
Reincarnated as Emiya in Fate/kaleid [DROPPED]

Some guy was murdered by a truck just to wake up in a white room with just a desk before him. He realise that he have no memory of his life but still have all anime knowledge. ROB spinned the wheel to decide to which world he is gonna reincarnate and it landed on Fate franchise. After a long thought process our protagonist decided to choose Fate/kaleid as his new home and Emiya's powers as his gift only to be reminded that cooking with Emiya was an option. In the new world he trains his powers to be ready for all the danger that will come his way but instead of that he is the one who charges right at them. He is also antagonized by his murder from the previous life which is of course the Truck that killed him. This is my first novel and english is not my first language so don't expect masterpiece.

kurit_kun · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

The mortal enemy

(Shirou's pov)

The next day as usual I was training in the woods. Currently I was eating lunch which was made by Nanami. I was relaxed but I didn't let my guard down. After Moriyima discovered me here I always pay attention to my surroundings to never make the same mistake again.

Nanami: "By the way Shirou-kun, I never asked you why you are training so hard everyday?"

Before I could answer her I noticed a girl looking at us with a smile on her face. I was shocked. I didn't notice her until she showed up herself to us. My instincts are telling me that she is dangerous. I move in front of Nanami to protect her.

???: "Long time no see, Shirou."

Her voice sounds familiar but I can't put finger where I heard it.

Shirou: "And who might you be to know me. I don't remember meeting you before."

The unknown girl acts as if she was hurt and fake cry to gain sympathy. It was not hard to guess, she is terrible actress apparently, or she is just messing with me.

???: "How could you forget about me. Our first meeting is literally unforgettable. I bumbed into you, you met my friend and i sent you also a lot of letters."

Hearing that my heart started to beat faster while Nanami was looking clueless between me and the girl.

Shirou: "I didn't catch your name, could you introduce yourself."

I said while I was reading myself to project weapon at any moment.

???: "Sure, now that I think about we never met in person before. You can call me Truck-chan, your favourite magical girl."

She said while making a supposedly cute pose but I didn't care about it as I immediately project Kanshou and Bakuya and rushed towards her making Nanami panicked and a little scared.

Truck-chan effortlessly catch my blades.

Shirou: "You can't imagine how long have I waited for this moment. I promised myself that if I ever meet you again I will pay you back for what you did to me!"

Truck-chan: "Hahaha, I missed you to Shirou. How is your life going?"

Shirou: "Don't ask as if you don't know you stalker! I know that you watch my life as it's some kind of show."

Truck-chan: "And you shouldn't assume that I do that. I mean, I do but you still shouldn't assume. And cute girl is showing interest in you, why aren't you happier."

Shirou: "I would be quite happy if said girl wasn't personification of my every nightmare!"

With these words I jump back and throw my swords at Truck-chan and while they fly towards her I summon my bow and Caladbolg making it an arrow and shot in Truck-chan direction.

Shirou: "Take that you you son of a truck!!!!"

There is a lot of dust flying around making it impossible to see what happened to Truck-chan.

Nanami: "D-did you k-kill her?"

Nanami is visible scared and it's not unreasonable. She witnessed her crush rushing towards another girl with intent to kill and as a normal person she believed that no one would survive that attack.

Shirou: "If that could kill her I would be very disappointed."

I didn't stick Gae Bolg up her ass afterall.

Truck-chan: "Shirou, don't people say son of a bith and not son of a truck?"

Shirou: "For me they're the same thing."

Truck-chan: "Hahaha, stop being so salty about small things. Let the past be in the past and think about future more."

Hearing that a vain popped forehead.

Shirou: "Small things... SMALL THINGS you say. Because of you I can't go around a city without looking as some kind of paranoid. As I hear the sound of truck I remember that bloody night and it's even worse because you made yourself clear that you are observing me so I know for a fact that you are there somewhere."

Truck-chan: "Yeah, as I've said, small things."

She said as if disregarding what I've just said making me even more angry.

I a sword which with a shape similar to a scythe, the sword used to kill the Gorgon Medusa, Harpe.

The sword itself isn't outstanding but his ability is. It is known as immortal slaying scythe and is able to slay immortal beings.

I trained with this sword especially for this day.

Seeing this sword Truck-chan's eyes widened in shock.

Truck-chan: "I-is that sword what I think it is?"

I smiled at her seeing her reaction.

Shirou: "If you think that it's a sword that will kill you then yes, it's that sword."

With these words I dashed once again in her direction and slashed her with Harpe across her body making her bleed a lot.

Finally after a long time I managed to complete my revenge. Not only she killed me, she also blocked most of my memories. I don't care of they were bad or it's better if I don't have them. I'm a kind of the person who thinks it's better to know bad true than good lie.

My thoughts were interrupted by the one I thought I killed.

Truck-chan: "Wow Shirou, I didn't expect you to use Harpes against me but sorry, it doesn't work on me."

She says while doing cute pose once more.

Shirou: "And why is it so? Shouldn't this weapon be able to kill immortals? Hell, it's in it's name!"

I ask her while I'm visible agitated.

Truck-chan: "Shirou, Shirou, Shirou, did you forget who I am?

She is waving her finger at me.

Shirou: "Does it really matter? You know the ability of this sword. It's the immortal slaying sword for god sake!"

Truck-chan: "And it would have worked if your target wasn't me. I'm Truck-chan the goddess of death, the one who-"

Shirou: "Ok, I understand. You are OP and I don't stand a chance against you... for now."

I stopped her before she said too much. Even things she said until this point is too much. Because my emotion got better of me I forgot that Nanami was listening to our conversation.

Shirou: "So.. what do you want after such a long."

Truck-chan: "Don't be so cold Shirou, you are one of my favourites after all."

She walks up to me but I project Kanshou and try to slash but she blocks easily.

Shirou: "Come closer and I will end you even if it's the last thing I'll do."

My eyes were cold and full of killing intent making Nanami even more scared while Truck-chan picks up her arms in surrender.

Truck-chan: "Let's talk business then."