
Chapter 53: Multiverse Tournament (Part 3)

Issei:"Are you sure about that Giro?" Asked Issei.

Giro:"Yeah it definitely is he wiped out the entire planet we were on!" Giro had a cold sweat on his face. However Luna grabbed his hand.

Luna:"It's okay let's just train harder." Giro smiled and nod. As Nate went back to his bench he looked at his hands.

Nate:'That attack took 40% of my energy and the last one took 10%, I really am weak!' He clenched his fist but he stopped and sighed.

Nate:'Calm down Nate, you've only been travelling for a few months now, there's still room to grow.' Nate is what we call a perfectionist he aims to be strongest in the multiverse, however that is a stupid dream as there are alternate versions of him and a infinite number of people who are being born with strength able to rival R.O.B's everyday.

Nate:'If I can't become the strongest then I'll just have to surpass the R.O.B's'

The tournament then went on like usual, with highly destructive fights and people dying in incredibly brutal ways, safe to say the Digimon were glad they forfeit, this went until it was.

[Red V.S Koroshimaru]

Issei:"Oi Red be careful he's strong."

Red:"Don't worry, I'm immortal remember." he said with smirk

Issei:"That can only get you so far there immortal killing weapons remember." his smirk immediately turned to a frown.

Red:"Fine fine I'll be careful." he waved his hand as he walked up to teleportation circle. When he stopped.

Red:"That bastard pays." said Red calmly with an undertone of rage on his voice. He has grown to like the Digimon they were pretty good opponents especially Jesmon/Hack.

The two went face to face with each other. Both red heads staring each other down not moving. Koroshimaru sick of this farce rose his hands and two magic circle appeared. Issei widened his eyes reading what they do...


Meilee:"Issei, what are those magic circles?!"

Issei:"The first one negates magic and the second one negates concepts."

Red:"What the hell! This is just like Issei's runes!!!"

Koroshimaru:"I don't plan on fighting you lizard I'm more interested in that variant of Issei Hyoudou. I spent quite a lot to buy those, as I have no talent or skill in magic but it's to make sure I enjoy throughly torturing you!" He blitzed Great Red who blocked his punch. Red couldn't use his magic or concept to create weapons so he had to use his martial arts which he picked up from Issei.

Red:"[Collier Shoot!]"

Koroshimaru:"[Tatsumaki Zankukyaku!]" he spun his body around, countering Red's kick with his own, mid-air he cupped his hands together as a bright redish purple orb began to grow.

Koroshimaru:"[Gou Hadoken!]" he fired the giant blast decimating that entire part of the planet.

Issei:"This guy is from the 'Street Fighter' universe, those moves they all belong Akuma!" said Issei as book began to compile on the [Ansatsuken] and the [Satsui no Hado]. To which he removed all flaws from both, except he seemed to couldn't get over the part of negative emotions taking over when dealing with the [Satsui no Hado], he just learned them both anyway, as [Gamer's Mind] should deal with the drawbacks.

Red:"Holy shit your an alternate version of Akuma!"

Koroshimaru:"Shut up and fight." his dark aura burst from his body as his eyes began glow even redder and his hair stood up, as he rushed Red who barely blocked his punch.

The dark martial artist began to lay a combo of attacks to which, put Red on the defensive. He knew just like Akuma, Koroshimaru would need to be the one in control of the fight, as he probably can't take damage but can dish it out.

A red aura came over Red as he dodged another punch this was [Touki] he began lay a number of punches and kicks on the dark martial artist which sent shockwaves through the entire solar system. Koroshimaru did nothing to dodge.

When Red stopped his beat down. Koroshimaru got up with only his lip bleeding.

Koroshimaru:"Tell me lizard, do you think I would have the same weakness as Akuma?" Red said nothing.

Koroshimaru:"By your silence, I can tell that's a yes do you think I would never remedy this?!" his aura burst from his body with even more intensity, the rocks were now floating in the air at his aura. Red just smirked.

Koroshimaru:"Insolent!" His aura intensified forming into a dark six eyes demon.

Koroshimaru:"[Shin Shun Goku Satsu!!!]"


Just by launching off he generated a huge shockwave as his fist was about to reach Red's smiling face, the dragon uttered.

Red:"I forfeit!" shocking the dark martial artist who's punch decimated that entire solar system.

As the two returned to the stadium Koroshimaru had veins pulsating on his head, with a not so pleased looked on his face.

Issei:"Why did you forfeit? With your regeneration you could've whittled him down little by little and won."

Red:"Because your the one who's gonna kick his ass."

Issei:"*Sigh!* Oh well!" And so the tournament went on until it was just 10 people remaining, with Issei, Koroshimaru, Nate, Mary Sue and Rex along with a few others. The next fight came up and it was Koroshimaru V.S Mary Sue.

Mary:"My name is Mary Sue I'm saiyan, namekian, human, elf, dragon, tiger, kryptonian, demon, uchiha, senju. I am the princess of the kingdom Mystoria, that was destroyed by the evil king Barbolic. I am also the secret love child of Clark Kent, Son Goku, Lois Lane, Chichi and Dante and Vergil." said Mary Sue. She was wearing beautiful battle dress that Ruby a find Weiss would definitely approve of. And she had dragon horns and long ears along with blue hair and blue eyes.

Riza:"What the hell is it with all the bloodlines?!"

Issei:"Riza, alot of people in the multiverse probably has over a few million bloodlines, hell most system users are Gary stu's with even more bloodlines that's humanely possible!"

Sheng:"But that still doesn't explain all the parents!"

Issei:"Sheng when I learned the multiverse exists, I stopped questioning everything, at this point I'm just winging it." said Issei he had a dead look in his eyes that could surpass the famed Kiritsugu Emiya as he tried to drink a bottle of alcohol but.

[Poison Resistance-(Lvl 1/100)-[Passive]]


While the girl kept going on and on with her speech most of everyone in the stadium was simping over her. Fucking simps I hate them...

(ShaggyJoestar:"Oi Narrator who asked for your opinion? The mc is a simp do you have him.")

Man fuck your mc! Anyways while little blue bitch here kept prattling on, in an instant Koroshimaru ripped her head. (He's now my favorite character)

???:"No my love!!!" cried a simp as he saw his favorite waifu dying.

???:"Let's kill that bastard!!!" said another.

And so the tournament went on leaving only our simp, Rex, Nate, Koroshimaru and some other mook who got knocked out by Rex before the semi-finals.


The crowd went wild and Mary Sue's simps began cheering for Issei to beat Koroshimaru.

???:"Issei beat that Koroshimaru bastard!"

???:"Avenge our Queen!"

???:"Kyaaaaa! Issei-sama!" shouted a few female simps.

Issei:"When the hell did I get a fan base?!" said Issei in suprise and confusion.

He ignored the cheering and went to the circle where he'll be teleported, and in a flash they showed up in a wasteland similar to where Goku and Vegeta first fought, with Koroshimaru on the higher rock formation and Issei on a lower one.

Issei summoned his Gremoire and activated [Mana Augmentation], [Touki] and the [Satsui no Hado] which somehow activated [Out Rage] which also boosted his stats again.

Issei:"Well this is different." said Issei as he flexed his hand a bit still calm even under the emotional turmoil of the [Satsui no Hado]. Koroshimaru smiled a crazed look on his face.

He rushed at Issei and delivered a number of attacks but Issei was able to deflect all his attacks but they were all heavy which knocked him back. The hybrid dragon then equipped his sacred gear in V2 mode, as he called it, except it had blue lines running along it. Issei then entered his [Hyper Dying Will Mode] as his gauntlets and boots changed shape but still looked cool as hell.

Koroshimaru:"[Gou Hadoken!]" he charged and fired the attack at Issei.

Issei:"[Word Magic-Indestructible Sheild]" A sheild appeared which blocked his opponents attack with ease. Our protagonist then used space magic to teleport to his opponent and kick him upwards out of the planets atmosphere.

Issei:"Junior Cambio Forma!" Junior transformed into a knuckle duster. Issei then dashed upwards at sonic speeds and slammed his fist into the dark martial artists gut but he wasn't done yet.

Issei:"[Trace On!]" he traced Junior and created another knuckle duster and began to beat down on Koroshimaru.


Issei:"Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora ORA!!!"

Resounding shockwaves shook the entire world, as the red head was launched into outer space and crashed into the moon.



A mix of all flames Issei had burst from his body this form seemed to be based off of ShineGreymon [Burst Mode] so,we hate from its design.

Issei then summoned the [Evoluzione Draconica] and rushed the down martial artist.

???:((FIGHT!!!!!)) A resounding voice shook Koroshimaru awake. He couldn't help but let out a dry chuckle. His eyes shot at Issei, the smile on his face intensified it looks off putting. His aura increase as he rushed towards Issei, he conjured a darkish red sword make of [Ki] and clashed with Gamer.

The two then went on a rampage throughout the entire solar system slicing through every planet in their path. With some planets setting up in flames due to the heat of Issei's [Inferno Mode].


Issei:"How the hell did you get so good with a sword!?"

Koroshimaru:"By simply observing the swordsmen in the tournament and those I've fought, it wasn't hard to pick on the techniques, though this is the first I've ever used a sword."

Issei:'What the hell! This guy literally just gained Sword Intent and it's at 2% Mastery!' Thought Issei as he blocked another strike and countered which seems to hit some type of energy barrier.

Koroshimaru:"I thinks it's time I get serious!" With a wave of his blade he knocked Issei away with ease. His dark aura then grew and intensified, a demonic laugh came from it, as six red eyes could be seen, it then morphed into a suite of armour. With the six eyes looking at Issei

Koroshimaru then dissapeared and appeared infront of Issei who could barely react.

Issei:"Shit this guy is strong even with these additional stats boost I can't beat him!"


Issei:"Then let's increase it!"








In a flash of lightning Issei appeared behind the armoured martial artist, who blocked his punch but the [Ryou] and [Hasshoken] rocked his body making him wince a bit. Issei then fired his lightning cannons while he kept Boosting.

Koroshimaru dodged them all as he flew around in the void of space, Issei started to fire weapons from his gate and weapons made from his reality marble, as well as a number of spells from a huge amount of magic circles, which kept the martial artist at bay.

But he rushed through all these to get to Issei who in response took out Rhongomyniad.

Issei:"Holy Lance, Weigh Ancor!"

Issei:"Let light be released from the Ends of the World. It shall split the heavens and connect the lands. Anchor of Storm! Rhongomyniad!!!"



The blast created a huge ravine in the galaxy with the amount of power it held, however Koroshimaru was fine, but he was bleeding badly and his aura armour was cracked all over however that crazed smile was on his face.

Koroshimaru:"ISSEI!!!" The martial artist dashed towards Issei as they again entered combat. Issei was able dodge counter all his attacks, which helped leveled is basic [Haki] alot. But when he was about to get a punch in when fist turned black it partially turned gold.


A notification rang however at the same time Koroshimaru stopped attacking for some reason and flew off in an unknown direction. Issei read his mind and found out he ran out of oxygen.

Issei:'Seriously that guy was just wasting his breath trying to speak in space and Jesus christ can hold his breath long!' rushing after him Issei checked the notification.

[Due to gaining sufficient mastery over [Haki] [God's Haki] has been unlocked.]

Issei:"Interesting." he saw his mastery over [Armament Haki] at level 51. Smirking mechanical wings extended from his back and morphed into a booster as he blasted off after Koroshimaru.

The martial artist landed on a desert planet and began to greedily huff the air.

Koroshimaru:"I should really get a power power to breathe outer space! Most of the fun fights are out there.-Tch!- I just had to run out of oxygen!"

Koroshimaru saw Issei coming towards him and and went into stance he widened his leg and cupped his right arm over his fist as began to charged his [Ki] into it.

Koroshimaru:"[Akuma No Ken!] both fist collided with a resounding shockwave that broke the planet into multiple chunks. The two went on fighting Issei switching through all his modes. Shockwaves and explosions were flying through the entire

Issei:"I am the Dragon that shields all who he loves and care for! I walk the infinite and dance with the dream!" Koroshimaru hearing his chant stopped with his smile getting broader.

Issei:"I will destroy all my enemies and protect all those I love in a scarlet brilliance, I am the Scarlet Dragon Emperor!!!"


A scarlet light shone through the entire world causing Koroshimaru to close his eyes. The light died down to show Issei in his armour, with multiple different orbs floating behind him in various colours.

Issei:"[Flame Orb]" the orange orb flew at the martial artist, who easily dodged it by simply turning his head, but the orb split into multiple parts and surrounded him.

Koroshimaru:"Ho-ho! This attack reminds of that green slug man I killed!" they all crashed into him to which he removed his burning gi to, which Issei a bandage around his chest with two peaks.

Issei:'Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi!!!'

Koroshimaru:"Tch! I never wanted to reveal my gender my opponents never take me seriously due to my gender."

Issei:"It doesn't matter I'm still gonna make you pay for what you did Sol!" said Issei as he dashed towards the man, now woman who in not response created armour like dress and got into a stance.

The battle continued at high speeds Issei morphing his orbs into weapons and using the ones in his gate.

Issei:"[EXCALIBUR!!!]+[Light Orb!!!]" The golden orb fused with the legendary sword as Issei swung the shining blade down on red head who blocked the attack. She made a sword from her [Ki] and clashed blades with Issei. When Issei's sword moved like a flowing river and struck the woman.

Koroshimaru:"*Sigh!* I forfeit."

Issei:"What!? After what you did to Sol." I said enraged. She just smiled.

Koroshimaru:"You may have defeated me, but I'm not as weak willed to bow and apologize, if you want to make me apologize then you'll have to kill me!" without a word we both returned to the stadium.

Issei:"Hey Mic I'm hopping out of the tournament."

Mic:"EHHHHHHHH!!!! You sure!" he asked incredulously.


Mic:"We'll take your prize I guess?" he threw me a talisman, it had a crazy aura with a set of runes running down it.

[Observe-(MAX)-[Active]- Speed God's Talisman- A powerful talisman created by one of the many Gods who rule over the speed force. Increase DEX ×300]

Issei:"Not ba-" I catch a book that was flying at me. I looked at who threw it.

Koroshimaru:"I haven't tasted defeat in a long time Hyoudou-san, you deserve that however I will defeat you one day!" She placed two fingers at her head and dissapeared.

Issei:"*Sigh!* Screw this I'm not going to any other universes until next year!"

Issei then went to his digimon and only saw Belphemon [Sleep Mode] in his human form. He looks like an adorable baby in this form with brown hair and rosy cheeks with his chains around him.

Issei:"Bell where are the others?" Asked Issei with a confused look on his face. The demon lord digimon woke up, well he was half asleep, but he uttered.

Belphemon:"The others said they went after Ken, he was acting wierd, that's want they said to tell you. And Bahamut-kun and Red-san went home." he went back to sleep as Issei returned the Digimon to the digivice.