
Reincarnated as Draco's Twin To Dominate Hogwarts

Finding himself getting thrown into the wizarding world of Harry Potter and being reborn as Malfoy's brother, Skyler, our protagonist, shall unravel the perilous path before him to prevent the resurrection of the Dark Lord and to raise Slytherin's honor. Using his knowledge before traversing, Skyler, who's known as a famous archaeologist from our world, will use all his knowledge to aid him in learning the magical spells. Born from the same mother, how can Skyler deal with the perk of being born as Draco's brother? Will he grow up to be as kind and loving as Narcissa, or will he grow into the proud Pure-Blooded figure of Lucius? This is a translated work with over 400+ Chapters The chapter will be updated every day on 23:00 GMT+7 You can read future 40 chapters ahead at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/Scaramousse !

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Chapter 193 "Transcending State"

In the concealed chamber, an intricate pattern of five-pointed and six-pointed stars adorned the central space, radiating outwards from a cross at its core. This formation held special significance in the art of crafting wands. Originating from Ravenclaw's unique techniques, it stood apart from the Ollivander family's well-known wand-making skills.

Despite Ravenclaw's wand-making heritage lacking the renown of the Ollivander family, it certainly did not imply inferiority.

Rowena Ravenclaw, the founder herself, devised this wand-making technique, drawing inspiration from the collaborative efforts of the four founders who established the Hogwarts houses.

The formation pays homage to the magical theories that underpin the creation of the four houses. This simple and enduring methodology has stood unchanged for a millennium, defying alteration even by revered figures like Dumbledore.

In Great Britain, Muggle elite high schools do establish branches, but the purpose behind these branches is distinctly defined. Their aim is to foster a spirit of competition and collaboration among students, offering them a glimpse into a microcosm of society.

This serves as a platform for students to accumulate the social experience and socialization necessary for their transition into the broader society. The sorting process into different schools is typically random, encouraging individuals with diverse cultural backgrounds, varying abilities in sports and culture, different personalities, and genders to learn how to coexist, collaborate, and eventually integrate harmoniously.

In contrast, Hogwarts takes a unique approach. The sorting of houses is direct and based on the four character traits of courage, wisdom, integrity, and ambition.

Notably, this decision isn't made by the students themselves but rather by an ancient sorting hat, its operational principles shrouded in mystery. Regardless of the students' preferences, they must adhere to the Sorting Hat's instructions, emphasizing a system that is both distinct and inflexible.

As a consequence, upon entering school at the age of 11, day students find themselves labeled according to their character traits, burdened with expectations that are arguably too weighty for their tender age.

Neville, for instance, is compelled to summon all his courage to meet the expectations placed upon him as a Gryffindor. Similarly, Snape succumbs to the allure of dark magic and, influenced by the ethos of Slytherin, eventually becomes estranged from Lily Evans.

Yet, the more severe consequence of this categorization based on houses is the prevalence of discrimination and bias. In the original narrative, both Ron and Hermione express their aspirations for Gryffindor and their disdain for Slytherin on multiple occasions.

Hagrid's blatant assertion is more disconcerting: "there's not a single witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin." Such strongly prejudiced statements, especially when directed at Harry during his initial exposure to the wizarding world, contribute to the planting of Harry's own biases against Slytherin.

At Hogwarts, it is a prevailing sentiment that Slytherin students take pride in their noble lineage, often leading to discrimination against those from other houses.

However, looking at it from a different perspective, don't students from the other three houses also discriminate against the "villainous" Slytherins?

This method of sorting not only fosters discrimination but also perpetuates division and animosity. Throughout centuries, Slytherin and Gryffindor have engaged in incessant conflict, with Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, ostensibly neutral, leaning toward Gryffindor.

The presence of Voldemort in Slytherin and Dumbledore in Gryffindor further exacerbates this divide.

Even Dumbledore himself acknowledged the hastiness of their classification, expressing to Snape, "I sometimes think our sorting is too hasty." In his previous life, Skyler often pondered why Dumbledore, as the Headmaster, failed to propose reforms despite recognizing the shortcomings of the house system.

As the preeminent and renowned white wizard of their time, leading such a reform would likely have encountered minimal resistance.

In this life, Skyler has finally grasped the principle of the house system at Hogwarts. The four major houses, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff, correspond to the four elements in the theory of magical elements – Slytherin aligns with the "water element," Gryffindor with the "fire element," Ravenclaw with the "air element," and Hufflepuff with the "earth element."

This bears some resemblance to the Eastern wizardry studies of the "Five Elements Theory" and "Feng Shui Theory."

For an extended period, Hogwarts has relied on the amalgamation and interplay of these four elements to sustain the functioning of the entire castle.

In essence, the sorting system serves as the foundation for the smooth operation of the magical magnetic field within Hogwarts. This explains why no one dares to reform the house system.

Ravenclaw's secret wand-making technique involves a ritual that imbues a piece of wood with magical properties, drawing on the combination of the four elements.

Alone, this method is by no means inferior to the Ollivander family's technique of etching alchemical traces onto wood and the core of a wand.

However, the drawback of Ravenclaw's approach becomes evident – it necessitates gathering wizards from all four elements to craft the wand collectively, placing it at a disadvantage compared to Ollivander in terms of versatility and convenience.

Present in the secret room are four individuals – Skyler, Bathory, Annis, and Salff. Each stands at a corner of the room, forming the ends of the cross. In their hands, they hold materials to be used in the upcoming ritual, chosen from various legal and illicit sources through the assistance of Ali Bashir, Giuliana's sister, and the German smuggler Nicholas, all of whom Skyler had established connections with over the years.

Reflecting on the times when he had to personally gather raw materials just to brew a magic-enhancing potion a few years ago, Skyler couldn't help but marvel at the extensive network of resources he now commands. With a simple request, he can effortlessly have the desired raw materials and components delivered to him.

Whether in the Malfoy family, the Black family, the Greengrass family, or the Ravenclaw library, there are extensive collections of classics on wand-making. These tomes contain the accumulated wisdom passed down through generations in these esteemed families.

While Skyler may not match Ollivander in the sheer volume of knowledge, he is certainly more than capable of surpassing most individuals in the field of wand craftsmanship. What Skyler truly lacked was the opportunity to put this knowledge into practice.

In recent times, Salff has delved into this wealth of knowledge, guided by Skyler's unique precepts.

Following Salff and Skyler's deductions, today marks the alignment of Mercury in the celestial sphere, and Snakewood is attributed to Mercury in the herbological sequence. Hence, the magical conductivity of Snakewood will be heightened by the astrological alignment, rendering it more responsive.

The basilisk horn has undergone a meticulous treatment process – it is steeped in the blood of the rooster, a natural enemy of the basilisk, for seven days and nights.

After the drying process, the basilisk horn is positioned outdoors on a cloudless night, illuminated by as many stars as possible. According to classical texts, this practice is believed to enhance the wand's connection with various realms of magic.

Skyler positioned the basilisk horn at the center of the intricate pattern, parting his lips to emit a hissing sound.

Among the quartet, only Salff possessed the ability to comprehend the serpent's language. Skyler uttered, "Awake! The King of all snakes!"

The basilisk horn burst forth with a brilliant, intense green luminescence.

Advancing a step, Skyler tossed a mesmerized, long-horned water snake forward and intoned, "In the name of a pure-blooded, I sacrifice the descendants of Cernunnos and summon the power of water. Arise!"

The Horned Serpent, a magical creature native to North America, capable of human speech and characterized by its cunning nature, materialized. In the Muggle realm, it is considered a descendant of Cernunnos in Celtic mythology—a deity representing pure-blood nobility and associated with the "water element" trait emblematic of Slytherin.

The long-horned water snake descended in front of the basilisk horn, emitting a wail before transforming into a pool of liquid-like blue energy, swiftly absorbed by the basilisk horn.

Bathory took the next step. She propelled the three-headed Rune Snake, momentarily rendered unconscious, forward and then expelled a thick liquid resembling green blood from her mouth.

The liquid cascaded onto the Rune Snake, eliciting varied-length screams from its three heads. The entire body of the Rune Snake transformed into a wisp of blue smoke, gradually being absorbed by the basilisk horn.

The Runespoor, hailing from Burkina Faso in Africa, is a magical creature with a bold and aggressive demeanor. In the heat of their minds, its three heads often engage in combat, forgetting they share the same body.

If one head dies, it's equivalent to the demise of all three, corresponding to the "fire element" trait associated with Gryffindor. Vampires' blood contains a quality known as "dark fire," making it the most suitable material for refining the fire element.

Next to act was the dominatrix Annis Black. She erupted into wild laughter, tossing a creature with a chicken head and a dragon body toward the center of the ceremony. With a peculiar hand gesture, she caused a slender dark blue nail to detach from her finger, transforming into a blue light that enveloped the monster.

The creature was, in fact, a Cockatrice, a close relative of the basilisk. Its gaze had the power to kill or petrify, and its breath was highly poisonous. Possessing a paranoid and tyrannical nature, it chased enemies who violated its dignity to the ends of the earth, even willing to die with them. This aligns with the "earth element" associated with Hufflepuff. (Unexpectedly, the extremes of diligence, perseverance, and single-mindedness manifest as paranoia.)

Dominatrixes dwell in underground caves, never exposed to daylight throughout the year. Their bodies embody a strong earth element, making Annis's nails an ideal material for honoring the earth element.

Salff's countenance was notably solemn. She advanced slowly toward the ceremony's center, delicately retrieving the basilisk horns from the ground in her hands.

"Aquila!" Skyler's cold command echoed, summoning a shadow in the form of an eagle that emitted a prolonged cry. Bathed in vibrant colors, Aquila vigorously flapped its wings, transforming two feathers into unseen wind arrows that shot into the basilisk horns.

"Salff, now is the time!" Skyler issued the final instruction.

Salff opened her mouth, emitting a series of varied hisses. It wasn't a spell but a form of communication with the basilisk horn, establishing a unique connection between the wizard and the wand's core.

Is it the wand choosing the wizard? While there might be reasons behind a wand selecting a wizard, the wand core's emotional and willful guidance plays a crucial role.

Wands, crafted with diverse cores, are meant to align with wizards possessing distinct personalities and temperaments. However, is this the sole truth in the realm of wandmaking?

Upon the success of Skyler's wand core refinement method, an unbreakable bond forms directly between the wizard and the wand core. The synergy between the wizard and the wand becomes unparalleled compared to any known combinations.

[The compatibility between "Basilisk Horn" and "Salff" is Max! ]

Simultaneously, Skyler intoned an ancient and lengthy incantation in hushed tones. The soft murmurs reverberated within the secret room. The snakewood autonomously levitated, gliding into Salff's outstretched palm before commencing a gradual fusion.

Imperceptible to the naked eye, golden filaments intertwined within the wood. This intricate network mirrored the basilisk horn's wisdom, extending and weaving through the staff like the nerves in the human body until seamlessly merging with the staff's core.

Salff now wielded a pristine wand, radiating a circular display of thunder and lightning in all directions.

A snake head, no larger than a fingernail, subtly protruded from the wand's handle, its two red snake eyes gleaming with a sharp brilliance.

Closing her eyes, Salff's lengthy black hair fluttered against an invisible breeze. Her aura surged, and a colossal snake-shaped shadow cast its presence behind her.

At that moment, a collective realization swept through everyone present—

The essence of Salff and the wand seamlessly melded, rendering it impossible to discern where Salff ended and the wand began.

"Is this... the fusion of man and wand becoming one?" Bathory, well-versed in magical knowledge, swiftly identified this phenomenon. "It's extraordinary. Even in my era, achieving a resonance of such magnitude between wizard and wand was deemed impossible. It has become a legendary existence, witnessed only in tales. Oh my God, Skyler, you are..."

Bathory struggled to find words. Having lived for centuries, she had encountered various forms of genius, but Skyler's unparalleled proficiency across diverse domains surpassed the bounds of typical genius, earning him the title of a prodigious anomaly.

The wand symbolizes a wizard's second life and stands as their most cherished companion. The harmony between wizard and wand is the paramount factor in wand selection, universally acknowledged in the hearts of all wizards.

Regardless of the efforts of contemporary wand makers, crafting a wand that impeccably aligns with a wizard from limited materials remains an unattainable feat. At best, wands offer a relatively high degree of compatibility.

However, the magic wand wielded by Salff exhibited a mysterious resonance with her, achieving the fabled state of "human and wand becoming one."

"Is this the state where one transcendent their body and becomes one with their magical forces? Am I correct?" Annis inquired tentatively, "Has her magical proficiency surged like this?"

Skyler nodded, his tone nonchalant. "Indeed, the wand itself possesses magical power, attaining the state of 'human and wand becoming one.' This implies a connection between the magical energies within the wand and Salff's magical reservoirs. Henceforth, both wielder and wand can mutually draw upon each other's magical essence. Consequently, it's not surprising that there has been a breakthrough in magical prowess. Salff's prior magical abilities were already on the cusp of achieving the rank of a quasi-Auror. Following this transformative resonance, she has officially ascended to the echelon of full-fledged Auror magical proficiency."

"Marvelous!" Bathory grinned at Skyler, her expression laced with admiration. "Brother Skyler, with your extraordinary talents, when will you fashion a wand for your beloved sister? Waiting for your side of the bargain to make me stronger is quite a temptation," Annis, upon hearing this, instantly perked up and avidly listened.

Pure-blood vampires, hags (mixed-bloods accepted—Fleur possesses a wand), house elves, and goblins face restrictions imposed by the Ministry of Magic, prohibiting them from possessing wands.

Consequently, they grapple with using magic through brute force, lacking the finesse required for seamless spellcasting. This impedes the full manifestation of their true magical capabilities.

Given these restrictions, Bathory and Annis are unable to openly procure wands through conventional means. Resorting to the black market for second-hand wands yields variable quality, with some even exhibiting resistance to the mastery of their wielders, rendering them less effective than having no wand at all.

"Fear not," Skyler's lips curled into a slight smile, his eyes gleaming. "I would never mistreat my loyal followers. As long as you uphold the covenant between us, I assure you, a day will come when you can openly wield a magic wand."


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