
Reincarnated as Naruto in Konoha

Let me warn you so you don't blame me later.... This is going to be totally wish fulfillment type of thing so don't blame me kay? :) ............................... Synopsis: A dude transmigrated in Naruto with a damn cool system....yeah that's about it ..................................... #What to expect? -Powerful MC (No simp or beta type) -Faceslapping Sasuke(I hate that emo kid hehe) -Harem( hell yeahhhhhhhhhhh) -No slave of system type thing(there will be system but you'll understand in the first chapter lol) -I have plans to make MC go to other worlds so....I think it'll be exciting I guess ........................ There is no NTR and yuri and nothing that you'll dislike, trust me on this one, umu~ ......................... Disclaimer: The characters and other shit doesn't belong to me. The cover picture is also not mine, if you are the owner and want it removed, inform me in the discord or here in the comments. .......................... Discord: https://discord.gg/UmQrHVNDUs

LuciferTheDevil767 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Find a cat?

After the breakfast, I'm sitting on the bed, just playing around with the wind element in my hand, trying to make rasengan by myself, but different.

Rasengan was one of the most powerful justsu or just the most used jutsu in Naruto's arsenal...well it wouldn't be wrong to say, that was the only thing he used in his entire life.

But, I was trying to create rasen-shuriken, small sized that consumed less chakra and could be throwed around unlike rasengan and also a bit less destructive than the original rasen-shuriken. 


'Hmm...who came this early in the morning.'

I walk toward the door and open it, Kakashi was there with an awkward smile on his face. He must be still feeling bitter due to the events yesterday.

"Hey...Naruto." Kakashi spoke a bit hesitatingly, he didn't know how how he would respond after that, but if possible he wanted to start anew forgetting all the past.

"Sensei..." I signaled him to come inside and he followed by closing the door.

"I'd tell you to take a seat but...oh well..." I said, looking around the state of my room, there was nothing but a bed, wardrobe and a table....well at least the kitchen in full now...

"Ah, it's alright." He said with a wry smile, although Kakashi had seen it before, he again realized how bad Naruto's condition was, "Umm...about yesterday-"

"Just forget it sensei." I said cutting him off. The last thing I want to hear is some random lame excuse for now. It would be just better to move on and improve in the future. Kakashi wasn't at fault as much as a certain old man was.

'Just thinking about it makes by blood boil...'

"I see....well then let's go for you first mission." Kakashi accepted his request. Although he wanted to ask about 

"Huh? Mission?" I acted oblivious for obvious reasons, although I knew this would happen. When I acted like that during the test day, I had two things in mind, first to manipulate Sakura and second well...a better home but...nevermind, "But what about the test?"

"You passed the test" He said rummaging my hair, although I was a bit taller compared to Sasuke and Sakura, I just reached to Kakashi's chest, "Team seven needs you."

Finally...the mess is fixed, and now I can start my new life.

Naruto sure spread his name throughout the whole village, but certainly not in a good way. The reason Sakura didn't like him wasn't because he was less handsome than Sasuke, at least not if he had changed that lame ass hairstyle. It mostly was because he was annoying plus weak on the top of that, it is not always the looks in some cases, personality matters too.

And if my thinking is correct, the reason Kakashi chose to train Sasuke instead on Naruto, it must have been because of Sasuke's potential and his mindset. The former was focused on getting strong while the latter was running behind a girl who was ignoring him.


Now that both of the things are solved, I can just relax.

After following Kakashi for a while, we reached at the place were Sakura and Sasuke were waiting. The funny thing was, unlike before Sakura was completely ignoring him now.

[Poor guy doesn't even know that his future wife just got stolen like that hahahaha]

And she's back at her normal mood again...

'I doubt he even cares. He got brother issues to worry about.' Half of the story poor kid was just set on killing his brother and when he finally met him, his brother ignored him for Naruto and he got choked into the wall.

'poor kid indeed'

[Now that you think about it, it totally seems like a plot for whole another anime doesn't it?]

'pfft, true...'

"Hey Naruto!" Sakura walked to my side, with a wide smile on her face.

I could see surprise on Kakashi's face. 'Just what happened overnight?' Now that he thought about it a lots of things were happening overnight, 'first Naruto changed, then Sakura.' Kakashi looked toward Sasuke, 'when is he going to change?' 

"Hi Sakura" I smiled, and a red hue covered her face.

"So, what's the mission sensei?" Sasuke asked.

"You have to find a missing cat...." Kakashi took out few photographs handing it over to the three of us.

"A cat?"

"Yes, It's the daimyo's wife's cat. It got lost today morning, and it is a D-rank mission. Pretty good for your first mission if you ask me...."

I look at the picture of cat, it was a white cat with some black spots spread through out its body. 

"We have to search the whole village or we have any leads on it?" I asked putting the picture in my pocket.

"We know the area around which it got lost, that's all the lead we have." Kakashi replied shrugging his shoulders.

"Then let's get started, I want to do some actual missions rather than searching for a missing cat." Sasuke spoke.

Following Kakashi, we reached the spot from where the cat was lost....in the middle of the fucking town.

'Great....Now I get it why Naruto was irritated doing these stupid missions...'

"Good luck..." With that Kakashi disappeared.

I look toward both of them and they both were looking at me with a look saying, 'what are going to do?'

'Bruh, I just created a random ass plan doesn't mean I'll make a plan every time...'

"Let's just spread out, what else can we do?" I shrugged my shoulders and start to walk in one direction, I could see Sasuke going toward the other. 'What am I? the leader or something?'

[well, your mental age is higher than theirs, so it makes sense that you would be the leader.]

"Naruto!" Sakura rushed toward me, "I'll come with you..."

"hmm...I thought you'd go with Sasuke..." I said as I walked forward and she walked by my side.

"N-no I-" She bit her lips, "I want to go with you..." She said in a mosquito like voice, fidgeting her fingers.



Three hours later, Sasuke found the cat while Sakura and I just spent all that time roaming around the city. After submitting the cat back, we are currently walking toward the hokage's office for another mission.

After I reincarnated here, this would be the first time, I'm meeting with Hiruzen. I'm certain that Kakashi told him about me knowing about my parents and nine tails, so he'll certainly do something.

'Now that certain something will be convincing me...or threatening me....which one will you choose mr. third?'


Hiruzen was sitting in the office, doing his regular job as the hokage, although the job was taxing, it paid well. He was protected twenty four by seven by the anbu, and due to his position he could also assign a Jonin as his grandson's personal instructor.

*knock* *knock*

Hearing the knock on the door, he quickly fixed his posture, appearing elegant and dignified.


The wooden door creaked open, and following it entered Kakashi along with the team seven.

The third's eye widened as his vision turned towards Naruto. 'If the seal didn't get opened then how did this happen?'

His looked toward Kakashi asking for answers but he didn't get any. Kakashi himself didn't know properly whether the seal was released or not. It was just his speculation that the seal was still in place considering that Kurama wasn't going on rampage. never in his entire life did he think that there would be a day the demon fox would willingly help the boy.

"We came to report the mission's completion." Kakashi spoke taking the lead, but there wasn't the usual respect he had for the Hokage in his voice. He was disappointed how Hiruzen didn't even bother to correct his mistakes, not even after Naruto found the truth.

"I see." The third took the documents from Kakashi's hands, he also didn't miss the subtle change in Kakashi's tone. "Alright here's your new mission. You can start tomorrow" 

He handed Kakashi another set of papers puffing the smoke in his mouth.

"An escort mission?" Kakashi asked with a frown on his face, "Isn't this a C-rank mission?"

"Considering the members of the team, you should at least be able to complete a simple escort mission right?" Hiruzen questioned looking towards Naruto.

"Of course." Naruto said with a smirk on his face. He knew that Hiruzen was trying to provoke him for some reason but he couldn't care less about that. 'Things are starting to change from the original. Hiruzen didn't give team 7 the escort mission directly at first right?'

[Butterfly effect? haha] Luna chuckled a bit, [but does it matter, if he bothers you too much, you can just finish him right?] She said with a large grin on her face. She didn't care what happened to others, she was happy as long was Naruto was happy and safe. The whole village could die and she couldn't even bother to think about it.

'Right...' Naruto answered with the similar grin inwardly, but from outside he just had a neutral face.

"Naruto?" Kakashi looks at Naruto his eyes saying,' what are you saying??'

"Relax sensei, It's just a escort mission." Naruto said, 'just a escort mission my ass...but who cares?' He shrugged to himself.

Kakashi just shook his head, 'at least he's still the same confident kid...' A little smile appeared on his face, but no one noticed due to the mask.


(A/N: Sup, it's me! Three chapters a day! enjoy!!

Well the thing is I won't be able to upload tomorrow, I mean I could just upload this tomorrow but oh well...anyways...

POWERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRs common, I'm working hard so just donate without being stingy hmph...i'm just joking kay? haha

Anyways I'm thinking to write in third person mostly from next chapter.....tell me what you think...BYE!!!)