
Reincarnated as Draco's Twin To Dominate Hogwarts

Finding himself getting thrown into the wizarding world of Harry Potter and being reborn as Malfoy's brother, Skyler, our protagonist, shall unravel the perilous path before him to prevent the resurrection of the Dark Lord and to raise Slytherin's honor. Using his knowledge before traversing, Skyler, who's known as a famous archaeologist from our world, will use all his knowledge to aid him in learning the magical spells. Born from the same mother, how can Skyler deal with the perk of being born as Draco's brother? Will he grow up to be as kind and loving as Narcissa, or will he grow into the proud Pure-Blooded figure of Lucius? This is a translated work with over 400+ Chapters The chapter will be updated every day on 23:00 GMT+7 You can read future 40 chapters ahead at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/Scaramousse !

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Chapter 64 "Business Plan"

The relationship between Amelia and Dumbledore is undeniably intricate.

In the past, the Bones family and Dumbledore had enjoyed a very close relationship. During the first wizarding war, Amelia's brother, Edgar Bones, had joined Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix, fighting alongside him against Voldemort.

Regrettably, Edgar's sacrifices didn't bring good fortune to their family; instead, it led to their tragic downfall.

Edgar had originally enjoyed a happy life with his wife and three children.

Yet, the entire family fell victim to Voldemort's Death Eaters. They were mercilessly killed, and the family's innocence didn't spare them from the brutality of the war.

Amelia's elderly parents also met a grim end, and another brother, one who was selfless and dedicated to saving lives at St. Mungo's Hospital, similarly faced the same fate.

The entire Bones family, who were originally pure-bloods and not initially Voldemort's targets, were unwittingly caught up in the cruel conflict.

The sole silver lining in this tragedy was that Susan, her brother's daughter, managed to escape the disaster.

Presently, Amelia and Susan stood as the last surviving members of the Bones family.

Amelia harbored no ill feelings towards Dumbledore or held him accountable for the loss her family had suffered.

She recognized that her brother, Edgar, had made the choice to sacrifice his life for a noble cause.

However, in 1990, when Millicent Bagnold retired as Minister of Magic, the leading contender for the post was none other than Barty Crouch, the then-head of the Law Enforcement Department.

To everyone's astonishment, Barty was ultimately betrayed by his son, Barty Crouch Jr., who was not only a Death Eater but also responsible for torturing two Aurors into madness.

This scandal seriously tarnished Barty's public image and rendered him unfit to compete for the ministerial position.

The situation became clear as a result. Amelia, who was then the Director of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, was a formidable candidate.

Nevertheless, to everyone's surprise, the ultimate victor was Cornelius Fudge, the head of the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes.

Fudge's ascension to the post of Minister of Magic was not due to exceptional merit or outstanding wartime achievements.

In reality, it was largely influenced by the political climate of the time. The wizarding world needed a Minister of Magic who could navigate the interests of pure-blood families as well as Muggle-born and Muggle-wizard groups.

Fudge, who had established a close relationship with the Malfoy family and had Dumbledore's endorsement, secured the position thanks to Dumbledore's influence.

Throughout Fudge's campaign, he didn't hesitate to associate himself with Dumbledore and frequently sought his counsel.

Publicly, he emphasized Dumbledore's role in planning behind the scenes, exploiting Dumbledore's reputation and political sway to secure the election. Dumbledore readily supported Fudge's campaign.

In Dumbledore's judgment, Fudge was better suited to bridge the class divisions between pure-blood families and Muggle-born and half-blood wizards.

Consequently, Amelia's prospects were sacrificed in the process. She was undeniably a more qualified candidate both in terms of capability and reputation. As if to compensate for her lost opportunity, she was appointed as the Director of the Law Enforcement Department, filling the void left by the former head, Barty Crouch.

While her position seemed prestigious on the surface, few knew that she had actually lost more than she had gained.

The deep-rooted connection between Dumbledore and the Weasley family was evident to anyone with a discerning eye.

Consequently, Dumbledore, supported by the Weasley family, sought to suppress the Malfoy family, who stood as their staunch adversaries.

It was under Dumbledore's influence that Lucius Malfoy was expelled from the Hogwarts Board of Governors. The details of the incident were known to Amelia as clearly as if they were written on a mirror.

In compliance with Dumbledore's faction, Amelia had collaborated with Arthur Weasley and granted him a search warrant for Malfoy Manor.

She had initially believed that Dumbledore's influence would safeguard the Malfoy family to some extent, but they would undoubtedly endure significant setbacks.

In the preceding year, the Malfoy family indeed suffered substantial losses. Besides losing their position as school managers, they had also forfeited a House-elf and inadvertently brought trouble to other pure-blood families.

However, the Malfoy family's downfall was reversed by an individual who was not yet 14 years old.

This remarkable young man had built a stellar reputation in the academic world, received endorsements from a prestigious international organization, and had even ventured into business.

He had formed connections with several influential figures in the political sphere, including Tiberius McLagen, a member of Wizengamot who was accompanying him on this occasion.

Rumor had it that even the unconventional Rufus Scrimgeour viewed this young man with newfound respect. Amelia was not naive; she swiftly recognized the value of the young man before her.

"Skyler, may I call you that? Please don't worry; your feats, such as slaying a basilisk as a student and rescuing your classmates, merit recognition from the Ministry of Magic. Furthermore, your contributions to the British wizarding community have earned you the privilege of receiving a third-level Sir Merlin Medal in my eyes."

"As for matters pertaining to wizarding law, you need not fret. I will have Susan send you some legal textbooks. With your intellect and aptitude for learning, you will undoubtedly excel. If you have any questions, feel free to visit me during the summer vacation, and I will provide guidance. My home is always open to you."

Seeing Amelia's warm invitation and her offer of guidance, Skyler had every reason to accept, lest he appear ungrateful.

"Ms. Bones, I sincerely appreciate your recognition and willingness to guide me. Here is what I propose: I would graciously accept the third-level Sir Merlin Medal. However, with regard to the Wizengamot alternate seat, let's delay it. I shall dedicate the next few years to honing my skills and expanding my knowledge of wizarding law. Once I am more well-versed in these matters, we can revisit the topic. What do you think of this arrangement?"

Skyler had tactfully left a door open for Dumbledore, intending to appease the headmaster's expectations.

This decision to accept the Ministry of Magic's reward was not an easy one for Skyler, but his circumstances and Dumbledore's considerations left him with little choice.

Amelia was content with Skyler's response and agreed to his proposal. She made it clear that if he achieved any significant accomplishments in the future, he would not be permitted to decline an invitation to join Wizengamot.

Skyler couldn't help but smile inwardly; the agreement was in his favor.

Following their meeting with Amelia, Skyler left the headmaster's office and composed a letter to Lucius, which he dispatched home using the school's owl.

Given that it was the Easter Holiday, Lucius retained the privilege, as a parent, to visit his child during the break. Several hours later, Lucius materialized in Skyler's bedroom, his presence cloaked in dust.

"My son! Father is so proud of you for what you've achieved!" Lucius greeted Skyler with warm praise.

Upon seeing Skyler, Lucius expressed his paternal pride with warm words. It was an unusual display of praise from the typically reserved father, which filled Skyler with a sense of accomplishment.

"Thanks to Father's teachings ever since I was little, I get to enjoy the fruit of my own efforts. It's all thanks to you, Father." Skyler replied gently.

He responded with humility, acknowledging the influence of his father's teachings on his achievements, which had contributed to the glory of the Malfoy family.

Lucius couldn't suppress the smile that graced his lips, his son's achievements filling him with paternal pride. "You have done well," he remarked. "Now, let's get to the matter at hand. I assume you didn't call me here just for compliments."

Skyler explained to his father, "Father, I've learned that life in Hogsmeade Village has been severely affected by the disturbing presence of Dementors lately. House prices have plummeted as a result. I've taken an interest in a shop, and I'm wondering if you could assist in acquiring it."

He unfolded a map of Hogsmeade Village and marked the location of the shophouse. "This particular shop is situated on a side street branching off from the main commercial avenue near the Hog's Head Bar, a popular spot for both locals and tourists. I've been unable to rent it out for several years, and its current market value is estimated to be around 2,000 Galleons. Given the situation with the Dementors, with your help, Father, there's a good chance we could secure it for 1,500 Galleons."

Lucius wore a pensive expression as he responded, "Skyler, you're aware that the location of this shop isn't considered prime. Most of the older wizards in Hogsmeade prefer to stay put, and younger wizards tend to favor areas closer to the southern coast, such as Dingworth, St. Catchpole Village, and Godric Valley. It's possible that Hogsmeade's population dynamics may change in the future, with a potential decline. Businesses will likely rely on the patronage of students and travelers."

Unbeknownst to Lucius, Skyler harbored a secret he couldn't divulge. The shop had a hidden room underneath it, accessible through a secret passage leading directly to the large mirror on Hogwarts' fifth floor.

Skyler couldn't allow the shop to fall into others' hands, risking the exposure of the concealed passage. Additionally, the shop served a valuable purpose to him.

However, Skyler couldn't reveal the real reason behind his interest in the shop – the existence of a secret room beneath it and a passage leading to the large mirror on the fifth floor of Hogwarts. Instead, he provided another reason. "Father, it's not just about the location," he explained. "My plan is to open a store in Hogsmeade Village selling alchemical products I've invented, such as this Anti-Stun Bracelet. It can effectively prevent the discomfort caused by encountering magical items like Floo Powder, Portkeys, and door keys. I believe that, with your involvement and by negotiating with the Ministry of Magic's Transportation Department to make it a standard accessory for Floo networks and Portkeys, we can succeed. The shop's location is of secondary importance; what's more critical is having someone trustworthy to manage it. With your busy schedule and my ongoing education, we need to find a reliable individual to oversee the business."

Skyler then produced an Anti-Stun Bracelet from his pocket and handed it to Lucius. Lucius examined it closely, impressed by the invention. He fell into deep thought for a moment.

After some reflection, Lucius spoke again. "You have truly surprised me, Skyler. This Anti-Stun Bracelet is quite remarkable. Leave it to me. I'll speak with Minister Fudge, register a patent with the Ministry of Magic, and endeavor to make it a standard accessory for Floo networks and Portkeys. As for manpower, don't worry too much. We can reassign personnel from the members of the main Malfoy line. Your great-grandfather's godson's family is reliable and loyal."

Skyler felt relieved, knowing that his father was willing to support his endeavors and utilize the family's resources to make the business a success.

Skyler expressed his gratitude to his father for the support, noting that he had recently received a sum of five thousand Galleons from the Medieval Wizards' Association.

He believed that two thousand Galleons should suffice for the purchase of the shophouse, as well as for renovation and patent applications.

Lucius, with a trace of amusement, retorted, "Don't forget that you'll also need to allocate a sum of money for the 'parasites' at the Ministry of Magic! Fudge will require funds, and the Department of Transportation will also need a share. However, don't worry. I'll provide the necessary funding for these payments. Consider it a reward for your exceptional performance. I anticipate we'll have results within a week. Be ready for my good news."

At this point, the Ministry of Magic was grappling with the aftermath of the Black incident, incurring significant expenses related to the investigative team's overtime pay, compensation for merchant losses, and more.

Lucius's timely donation was likely to be well received by Fudge, who was unlikely to reject the funding under the circumstances.

After delivering this financial assurance, Lucius departed, realizing the substantial business opportunity this endeavor represented. He recognized that this was a prime chance to expand the family's influence and enhance its reputation within the wizarding world.

With every wizard requiring Malfoy family products, the name "Malfoy" was poised to become synonymous with quality, just like the renowned Ollivander's.

As Skyler watched his father's departing figure, he heaved a sigh of relief.

He had gradually gained experience in the world of business over the past few years and had come to understand the unspoken rules and intricate interpersonal dynamics that lay within.

Entrusting Lucius with this business venture saved him considerable trouble.

While opening a shop and conducting business served as the initial phase of Skyler's plan, his ultimate objective was to infiltrate the wizarding business world step by step and build a substantial presence.

Having already established some notability in academia and international organizations, it was time to extend his influence into other realms.

The Anti-Stun Bracelet served as a starting point, and he intended to venture into combat protective equipment, alchemical props for escape, and the international trade sector.

Aware of the events foretold in the original work, Skyler understood that the wizarding world would soon plunge into another war.

During this tumultuous time, the demand for combat protective equipment and alchemical items for escape would be significant, promising steady and substantial profits.

Stopping Voldemort and defeating him was Harry's task as the Chosen One. Still, Skyler had set his own mission: to elevate the Malfoy family's status in politics, business, education, and academia during the turbulent times.

Chapters will be updated daily at 23:00 GMT+7!

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