
Reincarnated As Npc: Actually I am the hidden Boss.

Don't read... Based on my real life and personal experience! School life, Mob character, insanely OP Mc, World hoping, Dark mystery touch. Just for the time pass... Adult content warning ⚠️.

Sun_Jinwoo · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Developing stage - part 2

Since she doesn't have anyone she cannot even receive donations because her friend list is empty.

Even after you become friends you need to wait 3 days only then you can send your resources to other lords via System ( Castle Status window - Trade option )

Surviving for 3 days may only be possible for 1-2 humans with the food resources we have which were also given as a newbie package.


She seems to be looking at me with strange eyes with some fear and doubt.

" Does she think I would betray her? " I thought in my head.

[ Yes, she think you are human and she has learned human are less loyal heroes and troops than another beasts ] - Omniscient thinking.

Ooh! Indeed humans are greedy, when I show her my status instead of looking at my race "Dragon " and name "Great Dragon Bell " which was at the very top, she only looked at my stats and skills.

And now she is misunderstanding me as a human which is not a lie though, before a few weeks I was also human but I don't see why should I betray her?


"Umm...Let's...go and search the...nearby areas "she said with a weak and trembling voice.

Even if there is the possibility of me betraying her, as a lord she has to think of developing a castle. Before I could betray she want me to do at least something I guess but then again why does she think I will also leave?

"ok " I simply said and nodded my head...

I simply waved my hand...

"oh....ah" she seems confused and anxious after all it might be her first time flying.

"Ahh.....ahh " she once again let out cute noise as I carried her in my arms, she was blushing but I got no time to waste teaching her how to fly.




After five 5 minutes of flying, she finally realized what I said is true...

"It is really an empty land with no resources at all..sob...sob," she said while crying.

"Why is she crying," I said in my head.

[ Because her hope of becoming the powerful lord and finding the cause of the death of her parents seems impossible ] - Omniscient thinking

Ooh! Her parents are dead, Quite sad to hear.

[ Yes, it seems some prime members of the "Black Fox" group have assassinated them for something which they receive from defeating the Twin headed Phoenix ]

I can see where this is going, first, there was a protagonist, now with sad backstories, is she a heroine or a companion of the protagonist?

Considering her character she might be a villain or a hated character who uses the protagonist for their strength and later betray them.


Alice looked at her Castle 'Status Window' she had received a friend request from her best buddy Riya.

She quickly accepted it.

Riya: Hey Alice, did you get good spawn and hero?

Alice: No I have the worst spawn possible, everywhere is empty desert, but I think I have a good hero.

Riya: ooh! You are also in the desert I am in the desert too. But a few miles away from my castle, there are some wild forests.

Alice: how lucky...

Riya: ...

Alice: ...

They were chatting about their spawn, heroes, troops, and a few other things...


I snapped my finger, and suddenly a wide forest appear in the middle of the desert.


With another snap, a large lake appeared beside the castle.


With another Snap, a big stone and iron mine appeared.

In less than a minute, I fixed all the problems of Water and resources.

I simply waved my hand, in front of our castle a large part appeared with carrots, cabbage, and other Vegetables grown in it.

A large farmhouse appeared with goats, hens, and chickens on it.

With that problem of food also gone, for me I don't get hungry at all but that doesn't mean I can't eat.


"Wow...ve-very powerful " Alice who was chatting with her friend after witnessing my abilities said to me.

"But... How shall we gather them, I do not know how to cut trees and break stones " she further added.

Bell: "..."

[ Instead of creating them fully, why didn't you just create wood stones, and iron? It will be easier and more effective ] - Omniscient thinking.

Indeed, if we need wood why create a forest just create wood.


I snapped my finger, With that tons of stone, wood, iron, gold, silver, and refined iron appeared inside the castle warehouse.

Suddenly Alice looked at her Castle status window.

[ 1Billion wood have been increased in Castle warehouse ]

[ 1 Billion stones have been increased in the Castle warehouse ]

[ 1 billion Iron have been increased in castle warehouse ]

[ 1 billion refined iron have been increased in castle warehouse ]

[ 1 billion Pure Gold bars have been increased in the castle warehouse ]

[ 1 billion Pure silver bars have been increased in the castle warehouse ]

"Umm..how shall I address your honor, Can you show me your status once again," she asked.

Maybe she wanna look at the status window once again but in detail.

" No " I simply replied.

She look a little disappointed but once again her happy smile appeared as she began to upgrade her castle.

[ Your castle level has been increased to LVL 2, Consuming 1000 wood and 2000 stone ]

[ Your castle lvl has been increased to level 3, consumed 3000 wood and 5000 stone ]

[ Your Castle lvl has been increased to level 4, Consumed 6000 wood, 10,000 stone, and 500 iron ]

[ Your Castle has been upgraded to Lvl 5, consuming 12,599 wood, 19,999 stone, 1,999 iron, and 199 refined iron ]

[ Congratulations on upgrading your castle to lvl 5, you have obtained the "Noble lord " Title, and various new features are added ]

Title: Noble lord

( Increase all of your stats by 100 and inside your land area your mana and vitality are restored faster )

New features:

•Can create self-made buildings

•Can trade with locals of this world.

•Can establish a friendly relationship with the kingdoms of natives of this world ( like King, emperor of that lord unlike castle lord )

Alice once again tried to upgrade the castle but the requirements were not fulfilled.

Unlike before to upgrade the castle to lvl 6, we need

Lvl up requirement: 88,888 bricks, 149 kg cement, 199 kg sand, and 11,000 stones.

I guess from now castle will be strong and durable with a huge size.


I snapped my finger, tons of cement, and sand bricks were added to the warehouse.