
Reincarnated as Issei in High school DxD

A former government spy is reincarnated into Highschool dxd where his soul merged with Issei’s. Will change the plot or leave it as is and will he still be as perverse, who knows? This story will be kind of a trust the process story For most of this story it’s going to follow the original timeline (yeah I know very creative) Uploading chapters whenever I feel like because this is just a hobby

susuke_uchiwa · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Beginning of Second Year

Time flew by and it's the beginning of Issei's second year of high school.

It's the first day of school and Issei is looking at himself in the mirror.

"Hey Ddraig don't you think I'm a better looking compared to a few months ago" Issei said smugly while looking at himself

[well I don't really care] said the voice from the green orb on his left hand

"Well I reckon I've made some good progress" Issei replied back

In the time Issei has awoken his sacred gear Issei has seen a lot of changes to himself. When it comes to his appearance his face has become better looking although not as good as Kiba also he has become taller growing from 5'7 to 5'10 and after all the training he's done he's become somewhat more muscular.

Issei had breakfast with his parents and made his way to school meeting up with Matsuda and Motohama.

They walked to into school together and Issei could hear the students from 2nd and 3rd year talk about him

"Is that really him"

"Of course it is look who he's hanging out with"

"You're right but look how much he's changed"

Comments similar to that a flying around

"See these girls are finally noticing my charm" said Motohama

"Haha it's definitely you they're taking about" said Issei while looking away.

"Well who needs girls, the only girl I need is momo monzono!" Shouted Matsuda while pumping his fist.

That comment got the three of them weird stares

'I really need to get these guys to stop being such degenerates' Issei thought to himself.

The bell rang and all the students went to class and the rest of the day continued as it normally would.

After school Issei decided to go to his usual hidden training spot to try and make some progress.

"Alright Ddraig I'm going to try an boost past what I'm normally capable of and try to maintain that" Issei said with a serious look in his face.

He knows that if this goes wrong he may end up injuring himself but if it works out the benefits would be great.

[boost] that was sound that came from the gauntlet and it repeated multiple times until Issei could barely hold on.

Then continued to train like normal until 5 minutes in he was struggle to breath.

"Ddraig, make sure you don't use burst until say, I can still keep going" Issei grunted while in pain.

[alright I'll only stop if you're going to die so don't disappoint me partner] replied Ddraig.

After another minute Issei collapsed to the ground and spat out a little bit of blood.

'Come on keep going' Issei told himself.

As he was struggling he felt power surging in his boosted gear and it changed forms becoming bigger and covering more his hand.

Issei felt that the burden on his body had become weaker so fell and laid on his back.

"Finally I did it, this is what I was aiming for" Issei said while breathing heavily.

[you are truly reckless partner but it seems to have worked out in the end but suggest that you take it easy for the next few days] replied Ddraig.

Issei laid on the floor for another 20 minutes before he got up and made his way home.

Later that night Issei is lying in his bed thinking to himself 'The rate that I'm increasing my power at is too slow, and the only way I can think of is by becoming a devil. Although it may hold me back in the long run, short term it's the best way to get stronger. I mean in the original story thanks to the evil pieces Issei gained a power up in both his fight against Cao Cao and his in fight against Sairaorg'

Issei then said out loud "yeah I don't want to change too much well not until after the peace treaty is made plus becoming a devil will get me a bunch of connections to powerful people" as he closed his eyes and went to bed

A few more weeks passed and Issei and his friends are sitting grass after school watching (perving on) the girls soccer team.

"Man why does ours lives have to suck, I wanna be surrounded by girls" whined Matsuda

"I know right I mean what don't girls like about me. Surely I'm better then that pretty boy Kiba right?" Motohama replied back "speaking of pretty boys, Issei you're somewhat better looking now why don't you have a girlfriend or something"

Issei who was sitting in between the two got angry at the comment turned and retorted "Maybe if I wasn't hanging around you two perverts I could actually get one"

"Who you calling a pervert, you peek on the girls as much as us!" Matsuda replied

"Well I'm not going to pass up an opportunity to look at a real life girl and let you two have all the fun. I just stopped watching so much porn and put some of focus on exercise" Issei said while looking back at the girls playing soccer in front on him

While pushing up his glasses Motohama said "now that you mention it you have grown taller and got somewhat buffer, you're going planning on leaving us behind aren't you?"

"What! You bastard! How dare you!" Said Mastuda angrily.

"Hmph maybe I will if you two keep holding me back from achieving my dream of being the Harem king" Issei replied while turning his head away.

"Oh no you won't, get him Matsuda" said Motohama as he got up.

"Yeah, there's no way" Matsuda said as he got up

The two of them jump on Issei and began trying to wrestle him.

Issei managed to to pry the both of them off and made a run for it.

Issei decided to walk back home and stopped at a bridge to look at the sunset.

Issei leaned on the railing and looked out at the view with his now longer hair blowing in the wind.

"Damn those two a absurdly strong when it comes to annoying me" sighed Issei.

"Umm excuse me" said a timid black haired girl standing next to Issei

"So it begins" issei thought to himself before he turned and faced her