
Reincarnated as Napoleon

In an unfortunate twist of fate, Adrian, a man from the 21st century, is accidentally killed by the Goddess of Fate. As recompense for her mistake, she grants Adrian a second chance at life in an alternate world. Upon awakening, Adrian is startled to find himself surrounded by a setting reminiscent of eighteenth-century Europe. It quickly becomes apparent to him that he has been reincarnated as none other than Napoleon Bonaparte, the indomitable figure who once ruled over Europe for two tumultuous decades. Disclaimer: This work of fiction explores a speculative narrative in which the protagonist is reborn as Napoleon Bonaparte and embarks on a journey to power, encountering both historical and fictional characters. While the story draws inspiration from the life and historical context of Napoleon Bonaparte, it is important to note that the events, interactions, and outcomes portrayed in this work are entirely fictional and should not be interpreted as a reflection of real historical events.

SorryImJustDiamond · History
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France Stats (1800) & Character Arts

Official Name: Republic of France (1800)


Anthem: "La Marseillaise"

National Day: July 14th (Bastille Day)

Capital City: Paris

Largest City: Paris

Government: Consulate

Head of State: First Consul (Napoleon Bonaparte)

Official Language: French

Main Religions: Catholicism.

Current Constitution: The Constitution of the Year VIII (1799)

Area: Approximately 618,000 square kilometers

Population: 40,000,000

Currency: French Franc

Sister States: Batavian Republic, Cisalpine Republic, Ligurian Republic, Helvetic Republic, Subalpine Republic, Republic of Lucca, Gozo, Republic of Connacht

Colonies: French colonies in the Caribbean (e.g., Saint-Domingue), Indian Ocean (e.g., Réunion), Africa (e.g., Egypt, Syria, Tunis, Algiers) Middle East (Emirate of Diriyah, Mecca, Medina)

Character Arts:

Since webnovel is still processing my character's application for art, I will post it here.

Napoleon Bonaparte:

Ciela Bonaparte: