
Chapter 17:Special Dungeon(Part 2)

Right now I'm a library in the town Primoria, I've read up on the history of this world, so far the God's didn't specify who they were are how many, but there is a shit ton of them, they got pissed at the races for their thousand year long war which nearly destroyed the entire world, so they chose to throw them all in extinction and create a new race for the world, but the God of Light instead convinced the other God's to place them in a dungeon

Read they were many of them before on the surface, they were filled with riches but dangers as well.

So all the gods made a gigantic dungeon, and place the races inside of it as a trial they will need to work together to escape if they failed to work together but if they fight and destroy each other the Gods couldn't care less they reap what they sow.

So I'm now on the first and the largest floor, which is called Arcadia it can simulate weather patterns and night and day, Ddraig told me he sensed a lot divine energy alot more powerful than the gods of his world which unerveded him a bit but he got over it.

The people now currently occupy the first five floors but they had to dig through the floors and make another path to the higher floors pass the BOSS rooms alot of people have died doing this, they had to find a safe zone which is in most floors to build a town, but with the help of way stones, warding magic and teleportation magic they were able to live, it has been more than a few thousand years since they have been here and they've given up hope of ever leaving this place.

Rio and Sheng has been staying in the digivice with the food ,turns out it can store food and they can also eat the infinite meat from the vpet which they stay often, but I have to keep feeding them myself. Sheng digivolved into Weregarurumon naturally while in the vpet and they have battle quite a few times since I came here it's only been a day they really like fighting guess I should bust out the book with the Barcodes after this.

Issei:'Well that's just depressing *sigh!* They've given on seeing the outside world. I should head to the adventures guild and sign up for it.' Had to have Stella pay for my entry since I didn't want use my inventory out in the open I owe her.

I placed the book in its section where I got it from and left, not before seeing the librarian she had two black horns she was shorter than average kinda like Rika and had huge bust.


[Observe-(Lvl 75)-



Race: Human/Demon

Age:59 years old


Was once an orphan in the slums she suffered through the abuse of her mother who was high end prostitute but once her daughter was born her body wasn't the same again and her value dropped she would beat her daughter constantly and berate for her being born she tried reaching out to her father but was ignored by by him, he is a rich noble and she was the product of an affair, so to save face he ignored her and told her leave[almost her entire life story is here] she was adopted by the old librarian who couldn't have any children, so she took her in as her own but after the librarian died she inherited the library.[ Issei:There is more information on her life but I ignored it, it's pretty much her entire life at this point.]


Opinion:Thinks your extremely handsome almost, thought you were a incuccubus.]

So she's a hybrid, the races has their own territory that matches them they have been reflecting on their ways especially the demons, turns out the Demon God was also disappointed in them. But still the way the Observe went into detail about the abuse like way her mother has beaten her with with a spiked chain, and how she would just leave her in the middle of the night which gave her a fear darkness which demons are supposed to get stronger in. It seems no matter what world your in there will always be shitty people.

Anyways I left and thanks to the map, I can find my way through every part of the first floor which is as huge as an entire continent it even has oceans. I put on my sunglasses and walked in with my cloak.

They were adventurers sitting around some tables drinking laughing some even partying. They stopped and looked at me while I walked in, I went up to the counter where they were Beast man, I could tell by the cat ears it was a girl she had purple hair and a tail behind her.

???:"Hello I'm Mia how can I be of service nya !"

Issei:"I'm Issei I'd like to join the adventurers guild." Everyone stared at me.

Everyone:"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" They started laughing at me excluding the cat girl Mia, if Julia was here she'd feel the heck out of her ears.

A bald muscular man walked up to me smiling he had a great sword on his back.

Bald dude:"Listen hear brat I dont know what a pretty boy like you is doing here but a brat like but leave we don't need weaklings in this guild!"

Issei:"Sorry but I need a stable source of income and this seem to be the most suitable."

Bald dude:"What?" the tension immediately went down like a dog with the rabies, the man gained an annoyed look on his face.

Bald:"Now listen here brat!"

Mia:"Mr.Welsh please calm down!" said the beast girl with a kind smile but a large amount Bloodlust washed over the guild it barely affected me, guess Mia must have been a high level adventurer in the past. That and she threw away her verbal tick fast.

Welsh:"Tch! fine."

Mia:"Now then my name is Mia and I'll be explaining the adventurer ranks it starts from F->E->D->C->B->A->AA->AAA and finally S rank nya."

These are the same ranks given to me by Origin except some are missing, did he create this world? Well atleast it has Gods here care for it unlike mine, they better be kissing the God of Light's ass for giving a chance to redeem themsevles.

Issei:"I see."

Mia:"To rank up is easy for the first four ranks but you need either prestige are a send in an application for an rank up test nya! Now here is your adventurer card I'll need a litte bit of your blood okay nya!" she's so enthusiastic explaining this.

If weren't for Gamer's Mind I'd probably die of cuteness overload, but I remained stoic throughout the entire explanation.

She got a needle and pricked my finger and dropped the blood on a small card which glowed and became brown.

Mia:"Please touch your card it will reveal your level and skills." I nod and touched it started glow a slight blue the light died down and I saw my picture along with my full name along with my age.

Mia:"Welcome to the adventurers guild nya!"

Issei:"Thank you what kind of quest can I take!"

Mia:"Well you can take any from F->E->D but if you can take C or D class quests nya! But if you have experience fighting monster but if your new to fighting I'd recommend not taking them nya!"

Issei:"I have experience dealing with monsters so I'm alright but what do F E and D rank quest normally entail?"

Mia:"Normally cleaning gutters are gathering but there are some A-class and even some AA-Class gathering quests they are either guarded by BOSSES are at dangerous loactions."

Issei:"I see then but what is the best way to get prestige!"

Mia:"That would be defeating a strong monster above your rank or liberating a floor but that's impossible. Nyahahahahahahaha!!!!"

Issei:"Alright then do you know the best blacksmith in the city?"

Mia:"That would be..."

And so here I'm am infront the blacksmith shop, it looked kinda run down I lightly knocked the door, the reason I'm here is that I want to learn from someone with experience that and my Blacksmith ID has been pretty much rotting.


Why am I getting DevilArtemis Master Rossi vibes, I hope I never go there the only time I want an acid trip is when I'm taking acid! A short oldman burst through the door he was very muscular, but I can tell by his aura and the many scars he has on his arms that he's strong. He's name is Willis he's a master blacksmith.

Issei:"Hello I'm Issei Hyoudou I'd like to learn blacksmithing from a master!"

Willis:"Why the bloody hell are you here brat you a noble?"

Issei:"No I'm not a noble."

Willis:"Then why do you have a last name brat Aaaahh! It doesn't matter just come in hadn't taken a student in a while so why not!" I used Observe on the oldman.

[Observe-(Lvl 75)


Lvl: 36

Race: Dwarf

Age:123 year old


Skills:Blacksmithing(Lvl 69)/Martial Arts Mastery(Lvl 34)/Danger sense(Lvl 39)/Fire Magic(Lvl 32)/Earth Magic(Lvl 35)/Runes+[Enchanting](Lvl 24)

Willis was born in a family three as an only child his parents was killed in a monster attack, a monster fell from the higher floors it was was chased off with the help of many A class adventurers and the monster dissapeared into the mountains never to return. He was then taken in by his uncle who was a Blacksmith and tought him Dwarven Blacksmithing where he learned to make magic swords and the sorts. [ Issei:Again with some boring bits like his first time fapping! I don't want to read that and why is it so detailed!].

He met his wife a human woman in his teens and after a few meetings with her they slowly started to fall in love. They had a child named Ranna but sadly she died in labour giving birth to her son, Willis sinked deep into despair and started drinking heavily but once he saw the smiling face of his son he sobered and vowed to work hard for his son, a few years laters Ranna became a captain of a squad of the Arcane Knights and organizations created by all the races to conquer the dungeon.

His squad along with many others was then sent to take on the first floor boss, with a sword both forged by both Ranna and Willis and a close friend it was said to be strongest blade forged by Willis. But they didn't return it was later confirmed that they had all died and so Willis now sinked further into despair and began drinking so much that he lost some of the old strength he had in the past.


Opinion:Thinks your an annoying brat but is interested in you.]

The old man took out a bottle of booze and started drinking.

Willis:"So brat you wanna learn and why!"

Issei:"Simple I need to be strong to protect those closest to me, blacksmithing is just convenient for me to head closer to that goal even if you turn me down I'll seek out other blacksmiths I won't let anyone or anything deter me from my goal!"

Willis:"Mighty determination you have there brat well let's begin after you help me clean my forge, haven't used the fecking thing in over eighty years!"

-Three days later-

*Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!*

Right now I'm beating a piece of iron ingot I'm shirtless but there's no sweat, I love Heat Resistance right now I have a blacksmithing skill it's at....

[Blacksmithing-(Lvl 48)-[Passive] ]

Willis:"Damn brat you are one monster, to learn all my basic techniques and to refine them to this point you could make a mighty sword with just those."

Issei:"Thank you sensei I couldn't have done it without you!" I bowed to him.

Willis:"Bwahahahahahaha yes praise me more!"

Issei:"Seriously oldman don't you know any humility!"

Willis:"Whaddya say brat!"

Issei:"Anyways why don't I cook for you!"

Willis:"You can cook? Fine impress me brat!"

Issei:"Sure let's get started!"

-An hour later-

I prepared some soup along with some fried chicken and fried rice with some cold mango juice saw it was his favourite.

[[Third person pov]]

The delicious smell of the food permeates through the air the old Dwarf Willis sniffed it's scent lightly as he did this his mouth began to drool.

Willis:(There is no way this brats cooking is that good right Meh lets taste it anyways) the oldman took a fork and scooped up some of the rice he then opened his mouth and took a bite.

A familiar warmth spread across his body, he couldn't help but think of his wife and his son this was same feeling he felt when he spent time with his family how happy he was back then. He began to slowly eat each scoop slowly chewing and biting the chicken each bite being shorter than the last he was savoring the food he took a sip of the mango juice and tears began to threaten to burst out of his eyes.

Willis:(This feeling since when last have I felt this way Martha...Ranna please forgive me I've wasted away my life drinking, I should've done something from long ago!) the oldman ate his food slowly while Issei watched in silenced.

Willis:"Boy I'll be teaching you 'True Dwarven Blacksmithing' follow me!" the oldman confused the Red Dragon Emperor but he followed the oldman.

*Issei pov*

What did my food do to him? Anyway let's just follow him. He brought me into his forge and touched a wall and a magic circle glowed blue to which it opened a secret pathway. He took a lamp and lit it and I followed him down.

Willis:"Listen here boy you probably heard of Dwarven Blacksmithing but what I'm about to teach you is True Dwarven Blacksmithing a variant far surpassing any blacksmithing in this world."

Issei:"But I though Dwarven Blacksmithing was seen as the greatest?"

Willis:"Well yes but Dwarven Blacksmithing is only a bastardised version of it, it was only supposed to be passed down in my family but my uncle deciphered a manual containing it. They are barely anyone in the other races that know Dwarven Blacksmithing unless it's someone of Dwarven descent we Dwarfs are bunch of stubborn bastards we never let a secret go!"

Issei:"Makes sense your the most stubborn person I had to deal with!"

Willis:"Your right about that brat!" the oldman just laughed it off. Well this is weird normally I would get a scolding from the oldman guess my food is just that good!

He took me to a different forge everything looked shiny some had runes that I could understood thanks to All Speak guess thank Origin it included All Read guess it was because of its EX ranking.

I saw a special forge and I used Observe on it.

[Observe-(Lvl 75)

Magic Forge

A forge specially made to make swords with the lost art True Dwarven Blacksmithing gives and an extra +1000 points to all equipment by rank.]

Issei:"That's one forge you got there!"

Willis:"Of course now then let's begin I have an extra kitchen right there so we will be staying here entire time until I drill every technique I now into you we'll start with runes, I'm not really good at them but I do have a friend who can help ya."

Issei:"Hai sensei!"



Name:Issei Hyoudou(Aaron Cooper)

Title: Mana God's Successor/Digimon Tamer/Awakened Red Dragon Emperor

Lvl:135/ Next Level 15%










[Stat points:474/Munny:7,092,673/Gold:5,156,680]


Active Skills:

Observe-(Lvl 75/100)-[Active]

ID Create-(Lvl 35/100)-[Active]

ID Exit-(Lvl 35/100)-[Active]

Mana Augmentation-(Lvl 79/100)-[Active]

Meditation-(Lvl 70/100)-[Active]

Mana manipulation-(90/100)-[Active]

Bloodlust-(Lvl 78/100)-[Active]

Martial Arts Mastery-(Lvl 85/100)-[Active]

Touki-(Lvl MAX)-[Active]

Electrokinesis-(Lvl 89/100)-[Active]-[+Cursed lightning]+[Lightning armour]

Mana Construct-(Lvl 30/100)-[Active]+[ Mana ball]

Mana Wings-(74/100)-[Active]

Sword Mastery-(75/100)-[Active]-[+Breath of the sun]

Mana Barrier-(Lvl 73/100)-[Active]


Pyrokinesis-(Lvl 70/100)-[Active]

Cryokinesis-(Lvl 70/100)-[Active]

Passive Skills:

Gamer's Mind-(MAX)-[Passive]

Gamer's Body-(MAX)-[Passive]

World Adaptability-(MAX)-[Passive]

Lightning Resistance-(Lvl 78/100)-[Passive]

Physical Endurance-(Lvl 90/100)-[Passive]

Small Regeneration-(Lvl 90/100)-[Passive]

Lying-(Lvl 67/100)-[Passive]

Danger sense-(Lvl 78/100)-[Passive]

Heat Resistance-(Lvl 70/100)-[Passive]

Cold Resistance-(Lvl 70/100)-[Passive]

Farming-(Lvl 79/100)-[Passive]

Tracking-(Lvl 37/100)-[Passive]

Presence Sense-(Lvl 75/100)-[Passive]

Pain Resistance-(Lvl 56/100)-[Passive]


Cooking-(Lvl 45/100)-[Passive]

Sword Mastery-(75/100)-[Passive]-[+Breath of the sun]

Martial Arts Mastery-(Lvl 85/100)-[Active]

All Speak-(MAX)-[Passive]

Blacksmithing-(Lvl 47)-[Passive]

Runes-(Lvl 26)-[Passive]+[Enchantment]


Sacred Gear: Boosted Gear
