
Reincarnated as Harry Potter's Twin

Dying by getting shot, young Barry Potter gets shot and Death gaves him a visit. He gets a chance to get reincarnated as a brother of Harry Potter. He replaces their version of Barry Potter and takes control of the story. Changing the course of History as a new threat to the world is unleashed. But at the year of one, his memory is thrown deep inside his mind, making him forget his past. Meet Blaze, an alter ego of Barry, who has the memories and helps Barry remember his past. Will he survive the threat, or die trying? Read Now to find out! This story takes place in an Alternate Universe of Harry Potter world where Harry has a twin brother. New chapters every week thrice from 11:30am to 11:30pm ist. This is a fanfic, I do not own the all the characters in the stories. I also do not own the cover page, I will take it off if its rightful owner says to take it off.

Reyansh_Ranjan · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

Ch-11 : Minds Shut Down

27 September 1991

For the past week, I have been having constant headaches and was having some strange memories which I don't even remember. Sometimes, I even faint. I even went to the Hospital Wing to consult with Madam Pomfrey, who said I was fine, but if it continues, I should return for a check-up. 

Life at Hogwarts has been the same as always. I study with Hermione, Defeat Ron in chess and race with Harry on a broom. Blaze doesn't take over me now and stays quiet, even if I try to talk to him, he stays quiet.

The day started as usual. I woke up and got dressed, and made my way to the Herbology class. After all students arrived the class and Professor Sprout began teaching. We learned how to control the Devil's Snare. "The plant wraps around its victim, trapping them, and if the person struggles, it would will choke the victim faster and tighter, resulting in the victim's death. If you stumble upon the plant, don't struggle and relaxe and it will leave you. It prefers dark and damp places and hates light. To kill it, you can cast a fire-making spell." Professor Sprout explained. I had studied about Devil Snare long ago, so I just listened.

Suddenly, Neville fell to the ground, unconcious. "Neville!" his friend said, worried. Professor Sprout tried using some healing spells to wake up Neville, but it was all unsuccesful. Then a girl named Daphne fainted. My eyes widened as I saw one by one every student faint. Except Me, Hermione, Ron, and Harry. Professor Flitwick came rushing in our class, watching that students had fainted except us. "Barry, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Professor Dumbledore is calling you in the great hall. Come fast." He said while helping Sprout carry the students to the Hospital Wing.

We walked to the great hall, watching that every student had fainted, even the seventh years. This thing was serious. We ran to the great hall, and was greeted by Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, Quirrel, and Professor Dumbledore. "Hello Professors," Ron greeted.

"Hello, you all may be wondering why I called you." Dumbledore said.

"Yes, Professor," I replied as I tried contacting Blaze but in vain. 'Stupid alter ego.' I thought.

"The four of you have met Harbinger, the one in that dungeon. Right?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes, but what has it to do with the students fainting, Professor?" Hermione asked, confused.

"We will discuss that later, now, you all have unlocked your animal spirits." Snape chimed in, frustration showning in his face.

"What?!" Me and Hermione exclamied, we had known what an animal spirit is to an extent.

An animal spirit is a spirit that all people have, and can be seen by the Patronus charm. A person can master an animal spirit, which gives them the animals powers, and some can even transfigure into one. But the most fascinating thing is that a person can gain an animal companion for life. But this is very hard to master, the last known animal spirit master had died in 1803, well except us four. Even Muggles have animal spirits, but can't master it.

"Yes, Barry and Harry are bonded to their respective Phoenixes, Ron to a Wolf and Hermione to a Tigress." McGonagall told us.

"That's why I am able to create fire without any spell." Harry realized, surprised.

"Enough praising yourself, Potter," Snape said and turned to Dumbledore, "Sir, what shall we do? Even my potions were useless to wake them up."

"I am afraid they can't wake up with potions, Severus," Dumbledore said, "Their minds have been shut down using some magic, which is unknown to us, so we will send them to the Hospital Wing. Now, do you four know Harbinger?"

"Yes, sir," I said.

"He is coming, not sure when, but he is coming at Hogwarts," Dumbledore said, "And so, you should stay safe as he is very strong and would do anything to kill you all."

"Can I ask something, Professor?" Hermione asked Dumbledore.

"Yes, Of course," Dumbledore replied.

"Why don't people harness their animal spirit for self defence, why is this so rare?"

"They are not rare, it is simply because, just like wandless magic was common and easy in the past but now very hard skill to acquire. People have forgot about the topic. But death eaters have animal spirits, commonly werewolf and vultures. Now, go to your common room and stay there."

We nodded and went to the common room. I played with Molly a bit, and then the trio came to me.

"B, I want to know how I can summon my animal spirit's animal." Harry said.

"Well, there is something I need to tell you," I said, nervous of how they would react, "I fought Voldemort, and Molly helped me fight him. That was the day I met her" The trio's jaw dropped.

"You fought who?!" Ron exclaimed.

"Dark Lord?" I answered.

"You fought the Dark Lord? Seriously?" Hermione asked.

"Well not me, Blaze," I told them as I tried to contact Blaze, 'Blaze! Where are you?'.

"But that doesn't answer my question, B, how did you find Molly?" Harry asked again.

"I don't know, H, I first saw her at Gringotts only." I told him.

At that moment, students of various years entered the common room, and some went to their rooms and some stayed. What was happening starting to happen here?

Sorry for not uploading, I was busy with school work. Gimme feedback and stones.

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