
Reincarnated as Harry Potter's Twin

Dying by getting shot, young Barry Potter gets shot and Death gaves him a visit. He gets a chance to get reincarnated as a brother of Harry Potter. He replaces their version of Barry Potter and takes control of the story. Changing the course of History as a new threat to the world is unleashed. But at the year of one, his memory is thrown deep inside his mind, making him forget his past. Meet Blaze, an alter ego of Barry, who has the memories and helps Barry remember his past. Will he survive the threat, or die trying? Read Now to find out! This story takes place in an Alternate Universe of Harry Potter world where Harry has a twin brother. New chapters every week thrice from 11:30am to 11:30pm ist. This is a fanfic, I do not own the all the characters in the stories. I also do not own the cover page, I will take it off if its rightful owner says to take it off.

Reyansh_Ranjan · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

Ch-1 : The Boys Who Lived

"So you will reborn in 3." Death declared.



(A/N- Many things will not be canon as I want some creativity and originality too. Also, this is my first fanfic so please support me.)

I opened my eyes to see the Lord V. He looked just like in the movies. Greyish skin with his skeleton nearly visible. His nose gone and bald. Wearing a dark green robe holding his wand.

"Impossible." He whispered as he saw me opening my eyes again. His face showed anger as he pointed his wand at Harry and me both and, "Crucio!".

We both cried in pain. It was not even close to the bullet piercing my heart in my previous life. But I didn't remember it cause Death told me I would forget things. Our cry filled the room as V came closer towards us. His wand pointed at us. "Don't cry, my boys, I will just add my soul into you with a little bit of pheonix soul to make me stronger!" V exclaimed sarcasticaly. "Pheni saao metryi hja!"

As he was preparing a spell for us, two pheonix feathers came into his hands.

"Fhet va pheni a bak syak tahh!", The spell intensified, and the two feathers neared us and got inside us. I could feel my aura getting stronger. "Expectri vahk mkal saj matuh."

"Well, my little horcruxes, time to kill you to make me immortal!"

"Avada Kedavara!"

(A/N- I am making V speak to Barry and Harry about his plans as they were just babies and they couldn't hurt him. Also, him killing Harry and Barry would release his and their souls and could make him immortal as whenever he would die, he would get little parts of their and his souls in his and would come back.)

The protection spell of my mother activated, vanishing the Dark Lord. He screamed as his soul was set free and his body disintegrated. That was the time we recieved our lightning scar. I, on my right cheek and Harry, on his forehead. Dust was everywhere while I couldn't hold back my tears. Mom had died in front of me as it was a part of my memory now. I cried out loud as Harry just fainted due to the fact that this scary man vanished to dust while screaming, making it a nightmare for him.

I stopped crying as I saw the one and only, Hadgrid, in his flying bike. He shrunk his bike as he landed and walked towards me. "Merlin's beard." He gasped, looking in horror at the dead body of James and Lily. He was not that close no Lily and James, but seeing them die was just not good for his mental health. He ran towards us. "Oh thank Merlin, ye er safe!" He said, picking us up in both his hands.

He shrunk us to size of insects and kept us in his pockets. "Les get ya otta ere" said Hadgrid while riding his bike.




In front of the Surrey town of Little Whinging, Privet Drive, Number 4, stood the old man, Dumbledore to be precise. He wore blueish-green coloured robes. He had a long and curly silver hair and beard. He wore round shaped glasses and a pointy hat. He face showed wisdom but also annoyance. He had been waiting for so long but Hadgrid hadn't arrived yet.

In a distance, a cat ran through the streets towards Dumbledore. As the cat was near enough, it grew in size as its human side was coming back. It was none other than Professor Mcgonagall. She was in her 60s, wearing green coloured theme robes. She had glasses similar to Dumbledoor, only smaller in size. She also wore a pointy hat.

"Albus, these muggles are not the people we should hand the children to." said Minerva Mcgonagall. "These are horibble people."

"I know Minerva," Albus simply said, "But they are the only family members those children have."

"This is absurd, Albus. They will do anything to keep the boys away from them."

"Minerva, these people have the rights to take the children in, we can't change that. Can we?"

"No." Professor Mcgonagall said, not saying anything more to respect the old man.

After some time, a figure appeared in the sky as it was nearing the Professors. It was none other than Hadgrid, with us in his shirt pockets.

"Halo Prohfessors, I brought these youn' lads." Hadgrid spoke as he carefully took us out of his shirt pockets and unshrunk us.

"Hello Hadgrid, can you please put the children infront of the door?" Dumbledoor asked politely.

"Can't we jus take 'em with us?" Hadgrid asked tearfully.

"No Hadgrid, we cannot, there are some things we cannot do, will you please?"

Hadgrid nodded as he put us infront of the door. This was it. This was how we became The Boys who lived.

(A/N- This was exciting to write, stay tuned for more chapters, also, please give me the Stones!)