
Reincarnated as Naruto with Sukuna's Powers

Alexander, a skilled assassin and heir to the world's most powerful mafia dynasty, walks away from his dangerous life when he falls in love. Embracing a new passion for anime and starting a family, he cherishes his newfound peace. But when his past catches up with him, tragedy strikes as his wife and daughter are brutally taken from him. He seeks revenge, but ultimately chooses to end his life. Surprisingly, he finds himself reincarnated as Naruto with two special abilities.

MyMumCallsMePig · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 4: Rains of Castamere II

The first light of dawn filtered through the wooden shutters of the Namikaze household, casting a soft glow on the tatami mat flooring. Birds chirped outside, their songs a gentle prelude to the day's festivities. Naruto, a boy of five with an old soul and a sharp mind, stood in his room, struggling to don the traditional robes that lay before him. The rich fabric felt foreign against his skin, the intricate design befitting the son of the Hokage and the future leader of the Uzumaki clan—a clan that, in reality, no longer existed.

Naruto's small hands fumbled with the obi, the sash that held his robes together. Despite his intelligence, his dexterity faltered with the unfamiliar task. He sighed, frustration mingling with the weight of the day's significance. Today was his birthday, a celebration marked by the presence of leaders from all corners of the world, though he had yet to see them.

The door slid open quietly, and Kushina entered, her presence a comforting warmth in the room. She wore a stunning kimono, its vibrant colors reflecting her fiery spirit and undeniable beauty. Her eyes softened as she took in the sight of her son, struggling yet determined.

"Here, let me help you," she said gently, her voice carrying a tenderness that made Naruto's chest tighten with a mix of emotions.

Kushina knelt beside him, her fingers deftly working to adjust his robes. As she worked, Naruto could feel her love enveloping him, a noticeable force that made him ache with both gratitude and regret. He knew that their relationship was not as close as she wished it to be. Despite her efforts to bridge the gap, there was an unspoken distance between them.

"I've dreamt of this day," Kushina murmured, her voice tinged with a bittersweet longing. "Seeing you grow up, becoming the strong, kind person I know you can be, who, one day, will have the whole world lined up just to see him."

Naruto glanced at her, his young face betraying an old soul's depth of understanding. He knew she blamed herself for their lack of closeness, attributing it to his unusual maturity. In truth, it was his past life—a life filled with blood, deception, and a wife and daughter of his own—that created the chasm. He was an assassin reborn, a man trapped in a child's body, unable to fully embrace the innocence expected of him.

"Thank you, mum," Naruto said softly, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside him. He respected her deeply and loved her in his own way, but the role of a doted-upon child felt like a mask he could not wear.

Kushina's hands stilled, her eyes meeting his with a mix of sadness and affection. "You don't have to thank me, Naruto. I'm your mother. It's my job to take care of you."

Naruto's heart clenched at her words. He wished he could bridge the gap, to be the son she deserved. But his past life's experiences made it difficult to play the part convincingly. He could put up an act, yes, but it felt wrong to deceive his kind parents with a love that felt rehearsed.

"Kushina, how's he doing?" Minato's voice broke the intimate moment as he stepped into the room, his presence commanding yet gentle.

Kushina looked up, her eyes reflecting her husband's unspoken concerns. "He's almost ready, Minato."

Minato smiled, his gaze shifting to Naruto. "You look great, son. Today is a big day for you."

Naruto nodded, the weight of his father's words settling on his small shoulders. He admired Minato greatly, the Fourth Hokage's strength and wisdom guiding Konoha with a firm yet compassionate hand. But even Minato, with all his understanding, couldn't fully grasp the complexities of Naruto's existence.

As Kushina finished tying the obi, she placed a gentle kiss on Naruto's forehead. "There, all set. You're going to impress everyone today."

Naruto forced a small smile, the effort not lost on either of his parents. He knew they felt the distance, the emotional barrier that his previous life's memories created. He respected them deeply and wanted to fulfill their expectations, but the shadows of his past loomed large.

Kushina's eyes lingered on him, filled with unspoken words and dreams she held for her son. "Just remember, Naruto, no matter what, we're proud of you. Always."

Naruto's throat tightened with emotion. He wished he could be the carefree child they longed to see, but the weight of his past and the maturity it forced upon him made it impossible. He could only hope that his respect and quiet love for them would suffice.

"Thank you, Mum, Dad," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Minato placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We're here for you, Naruto. Always."

With a final look of encouragement from his parents, Naruto took a deep breath and stepped out of his room, ready to face the world leaders gathered to celebrate his birthday. As he walked away, Kushina and Minato watched him with pride and love, unaware of the storm that loomed on the horizon.

The sun climbed higher in the sky, casting a golden glow over Konoha. The anticipation of the celebration filled the air, but in the Namikaze household, a poignant silence lingered. Kushina and Minato shared a look, their hearts full of hope for their son.




The grand hall was a sea of colors and faces, the leaders of various nations mingling and exchanging pleasantries. Naruto stood at the entrance, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and apprehension. He was acutely aware of the expectations placed upon him, not just as the son of the Hokage but as someone destined for greatness.

Kushina and Minato flanked him, their presence a comforting anchor amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces. They had prepared him for this moment, instilling in him the values and strength he would need to navigate the complexities of leadership.

'Let's see what the leaders of this world have to offer,' he thought, fully unaware that this day would mark the beginning of an unimaginable change in his life.

'Let's see what games they are trying to play.'

It would be a game of blood.



I was in a pretty good mood, so I posted a new chapter!!!

Got any suggestions for fight scenes...like how you want the fight to play out and all?