
Chapter 19: Special Dungeon(Part 4)

Issei:"What the?"

Ddraig:((It seems due to his soul being bound to the sword and the sword fused with Boosted Gear he is now part of it.))

Ranna:((I see it must be due to the evolution stone it caused not just the sword to evolve but whatever you called the Boosted Gear.))

Issei:"Okay explain!"

Ranna:((It's a rare stone from the surface people would wage entire wars over one piece even for pieces smaller than the one in your shoulder where I'm currently stuck in, is the evolution stone. It has the ability to continuously evolve the host people will let try to kill over it so be careful.))

Ddraig:((The Boosted Gear is a sacred gear which has the ability to react to the hosts desire and the evolution stone that has the ability to continuously evolve it's host. Partner making those subspecies will be way more easier now!))

Issei:"Anyways let's move on!" I'll think about making those later, I want to learn runes from that Winston person maybe I'll make after I beat the first ten floors.

I walked through the door and saw a huge pile treasure all around Gold, diamonds they were some weapons around the place but they weren't better than Ascalon are the Evoluzione Draconica or Dragonic Evolution. But there was a a green bow with gems and some runes on it looked fucking awesome but first, I stored everything in my then I took the bow and observed it.

[Observe-(Lvl 76)

Grandia Aria

A magic bow made by the Gods to gift to those who defeated the first floor Boss. Made by the God of archery and Sustenance Rikolo.

+1790 ATK/+10,000 DUR +/10,000 ACU(Acuracy)

Enchantments:+10,000 ACU/+10,000 ATK/ Unaging-This bow will never deteriorate with time.]

Issei:"Not bad whoever this Rikolo God is he must have a pretty good understanding of runes."

Ranna:((Wait Issei Ddraig has explained to me well showed me both your lives.))

Issei:"He did huh yeah when I raised INT and WIS so far I didn't expect to remember back when I was a baby remembering how teething felt was not pretty!"

Ranna:((Well yes that's important yes, but I've seen your past life and the war which sorta makes me understand why the gods placed us here in the first place but that's not it. What I want to ask you is what are you gonna do if your wife moves on.)) The air turned solemn he brings up a good point but, I've already thought about this, I'm smart, smarter than I was in my original world I'm so smart I process things way faster than the most powerful super computers.

Issei:"Then good I don't want her to dwell on me for the rest of her life, I don't want her to raise our child like that, I've already died in my world she should move on, I know it will be painful for her but I just want to see her, my son and my brother again. I don't know if she's found someone else, but until I do, she'll always be my one and only."

Ranna:((Alright then since I'm about see the outside world due to you leaving this world I will be staying with you until the you knock that bloody bastard of a God teeth in!))


Issei:"Oh go to hell!"

Issei:"*Sigh!* Let's just go to the next floor but first let's choose my last two digimon." I took out the digivice and choose the eggs I wanted.

But the room I was in dissapeared and I saw some stairs going up so I went up.

-Adventurers Guild-

Damian:"Holy crap that was so awesome he actually beat the floor boss!"

Stella:"He did it he won!" Stella had a bright smile on her face.

Aisha:"So AWESOME guys let's head there!!!"

Roman:"Tch!" Roman Cursed under his breath as he saw Aisha swooning over Issei.

Roman:(How the hell did I lose to that complete stranger when I tried courting Stella she ignored all my advances!)

At Willis's shop the oldman was crying again but these were tears of joy.

Willis:"The boy won he actually won thank you boy may we meet again someday but first I must pay a visit to the Arcane Knights." Determination sat in the Dwarfs eyes a blaze that he will never forget or die out, not in his life.

-A hour later-

I was walking up the stairs damn these are pretty long, in my arms were Puttimon and Dodomon.

I Realized them Dodomon sleeping on my head, while I was feeding Puttimon a special baby feeding for digimon, I already bought the ingredients from the shop so I made myself, baby digimon look so cute! I have a weakness towards to cute things it's something my wife found attractive for some reason.

Ranna:((That has to be cutest thing I've ever seen!))

Sheng:[Of course we digimon are adorable when we are a babies.]

I then realized them I've already fed Dodomon so he's good, little shit went through 15 bottles before putting him down. I then put them back in the digivice.

Issei:"Hey Ranna your good with magic aren't you?"

Ranna:((Well yes I'm at Lvl 23 and in fire magic and 27 Lvl in earth magic I'm alright but I'm no Archmage.))

Issei:"I see how does magic work in this world? " Didn't get to that part in the library.

Ranna:((Well simple it's like your coding in your world like how you write a code for those computer things. A magician needs to know the basics understanding of runes and and the runic language, to be to make a magic circle unlike you who has Mana manipulation magicians never really focused on controlling it there are also chants such as [Fire ball] in the runic language or Fire ball that. But if you you want to fire a powerful spells, the chants can be rather long.]

Issei:"I see when when I make a fire ball I have two skills which I refined Mana manipulation and Mana Construct has anyone has ever tried to do this?"

Ranna:((There have been legends of people doing it, normally old warriors or magicians.))

Issei:"I see looks like we're finally here!" I went out to see a forest I started started walking, I could feel the presence of animals around. So I'm in a safe zone still I should watch out for Goblins and orcs the the wild ones though.

I then checked my Guild card to see my status. I'm interested to see the differences.

[Guild Card]

Name:Issei Hyoudou





Skills:Cooking /Blacksmithing /Singing /Sword Mastery /Martial Arts Mastery/Small Regeneration/Pain Resistance/Fire magic/Lightning Magic/Ice Magic/etc]

Issei:"I guess it sees my Electrokinesis, Pyrokinesis and Cryokinesis are seen as elemental magic, I don't see mana augmentation."

Ranna:((That let's you control ice right!))


Ranna:((Well ice magic is seen as an elemental advancement like earth magic becoming metal magic maybe you can try getting.)) I see I created a simple block of ice but I tried melting the ice slowly turned into water I then started to manipulate it when I heard a familiar ding.


[New skill created Aquakinesis-(Lvl 1/100)]

Issei:"Well if I ever head to one piece I'll be really op!" while walking towards a village while playing and having fun with my water, this is how I normally raise my skills by playing with them, I create constructs out them sometimes for Rio and Sheng to play with them. I can completely manipulate the temperature and voltage of my flames and lightning, so I can make a constructs out of flames but make it as hot as a normal person's body.

I entered the village and saw two guards at the entrance I just need a place to stay the night it's about 4:30 pm.

Issei:"Yo I need a place to stay!"

Guard:"Y-your Issei Hyoudou!!!"

Issei:"Yeah I am! I need a place to stay does this village have any inns?"

Guard:"Why yes we do we don't get travellers often except for few adventurers!"

Issei:"Thanks here." I threw him a gold coin which he barely caught, a gold Tol can make an average person live good for a about two years are so, well if they don't spend it all on something stupid or be scammed.

Guard:"Sir I can't take this!"

Issei:"It's fine I have tons of treasure from beating the floor boss!" I walked away leaving him alone before I heard a loud "EHHHHHHHH!!!" in the distance. As I got in town the villagers saw me and they were all gawking at me some woman were blushing.

I saw woman looking at me.

Issei:"Um! Mam do you know where the inn is?" she blushed.

???:"Um yes your n-not far from it just head that way and you'll see a sign with the w-words in on it!"

Issei:"Thank you I'll be forever great full!" I smiled and walked away she however blushed like a storm. Am I that attractive? Meh! who cares.

I opened the door and saw some people eating and drinking they were a multitude of different races. Racial discrimination has already been dealt with it, as it was one of the reasons why they were put here in the first place. But this place also counts as a bar and restaurant, which makes sense in a place like this, just opening an inn you won't gain any income.

They all looked at me as, I walked to the counter guess I'm world famous this is gonna be a pain. I won't have to disguise myself do I. Well it's just for the first five floors.

I saw a lady who looked to be in her fortys she also had wide eyes.

Issei:"Excuse me miss do you have any spare rooms I'd like to spend the night?"

???:"Yeah it cost 20 Bronze Tol to stay the night."I payed her and she gave me the key to my room. I thanked her and walked off to my room when the door burst open.

???:"Is he here Issei Hyoudou?" it was old woman who seemed to be in her 70s.

Issei:"You need me?" the old lady bowed and began crying I walked over to her and wiped her tears.

Issei:"Are you okay miss?"

???:"Yes thank you thanks you for avenging my husband!"

???:"Grandma!" A boy about 13 showed up he had brown hair and blue eyes.

Issei:"Is this you grandmother!"

???:"Yes she lost her husband my grandfather a few years when he went into the BOSS room."

Issei:"Your husband is okay now, his soul has finally rest in peace you should move on he wouldn't want you dwell him on the rest of your life."

She nodded and she went off with her grandson.

Issei:(Alot people lost someone to the dungeon didn't they.)

Ranna:((They have.))

I then went to my room and sold all of the weapons they were trash anyways I could've used Enchantments on but nah! I also sold half of the Gold and transfered the rest of it to my Munny didn't know I could do that. This system should be a multiverse traveller's wet dream.

Reason most fanfiction I've read the mc's had problems selling their treasures especially when they travel to the modern worlds. But with my system I can exchange any gems are gold for money now I'm super rich.


And now I can buy pretty much anything in the system well almost anything, but i think I'll make my own equipment there should be some forging techniques in the shop.

I also have some magic stones these are vital for creating magical equipment I also saved up some mythril and some other magical metals and stones. I don't know why the people of this dungeon never try to grind, sure it may cost your life but don't they want to be free from this place, sooner or later the five floors are gonna be over populated. Maybe the reason why I can so calmly grind is because Gamer's Mind no normal person will try to this just to gain power, though some greedy person will.

Issei:"*Sigh!* It's no use thinking about."

Issei:"Let's just absorb the Mana from this place." Then started meditating as I sensed the mana around me. A ding came up but I ignored for now.

[MP permanently increased by 20]

[MP permanently increased by 20]

[MP permanently increased by 20]

[MP permanently increased by 20]

[MP permanently increased by 20]

After a few minutes I checked my stats


Name:Issei Hyoudou(Aaron Cooper)

Title: Mana God's Successor/Digimon Tamer/Awakened Red Dragon Emperor

Lvl:135/ Next Level 89%










[Stat points:474/Munny:3,107,569,903/Gold:2,105,920,891]


Aquakinesis-(Lvl 39)-[Active]

Mana sensing-(Lvl 1)-[Passive]


Issei:"Mana sensing I wonder why I haven't got this skill before maybe because I didn't actively try to sense it, it was always my instinct that told me how much Mana came off something." This world has shit ton more Mana than the DXD world.

Ddraig:((He finally uses that 760 WIS and INT!))

Issei:"Whatever you say Ddraig, goodnight everyone."


Rio:[See ya in the morning]

Ranna:"Yeah night!"

*A few hours later*

*Boing Boing Boing Boing!*

???:"Issei wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up!" getting up I saw Dodomon no it was Dorimon he digivolved and Puttimon? No Yukimi Botamon .

Salamon:"I'm sorry I tried stopping him Issei!"says the in-training Digimon clear sadness in its eyes. I put the little pup digimon.

Issei:"How about I make you some breakfast." They both smiled.

Dorimon:"Food food food food!" I took out some meat for them to eat some special made milk for baby digimon.

They both started chowing down on the food.

Issei:"I wonder what I should name them...How about for Dorimon I call him Riza and for Yukimi Botamon I call her Meilee."

Rio:[Not bad names morning!]

Riza:"Irs thrat brig bwro Wio?"

Issie:"Riza your spilling food all over the floor don't talk with your mouth full!" he swallowed.


Rio:[Morning squirt!]

Issei:"Is Sheng up?"

Rio:[He's still sleeping don't want to piss him off, his Kaiser Nails are no joke.]

I walked down stairs and saw the owner cleaning up.


???:"Morning Mr Floor Conqueror!"

Issei:"Is that what people call me?"

???:"Just us in town."

Issei:"Is see well later!"

???:"Come back soon, by the names Jira."

Issei:"Thanks for the room Jira."

I walked out the exit of the village and saw a huge group of people at the exit.

???:"We would like to thank you, many lives has been lost to the first floor dungeon Boss!" An oldman with tears in his eyes.

Issei:"It's no problem, but I should move on now thank for your having me."I activated Mana Wings and flew off at sonic speed making everyone gawk.

Looking at my map I saw a city in the green spot these are safe zones, and the BOSS room a few miles away though, I had to pay the system to give me a full map of the entire floor. I arrived there under a minute and landed at the entrance this city is slightly smaller than Primoria.

There was a line for people going in there were also some carriages with some horses. I tried sensing the mana of the people here and it was a unique experience demonic Mana felt similar except some were different.

There were people looking at me at the entire time, but I kept calm face Ranna said I should update my Guild card due to the prestige I gained, I might skip to S-class because no one has ever defeated the 1st floor boss and they can't fight other ones are it would mean certain death.

Seriously I'm attracting a lot more attention than I when first I went to the Primoria and women were fainting, there were some guys too but that's beside the point.

I'm think after I update my Guild card I'll just go to the third floor and learn runes quick and fast then breeze through all the floors I have access to.

I entered the city called Lariatta the capital for this floor how I made to the guild there and opened the door everyone stopped drinking and look at me while walked upto the counter the adventurers standing in my moved almost like when Moses parted the read sea.

I walked up to the counter to see a bespectacled girl. I took out my Guild card.

Issei:"I'd like to Update my Guild card please."

???:"P-please to meet y-you I'm Yukiko, please g-g-give it h-here!" Ranna explained to me people can prestige by doing certain actions you can do this by gaining prestige points, the guild card has the ability to record these events for example you defeat a powerful dragon but some shmuck wanted to gain the credit you just show the guild your card and bam!

Checking the points she summoned a magic circle while another one rotates on her eye she was trembling.

Yukiko:"Y-you you have a level of 135 and your stats their in the thousands!!!"

Everyone:"EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" murmurs broke out. Damn I forgot they have access to our stats when checking prestige points it's invisible to adventurers.

Issei:"Can you hurry up and not blurt out my entire status please I have to fight the second Boss next."

???:"Whoa! what did he say he's gonna fight the next boss!!!"said a adventurer with an axe.

???:"What a badass!"

Yukiko:"Um yes now [Update]!" She said last bit in runic language while drawing a magic circle over it. A platinum light shone over the card as it turned that same colour.

???:"Whoa S rank already!"

???:"Makes sense that means the monsters in each boss room must be a slightly lower rank." I ignored them and left towards the BOSS room.

I walked to the door and saw it was more heavily guarded I walked upto to it anyway the guards looked at but they were nervous.

Issei:"Move." They did so. I cocked back my fist and smashed it against the door breaking the magic seals and the door down. I slowly walked down the corridor.

I walked into a room with many large pillars and large silver wolf with red eyes.

Issei:"Bo-bup!" I dissapeared and arrived above the wolf and charged Ascalon with mana and fired a sword slash beheading the wolf.

All over screens of everyone watching showed [Floor cleared] I gained two levels from this one sided slaugh-! er battle. I then went into the next room and saw alot of gold, gems and the sorts but not much as the first floor but I took everything anyway I took and necklace with two black fangs and one red fang attached to it.

[Observe-(Lvl 76)

Beast God's Necklace (A rank)

Makes all beast type monster easier to befriend or tame. Made by the Beast God Averice. Gives user slight manipulation over beast.

+17,000 DUR

Enchantments: Unaging]

I equipped and left I then sold and exchange whatever I didn't want. Now I have over 9 billion munny and 6 billion G's. I then went into the shop and Aerokenesis, Umbrakenesis, Photokineses and Geokinesis.

I don't want to waste my time hunting for these skills in the instant dungeon, better to just buy and guess I won't need those potions for a while.



Name:Issei Hyoudou(Aaron Cooper)

Title: Mana God's Successor/Digimon Tamer/Awakened Red Dragon Emperor

Lvl:137/ Next Level 89%










[Stat points:484/Munny:7,092,673/Gold:5,156,680]


Active Skills:

Observe-(Lvl 75/100)-[Active]

ID Create-(Lvl 35/100)-[Active]

ID Exit-(Lvl 35/100)-[Active]

Mana Augmentation-(Lvl 79/100)-[Active]

Meditation-(Lvl 70/100)-[Active]

Mana manipulation-(90/100)-[Active]

Bloodlust-(Lvl 78/100)-[Active]

Martial Arts Mastery-(Lvl 85/100)-[Active]

Touki-(Lvl MAX)-[Active]

Electrokinesis-(Lvl 89/100)-[Active]-[+Cursed lightning]+[Lightning armour]

Mana Construct-(Lvl 30/100)-[Active]+[ Mana ball]

Mana Wings-(74/100)-[Active]

Sword Mastery-(75/100)-[Active]-[+Breath of the sun]

Mana Barrier-(Lvl 73/100)-[Active]


Pyrokinesis-(Lvl 70/100)-[Active]

Cryokinesis-(Lvl 70/100)-[Active]

Aquakinesis-(Lvl 3/100)-[Active]

Umbrakenesis-(Lvl 1/100)-[Active]

Photokineses-(Lvl 1/100)-[Active]

Aerokenesis-(Lvl 1/100)-[Active]

Geokinesis-(Lvl 1/100)-[Active]

Passive Skills:

Gamer's Mind-(MAX)-[Passive]

Gamer's Body-(MAX)-[Passive]

World Adaptability-(MAX)-[Passive]

Lightning Resistance-(Lvl 78/100)-[Passive]

Physical Endurance-(Lvl 90/100)-[Passive]

Small Regeneration-(Lvl 90/100)-[Passive]

Lying-(Lvl 67/100)-[Passive]

Danger sense-(Lvl 78/100)-[Passive]

Heat Resistance-(Lvl 70/100)-[Passive]

Cold Resistance-(Lvl 70/100)-[Passive]

Farming-(Lvl 79/100)-[Passive]

Tracking-(Lvl 37/100)-[Passive]

Presence Sense-(Lvl 75/100)-[Passive]

Pain Resistance-(Lvl 56/100)-[Passive]


Cooking-(Lvl 45/100)-[Passive]

Sword Mastery-(75/100)-[Passive]-[+Breath of the sun]

Martial Arts Mastery-(Lvl 85/100)-[Active]

All Speak-(MAX)-[Passive]

Blacksmithing-(Lvl 69/100)-[Passive]

Runes-(Lvl 36/100)-[Passive]+[Enchantment]

Mana sensing-(Lvl 1/100)-[Passive]


Sacred Gear: Boosted Gear
