
3. staying with the Uchiha (2/2)

While Mikoto and Itachi continue making lunch, Isami on the other has finish going through her memory and organize them while waiting Isami has nothing to do so she went back to her mind scape.

In her mind scape she saw kurama was waiting for her she can't help but want to tease him "so have you been waiting long?" with a smile on her face

Fox: "who's waiting for you! you brat!!"

Isami: "ok sesh! you don't have to be so mad about it"

Fox: "hmph! what do you want now brat?!"

Isami: "I just wanted to ask how many chakra you have and are you just the soul or something?"

Fox: "why should I tell you brat"

Isami: "if you tell me I can tell you someone you like and missed very much"

kurama then sneered and looked at Isami and said "oh yeah then who is it?", Isami immediately have a victory cheers but only in her mind "it's about your father the sage of six paths Hagoromo otsusuki, now are you interested?"

Kurama immediately realised his killing intent and yelled angrily "brat how dare you said those claims if you cannot give me an answer I will kill you!!!!"

Isami: "alright sesh can you turn your killing intent down If you answer my question I will tell you I promise"

Kurama immediately turn down his killing intent and he was thinking 'if what this brat said is true then I will know something father never said to us' "alright brat listen closely I only have one tail worth of chakra but I can regenerate it again into a full nine tail but not now and I am just a soul I need a week to recreate my body and a month to recharge my chakra, are you satisfied now brat"

Isami: "(smile) yes I do now for my end of the bargain you know your father has a mother right?"

Fox: yes I think her name was kaguya the mother of chakra or the rabbit goddess so what?"

Isami: "well in a couple of years she will be revive I don't know the specifics years but she will be free and the only way to free her is to recreate the ten tails and it will be awaken when all the tail beast are capture and fused together"

kurama that heard this immediately stiffened 'if what she said is true than it will happen and she does know something about father'

fox: "continue"

Isami: "ok, you know your father the sage of six paths has two son right?"

Fox: "yes father always said we have two brothers but we never know who they are"

Isami: "alright then let me tell you, your brothers name was Indra otsusuki the oldest and asura otsusuki the youngest brother, I will try to explain it in simple as I can so basically your father was about to you know move to another plane of existence and he has already told you right to help humanity and his people but you just don't know is that he also was having some sort of contest who will be the successor of his clan or ninshu and the younger brother Asura otsusuki was selected but the older brother Indra wasn't so the older brother was pissed off and storm off with another two member of the clan he was tempted by someone and he killed the other two, he then awakened the eternal mangekyou Sharingan just like madara he then went to confront his younger brother asura and they battle it out as he has the wood release just like hashirama Indra was defeated and he left the otsusuki clan and created his own, it was called the Uchiha clan asura descendents made two clan which is the senju and Uzumaki"

Isami explain everything thing she knows about them and finally the big reveal "so do you hate hashirama and Madara"

Fox: "hmph of course I hate them with the very soul of my existence"

Isami "*chuckle* so you hated your brothers then"

fox: "what do you mean brat my brothers are dead"

Isami: "yes Indra and asura are dead but your father manage to reincarnated them do you know who they reincarnated as?"

Fox: "No! don't tell me!!"

Isami: "that's right Indra was madara and asura was hashirama"

Kurama immediately fainted because of the shocking news, Isami was laughing out loud she was rolling on the ground she stop laughing when Kurama wake up.

Fox: "that was really ironic my brother capture and seal me then my other brother enslaved me"

he has this depressed aura around him, Isami wanted to see his reaction when he know that Naruto was hashirama's reincarnation and the current host for Asura's soul

Isami: "oh and ah you know minato sealed you inside two infant right"

Fox: "so what! I should have killed them why did I missed"

Isami: "you do know that the boy naruto was hashirama's reincarnation and the host of asura soul right"

he immediately has the most depressing aura ever, Isami went close and console him Kurama calm down a bit.

Kurama ask Isami is she telling the truth she said yes and ask if she can be friend, kurama said he will give Isami his power but Isami denied she said she wanted to be friend with him.

Kurama didn't know What to do but he never had an interaction like this so he just said "whatever!, do what you want" and after getting the response from kurama she change the mind scape into something more beautiful and relaxing, the mind scape change in to a beautiful grass field with forest in the north and mountain in the west there is a huge lake in the East and Isami unlock the seal allowing kurama to be free but leaving a seal to purify the chakra.

before kurama went to explore the mind scape he said to Isami "kurama" Isami give a confused look "my name is kurama brat" "oh right kurama that's a nice name" kurama walk towards Isami and said "what are you going to do with your family?"

Isami: "I don't know I do feel of wanting familial love but I doubted they will give But I would at least try right"

Isami didn't really have a bond with the namikaze but she still wanted a family that's why she said to the goddess that she will pull through somehow.

kurama was actually worried about Isami's answer it was because he knows why the namikaze neglected her, it was the child of prophecy bull shit he heard when he was sealed in Isami for the first week.


Jiraiya, minato, kushina, and tsunade was sitting in the living room of the namikaze house, not to far from them was a sleeping Isami and Two sleeping baby they were naruto and narumi.

Kushina was looking at their children with worried but minato reassure her they will be fine.

After a few moments of silent Jiraiya spoke "minato I think your son and daughter is the child of prophecy the toad sage have for told" hearing this minato, kushina and Tsunade was shocked.

Kurama on the other hand was thinking "what kind of bullshit did that wannabe sage is saying".

Kushina ask Jiraiya "which one exactly Jiraiya sensei?"

"hmm...I believe it would be Naruto and narumi because the prophecy said there will be two children fated to help and change the world with the power of the ancient they will bring the world to peace but can also bring it's destruction, I believe the power of the ancient is the tail beast and because kushina gave birth to twin it also made me sure with them being the child of prophecy" Jiraiya said to minato and kushina.

Tsunade has been listening to them said "so what now Jiraiya?" she ask Jiraiya for his opinion on the matter, Jiraiya was in thought for a bit pondering what to do "we can Start training the twin when they are 4 years old shower them with a lot of love and show them compassion so that the will not got to the dark path" hearing Jiraiya answer she ask again "what about Isami?" jiraiya was thinking and said that they should focused their attention to the twin so they can use the nine tails power about Isami she will have to be put aside for the twin for a while.

They agreed although tsunade was thinking 'I hope you are right Jiraiya because of that decision a little girl will lose the attention of her family'.

~End of flashback~

Kurama look at Isami back as she left he thought 'poor brat if only you knew that they agreed and was intentionally neglected her'

he then went to the forest and lay down and drifted to sleep.

on the outside Isami open her eyes and looked around she saw sasuke was asleep and when she looked at the kitchen Itachi was looking at her with jelousy? oh right itachi was a bro con.

After a while they heard the front door open and a voice"I'm home" she immediately know it was Fugaku uchiha the current uchiha clan head.

Fugaku came into the dinning room and saw Isami all bandage up and sasuke leaning at her asleep, Isami as a good girl greeted Fugaku.

Fugaku greeted back and sat down on his chair, Isami tap sasuke's cheek to wake him up.

After a while sasuke wakes up and greeted his father then his older brother and mother came and place the food on the table.

they started eating for a while there was silence until Mikoto ask Isami "so Isami how is your family?" Isami flinch at her because it was so sudden "t-they a-re f-fine aunty" Fugaku seeing Isami response narrow his eyes he knew something was wrong because he has experience something like this in the war as one of his comrades was hiding something either he was a traitor or he was just hiding information regarding himself that is so bad making him uncomfortable.

He knows something was wrong he will ask his wife about it he was actually concerned even though his face was stoic, he heard from his subordinate that they saw the civilian was chasing a little girl with red hair and violet eyes hold sharp objects and the likes so he was more convince something has happened because of Isami state having bandage on her right eye, her left shoulder, her right arm, and her left ankle he saw it when he came to the dinning room.

Mikoto on the other hand had the same thought as her husband but accept Isami replied, after lunch Mikoto ask Isami to rest at her home until she can go home later.

Isami nodded and went to the living room with sasuke, Itachi said that he will stay for a bit.

Now in the dinning room there is only three people Fugaku, Mikoto, and Itachi the first to talk was Mikoto "dear do you know anything about what might have happened to her?" Fugaku answer "I heard from some of the police force members and some of our uchiha clan that they saw the civilian chasing and beating a girl with red hair and violet eyes, at first I don't believe them but I did told them if they see it again intervene immediately and now I guess they were right looking at the state Isami is in its probably either it was last night or two days ago when she was beaten up" hearing her husband reply she was utterly shocked, she was just starting at the table with a sad and confused expression.

Itachi on the other hand was utterly confused why didn't the fourth hokage's family do something she was there daughter so he ask "Father why didn't the fourth hokage and his wife do something about it?" as if he was struck by lightning Fugaku realize that 'why did minato and kushina didn't bring her with them, he said that it was a family vacation unless could it be? NO! that can't be! (remembering the time he ask about his family but never talked about Isami always her younger siblings that was talked by minato and when ask always answer with uncertainty) He did didn't he but why I can understand him being busy but kushina to I thought her clan was loving and caring towards their children and clan member'.

Seeing his father like this Itachi call out to him "Father... Father are ok?" Fugaku immediately gone out of his thought and shake his head "I'm fine Itachi and for your question it was because they aren't here in the village right now" Itachi hearing his father answer ask "why aren't they here?, where are they?".

Fugaku took a deep breath and sigh heavily and said "they are in a family vacation and will be back to celebrate Naruto and narumi's birthday" after a few exchange of information Fugaku, Mikoto, and Itachi know one thing is certain Minato and kushina love Naruto and narumi more than Isami, she is basically neglected.

~meanwhile at the living room~

Isami was playing with sasuke until a little girl came into the house it was a really adorable girl she has a long black hair like Mikoto and her features are an exact replica of Mikoto her name was satsuki she was playing in her friend house so she has lunch there.

Satsuki join in on the game Isami and sasuke was playing until her parents and older brother came in they started doing there own activity Isami was tired and wanted to sleep but she has nowhere to go, Mikoto saw Isami was tired said to her "Isa-chan you can sleep in the guest room if you're tired" Isami replied" "I don't want to be a bother so~" She was immediately cut off by Mikoto "oh hush you can stay as long as you like" she said with a warm smile.

Isami then accepted her offer and excuse herself because she was tired and went to the guest room to sleep.