A random girl burns alive and Reincarnates in Legend Of Korra as Princess to the Fire Nation and as a Phoenix. Watch as she becomes something different and tries to master fire while interreacting with the world as Royalty. ======== Pretty much the whole idea of this fic is mastering Fire to the best of the MC's capabilities. Mc will also travel/explore the World of Korra more than just shown in the series. (So more worldbuilding.) Once LOK is over this fic will turn into a multiverse travel fic, but that will be awhile from now. Also I have given it nonhuman tag because she’s a Phoenix but majorly a human until later
(Will be slightly descriptive to the burning part, so uhh don't read that part if you have Pyrophobia, or do to get over your fear.)
'How the hell could I end up in this situation!?' I thought as I stared out the window of my car at the blazing world that surrounded me.
Some might ask, what made me think it was a good idea to drive through a fire?
Well, I was trying to escape a massive forest fire that consumed my house. Driving down the highway I began to drive through the local forest fire, usually you tend not to do this but I had little to no choice unless I wanted to burn alive in my house.
So left with no choice I grabbed my most important belongings, vacated my house, and got in my car and began to drive away.
I drove as fast as I could and thought I might escape until the road began to get harder to drive on. Not only was it hot, but my crappy car seemed like it couldn't handle the burning asphalt. Add on burning trees falling onto the road... well it was getting difficulty to navigate.
Breathing in I tried to calm myself as I quickly drove around another fallen tree. Looking out the window I got a sense of serenity at the burning forest.
'Honestly, despite all the dangers this is kind of beautiful.' I continued to drive on while closely concentrating on the rode in front of me. Sadly, no amount of concentration could save me from a melted road.
"Oh come on! I swear if there is a God I will begin to pray to you if you let me out of here!" I yelled to the world as my car began to slow down on the slightly melted road.
Driving through the puddle of black asphalt I swerved to avoid a falling tree. "Shit! Why did I not get a notice of a forest fire half a mile from my house!?" I yelled out as I barely avoided the tree.
Pushing through I felt my car jolt upwards as I ran over something. Suddenly my speed decreased causing my eyes to open widely in fear.
Looking at my tire pressurization I saw that one tire was quickly deflating. 'No, no no!' I stared in disbelief at the gauge that was dropping rapidly as time moved forward.
Feeling a sense of dread, I took my eyes off the gauge just in time to see a fallen tree blocking the whole road. "Oh shoot! Oh Shoot! Turn!" I pulled on my steering wheel as hard as possible to try and drift to a stop.
As my car spun rapidly out of control I could only swear to the world in fear of dying. Luckily, or unluckily the world answered me and stopped my car just in time from hitting the tree.
'Oh my God I almost just died' I sighed out in relief only to remember where I was currently. Breathing in the limited air in my car I stared out my window to look at the flames that began to surround me.
A major frown showed its way onto my face as I came to truly understand that I probably had no way out of this situation alive. Shaking my head I pulled out my phone and took a short video.
"Heyyy, to anyone listening to this video... Well I am going to die here. I doubt that anyone will really care that much as most of my family is dead, but to anyone who sees this video just know that I'm sorry." Tears slowly dripped down my face as I watched the flames slowly creep closer to my car.
Wiping the tears from my face I hardened my will to continue the video. "Turns out that I never received the notification of a Forest Fire so close to my house. Yeah I know it's a dumb way to go out but I am going to burn in these flames."
"I just wanted someone to hear this, to know that I tried my best to escape. This will also be my last will, not that I have much left because of the fire... But anyways, I am giving whatever remains to Charity. I don't care which one, but I want to give it to someone that needs it, someone who will do good with it."
"Caugh! Hck! Shit, smoke is startin t-Hck!-fill the car. I am going to hope th-Caugh!- vid...o uploads before my phon-Hrck!-melts" Gasping for air I ended the video with a simple smile. Breathing in deeply I wrapped my t-shirt around my nose and mouth to hopefully filter some of the smoke out.
Staring at my phone I clicked Upload To The Cloud, and hoped that someone would see it. Deeply gasping for more air I stared at my phone.
'Come on, upload!' I screamed in my head as I my natural instinct for air began to overtake my rationality. Thankfully my phone uploaded the video just in time before I threw my phone into the back seat of my car.
'Air!' was all I could think before I slammed my car door open to only get licked by the heat of the nearby flames. Quickly closing my eyes due to the intense heat I began to move forward.
Breathing in slightly less smokey air, I began to regain my senses. 'Shit! Shit! Okay best chance of escape is... Nowhere.' I barely opened my eyes as I looked at giant ever-growing flames which slowly surrounded me.
Looking at the sky through the haze and smoke I saw it colored red. Chuckling in defeat I shook my head and stood still, while watching the crimson flames close in on me.
"Wel-Hack!-this is going to-Cough!-hurt? Isn't it?" I asked aloud while coughing due to the ever growing smoke.
Looking back at the sky I noticed that I could barely see the orangey-red color anymore, and all that stood in its wake was black ash and smoke floating upwards. Feeling pain I recoiled my hand to my chest and stared at the fire.
My mind hazy due to the lack of oxygen allowed me to ever so slightly ignore the heat. Beginning to walk to my car I moved away from the fire. Walking forward took all my will as my vision began to blank occasionally. Making it to my car door, I tried to shut it only to flinch in pain.
Staring at my hand I could see red blisters forming. With no air left to scream I only whimpered. Holding my burnt hand close to my chest I glared at the world for my last time until a flame grabbed hold of my pants.
This seemed to grab my attention as I shouted out in pain. Trying to pat it away caused more and more of me began to catch aflame. "Ahhh! It hurts! It hurts! Put it out!" I pleaded as my vision darkened even more due to the waste of oxygen from my lungs.
Feeling weak I fell down and felt my nerves alight in pain. It was a hot, scorching pain, until suddenly it stopped. Slowly the pain turned into a coldness which first overtook my arms. Ignoring the burning pain I looked down at my arms to see black charred skin and bone.
Whimpering once more I seized in pain as more and more of my body took on the flames. Seizing in pain I slowly lost the strength to even move as I felt more of myself catch on fire. I couldn't even cry at this point because the tears would evaporate instantly.
More and more of myself lost feeling. It was calm... Flames have already covered my whole body, and my own senses have already started to fail me. Ever so slightly, through one of my ears I could hear the crackling of the flames as my body burned.
Trying to open my eyes, I noticed that I could no longer see. Ignoring the pain in my face I smiled at the serene calmness that death gave. The burning feeling that once called for my full attention slowly faded, leaving a cold and peaceful feeling.
'If anyone, anything is listening... Please, don't let this be the end...' I pleaded in my own thoughts as everything began to fade. The last thing I felt was the cold feeling of death.
"Soul #19603706-E672, congratulations!" A booming voice awoke me from the embraces of death.
Taking a moment to wake up I looked around only to see a large humanoid figure that was shrouded in light. 'Wait! I just died! The fire!' I shouted in my mind as I tried to pat my arms and legs only to feel nothing.
Looking down at myself I saw a glowing sphere and began to hyperventilate. "No no no! The fire! It hurts! My arms!" I shouted as I began to move erratically to try and put out the imaginary fires.
The humanoid figure shrouded in light stared on at the soul which stood before it. Suddenly the humanoid figure waved it's hands and the soul stopped shaking erratically and calmed down.
"Be calm Soul #19603706-E672, the flames have already ended your life, you don't need to let them bring you more pain." The figure calmly said to the soul which now stood very still.
'The pain? Where did the fir-Oh. The flames really... did kill me, huh.' I floated in shock only to be pulled from my thoughts by a giant glowing hand shaking itself in front of me.
"Hello??? Ah, there you are, finally paying attention. Worry not Soul #19603706-E672 you have died, and have been brought to me." The giant white figure spoke to the soul.
Taking in the words of the white figure I threw away the thoughts of the fire and asked what was on my mind. "What do you mean brought to you? Who are you? Shouldn't I be dead?"
The massive white figure rubbed its chin for a moment and said "Well my name can't be understood by you, so just call me the God of Earths."
"You have been brought before me because you did an exceptionally good deed in your life, which then allowed you to gain enough karma to reincarnate." The God of Earths then leaned backwards as if it was lying in a bed.
Taking in his answers I could only wonder what good deed I did to reincarnate. "What do you mean 'Good Deed' I haven't done anything really exceptional."
"Well to be honest it's a giant grape vine. Really, it's so rare for this to happen. Haha!" The God laughed out and leaned even further back into the void.
"It all started with your generous donation of money to charity. The charity that the money went to was then used to help a homeless man. That homeless was an aspiring medical student, who then went on to become the worlds most successful doctor. Said doctor then created a cure for cancer and saved billions of people."
Staring on in disbelief at what he just said caused the God to laugh even more. "Hahaha! I know, right!? The percent for that to happen was %0.0000000000000000000000, do I really need to go on?"
Shaking my head to the God he sighed in relief and then pointed at me. "Point being, is that you managed to beat the odds and accumulated enough good Karma to reincarnate in any world you want!"
The God then wagged his finger at me and said "Also it doesn't matter if you weren't the doctor, you inadvertently managed to solve cancer by helping said doctor. Sure we deducted karma points because it wasn't you, but there was so many of them that it didn't even matter."
Hearing the Gods words I stopped whatever train of thought I was starting only to think up of a new one.
'Holy shit, this is really happening! I am going to get 3 wishes, and become super OP.' I began to laugh evilly in my head only to be led to disappointment.
The God then scoffed "And no, before you ask, you don't get any wishes. Previous reincarnators have abused that too much, but you will get my blessing if that matters."
"Wha.. Hold on this is going really quickly please let me gather my baring's. You said I can reincarnate in any world I want... with your blessing, right?" I then began to think about what world I would want and if I would get to travel the Multiverse.
The God then nodded and motioned for me to continue on. Getting his approval I then asked what was on my mind. "Wait... what about traveling the Multiverse? Can I do that instead of having one world?"
The God sighed. "Hahhh... Yes, you can do that, but only once you have reached the epitome of strength in whatever world you get sent to." The God then leaned upwards to the point he was sitting instead of laying down.
Scrunching my non-existent eyebrows I began to ask "Wait what do you mean whatever world-" The God cut me off. "Ah-ah-ah. You selected Multiverse travel, so now you get shoved into a random world. It's only fair after all."
The God abruptly stood up and snapped his glowing fingers causing a massive golden Wheel of Fortune to appear. "Alrighty, here's the deal. I am going to spin this Wheel of Worlds, and whatever World it lands on you get sent to. It doesn't matter if you don't like it, you will be sent to it anyways, so hope to get lucky."
"Hey, wait a second! What if I land on something where I can't get stronger in it?" I shouted to the God who put his hand on the Wheel of Worlds.
'What if I get sent to a normal world? I can't grow strong in it rather than physically being stronger!' I questioned in my head as I waited for the Gods answer.
The God then looked at me and scoffed. "Tough luck for you then kid." After saying that he spun the wheel causing all my anger at him to fade as I stared on at the massive spinning wheel.
'Oh please! Please not some shitty world.' I prayed as I watched the wheel slow down. Slowly the wheel began to spin less and less, allowing me to read the worlds on it.
Dragon Ball, RWBY, GTA, Pokemon, Goblin Slayer... More and more worlds were listed off as the wheel slowed down.
Ignoring some of the worlds I hyper focused on the wheel as the pin on the wheel slowed down to a stop on 'Boku No Pico', until it suddenly slipped at the last second and landed on 'Legend Of Korra'.
Sighing in relief I did a small fist pump and cried tears of relief. "Oh my gosh I nearly landed on Boku No Pico!"
The white humanoid figure looked at me and laughed. "Hahaha, that was a close one! It seems that even now Fate has your back. You're quite lucky to get 'Legend's Of Korra' as you're first world."
Paying attention to the God I tilted my none-existent head. "What do you mean lucky?" I asked.
The God of Earth shrugged his shoulders and touched the Wheel of Worlds causing it to fade from existence.
"Well you will find out when your there, but there has been some circumstances in the world that will benefit you perfectly. Also, Compared to most worlds out there it's a very lax one, so congratulations! Anyways before I forget let me bless you." With those words the God of Earth motioned for me to come to him.
Suddenly an extreme force pulled me quickly towards the God causing me to shout. "Ahhh!" I screamed as the God was now right in front of my face.
The God ignored my panic state and reached up and poked my soul, causing a burning feeling to overtake me. Nearly freaking out again, I managed to stay calm. He then motioned to his left as a glowing purple portal appeared.
"Well, Soul #19603706-E672, it was a pleasure to meet you. Perhaps one day we will meet again, but until that day I hope you enjoy your travels!" The glowing God of Earth then grabbed my soul and readied himself to fling me directly into the portal.
"Wait! Before I go I wanted to say thank you!" I screamed which caused the God to stop for a second and look at me. The God then did something unexpected, as instead of throwing me he lightly placed me into the portal, but not before saying something.
"No problem kid but let me warn you! Don't become consumed with you're power! Trust me! Anyways, cya kid!" Were the last words I heard before the purple portal closed off causing my vision to fade to black.
Authors Note: Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of my Avatar Series. For anyone from Roses Multiverse travel, no I am still continuing it. Just wanted to write down my idea that I came up with randomly.
Also no MC doesn't have Pyrophobia, just the name of the chapter.