
Reincarnated as Issei in High school DxD

A former government spy is reincarnated into Highschool dxd where his soul merged with Issei’s. Will change the plot or leave it as is and will he still be as perverse, who knows? This story will be kind of a trust the process story For most of this story it’s going to follow the original timeline (yeah I know very creative) Uploading chapters whenever I feel like because this is just a hobby

susuke_uchiwa · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Issei Vs the fallen angels

"Wait a sec-" Rias was cut off as phone was hung up. "That guy he's supposed to be my servant but he doesn't seem to listen to me"

"Fufu you seem to be worried, how wa out we go and back him up then" replied Akeno to her king

"Yeah I'm just worried for his safety and I don't like those fallen angels trying to my new favourite servant" said Rias "call Kiba and Koneko we'll head out and give him back up"

Kuoh town, abandoned church

Issei was standing a near the church with a bunch of rope preparing to go in.

[boost] rang Issei's gauntlet as he began walking towards the church.

"I think that's enough boost for now, 4x should be enough anymore and I'll get tired too quickly. They should be arriving soon because I know I tripped their magic proximity alarm off" said Issei

As he made his way closer he felt the presence of three fallen angels in front of him so he made his way towards them.

"Wow you're here earlier than expected, the ritual hasn't even begun yet" said the blonde girl in a gothic outfit. "Is he the same guy you two lost against"

"Shut up Mittelt, I was just caught off guard" Dohnaseek retorted while Kalawarner just grit her teeth in anger

"Oh hey there fancy meeting you guys again but don't you guys remember what happened last time" said Issei in a condescending tone while keeping smug expression in his face

"You guys just up and ran away what makes you think this is going to be any different"

"Well that was then but now there's three of us. You'll definitely ended up dying here tonight" replied Dohnaseek.

"Yeah yeah let's see you guys try" said Issei putting down the rope

'last time I was evenly matched physically with a single boost and a second boost is all it took the over him and the other one I didn't even need to boost before she ran away' issei thought

"Haha this one's quite arrogant isn't he?" Said mittelt as she formed a light spear and threw it.

Issei just punched it with his gauntlet and shattered it.

[boost] rang from the sacred gear as issei moved so fast that fallen angels eyes could barely keep up. Issei fist was dug into the stomach of Dohnaseek knocking him out completely.

'He was the strongest of the three and with a 5x boost it was easy to take him out' Issei thought as he jumped back to create some space in case they tried to counter attack.

"No~no way we couldn't see him and in one move he knocked out Dohnaseek" said Kalawarner worriedly.

"May~maybe it was just luck" said mittelt who was just as worried and scared.

They both pulled out their wings in a attempt to fly away but just as they made it slightly off the ground Issei with arm each grabbed their legs and slammed them into the ground leaving craters behind and knocking them both out.

"I guess I have gotten stronger now. All the training wasn't for nothing" Issei said to himself as he tightened his fist

Issei tied the rope around all the fallen angels and dragged them behind him as walked towards the church

Issei powered down slightly which took the stress off his body and made his inside the building and to his surprise he found Freed there waiting for him.

"It's you! You know I pride myself on the fact I've never fought the same devil twice and yet here you are still alive!" Freed yelled at Issei.

The only reason Freed was fine despite the blow he took yesterday is because he was healed by Asia

"Man can you just shut up" said Issei as [dragon shot] was released from his hand

"Oh fuck" is all Freed said as he saw the ball energy flying towards him.

Freed tried to dodge but the ball of energy was moving too fast. The energy ball hit him and sent him flying backwards.

Issei took a moment rest then to gather more boosts as he made his way to the podium and kicked.

"There's a bunch of priests down there so I'll just take them all down with one big dragon shot and I'm here a little early so she shouldn't have set up everything yet"

Issei walked down surprisingly deep set of stairs and and found a huge underground room lit up by torches and large group of exorcists.

'So there's around 30 exorcists, a [dragon shot] should be enough to deal with them' Issei thought as got ready to fire a shot

Raynare who was walking with Asia up the stairs to the ritual sight noticed the intruder come in.

"What!? How'd you get here? The others should've stopped you!" Yelled Raynare while the person who was standing right next to her, Asia, face changed to smile

"Yo, I'm here for Asia and as for your friends, I beat them all on my way in" said Issei with grin while waving his hand.

"Damn it I didn't think he was this strong after awakening his sacred gear" mumbled Raynare under breath.

"Make sure he doesn't interfere with the ritual!" Yelled Raynare at the exorcists.

The group of exorcists gathered in front of Issei trying to stop him.

"You guys saved me a lot of trouble by gathering together yourselves" said Issei as held out his gauntlet and fired a [dragon shot]

As the ball of energy hit the ground it caused an explosion with sent the all the exorcists flying killing most of them and heavily injuring the rest.

[boost] rang out as Issei made his way up the stairs and came face to face with Raynare.

"What!? No way how were you this strong!" screamed Raynare in fear. "Why do you even want this girl anyway"

Issei just sighed and said "it because she's my friend 'and she useful for my training'" adding that last part under his breath.

"Issei!" Yelled Asia as tried to run towards him who then hit by Raynare's wing and sent flying into a wall knocking her out.

"Stay out why don't you" said Raynare angrily

Issei face didn't change at Asia getting hurt he just kept his eyes on Raynare and a second [boost] rang from the sacred gear

The panicked Raynare just made a light spear b before she could throw it Issei had and ready closed the distance between them and knocked the spear out of their hand.

Issei after disarming her spun and kicked in the stomach which sent Raynare flying into a near by wall which caused her to slightly spit up some blood.

Raynare tried to get up and out of the wall she was sent flying into when suddenly her hands were pinned above her head.

Issei who was using one hand to pin both of hers just looked into her eyes and said "what happened Raynare? You lost so easily"

"It all your fault" she scowled back

"Come on now you can't blame me for a failure you made" said Issei as he raised her chin with his other hand.

This caused Raynare to blush slightly as she looked up into his eyes and said " for what it's worth I did enjoy our time together so please, please don't kill me"

"It was fun for me too" replied Issei as he leaned in.

Raynare who was expecting a kiss just closed her but after a few seconds nothing happened and she opened her eyes to see Issei snickering as he released her arms

Noticing what just happened in anger she tired to punch him and yelled "you bastard!"

Issei just turned his body to the side and chopped the back of her neck knocking her out.

"Alright it's time to get out of this place, it's so creepy looking" said Issei as he looked around the basement of the church