
Chapter 47: To One piece

So right now I'm on a beach I created in the digifarm, which took a shit ton of gold but the Gate of Babylon was able to refill my losses. Everyone is now on their devices such as tablets or laptops except for Leviamon who's in the beach swimming around and Belphemon who is sleeping....as usual. He sleeps alot I'm kinda worried.

Sol:"Hehe! Piano Box." said Sol looking at his tablet watching a box playing.....the piano....I don't fucking know man the multiverse is like when your high except all of it's real...well most all of it.

Riza:"Issei I want money to donate to my favorite v-tuber Alphamon-chan!" Alphamon-chan is a female Alphamon twitch thot. I took a bat and use mana augmentation and gave him a hard hit in the head sending him flying across the ocean.

Issei:"NO SIMPING IS DANGEROUS. I WON'T LET YOU SIMP TO YOUR MULTIVERSE TWITCH THOTS!!!!" he flew right over at sonic speeds pissed.


Issei:"Atleast I was in a relationship with her." That seemed to hit the Digimon hard.

Issei:"I gotta go the results for Mid-terms are being released today."

Bahamut:"Just remember to make some pizza when you get back!" said Bahamut on a beach chair alongside Ddraig and Ranna who were drinking mango and strawberry smoothies.


Ken:"DID SOMEONE SAY PIZZA!?!?!?!" Ken really loves pizza.


Issei:'Yep I'm number one." I said quietly as everyone has been staring at me and gossiping.

Aika:"Congrats Hyoudou!"

Issei:"Oh Aika thanks."

Aika:"By the way why don't you talk about that monster you packing."

Issei:"Keep talking like that and I'll get a restraining order." I said in a Passive aggressive tone. One day when I was doing my normal school thing definitely not smoki- I mean taking my medicinal herbs. She stared at my crotch and her glasses broke. Ever since she's been bothering me about my dick.

Issei:"I have class Kiryuu-san."

Aika:"Geez! What's with you and the honorifics."

Sighing I left to attend class and did another roll with a few tickets I have, which got me two world travel tickets and something called a 'Drip Set'. After school I took out a large box with various logos like Nike.

Issei:"This couldn't be." I opened the box and there it was clothes from the Drip meme thought they looked cool especially the Timbs and Nikes. I then put on a Supreme hoodie with another jacket over and some Nike shoes with and a knitted hat with a Nike symbol.

Used Observe and saw something interesting.

[Gives the wearer +150,000,00 Drip/Swag]

I looked in a mirror Dayum do I look good.

Issei:"~Whistle!~ Not bad I should share this with the others. But first." I took out the tickets and activated them the logos that showed up were. One Piece and Fate Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works.

Issei:"Welp better get Red and the others."


Great Red:"One Piece!"

Riza/Great Red:"I'M GONNA BE THE KING OF THE PIRATES!!!!" The two shouted before looking at each other their killing intent then flood the entire digifarm both got into fighting stances.

Riza:"Oi Oi wanna fight!"

Great Red:"Oi Oi I should be asking you Alpha-chan."

Riza:"Oh that's it!" He entered his [Oryuken Mode] and dashed towards Great Red who delivered a punch with his Dragonified, but I blocked both attacks.

Issei:"Quit being childish I have something to give you all." I turned to my digimon. They all looked confused except Daemon.

Daemon:"I'll bring them out." I nod.

Hack:"Are you two planning something?"

Issei:"You'll see."

Daemon strolled out with a with a trolly containing orbs for each digimon.

Issei:"Absorbing these should give you guys human forms."

Sol:"Interesting." Sol took one inspecting it.

Luce:"How do we absorb them?"

Issei:"Just swallow em!" they did just that and they all changed. (I won't be describing this many characters. I'm lazy I know why do you think I take so long to post.)

Giro flexed his arm so did Sheng.

Sheng:"It feels so good to be humanoid again!" he said joyfully I had to create special headphones so he could control his tablet so I guess he felt annoyed, guess I should've used the X-Antibody to give him a more humanoid form.

Issei:"Anyway let's go!" I took out my digivice and they all went in I took the one piece ticket and called the Multiverse train where Great Red, Bahamut and I entered.

Taiga:"Yo Issei!" said Taiga he looked slightly older and he was with girl with pink hair and glasses with a green tint.

Issei:"Whoa! You look older."

Taiga:"Oh yeah I'm in the middle of my growth spurt, with me being a saiyan and all. Oh! and I almost forgot to introduce you, this is my girlfriend Reina." Reina was a pink haired grill with green highlights she was wearing glasses and a white dress.

Issei:"Nice to meet Reina-san." I bowed slightly.

Reina:"No problem likewise Hyoudou-san!" She bowed as well.

Issei:"This is Great Red from my universe."

Taiga:"Really now?"

Issei:"Anyway we're gonna head to one piece to learn haki and maybe some other techniques."

Taiga:"Oh! sweet well a tournament will be held."

Great Red:"Tournament sign me up!"

Bahamut:"Seems interesting I'd like to join as well." The three of us looked at each other and nod with sly smiles on our faces. We've been training pretty hard but Bahamut and Red needs to fight other opponents other than me and my digimon.

Issei:"How do we signed up." Taiga led us to a screen as he swiped through we read Ultima-Tournament.

Tiaga:"Place your hand on the circle it'll calculate your battle power and set you up in a branch with similar strength."

Issei:"Okay." we placed our hands on it and three cards emerged from the slots.

Taiga:" Huh? Your placed in the solar system buster section Issei, so is Great Red Bahamut your in the world level."

Issei:"So these will decide what placing we'll be fighting in?"


Issei:"How do we get there?"

Tiaga:"Just punch the green spot it'll teleport you to the arena it exist outside time and space so it doesn't matter how long your gone."

Issei:"But what if someone trains before entering."

Taiga:"Simple they'll be moved to another power level."

Issei:"I see." An icon appeared over his head and they were launched out of the train.

Issei:"Later guys!"

Taiga/Reina:"Later!" I then signed my digimon up for the tournament as well before being launched out of the train.

As we were falling I checked the time and location. We were above marine ford five minutes before Ace was about to die.

Great Red:"Where are we?"

Issei:"Marine ford Ace is about to die in five minutes."

Great Red:"Oh Hell No!" His wings came from his back as he blasted down Bahamut and I did the same. We came to see just Luffy freeing Ace from his cuffs.

Random Marine:"Who are those three?"

Great Red:"AKAINU!!!!" The Dragon rushed towards at speeds the Admiral couldn't register and was turned into mush. However the Admiral became lava and reformed.

Akainu:"Who are you?" said the Admiral rage was evident in his voice.

Issei:"Oi Red you need Haki to beat you don't know either use your power over dreams take this." I threw him a sea prism stone katana.

Issei:"Sea prism stone!" he smirked however the admiral threw a lava coated punches which he easily blocked with the palm of his hand.

???:"Holy crap that guy just caught a punch from an admiral like it's nothing!"

Great Red:"Try harder bastard." he beheaded the Admiral at that moment a bright light appeared at my left it was Kizaru and his infamous Light Speed kick which Bahamut easily caught and broke his leg.

Issei:"Thanks Baha."

Bahamut:"It's a pleasure master."

Kizaru:"Well...this is interesting...!" Bahamut threw him away but he managed to recover mid-air.

Random Pirate:"Who are those guys? They just easily blocked attacks from Admirals like it's nothing!"

Luffy:"You guys are strong!" said Luffy while he was running with Ace.

Marco:"Let's go!"

White Beard:"Retreat we are already have Ace." The White Beard pirates hearing that already did so. However.....

???:"Zehahahahahahaha! Where do you think your going oldman?" It was Marshal D.Teach aka Black beard.

White Beard:"TEACH!!!" The old man grabbed the traitor and slammed him to ground and the same exchange happened as in the original timeline. I was busy buying all the fruits I can and bag which I took out. I also didn't forget to adapt to this world.

[Would Gamer like to evolve Danger sense to 'Observation Haki' ->Yes/No?]

I clicked yes that's when I felt an attack which I dodged by doing a front flip and landing softly on the floor.

Issei:"Dolflamingo!" I said the Warlords behind me just snickered menacingly.

Dolflamingo:"Your pretty strong why don't you join me."

Issei:"Ahh! Hell No! You didn't make much of a first impression with that attack ya know."

Dolflamingo:"Then die." he threw a slash with his strings. I however turned my arm into that of a Dragon's and caught them. I pulled him towards me and slammed my fist covered in water magic it's a mix of [Reinforcement Magic] or [Mana Augmentation] fused with elements.

The punch blew his head off. Sighing I took out the bag of fruits and dropped it to the floor. Bahamut already killed Kizaru and Great Red is just about to kill Blackbeard to which he simply beheaded the ugly bastard at speeds faster he could never even register it, poor bastard doesn't even know how he died.

Issei:"Let's bounce we came here to learn haki and a few martial arts not get involved with this world's state of affairs."

Great Red:"Then take out the ship." I took out a small red space ship about the size of a toy.

Random Marine:"A toy?" I threw at the floor as it grew got we jumped on as the ship blasted away.

Luffy:"A space ship so cool!" said the pirate with stars in gist eyes.

-Location: White sea/On the ship-

Issei:"We got quite a haul."

Great Red:"What are we gonna do with these?"

Issei:"Just felt like collecting devil fruits."

Bahamut:"So how long until we adapt to this world?"

Issei:"Taiga said half a year but there is a way to mitigate the waiting time." I looked at Great Red.

Great Red:"What?"

Issei:"Your Concept of [Dreams] Red, try using it to adapt to this world."

Great Red:"Oh! okay." he then closed his and activated it I could sense his aura flare up a bit.

Great Red:"Well this is different!"


Great Red:"Haki."

Issei:"Everyone reload." They all came from my digivice. Red extended his plan outwards.

Great Red:"That should do it."

Issei:"Great I'll buy some techniques and refine them, you guys do whatever you there's a multiverse Internet router installed in the ship." They did so while I bought a few techniques.