
Reincarnated as Draco's Twin To Dominate Hogwarts

Finding himself getting thrown into the wizarding world of Harry Potter and being reborn as Malfoy's brother, Skyler, our protagonist, shall unravel the perilous path before him to prevent the resurrection of the Dark Lord and to raise Slytherin's honor. Using his knowledge before traversing, Skyler, who's known as a famous archaeologist from our world, will use all his knowledge to aid him in learning the magical spells. Born from the same mother, how can Skyler deal with the perk of being born as Draco's brother? Will he grow up to be as kind and loving as Narcissa, or will he grow into the proud Pure-Blooded figure of Lucius? This is a translated work with over 400+ Chapters The chapter will be updated every day on 23:00 GMT+7 You can read future 40 chapters ahead at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/Scaramousse !

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Chapter 103 "Downfall of The Rowles"

The sight before Skyler was beyond belief. In the storage area, at least a dozen iron cages imprisoned women, each one stripped bare. Yellow mucus clung to the joints of their eyelids—a clear sign of the release of an eye disease curse.

Their lips were unnaturally sealed shut, a manifestation of the Obligus Mutoris Spell. Hands bound behind their backs and feet secured together with tight ropes, they lay on the ground like helpless insects.

Standing beside Skyler, Robards was equally taken aback by the horrifying scene. Utilizing his magical vision, he discerned that most of the captives were non-magical individuals or Squibs, displaying minimal magical fluctuations.

However, amidst them was an unmistakable witch, and Robards was certain she was the abducted Griffith.

Scrimgeour and Robards entered the room, their expressions mirroring the disgust evident on Skyler's face. While they were mentally prepared for the brutality of the Nightshade Mystic Market, witnessing it firsthand left them struggling to contain the waves of shock.

"These heartless individuals..." Robards couldn't suppress his anger. "Do they not possess even the most basic moral decency?"

"Mr. Scrimgeour," Skyler spoke with an eerie calmness, "Are these the atrocities that the Ministry of Magic has turned a blind eye to for so many years?"

Scrimgeour, already simmering with rage, widened his eyes like bells in response to Skyler's accusation. "I concede, Skyler," he declared firmly, "the Ministry may have been too lenient in the past. I promise you, I will rectify this mistake even if it costs me my entire life. I will not hesitate to do so."

This time, even Robards refrained from uttering a word to dissuade him. The heinous and malevolent atmosphere of the Nightshade Mystic Market had left him profoundly shaken.

As expected, Skyler didn't let Scrimgeour escape his notice. A man of depth, ambition, and Slytherin cunning, Scrimgeour was well-versed in the art of self-preservation.

Despite his unscrupulous actions, including falsely accusing a conductor of a Death Eater and compromising ethics to uphold the Ministry of Magic's reputation, he ultimately showed a willingness to sacrifice his life for Harry's safety in the original book.

However, the gruesome scene before him undeniably crossed Scrimgeour's moral threshold. Even the typically outspoken Robards chose silence this time.

The two guards were promptly apprehended on the spot. Scrimgeour utilized a specialized communicator to summon other Aurors and orchestrated the rescue of the captive women. They would be rehabilitated and then handed over to the Muggle government.

Afterward, Skyler opted not to partake in the proceedings. Rejecting Robards's offer of an escort, he returned to Diagon Alley and then made his way back to school through Floo Network transportation.

Confident that Scrimgeour would impose strict measures on the mastermind behind the scenes, Skyler also considered the difficulty of suppressing the matter entirely. Notably, one of his Auror subordinates, Kingsley Shacklebolt, hailed from a sacred pure-blood family, making complete suppression even more challenging.

Two days later, on a Tuesday morning, Skyler received two letters delivered by owl post.

The first letter came from Philbert Devrill, his Puddlemere United partner. Devrill, anxious since Griffith's disappearance, sought recourse by appealing to Gwenog Jones, despite recognizing the slim chance of success.

His aim was to secure any compensation, no matter how small, to mitigate the substantial losses he incurred—exceeding a mere 1,000 Galleon transfer fee.

His meticulous efforts in the current season's digging operations have yielded promising initial results. Puddlemere United has successfully bid farewell to the stagnation of previous years, showcasing a dazzling performance that propelled them to the second-highest position in the league, trailing closely behind the Balicas Bats.

This achievement, impressive as it is, is merely the team's performance during the running-in period. Confident in the team's potential, he envisions an opportunity to challenge for the championship in the upcoming season.

With the team's success, there's been a remarkable surge in the number of fans, leading to the brisk sale of tickets and peripheral products. Consequently, the team's market value, along with the net worth of its shareholders, has experienced a substantial boost.

Regrettably, the disappearance of Griffith threatens to unravel all of these accomplishments. The challenges compound—rapid fan and follower loss, a sharp decline in ticket demand and prices, a contraction in the team's market value, and growing investor dissatisfaction with backstage challenges.

Upon receiving Skyler's letter urging him to postpone the attack on Gwenog, he initially resisted. Skyler's apparent lack of immediate concern (as the contract specified the transfer of such risks) left him frustrated, creating a sense that Skyler was detached from the situation.

In less than three days, Skyler managed to rescue Griffith, surpassing his expectations. This surprise went beyond mere financial gains.

His shrewd business acumen allowed him to perceive the immense power Skyler wielded. The swift communication with the head of the Auror office and the utilization of Auror resources for the rescue highlighted the considerable influence at Skyler's disposal.

Recognizing Skyler's intelligence and astuteness, he comprehends the value that Skyler represents—a vast network of contacts and concealed intelligence capabilities. Such a character is undoubtedly worth the effort to cultivate as a valuable friend.

In this letter, alongside the customary expressions of gratitude, Skyler found a substantial gift—a transfer of shares from Puddlemere United. Devril, fully cognizant of the significance of securing Skyler's allegiance, decided to strengthen their ties by generously transferring a portion of shares to Skyler's name. In an instant, Skyler's stake in Puddlemere United soared to a remarkable one-third!

[Puddlemere United Team Shares Acquired!]

The second letter, dispatched by Scrimgeour, contained revelations extracted from the two guards under the influence of Veritaserum. Astonishingly, the mastermind behind the atrocity was none other than Thorfinn Rowle of the Rowle family!

The upper echelons of pure-blood society were no strangers to the rumors surrounding Thorfinn Rowle's lascivious behavior. It was widely known that, apart from his official marriage, he maintained numerous extramarital relationships.

His pursuit of Muggle beauties took a sinister turn, involving the dark arts to ensnare and transform them into magical slaves. Apart from financial gains through their sale, he indulged in his nefarious desires by being an early participant in their enslavement.

Equipped with this damning testimony, Scrimgeour swiftly comprehended the motive behind the rapid deployment of soldiers. He marshaled Aurors, strikers, and investigative teams into numerous squads. Simultaneously, they conducted raids on Rowle family enterprises scattered across Great Britain.

Unearthing the secret strongholds divulged by the apprehended guards, they discovered multiple locations where Thorfinn had covertly incarcerated his victims. These unfortunate individuals had been subjected to the potent "Eros Love Potion," the most effective love potion, rendering them utterly dependent and obsessed with Thorfinn.

With an abundance of personal and physical evidence, Thorfinn found himself unable to evade the charges this time. The inevitability of his imprisonment in Azkaban was now undeniable.

On the very day Thorfinn realized his heinous deeds had been laid bare and understood the impending consequences of Azkaban, his foremost instinct was to flee. Yet, lacking the abilities of an Animagus and unfamiliar with body transformation, he attempted to escape using short-distance

Apparition several times, only to be relentlessly pursued by determined Aurors. Skyler's intrusion into the Nightshade Mystic Market led to Thorfinn's arrest within a mere two days, underscoring the efficacy of Aurors when unhindered by internal constraints.

Prompted by widespread public outrage over Thorfinn's actions, the Ministry of Magic swiftly and efficiently handled the matter. On the same day of Thorfinn's capture, he underwent a unanimous trial, and Wizengamot swiftly condemned him to Azkaban with immediate execution.

The severity of Thorfinn's deeds captured society's attention, leaving people incredulous that such malevolence persisted in the wizarding world. Public sentiment demanded a robust effort from the Ministry of Magic to rectify Knockturn Alley, becoming the new mainstream discourse.

As popular outrage proved challenging to quell, officials in proximity to Knockturn Alley wisely chose silence, refraining from any commentary on the matter. Simultaneously, on that eventful day, the ancestral home of the Rowle family faced an attack.

The descendants of the Rowle family in the ancestral house disappeared without a trace, and the once-filled shelves of books, antiques, and valuable furnishings were systematically emptied. Unbeknownst to many, the Rowle family's industry in Great Britain underwent a surreptitious change in ownership.

Remarkably, this incident attracted minimal attention. The Ministry of Magic seemed to turn a blind eye, and major media outlets refrained from reporting a single word on the matter. The properties of the Rowle family were divided and claimed by other pure-blooded families who had caught wind of the news. Strangely, news of the Rowle family's downfall did not spread swiftly, and by the time most pure-blood families were informed, only meager remnants were left for them to claim.

While unaware of the reasons behind their actions, many were cautious and somewhat fearful of the few families that seized the lion's share of the Rowle family's properties. The most surprising aspect was that the foremost beneficiary was not the Malfoy family, but the typically understated Greengrass family, with the Malfoys following closely in second place.

Adding to the intrigue was the revelation that the family securing the third-largest portion was not Malfoy's traditional ally, the Parkinsons, or the Burkes family, but rather the Knot family. In the eyes of the pure-blood community, Greengrass, Malfoy, and Nott represented three distinct interest factions. This indicated that, at the very least, there were now three significant sources of influence and intelligence—positions solidified by the enhanced intelligence capabilities of these three families, surpassing that of others.

Skyler orchestrated all of this.

Ever since discerning Draco's abnormal behavior, Skyler has developed complex sentiments towards the Malfoy family. He was acutely aware of the corrupting influence of power across two generations of humanity, making it impossible for him to naively trust the family without reservation.

Strictly speaking, the alliance formed between the Greengrass family and the Knot family had Skyler as its primary target, not the Malfoy family.

Given the uncertain family dynamics, distinguishing themselves from the Malfoy family's resources was deemed crucial. Providing benefits to Greengrass and Knott not only fostered stronger alliances but, per the agreement reached, ensured that a portion of the businesses they acquired would ultimately return to Skyler.

This arrangement was shrouded in secrecy, making Skyler the undisclosed chief beneficiary of the entire incident.

Gareth transferred the property ownership of three shops in South Diagon Alley to Skyler. These establishments, currently under lease agreements spanning centuries, allowed Skyler to assume the role of a landlord and enjoy a steady income stream from collecting rent.

The generosity extended by Mr. Nott was equally substantial, considering the ease with which things transpired. Skyler gained ownership of an underground gambling house in Knockturn Alley from him.

This establishment specialized in accepting bets on the British-Irish League, Pegasus Race, and Broom Race (i.e., ball games, horse racing, and broom racing). Additionally, Skyler acquired property rights to shops in Jiaoxiang.

One particular vacant shop caught Skyler's attention, and a quick glance at the house number—No. 93, Diagon Alley—prompted his eyebrows to jump. Wasn't this precisely where the Wesley twins planned to open a store in the original book? At that moment, four words resonated in Skyler's mind: "This shop will rake in lots of Galleons in the future."

[Obtain the property rights of four stores in the South Diagon Alley District!]

[Obtained the right of the underground gambling house in Knockturn Alley!]

Chapters will be updated daily at 23:00 GMT+7!

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