
Chapter 73: A sudden return

Issei:"I see so that's going on, don't worry I'll send your mechs you combining them should give you the upper hand." Sirzechs eyes sparkled he and a huge smile on his face.

Rio:"Oi Dad don't you think this is going too far. Those things are overkill!"

Issei:"Nope this will be a good test run!" said Issei with a smile on his face.

Kuroka:"Wait why do you call him dad?"

Rio/Sheng/Ken/Riza/Meilee/Sol/Luna:"Cuz he's our Dad." They said as they were playing poker.

Kuroka:"Who's the mother?"

Issei:"The don't have any moms. They aren't human they are something else. Anyway I just sent them to your watches you should be able to summon them." At that moment all the Biblical faction leaders watched glowed before returning to normal.

-In the Underworld-

Sirzechs:"Issei just sent us mechs that can combine! Let's do it!"

Falbium:"He's really into this isn't he?" they all activated their watches and transformed they then swiped over to a new section and clicked it and out came mechanical copies of the original Satans which they are all now piloting.

After an overly dramatic fusion scene what became of the mechs were.


Sitting in seat was all the Satans in suit as the looked at their cockpit, Sirzechs was having the time of his life, like instinct they all knew how to pilot the mechs. And put of nowhere they drew a sword.


Said an announcement as they sliced and diced through all the monsters.

-With Issei-

Issei:"So anyways Ophis how do you like the cookies." she said nothing except scarfing down more. She was currently sitting in Red's lap she lost her bet but Red decided to give her back the realm, though are now a couple as wierd as that is now.

A portal suddenly opened up and out fell Hack in human form except his hair was slightly longer with golden and red stripe in it, he was a badly wounded he even lost an arm which was leaking data.

Issei:"HACK!" Issei went to his along with his other digimon who stood came to him.

Asia:"Issei is that?"

Issei:"It is."

Hack:"I-Issei we found him!" When Issei heard that he put the pints together.

Issei:"As in Jameson Matthews!"


Issei:"Don't speak I'll heal you up." As Issei left he looked at his digimon then Ken, he looked a bit sad before walking off with Hack in his arms.

Riza:"Ken It's time we tell you something." Riza serious which came as a suprise to some those there, as they normally see him being playful and being childish.

Luna:"You should sit down for this little bro."

In his lab down in the basement, Issei sat in around computer behind him was Hack getting repaired slowly. He was checking Hacks memories about Jameson Matthews.

He saw an image of, a young man with care free smile with bond hair blue eyes and freckles lining his face. What he got from Hacks memory was that. Hack was training with Gankumon however he went to the digiunion, when the place was flooded with infected digimon lead by a few ZeedMilleniummon. Hack tried to fight them off along with Taiga who tried to contact Issei. Hack was sent through a portal last minute to Issei.

Azazel:"Issei can you explain what's going on." issie sighed and handed Azazel a flash drive.

Issei:"That have all the information you want to hear."

Azazel:"The amount your giving me. I'm not stupid kid but I'll take it for now."


Ken sat down on the couch his hands on his face.

Ken:"I died, I was. killed." said still in disbelief.

Giro:"Sorry you had to hear it this way kiddo."

Ken:"No its fine." he got up and went to his room. Everyone was quiet though Kuroka and Le-Fay were confused. They then saw Issei with a serious look on his face.

Issei:"I have the coordinates to the mulitversal digiunion, I'm going." Asia, Aika and Katase gave Issei a good luck kiss ago they knew they would only hold him back so they stayed, Koroshina though thought Issei wanted to deal with this himself. He went through a portal he created for him and his digimon and stepped through.

And out stepped was Issei and his digimon excluding Hack and Ken, who were still recovering one from physcial wounds and the other shock. All around them were destroyed buildings and dead bodies and data of digimon that has passed, he looked up and saw nearby planets completely destroyed. Issei spread out his senses as he dashed towards the closest life forces he could find.

Sol:"These people and all these digimon." said said Sol as he looked around in horror, his sister placed a hand on his shoulder.

Luna:"It's okay bro we'll find the bastard who did this."

Riza:"We better, I'll never forgive what that bastard did to Ken. I'll have his head on a stick!" said Riza pissed of, Issei however felt something in his haki range.

Issei:"Somethings up ahead I sense a few life forces."

They came upon a camp filled with people and digimon some injured, and some helping out, they were also many races as well. Issei walked upto them but someone came infront of him.

???:"Who are you?"

Issei:"I'm a Issei, one of my digimon came back to me heavily injured, his name was Hack, I was informed that the person who killed another one of my digimon appeared. I'm searching for someone name Taiga."

???:"I think he went back to the head universe the bastar who attacked us is currently there."

Issei:"I see do you know the coordinates?"

???:"Yeah here." A flash of light went from his digivice to mine it was a version I've never seen before.

Issei:"Thank you...I didn't get your name."

???:"Just call me Nicryous." his name was in a language Issei never heard before, but [All Speak] seemed to translate for him.

Issei:"Thanks let's go guys. We have bastard to kill."