
Reincarnated As Hendrickson in Another World!!

Guy gets reincarnated in another world, similar to Seven Deadly Sins in many ways. This guy just happens to be a great fan of said anime. He gets a system which helps him to create his own Holy Knights. He also get's to be reincarnated as Hendrickson. I don't own cover or Seven Deadly Sins elements from my story. MC gets reincarnated as Hendrickson!!! I don't own any picture from this fanfic !!

MegaDanijel · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 9 War 2/4

4 days later.

1 km away from city of Zros, at Kingdom of Gree direction is military camp. This camp itself has over 100,000 soldiers and few thousands of Holy Knights..

In Main tent, currently meeting is taking place, meeting between Leaders of Orders, Generals.

"I believe we should implement classic plan but added surprise attacks." Added , man in his 50s, This man is Great Holy Knight and leader of Crimson Knights. His name is Lior, has PL of 2,800.

"We shouldn't overuse this tactic but with Hendrickson as leader of Blanks it would be different." Approved General Augustus , this man is in his 40s has power level of 2,200.

Blanks is professional name for solo Knights in times of war.

"So, i along with 421 Blanks and support of 5,000 of soldiers should penetrate first wall of defence?" I asked for confirmation. This is suicidal plan!!!

"Again yes , only first three villages would be in your attack range, after your conquer them, we will make Gree offensive, a line directly into their capital, ignoring most of their cities but going straight to their capital." Explained unnamed General, a random unimportant person.

"What's status of military presence in these villages? " I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"As you know we are currently at borders with Kingdom of Gree, first village is [Name1] 15km away from here, military presence is almost same in all three villages, 2,000 to 3,000 Soldiers and 50-60 Holy Knights, you have quality and quantity, your orders could be even most important." Explained Augustus, "Normally i would be one leading Blanks against Kingdom of Gree but because of your presence i can focus on strategy, logistic and your reinforcement.

"I suppose that's acceptable, " I agreed but internally i was shouting at them!!!! 'This is relatively stupid plan without any type of surprise plan...whatever i will do my part and when i create my order i won't be disposable as Blank in further wars...'

"Tomorrow at 9AM you shall depart from here to your first village then advance to third, after conquer first village send letter and Order of Draconar Knights will advance to be your reinforcement " Spoke Lior, before adding " And we will fuse our forces after you secure your mission and General Augustus will take lead from there."

I nodded with my head before turning around to depart to my tent. 'I'm not even gonna question why they gave a full command of decent force to a unknown man like me, are they dumb or there was order from above?'

I better buy several Incantation Orbs to be ready for any situation, i won't be surprised to meet several strong individuals.

As i was lost in my thoughts i didn't notice i was already in my tent.

' System buy 5 Hyper recovery spell Incantation Orb, 3 Teleportation Incantation Orb, 2 Voice Projection Incantation Orb, 1 Perfect Cube Incantation Orb.' After i ordered they were in my inventory , but i picked them one by one and put them into my small bug , which i positioned around my sword sheath.

Time Skip, tomorrow morning, 9AM, in front of camp.

"Time to use it," I though aloud before grabbing one of my Voice Projection Incantation Orbs, to begin my speech.

"Soldiers and Holy Knights! As you know i'm Hendrickson! Your commandant till next few days!" I yelled at people i would lead several days . We are hundreds of meters away from camp and here ate over 5,500 people, listening to my speech.

"I expect best of the best from you! That's why you are here, to help our kingdom in time of need!" I shouted my useless speech, but people are actually reacting to it. " Till next few days i will expect best from you! Now let's march to enemy strongholds!" I ended my last sentence before deactivating my orb.

All Holy Knights got provided one horse from Kingdom, while normal soldiers will have to walk..

Two Hours later, first three villages close to borders with Kingdom of Lios could technically be called towns , they have stone walls surrounding them and population over 15,000 people, most likely because of potential invasions by Lios, which now happened.

"Holy Knights, ready! FIRE!" Shouted Leader of Holy Knights stationed at walls. At this words all Holy Knights on walls fired all magic they had in possession. From Elemental magics, to energy attacks. But they were all launched at Holy Knighs of Lios, ignoring Lios soldiers. And most of these attacks are launched at Leader of Lios Holy Knights currently, Hendrickson.

"Time to test this ability." I though aloud before fixating my new gauntlet i brough from shop, it wasn't cheap, price was 7,000 SP. As attack got closer i jumped from my horse to met attacks.

"Full Counter!" I shouted name of my attack dramatically before attacks got returned to walls by double strength, killing all weaker Holy Knights or wounded them greatly. "Eliminate or capture every Soldier or Holy Knight!" I ordered them, before hordes of them rushed through destroyed walls.

'While i'm not able to buy ability from my system but i can buy item with so called ability/magic. And i brought green Gauntlet with Full Counter, but Magical variant, i can use Full Counter, Revenge Counter and Counter Vanish but again, it would only work if it's initiated by my right hand.' I explained in my mind before, joining my troops.

*BOOM!! A Holy Knight, or to be precise Leader of Holy Knight of this village attacked Hendrickson from above with sword swing. But he was pushed back.


Name : [Random Name, he's not important]

Age : 41

Titles : A-Class, Holy Knight

Magic : 700

Strength : 400

Spirit :400

Total : 1,500



"I don't have time for you, " I stated, before using Enchant Hellblaze to cut him into two. He barely has half of my physical strength, combined with Hellblaze, it was like cutting buter!

"Rest in peace." I said, it's still weird, it's like my emotions got changed, to be more like Hendricksons? This is not time to thinks about this.

In three hours, whole village is under full control of Hendrickson.

Most of Soldiers are taken as prisoners. Troops will rest for 5 hours before marching again to another village.

"Send messenger to Zros, and notify them of our success. They'll send reinforcement to pick up prisoners, " I commanded to Twigo, who i asserted as second in command. I know , he isn't ideal, but he shall suffice for now, till i summon Helbram.

"Conclusion : Understand " Spoke Twigo before leaving.

'Ah, to think this would be stressful would be understatement' I though, before slumping into mu chair, to cool off a little bit, ' But truly , this system is op for this world and quite useful. Not only can i buy items with abilities, but i also can upgrade that same item in future.'

1 Day later

Chapter word count 1138