
Chapter 64: Come on baby!

This Chapter gets a bit NSFW, but there won't be any H-scenes, I hate writing those which is why I haven't updated my other novel in while.


Lying in bed was Issei and Asia who currently had her face in his chest, she felt happy Issei loved her, but the way he acted she felt he was off about the whole thing.

Asia:"Issei." Issei knew why she called his name and sighed.

Issei:"I'm sorry for the way I acted, I know you originally thought of me as a kind person but I'm sorry, that's just not me. I'm no hero but if an innocent person is about to die infront of me I won't let them. Like I said before I'm no hero, I just hate unnecessary cruelty."

Asia:"I know and that's make you kind and I love that about you, just don't lose that part of you okay." The girl was holding on to his shirt tightly with tears in her eyes.

Issei:"*Sigh!* Okay I promise, I'll be that same lovable nerd you fell in love with okay!" said Issei as he kissed Asia, however Asia never let go and soon a battle of tongues commenced, as Asia tried to fight for dominance but was immediately defeated due to Issei's previous experience. The two seperated with a string of saliva trailing their lips.

Asia's face was red and she was breathing hard, Issei knew want she wanted.

Asia:"Issei I want you!"

Issei:"Are you sure? I don't th-!" She kissed him to shut him up and took off her top, showing bare her breast that have grown a bit and abs that were starting to set in. Issei sighed internally before activating an anti-sound rune and activating another rune which made Asia temporarily infertile.

[A few wild minutes later]

Issei had Asia in his arms she was really spent, however a certain pair of breast slammed into Issei's face however these were breast were bare it was Rhongomyniad who was completely naked.

Issei:"Oh boy!"

Asia:"Issei just form a harem already, I don't mind!" said Asia she actually doesn't mind unless he pays attention to her for, he knows it's impossible to love other women equally, but he's still a bit repulsed by the idea of having a harem.

He's heard stories of how badly that turned out in the multiverse, and some of the characters he read in fanfics were apart of those stories. Unless he went the route of certain Incubus he doesn't think this will turn out alright. But Rhongomyniad jolted him out of his stupor when he felt a nice warm feeling around his little dragon.

Issei:'Not even the Alter Rhongomyniad is like this!' at this Issei could only sigh, as he had another round with Rhongomyniad and Asia who joined later on.

-Next Morning-

Issei and Asia walked down stairs both still a bit sleepy from their night, Lilly sniffed the air and looked at Asia and Issei.

Lilly:"What the hell you two fucked and didn't even invite me!" this suprised those who were there Gorou, Luce, Bar, and Dae gave Issei and thumbs up while Meilee and Miki gave Asia her their own thumbs up.

Asia:"We were busy even when Rhongomyniad joined!" said Asia flustered.

Lilly:"Even the spear got some!"

Bahamut:"Lance!" said Bahamut pissed Issei wondered why he was here, but he answered his masters question.

Bahamut:"I'm here because the Kokabeil incident is about to start I'll accompany you to the summit afterword. Also..." he looked at Lilly and he began to lecture her about the differences between spears and lance.

Issei and Asia left for school riding on his bike again, during the trip the two ran into Rika and Totsuka.

Issei:"Yo Totsuka!"

Totsuka:"Issei log time no see man!" said Totsuka with a smile.

Rika:"Hello Asia-chan!"

Asia:"Hello Rika-chan!" Asia has already met Totsuka and Rika, she gets along great with them.

Issei:"How's college been treating you?"

Totsuka:"*Sigh!* Barely surviving man but my grades are doing okay!" said Totsuka a bit tired.

Totsuka:"I read this month's chapter, when are you gonna turn it into a weakly series?"

Issei:"Maybe next month, I'll try signing up for an early graduation." Asia already knows about this, though she was sad she won't be able to spend time with Issei at school, she knows he made a promise to his editor Nomada. And so they bid Totsuka and Rika farewell and went to school.

During class however an altercation aroused.

Aika:"So Asia you've got a certain hop in your step did anything happen last night?" said Aika with a mischievous look on her face, some of the girls looked at the two confused. Aika is a super pervert, hell it's her title she notices these things.

Asia:"What are you talking about?." said Asia she has the [Acting] skill at level 23, though this still didn't dissuade Aika and she began to pester Asia.

Aika:"Oh come on tell me how big it was!"

Asia:"Nothing happened alright!"

Issei:"That's not what you said last night." said Issei without thinking, Asia face then became red as a cherry. Which got the entire class into a frenzy.

Aika:"You actually did it!"

Asia:"Issei!" shouted Asia.

-After school-

Issei left the sad wailing of his fan club, he doesn't know when he got a fan club but he ignored it. He couldn't help but sigh, he needed help with deciding this whole harem ordeal. When he and returned home, he noticed Lilly looking at him.

Issei:"Lil is something wrong?"

Lilly:"Issei we need to talk." she said without her usual confidence which is something he noticed.

Issei:"Okay." he didn't know what she wanted and he's not going to use [Observe] or [Reishi] on her, he decided he will only use it on people he couldn't trust. The two teleported to a deserted island somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean.

Lilly:"Issei why do you ignore all my advances even after you've moved on? Am I unattractive to you?" said Lilly she looked down more so than the usual calm front she has.

Issei:"No actually your incredibly beautiful, it's just that I don't want to start a relationship on the basis your only attracted to me for my body, I'm sorry if I misunderstood. I don't use [Reishi] or [Observe] on you guys because your my family."

Lilly:"I see then.....I want compensation!" said the demon lord with a blush on her face, Issei couldn't help but think 'Cute almost Asia cute!'.

Issei:"As in what?"

Lilly:"As in this weekend I want to go on a date with you!" Issei could only sigh and accept while thinking 'Why are the women in my life so troublesome!'. That night Issei had Asia and Rhongomyniad in his arms.

Asia:"Still against the harem?"

Issei:"Yeah, but it's too late for that now isn't it?" said Issei as he looked at the sleeping lance in his arms. He needed help with this and he knows the only person that could give him advice was. So he got up and equipped some clothes.

Asia:"Where are you going?"

Issei:"To get some advice, don't worry I'm not going any where dangerous." said Issei as he activated [Kaleidoscope].

Appearing in the Underworld was our Issei infront of the gate of a rather large mansion. He was in the Gremory territory he then pressed the buzzer and a maid came out she looked at his face shocked but then blushed.

Issei:"Um! Hello my name is Aaron Cooper I think this is the Hyoudou residents?"

Maid:"Um! Hello I-it nice to meet you, can you tell me why are you here?"

Issei:"I'm here to see my father."

Maid:"Please come in!"

A few minutes later and Issei was in a rather fancy living room everything looked expensive. That's when he heard an a few voices coming towards the room.

???:"I can't believe you!" shouted a feminine voice.

???:"Okay this has to be a mistake, there's no way I cheated on you guys!" said a make voice.

???:"I thinks it's best we attach a chastity belt, better yet let's just cut it off!" said another feminine voice, which sounded alot like Rias.

???:"Ehhhh!!! Oi Koneko that's a bit harsh don't you think!" said a brown haired man as he opened the door, this was canon Issei Hyoudou with his harem except for Irina being there. Our Issei traveled to canon but 20 years in the future.

Issei:"Dad!" said our Issei as he hugged canon Issei, this brought dark looks to his harem as killing intent filled the entire room.

C.Issei:"EHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" shouted canon Issei.

Issei:"Hahahaha! I'm sorry, this was just too funny."

Everyone their paused and said "EH?!?!" as they all looked at our Issei in confusion.

Issei:"I think we should take a seat while I explain."


C.Issei:"Okay let's me get this straight, your me from an alternate universe where our world is fiction to you, and you were a soldier who died in world War 3 and got reincarnated as me?"

Issei:"Yeah pretty much." Their hands then pulsed as both of their [Boosted Gear] then appeared.

Rossweise:"Your [Boosted Gear] it looks different."

Issei:"I upgraded it summoned the God of Bible with a technique I learned from another universe, it let's me summon souls from anywhere anytime, except if their reincarnated." this shocked the entire group.

Rias:"I see then tell me why are you here." said a much older Rias.

Issei:"I need advice." He had a slight blush on his face but the girls noticed it.

C.Issei:"What type of advice, I doubt if I could help someone with two lifetimes worth of experience." Issei then explained his plight to his canon counterpart.

Issei:"You see I don't really know what to do here, I know care for them but I don't know if I could love them equally that's not realistic, well for our part of the multiverse, but my point still stands."

Kuroka:"I see now ~nya!~ you feel torn between staying monogamous or polygamous." Our Issei nod.

C.Issei:"Then isn't simple, find reasons you love each of them, even if you don't love them equally you have a reason to love them don't you, just don't show favoritism and you'll be alright."

Issei:"I guess your right canon Issei, maybe I should give it shot, plus Asia can't deal with my stamina alone." this jolted all of them as they stared at Issei in shock.

Asia:"W-w-what do you mean!"

Issei:"We've been having sex for a while, she started it btw!" they all looked their Asia shocked. After talking with them for a few more minutes Issei then asked.

Issei:"I should go now I don't want to worry my Asia."

C.Issei:"Tell your Asia I said hi." our Issei nod then then teleported back his timeline.

As he came back he saw Asia in her same spot, he then unequipped his clothes before turning in with her and Rhongomyniad, he's now made up his mind but he won't be catching girls like it's pokemon, that's what he promised himself.


(Alt.title:/ Visiting Canon, Predatory Asia, A Lillithmon's feelings)