
Reincarnated As Chaos Dragon

Valzer · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 - Reborn (Redesign)

[Breaking News Earth Earthquake are Happening More often since this started in June]

Mom, I'm Heading out on a bike ride and go see my friends. - Kyle

"Ok Darling Just make sure to be safe and come back home if an earthquake happens" - Mom

Alright Love you. Mom

[Tbh I Wonder What these earthquakes are about scientist haven't found an answer and it been a few months since this has been happening] - Kyle inwardly thought

Well anyways the wind feels nice - Kyle

Bright Lights? oh no fuc..



"someone has been Hit Someone Call 991"

Few hours later….

[Everything is Black So I died huh Welp I was a virgin and never had a girlfriend dam I died before I even lost it welp nothing can change the fact I died] - Kyle inwardly thought

[Tho how did I die . By a car I think or whatever tho I'm dead hopefully my parents will be ok.] - Kyle Inwardly thought


Wait I can feel my face Ahh Why Am I Naked Am I in heaven.

let me take a look around

Nothing but pitch black and my body I don't have blonde hair anymore gone now it is long and white and I got abs and and I'm tiny????

What how I didn't even work out in my life I just read novels and mangas

- End Of Chapter 1 (Redesign)-

Author message First novel really hope this is good I'm fix up the fonts and make it look better in chapter 2