.


"You're the same…ya know" I said.

"Yeah…" She said.

Tears flowed endlessly. This feeling is due to my past experiences. Tonight, during the supermoon, the past and the present were merged. My past experiences and memories are pouring into me.

I saved Touka... saved Touka's life... That's why I have Touka in front of me now. And the memories and experiences that they have, perhaps even Touka...

"I'm so glad you're alive…thank God" I said.

"It's thanks to Himeya... Himeya saved me... Thank you Himeya" She said.

"Touka...I have something to say to you... I feel like I've said this a lot...but this is the first time I'm saying it..."

Touka nods.

"I've always loved you…"

"…I know" 

"I've always wanted to see you" 

"…I know"

"From now on…forever…I want to be with you…" 

"Me too…"

"Never again will I let you go" I said

"Never again will I leave you" She said.

"I, too, love Himeya" 

"Welcome back, Touka" 

I gently touch her body. There was a certain warmth in it.

"I'm back…!" She said.

I've been waiting for this moment…all this time…

As the summer days drew to a close, filled with happiness, I found myself gazing up to the sky and expressing gratitude to my past self.

Next Route, Sumire, Uguisu, Yuka

See ya, and Stay tune!

KanaKazecreators' thoughts