
Reincarnated as NPC in the Manga World

Stranded in the deep abyss. Himeya Shin, our main character trying to make his way to claim the role of protagonist in this story, "I never thought that I’ll get a chance to reincarnated into this world…”

KanaKaze · Fantasy
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10 Chs

A message

On this unchanging day, I gaze up at the cramped sky. Looking in front of me there's nobody there. As season pass by, little by little I worked myself to be a better person.

"You're unwanted child, you're a curse to me!!" Mother said.

"Mother… why do I have to be born in this world…" I said.

This is my curse… I've been haunted by this nightmare since she died. Mother do love me, but why do I keep seeing these dream.

"*Sigh*" I look up to the sky, I wish I could turn back time.

My name is Miyako Touka. I inherited this name from my mother. Touka means Light and Miyako means Child of night. My mother names me with these is because of that reason…

"Yo, Touka" Himeya said.

"Hmm? Himeya?"

I was in the rooftop when someone called my name. It was Himeya, a boy that keep his attention on me. I never knew what his reasons are but, I guess he just bored.

"Have you eaten yet?" Himeya asked me.

"Hmm? Why, you want to treat me?" I said.


"Why the long face?" I said as I giggle.

"Nah… Here, let's eat this together" He offered me a sandwich.

"Really? I can have this?" I said.

"Yeah, why not? I made this ya know" He said.

"…. Himeya… Be my wife please" I said jokingly.

"Not a wife, a husband" He said.

"Pfftt, Hahahaha" Both of us laugh.

After we eat the sandwich both of us talk like we did. In this school, the only person who wants to talk to me is Himeya, Hiro, and also that Literature club senpai. The others don't want to talk to me because of the rumors.

"Uhh..Fhuahhhh…" I stretch my body.

"Touka… like a grandma haha" He said.

"And you're a grandpa"


The door of the rooftop was opened. The literature club senpai was seen.

"Ah Shin, there you are" She said.

"After this, literature club will gather in the library. Will you come?"

"Sure, why not?" He said.

"Alright, see you there and excuse me Miya-san" She said.

I nodded my head.

"Hey, Himeya"

"What is it?"

"What is her name?"

"You don't know her name?"


"I thought you knew, because she knows you"

"Well, I am famous right?"

"… Her name is Kanemoto Uguisu-senpai" He said.


"Yeah, she's the president of literature club"


*Ring-ring* The bell was heard.

"I need to go now, see you again?"

"Yeah, see you" I said.

"What's wrong with him…" I said.

Shin Himeya, he makes me think that he's with me because he's bored. I think it was more than that…



"It's kinda boring now… I think I'll go home for today.."

Home…? Do I even have one?

"I'm home..." I said after I opened my apartment door.

I look at the clock as it was ticking little by little.

I close my eyes and I was gone to my deep slumber.


"If I was about to move away to the other side of the moon, will you come for me?" ?

"I…" ??

"Hmm… I think it will be impossible even for you '??'…" ?

"I'll go…" ??

"Eh?" ?

"I will think a plan for it… even if you were about to go to a far place… I'll go and get you" ??

"…Himeya…" ?


In a panic situation, I open my eyes and woke up from my sleep.

"Was that…"

"Himeya… he…"

When I think that he was in my dream, my face suddenly got hot. I take my phone and open up the camera.


I was blushing.

"Did I…"

"So, what are we going to discuss in this meeting senpai?" I asked senpai.

"Today we're going to have our meeting and we will create some poems together" She said.

"Oh… a poem huh?"

"I'm not seeing Takamine…" Senpai said.

"…I text him" I said.

[Hey, where are you?]

[We have meeting ya know]

[Literature club]


Not long after that there are some notifications from him.

[OMG, I'm coming there!]


"I think he forgot about our meeting" I said.

"…Oh… okay then"

After some of us began to write our poems, Hiro came and join our meeting.

"There you are" I said.

"Sorry, I forgot about our meeting" He said.

"So… What are we doing now?"

"Make some poem" I said.

"Got it" He said.



"Huh…? What's that?" Takamine asked.

"Nah, nothing…"

-Time marches on, a relentless stream,

Their embrace is a symphony of light.

Casting your glow, a luminous rhyme,

A guardian of memories, caught in time.-

I don't even know what I'm writing now… why do I think about time…

"You're done Shin?" Uguisu asked me.

"Yeah… but I'm doubting myself…"

"Here, let me take a look at it" She said.

I give her my poem after she read it there are some tears in her eyes.


"…Eh…" She realizes that her eyes were in tears and then she wipes it.

"…Is it that bad?" I said jokingly.

"NO, It's… you really put your emotion in this poems…" She said.

"…Th- thanks?" I said.

Is she…

Never mind, for now.

After the gathering I went straight to home.

"I'm home…" I said.

"Welcome home Meyya" Haruka said.

"Imma go to my room sis, I'll cook dinner later"


After I arrive at my room, I drop my body to the bed.

"Ah… I'm tired…"

I close my eyes.



I open my eyes because of the sound from my phone.

"Uh… who is it…"

[Hey, how is your doing lately]

"Who is this..?"

I look up at the number and it was the same nunber as my phone.

"What the…"

[Who is this?]

Not long after that I got a reply.

[Huh, who are you]

[I'm the owner of this number, who are you?!]

[What do you mean who? I'm Shin Himeya]

"… Huh…"

[Stop joking or I'll block you]

[Shin Himeya, 24 years old. Many people said that I have an unfazed face but deep down I actually care for someone.]

[That can't be…]

[Who are you? How can you know this number?!]

[I'm also Shin Himeya, don't pretend to be me]

[Tell me something that only I would know]

[You're so full of yourself, Reincarnated person]


Is this a prank? A joke? How the hell did he know this?!

[Who are you? How did you know my secret?!]

[As I said, I'm you]

[Send me your pictures, if you can't then it's a lie]

[Ugh..] Sent.

"That's me…"

[Remember this word, "Don't forget that she was here. She will always be by your side"]

[What do you mean???]

[I'm not going to reply to you, if it wasn't an emergency, future can be broken if our action is different]

I put my phone down and think to myself.

"Am I dreaming or what…"

I didn't even realize that my room is filled with darkness. I forgot to switch up my light before going to sleep. I realized something. The room suddenly became bright. From the back of the curtain came a light. It was from the moon.

"Super moon.."

The light came from the Super moon illuminates my room.

"What's going on… right now"


"Himeya, you still alive?"

The voice of Haruka can be heard outside of my room.

"I'm coming in...whoa..."

When she opens the door, she was amazed by the Super moon that illuminates my entire room.

"No wonder you're not going down there haha" She said.


"Hmm, what is it?"

"Can we change the future if we're on the past?" I said.

"Huh? What do you mean? That's weird coming from you" She said.

"..." I look down thinking about it.

"You must be tired..." Haruka said as she hugs me.

I can feel the warm of Haruka touching me. She must be seeing some sadness in my face.


"It's okay, if you're tired. For us human, it's normal to get tired" She said.

"....Yeah...I think so..." I put my hand on her back, giving her hug back.

"You can rest. I'll cook some ramen for us" She said.

"It's not healthy ya know"

"Well, it's been a while since we have ramen"

"Ah...right...alright then. I leave it to you my dear sister" I said.

"As you please, my dear brother" She said.

Both of us were smiling.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

KanaKazecreators' thoughts