
Reincarnated as Harry Potter's Twin

Dying by getting shot, young Barry Potter gets shot and Death gaves him a visit. He gets a chance to get reincarnated as a brother of Harry Potter. He replaces their version of Barry Potter and takes control of the story. Changing the course of History as a new threat to the world is unleashed. But at the year of one, his memory is thrown deep inside his mind, making him forget his past. Meet Blaze, an alter ego of Barry, who has the memories and helps Barry remember his past. Will he survive the threat, or die trying? Read Now to find out! This story takes place in an Alternate Universe of Harry Potter world where Harry has a twin brother. New chapters every week thrice from 11:30am to 11:30pm ist. This is a fanfic, I do not own the all the characters in the stories. I also do not own the cover page, I will take it off if its rightful owner says to take it off.

Reyansh_Ranjan · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

Ch-0 : Birth or Death?

I am dead. Literally. Who thought you would have a bullet in your heart when returning home from school! Ahem. Sorry. But really, I am angry at the person who created guns. I mean, I could be alive if guns were not a thing. Ahem. Sorry. Back to death. I mean my personal info. I am Barry Potter, or rather was. I am...I was an American who was in school. So, one day, 21st January 2023 precisely, I was returning home from school, when some thieves pointed a gun at me asked for money. I didn't had money at that time so they became furious. I mean, seriuosly, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT FROM A 16 YEAR OLD?! Then you know what happened? They... wait for it... KILLED ME! Surprize! Blood came out of my mouth and chest. World became slower as I felt my heart stopped. Everything slowly became pitch black as life drained from my body. God it really hurt.

I opened my eyes to see nothing. I looked down and saw my hands and legs were visible. So I was not blind. But was in a pitch black world levitating. I didn't knew the time, nor the place. Time passed by and I just levitated in this pitch black place.

Out of nowhere, a black entity appeared. Its face was something like the scream with black colour. It had no arms and was covered in a translucent black clothes. Its eyes emited white light which scared me to death. Hah.

"Hello Barry.", It said with no emotion.

"Uhm," I hesitated to speak, "Helloooooo."

"You don't need to be scared," said the scary It, "I am Death, and you are a soul that shouldn't had left its body."

"What?", the confused me questioned.

"Your soul wasn't supposed to leave your body,", Death explained, "You were supposed to be saved by a superhero, but because of some time traveler shenanigan, your sou-"

"Wait a minute!", I cut his speech, "Death, shouldn't have died, time traveling shenanigans. Are you telling me,,,"

"Yes, you have a choice of being reincarnated." Death told me, clearly understanding my thoughts, "How did you guess though?"

"I read a lot of fanfics."

"Well, you have a choice when and where as whom you reincarnate." , Death told me, "And you will forget everything about your past life except some things, so you don't destroy your mind and soul."

"What about in the world of Harry Potter," I told him as I kept thinking, "at the date 31st July 1980, as a twin brother of Harry James Potter. Barry James Potter. Is it possible?"

"Yes, but you wouldn't be able to be reincarnate when another soul is in the body, so you will be born when Voldemort killed the Barry of that world with the killing curse. You will get the memories of that Barry and you replace him just fine."

"Oh my god!", It was my dream to be Harry's Brother. It really was a dream come true.

"So, you will reborn in 3."

