
The Shepherd Boy and Foolish Ivan (8)

Would South Korea, which was ready to sell everything to reform-and-opening Communist China, have been like this?

Russia is selling even things that make you think 'this sells?' Right there in Asia.

"Since the Qing Dynasty has no independent production capacity and can't increase means of production due to unstable politics, the boom will continue for now. The prices of products pouring out of factories established in Manchuria are also notably lower than other powers, so this should offset the technology gap."

"Raw material prices?"

"Though we're actively controlling them, we won't be able to stop increases following market logic. Everything will rise from coal and steel to logistics and transport."

"At a certain point we'll have to give up control and switch to subsidies. Let's watch carefully and intervene."

Can you believe it? Only after 14 years of reign is Russia's economy finally running normally.