
Treaty of Campo Formio

October 17th, 1797. Campo Formio, Republic of Venice.

Napoleon waited in the grand foyer of the Villa Manin, the venue at which the Austrians and the French decided to sign a treaty that would secure peace between the two nations.

Murat, his dashing aide-de-camp, entered the mansion and saluted Napoleon.

"Sir…Count Philipp von Cobenzl has arrived," he informed.

Napoleon gazed out of the door, and there he saw a visibly perturbed Count Cobenzl dressed in an impeccable white uniform stepping out of an opulent carriage. His expression was understandable, after all, his country is on the losing side.

As Count Cobenzl walked over towards Napoleon, he extended his hand in cordiality.

"General Bonaparte," Cobenzl said with a nod of the head.

"Count Cobenzl," Napoleon shook the Count's hand firmly and escorted him to a room where they'll sign the official document of the treaty.