
Reincarnated As Cardin Winchester

A modern man dies and get reincarnated in the body of Cardin Winchester while he is bullying a certain Faunus in a cafetaria. Will he be able to redeem his former self or will he be fated to remain an absolute jerk of a second rated antagonist? This idea popped up in my head some time ago and while I wrote the start of the story I wanted to do a little experiment. Athough the idea are mine I will try and see if Chat gpt 4 can write the story for me and how it comes up... so if you are interested by this little experiment let's see how an I.A can write about the RWBY verse and if we will find the result interesting.

Ikasuki · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


So this is going to be a little experiment, I don't know how far I will take it but for now I am having fun.

The story is about a guy transmigrating and reincarting as cardin. So far so good. I wrote some part of the story some long time ago but as I am not a great writter and don't have that much time on my hand it was gather cyber-dust on one of my folders...

Now, with the advance of IA and all that it can do I had an idea... what if I used chat GPT 4 to write the story for me? I prefere reading than writing, and am not such a great writter myself. Hoever I know what I enjoy and given some prompt an dprecise script I should be able to have a decent result... well you will have to be the one to judge the result of that.

Just to give you an idea I will copy paste the part I wrote myself hereunder to have a possible point of comparison.

Now what I found out is that chat gpt 4 can ideed write. (Who woulda thought right?) No but what I mean is that it can actually give great results... now the process is a bit more complicated though... akin to trying to make an ADHD kid of about years old walk on a straight line to get from point A to point B... meaning, I have to always try and stop it from walking backwards or going left and right and jumping and doing his own things every 2 seconds and remind him of what we are trying to do and what we did so far. Just like a kid (and IA loves that) making it a game of earning point when they do great, or losing point when they do bad can help. Although I found out positive reinforcment works best and I have to encourage it to do it better again and again with more precises rules...

Although sometime it would go in completely unprompted directions and produce some stroke of absolute genius work. I mean Seriously !

Now... do I think this is a viable way to write a story? I am not sure myself :/ depends on how you write. If you are a "feeler" and write by the pants of your seat... well sorry but you're f**ked. now if you are the kind of person who plan exactly what happens in your story, from chapter 1 to 10, where you scenes happens, what happens, who do what and who says what and how... then this IA is an absolute monster of a tool. I genuinly beleive that given a bit of thought and with a skeletal idea of what should happens in a story everyone would be able to produce their "dream" fan finction or novel. Granted that, it wont be the best from the start, but as a base to improve and prof read and edit... yhea this is solid stuff.

without further adoo this is what I wrote. further chapters will be our IA friend works trying to do what I asked of him... and forcing him not to do anything else (Seriously stop and try to make Cardin appologize or feel bad and tries to be better every 3 lines please chatGpt4 !)


'Well, here we go' I thought somberly.

I rushed through the pages of my check-list. Hoping to find something that would miraculously help. Meanwhile, the alarms were still blaring.


I couldn't help but remember my earlier days as a trainee…

'… and you don't want to lose that! Life expectancy when it comes to loss of artificial horizon, if not detected, is just under three minutes. 178 seconds precisely if the NASA is to be trusted. So detect it!...'

Yhea… I probably should have remembered that one. Still, if you combine that with the loss of two engines due to bird strike it makes no difference in the end.

I looked to my left, immortalizing the lasts moments of my captain, struggling like all hells to Sully Sullenberg our ass out of this shitty situation. Well, there was no Hudson River here, only mountains… sorry chief.

Then I think I heard an explosion… Followed by nothing.

I was in murky dark place, somehow conscious but not really. If I had to describe it I would compare it to how we sometime feel when waking up in the middle of the night. Still stuck between two states, awake and yet still dreaming.

I could see blurry faces, hear muted words and I could swear I was sometime … fighting? What the hell?

I have no idea what an acid trip is like but that's probably it.

As I was thinking silly thoughts, and that maybe the ability to say stupid things in my head meant that I somehow survived a plane crash… Clarity hit me.

And I suddenly found myself thrown in the middle of cantina.

'...gusting!' I heard the end of a sentence, and from the tone someone was certainly not happy.

Stopping a second to take in my surrounding I saw a lot of teenagers, girls and boys, in uniform all staring at me with a frown.

'I don't know what they are feeding this people with or putting in the water here but I certainly want some' was my first, almost, coherent thought.

Seriously, no one would probably believe this, but the place was crowded with top models, handsome dudes with fancy hair and ripped liked Z-fighters, as well as gorgeous soon to be woman with toned body and perfect skin. I certainly did NOT look like that in my teenagers days… I mean come on; there was not even the shadow of the tinniest pimple present in this room. Even the midget with red tips in her hair looked like some kind of Korean child idol or something.

I turned around, facing some other students, or what I thought to be students, considering some were in uniform getting food. As to why others were wearing some kind of armor or fancy colorful disguises, well, I could only guess it was for an event of a sort.

Jeez, even the wannabe rebel with a green Mohawk looked good. I mean… Stupid like hell, sure. But that was still another model/idol/Korean pop-star in the making, IF he changed out of that bandit costume and put a little bit of effort with his hair.. To be fair I did have a Mohawk at some point, if only to have fun, so no judging.

Said Mohawk guy looked at me with what I am pretty sure was hidden contempt.

"What a freak."

Wait, what? Did I somehow do something?

"You got a problem?" Was that my voice? But I didn't say that…

"…op p-please?" came a small and scared cry from under me. Or to be precise, under my hand…my heavily armored left hand, buried in a hefty metal gauntlet. Cause I know armor when I see one and that definitely wasn't some disguise!

'What the fuck is going on here?'


'Oh yhea that's right, concentrate me… voice coming from under my hand covered in plating holding… ears? BUNNY ears?!'

"Da fuck?" Yes thank you voice of mine for translating so aptly my thoughts, still I could do without the angry tone.

I could feel my hand shudder, and it came from under what I was grasping. A pair of, somehow live, bunny ears connected to a cute girl… a cute girl with watery eyes.

'Please don't cry… I mean you're not going to cry right? You're a teen come on… please?' I prayed in my mind.

"Wait? You're gonna cry? Really? Oh please!" 'FUCK you me-voice! I know you kind of got the letter if not the spirit right, but do you/I have to sound like an ass?'

'Wait a minute' I froze as a second realization hit me…

I slowly turned around again… and as expected I found what I feared I would…

On a table not too far away I could spot a stupid (PunChaBle) dorky blond boy, a red haired beauty in an armor with some ancient Greek or roman design, a very buxom angry blond next to the idol midget from before, as well as an hyperactive girl spouting something about breaking knees (mines more likely) and her faithful soft-spoken partner-not-partner-yet…

'Well fuck…'

I knew where I was.

And considering where exactly my hand was resting, as well as the now crying Faunus under said appendix of mine… 'So sorry about that Velvet, I'll make it up to you later I swear'. I probably knew WHO I was as well.

'Fuck this situation'. What could I even do to salvage what I could? It was not like the good ol' 'Denny, denny, denny' was going to be of great help there. Every one present had a first row seat for this debacle of a show Cardin or, should I say I, just put on display.

'Okay, think fast here champs… there are no problems if there are no solutions.' I could almost hear the gear in my mind turn… and from the sound of it they most likely needed a bit of grease cause let's be honest: CARDIN, that should say enough about brain prowess. 'HULK SmAsh' was probably his idea of genius strategy.

I somehow got the distinct feeling of a middle finger shoved in my mind.

'Yhea? Well up yours too Cardin! Now I've got to deal with your mess.' Well no matter, I found a way around this peculiar situation… or so I thought.

'Could I know exactly what you are all looking at folks?' "Da fuck you all looking at?"

Fuck you Cardin, fuck you so hard.


"Can I break his knees now?" I shouldn't have to say who that precise brand of questioning came from. Still, I kept her in my field of view as she would happily do break my joints if she could. Thankfully Ren was restraining her, if barely. Worse came to worse I could probably use a pancake and throw it in her direction while running in the other anyway...

So this is going to be a little experiment, I don't know how far I will take it but for now I am having fun.

The story is about a guy transmigrating and reincarting as cardin. So far so good. I wrote some part of the story some long time ago but as I am not a great writter and don't have that much time on my hand it was gather cyber-dust on one of my folders...

Now, with the advance of IA and all that it can do I had an idea... what if I used chat GPT 4 to write the story for me? I prefere reading than writing, and am not such a great writter myself. Hoever I know what I enjoy and given some prompt an dprecise script I should be able to have a decent result... well you will have to be the one to judge the result of that.

Just to give you an idea I will copy paste the part I wrote myself hereunder to have a possible point of comparison.

Now what I found out is that chat gpt 4 can ideed write. (Who woulda thought right?) No but what I mean is that it can actually give great results... now the process is a bit more complicated though... akin to trying to make an ADHD kid of about years old walk on a straight line to get from point A to point B... meaning, I have to always try and stop it from walking backwards or going left and right and jumping and doing his own things every 2 seconds and remind him of what we are trying to do and what we did so far. Just like a kid (and IA loves that) making it a game of earning point when they do great, or losing point when they do bad can help. Although I found out positive reinforcment works best and I have to encourage it to do it better again and again with more precises rules...

Although sometime it would go in completely unprompted directions and produce some stroke of absolute genius work. I mean Seriously !

Now... do I think this is a viable way to write a story? I am not sure myself :/ depends on how you write. If you are a "feeler" and write by the pants of your seat... well sorry but you're f**ked. now if you are the kind of person who plan exactly what happens in your story, from chapter 1 to 10, where you scenes happens, what happens, who do what and who says what and how... then this IA is an absolute monster of a tool. I genuinly beleive that given a bit of thought and with a skeletal idea of what should happens in a story everyone would be able to produce their "dream" fan finction or novel. Granted that, it wont be the best from the start, but as a base to improve and prof read and edit... yhea this is solid stuff.

without further adoo this is what I wrote. further chapters will be our IA friend works trying to do what I asked of him... and forcing him not to do anything else (Seriously stop and try to make Cardin appologize or feel bad and tries to be better every 3 lines please chatGpt4 !)


'Well, here we go' I thought somberly.

I rushed through the pages of my check-list. Hoping to find something that would miraculously help. Meanwhile, the alarms were still blaring.


I couldn't help but remember my earlier days as a trainee…

'… and you don't want to lose that! Life expectancy when it comes to loss of artificial horizon, if not detected, is just under three minutes. 178 seconds precisely if the NASA is to be trusted. So detect it!...'

Yhea… I probably should have remembered that one. Still, if you combine that with the loss of two engines due to bird strike it makes no difference in the end.

I looked to my left, immortalizing the lasts moments of my captain, struggling like all hells to Sully Sullenberg our ass out of this shitty situation. Well, there was no Hudson River here, only mountains… sorry chief.

Then I think I heard an explosion… Followed by nothing.

I was in murky dark place, somehow conscious but not really. If I had to describe it I would compare it to how we sometime feel when waking up in the middle of the night. Still stuck between two states, awake and yet still dreaming.

I could see blurry faces, hear muted words and I could swear I was sometime … fighting? What the hell?

I have no idea what an acid trip is like but that's probably it.

As I was thinking silly thoughts, and that maybe the ability to say stupid things in my head meant that I somehow survived a plane crash… Clarity hit me.

And I suddenly found myself thrown in the middle of cantina.

'...gusting!' I heard the end of a sentence, and from the tone someone was certainly not happy.

Stopping a second to take in my surrounding I saw a lot of teenagers, girls and boys, in uniform all staring at me with a frown.

'I don't know what they are feeding this people with or putting in the water here but I certainly want some' was my first, almost, coherent thought.

Seriously, no one would probably believe this, but the place was crowded with top models, handsome dudes with fancy hair and ripped liked Z-fighters, as well as gorgeous soon to be woman with toned body and perfect skin. I certainly did NOT look like that in my teenagers days… I mean come on; there was not even the shadow of the tinniest pimple present in this room. Even the midget with red tips in her hair looked like some kind of Korean child idol or something.

I turned around, facing some other students, or what I thought to be students, considering some were in uniform getting food. As to why others were wearing some kind of armor or fancy colorful disguises, well, I could only guess it was for an event of a sort.

Jeez, even the wannabe rebel with a green Mohawk looked good. I mean… Stupid like hell, sure. But that was still another model/idol/Korean pop-star in the making, IF he changed out of that bandit costume and put a little bit of effort with his hair.. To be fair I did have a Mohawk at some point, if only to have fun, so no judging.

Said Mohawk guy looked at me with what I am pretty sure was hidden contempt.

"What a freak."

Wait, what? Did I somehow do something?

"You got a problem?" Was that my voice? But I didn't say that…

"…op p-please?" came a small and scared cry from under me. Or to be precise, under my hand…my heavily armored left hand, buried in a hefty metal gauntlet. Cause I know armor when I see one and that definitely wasn't some disguise!

'What the fuck is going on here?'


'Oh yhea that's right, concentrate me… voice coming from under my hand covered in plating holding… ears? BUNNY ears?!'

"Da fuck?" Yes thank you voice of mine for translating so aptly my thoughts, still I could do without the angry tone.

I could feel my hand shudder, and it came from under what I was grasping. A pair of, somehow live, bunny ears connected to a cute girl… a cute girl with watery eyes.

'Please don't cry… I mean you're not going to cry right? You're a teen come on… please?' I prayed in my mind.

"Wait? You're gonna cry? Really? Oh please!" 'FUCK you me-voice! I know you kind of got the letter if not the spirit right, but do you/I have to sound like an ass?'

'Wait a minute' I froze as a second realization hit me…

I slowly turned around again… and as expected I found what I feared I would…

On a table not too far away I could spot a stupid (PunChaBle) dorky blond boy, a red haired beauty in an armor with some ancient Greek or roman design, a very buxom angry blond next to the idol midget from before, as well as an hyperactive girl spouting something about breaking knees (mines more likely) and her faithful soft-spoken partner-not-partner-yet…

'Well fuck…'

I knew where I was.

And considering where exactly my hand was resting, as well as the now crying Faunus under said appendix of mine… 'So sorry about that Velvet, I'll make it up to you later I swear'. I probably knew WHO I was as well.

'Fuck this situation'. What could I even do to salvage what I could? It was not like the good ol' 'Denny, denny, denny' was going to be of great help there. Every one present had a first row seat for this debacle of a show Cardin or, should I say I, just put on display.

'Okay, think fast here champs… there are no problems if there are no solutions.' I could almost hear the gear in my mind turn… and from the sound of it they most likely needed a bit of grease cause let's be honest: CARDIN, that should say enough about brain prowess. 'HULK SmAsh' was probably his idea of genius strategy.

I somehow got the distinct feeling of a middle finger shoved in my mind.

'Yhea? Well up yours too Cardin! Now I've got to deal with your mess.' Well no matter, I found a way around this peculiar situation… or so I thought.

'Could I know exactly what you are all looking at folks?' "Da fuck you all looking at?"

Fuck you Cardin, fuck you so hard.


"Can I break his knees now?" I shouldn't have to say who that precise brand of questioning came from. Still, I kept her in my field of view as she would happily do break my joints if she could. Thankfully Ren was restraining her, if barely. Worse came to worse I could probably use a pancake and throw it in her direction while running in the other anyway...

So this is going to be a little experiment, I don't know how far I will take it but for now I am having fun.

The story is about a guy transmigrating and reincarting as cardin. So far so good. I wrote some part of the story some long time ago but as I am not a great writter and don't have that much time on my hand it was gather cyber-dust on one of my folders...

Now, with the advance of IA and all that it can do I had an idea... what if I used chat GPT 4 to write the story for me? I prefere reading than writing, and am not such a great writter myself. Hoever I know what I enjoy and given some prompt an dprecise script I should be able to have a decent result... well you will have to be the one to judge the result of that.

Just to give you an idea I will copy paste the part I wrote myself hereunder to have a possible point of comparison.

Now what I found out is that chat gpt 4 can ideed write. (Who woulda thought right?) No but what I mean is that it can actually give great results... now the process is a bit more complicated though... akin to trying to make an ADHD kid of about years old walk on a straight line to get from point A to point B... meaning, I have to always try and stop it from walking backwards or going left and right and jumping and doing his own things every 2 seconds and remind him of what we are trying to do and what we did so far. Just like a kid (and IA loves that) making it a game of earning point when they do great, or losing point when they do bad can help. Although I found out positive reinforcment works best and I have to encourage it to do it better again and again with more precises rules...

Although sometime it would go in completely unprompted directions and produce some stroke of absolute genius work. I mean Seriously !

Now... do I think this is a viable way to write a story? I am not sure myself :/ depends on how you write. If you are a "feeler" and write by the pants of your seat... well sorry but you're f**ked. now if you are the kind of person who plan exactly what happens in your story, from chapter 1 to 10, where you scenes happens, what happens, who do what and who says what and how... then this IA is an absolute monster of a tool. I genuinly beleive that given a bit of thought and with a skeletal idea of what should happens in a story everyone would be able to produce their "dream" fan finction or novel. Granted that, it wont be the best from the start, but as a base to improve and prof read and edit... yhea this is solid stuff.

without further adoo this is what I wrote. further chapters will be our IA friend works trying to do what I asked of him... and forcing him not to do anything else (Seriously stop and try to make Cardin appologize or feel bad and tries to be better every 3 lines please chatGpt4 !)


'Well, here we go' I thought somberly.

I rushed through the pages of my check-list. Hoping to find something that would miraculously help. Meanwhile, the alarms were still blaring.


I couldn't help but remember my earlier days as a trainee…

'… and you don't want to lose that! Life expectancy when it comes to loss of artificial horizon, if not detected, is just under three minutes. 178 seconds precisely if the NASA is to be trusted. So detect it!...'

Yhea… I probably should have remembered that one. Still, if you combine that with the loss of two engines due to bird strike it makes no difference in the end.

I looked to my left, immortalizing the lasts moments of my captain, struggling like all hells to Sully Sullenberg our ass out of this shitty situation. Well, there was no Hudson River here, only mountains… sorry chief.

Then I think I heard an explosion… Followed by nothing.

I was in murky dark place, somehow conscious but not really. If I had to describe it I would compare it to how we sometime feel when waking up in the middle of the night. Still stuck between two states, awake and yet still dreaming.

I could see blurry faces, hear muted words and I could swear I was sometime … fighting? What the hell?

I have no idea what an acid trip is like but that's probably it.

As I was thinking silly thoughts, and that maybe the ability to say stupid things in my head meant that I somehow survived a plane crash… Clarity hit me.

And I suddenly found myself thrown in the middle of cantina.

'...gusting!' I heard the end of a sentence, and from the tone someone was certainly not happy.

Stopping a second to take in my surrounding I saw a lot of teenagers, girls and boys, in uniform all staring at me with a frown.

'I don't know what they are feeding this people with or putting in the water here but I certainly want some' was my first, almost, coherent thought.

Seriously, no one would probably believe this, but the place was crowded with top models, handsome dudes with fancy hair and ripped liked Z-fighters, as well as gorgeous soon to be woman with toned body and perfect skin. I certainly did NOT look like that in my teenagers days… I mean come on; there was not even the shadow of the tinniest pimple present in this room. Even the midget with red tips in her hair looked like some kind of Korean child idol or something.

I turned around, facing some other students, or what I thought to be students, considering some were in uniform getting food. As to why others were wearing some kind of armor or fancy colorful disguises, well, I could only guess it was for an event of a sort.

Jeez, even the wannabe rebel with a green Mohawk looked good. I mean… Stupid like hell, sure. But that was still another model/idol/Korean pop-star in the making, IF he changed out of that bandit costume and put a little bit of effort with his hair.. To be fair I did have a Mohawk at some point, if only to have fun, so no judging.

Said Mohawk guy looked at me with what I am pretty sure was hidden contempt.

"What a freak."

Wait, what? Did I somehow do something?

"You got a problem?" Was that my voice? But I didn't say that…

"…op p-please?" came a small and scared cry from under me. Or to be precise, under my hand…my heavily armored left hand, buried in a hefty metal gauntlet. Cause I know armor when I see one and that definitely wasn't some disguise!

'What the fuck is going on here?'


'Oh yhea that's right, concentrate me… voice coming from under my hand covered in plating holding… ears? BUNNY ears?!'

"Da fuck?" Yes thank you voice of mine for translating so aptly my thoughts, still I could do without the angry tone.

I could feel my hand shudder, and it came from under what I was grasping. A pair of, somehow live, bunny ears connected to a cute girl… a cute girl with watery eyes.

'Please don't cry… I mean you're not going to cry right? You're a teen come on… please?' I prayed in my mind.

"Wait? You're gonna cry? Really? Oh please!" 'FUCK you me-voice! I know you kind of got the letter if not the spirit right, but do you/I have to sound like an ass?'

'Wait a minute' I froze as a second realization hit me…

I slowly turned around again… and as expected I found what I feared I would…

On a table not too far away I could spot a stupid (PunChaBle) dorky blond boy, a red haired beauty in an armor with some ancient Greek or roman design, a very buxom angry blond next to the idol midget from before, as well as an hyperactive girl spouting something about breaking knees (mines more likely) and her faithful soft-spoken partner-not-partner-yet…

'Well fuck…'

I knew where I was.

And considering where exactly my hand was resting, as well as the now crying Faunus under said appendix of mine… 'So sorry about that Velvet, I'll make it up to you later I swear'. I probably knew WHO I was as well.

'Fuck this situation'. What could I even do to salvage what I could? It was not like the good ol' 'Denny, denny, denny' was going to be of great help there. Every one present had a first row seat for this debacle of a show Cardin or, should I say I, just put on display.

'Okay, think fast here champs… there are no problems if there are no solutions.' I could almost hear the gear in my mind turn… and from the sound of it they most likely needed a bit of grease cause let's be honest: CARDIN, that should say enough about brain prowess. 'HULK SmAsh' was probably his idea of genius strategy.

I somehow got the distinct feeling of a middle finger shoved in my mind.

'Yhea? Well up yours too Cardin! Now I've got to deal with your mess.' Well no matter, I found a way around this peculiar situation… or so I thought.

'Could I know exactly what you are all looking at folks?' "Da fuck you all looking at?"

Fuck you Cardin, fuck you so hard.


"Can I break his knees now?" I shouldn't have to say who that precise brand of questioning came from. Still, I kept her in my field of view as she would happily do break my joints if she could. Thankfully Ren was restraining her, if barely. Worse came to worse I could probably use a pancake and throw it in her direction while running in the other anyway...

So this is going to be a little experiment, I don't know how far I will take it but for now I am having fun.

The story is about a guy transmigrating and reincarting as cardin. So far so good. I wrote some part of the story some long time ago but as I am not a great writter and don't have that much time on my hand it was gather cyber-dust on one of my folders...

Now, with the advance of IA and all that it can do I had an idea... what if I used chat GPT 4 to write the story for me? I prefere reading than writing, and am not such a great writter myself. Hoever I know what I enjoy and given some prompt an dprecise script I should be able to have a decent result... well you will have to be the one to judge the result of that.

Just to give you an idea I will copy paste the part I wrote myself hereunder to have a possible point of comparison.

Now what I found out is that chat gpt 4 can ideed write. (Who woulda thought right?) No but what I mean is that it can actually give great results... now the process is a bit more complicated though... akin to trying to make an ADHD kid of about years old walk on a straight line to get from point A to point B... meaning, I have to always try and stop it from walking backwards or going left and right and jumping and doing his own things every 2 seconds and remind him of what we are trying to do and what we did so far. Just like a kid (and IA loves that) making it a game of earning point when they do great, or losing point when they do bad can help. Although I found out positive reinforcment works best and I have to encourage it to do it better again and again with more precises rules...

Although sometime it would go in completely unprompted directions and produce some stroke of absolute genius work. I mean Seriously !

Now... do I think this is a viable way to write a story? I am not sure myself :/ depends on how you write. If you are a "feeler" and write by the pants of your seat... well sorry but you're f**ked. now if you are the kind of person who plan exactly what happens in your story, from chapter 1 to 10, where you scenes happens, what happens, who do what and who says what and how... then this IA is an absolute monster of a tool. I genuinly beleive that given a bit of thought and with a skeletal idea of what should happens in a story everyone would be able to produce their "dream" fan finction or novel. Granted that, it wont be the best from the start, but as a base to improve and prof read and edit... yhea this is solid stuff.

without further adoo this is what I wrote. further chapters will be our IA friend works trying to do what I asked of him... and forcing him not to do anything else (Seriously stop and try to make Cardin appologize or feel bad and tries to be better every 3 lines please chatGpt4 !)


'Well, here we go' I thought somberly.

I rushed through the pages of my check-list. Hoping to find something that would miraculously help. Meanwhile, the alarms were still blaring.


I couldn't help but remember my earlier days as a trainee…

'… and you don't want to lose that! Life expectancy when it comes to loss of artificial horizon, if not detected, is just under three minutes. 178 seconds precisely if the NASA is to be trusted. So detect it!...'

Yhea… I probably should have remembered that one. Still, if you combine that with the loss of two engines due to bird strike it makes no difference in the end.

I looked to my left, immortalizing the lasts moments of my captain, struggling like all hells to Sully Sullenberg our ass out of this shitty situation. Well, there was no Hudson River here, only mountains… sorry chief.

Then I think I heard an explosion… Followed by nothing.

I was in murky dark place, somehow conscious but not really. If I had to describe it I would compare it to how we sometime feel when waking up in the middle of the night. Still stuck between two states, awake and yet still dreaming.

I could see blurry faces, hear muted words and I could swear I was sometime … fighting? What the hell?

I have no idea what an acid trip is like but that's probably it.

As I was thinking silly thoughts, and that maybe the ability to say stupid things in my head meant that I somehow survived a plane crash… Clarity hit me.

And I suddenly found myself thrown in the middle of cantina.

'...gusting!' I heard the end of a sentence, and from the tone someone was certainly not happy.

Stopping a second to take in my surrounding I saw a lot of teenagers, girls and boys, in uniform all staring at me with a frown.

'I don't know what they are feeding this people with or putting in the water here but I certainly want some' was my first, almost, coherent thought.

Seriously, no one would probably believe this, but the place was crowded with top models, handsome dudes with fancy hair and ripped liked Z-fighters, as well as gorgeous soon to be woman with toned body and perfect skin. I certainly did NOT look like that in my teenagers days… I mean come on; there was not even the shadow of the tinniest pimple present in this room. Even the midget with red tips in her hair looked like some kind of Korean child idol or something.

I turned around, facing some other students, or what I thought to be students, considering some were in uniform getting food. As to why others were wearing some kind of armor or fancy colorful disguises, well, I could only guess it was for an event of a sort.

Jeez, even the wannabe rebel with a green Mohawk looked good. I mean… Stupid like hell, sure. But that was still another model/idol/Korean pop-star in the making, IF he changed out of that bandit costume and put a little bit of effort with his hair.. To be fair I did have a Mohawk at some point, if only to have fun, so no judging.

Said Mohawk guy looked at me with what I am pretty sure was hidden contempt.

"What a freak."

Wait, what? Did I somehow do something?

"You got a problem?" Was that my voice? But I didn't say that…

"…op p-please?" came a small and scared cry from under me. Or to be precise, under my hand…my heavily armored left hand, buried in a hefty metal gauntlet. Cause I know armor when I see one and that definitely wasn't some disguise!

'What the fuck is going on here?'


'Oh yhea that's right, concentrate me… voice coming from under my hand covered in plating holding… ears? BUNNY ears?!'

"Da fuck?" Yes thank you voice of mine for translating so aptly my thoughts, still I could do without the angry tone.

I could feel my hand shudder, and it came from under what I was grasping. A pair of, somehow live, bunny ears connected to a cute girl… a cute girl with watery eyes.

'Please don't cry… I mean you're not going to cry right? You're a teen come on… please?' I prayed in my mind.

"Wait? You're gonna cry? Really? Oh please!" 'FUCK you me-voice! I know you kind of got the letter if not the spirit right, but do you/I have to sound like an ass?'

'Wait a minute' I froze as a second realization hit me…

I slowly turned around again… and as expected I found what I feared I would…

On a table not too far away I could spot a stupid (PunChaBle) dorky blond boy, a red haired beauty in an armor with some ancient Greek or roman design, a very buxom angry blond next to the idol midget from before, as well as an hyperactive girl spouting something about breaking knees (mines more likely) and her faithful soft-spoken partner-not-partner-yet…

'Well fuck…'

I knew where I was.

And considering where exactly my hand was resting, as well as the now crying Faunus under said appendix of mine… 'So sorry about that Velvet, I'll make it up to you later I swear'. I probably knew WHO I was as well.

'Fuck this situation'. What could I even do to salvage what I could? It was not like the good ol' 'Denny, denny, denny' was going to be of great help there. Every one present had a first row seat for this debacle of a show Cardin or, should I say I, just put on display.

'Okay, think fast here champs… there are no problems if there are no solutions.' I could almost hear the gear in my mind turn… and from the sound of it they most likely needed a bit of grease cause let's be honest: CARDIN, that should say enough about brain prowess. 'HULK SmAsh' was probably his idea of genius strategy.

I somehow got the distinct feeling of a middle finger shoved in my mind.

'Yhea? Well up yours too Cardin! Now I've got to deal with your mess.' Well no matter, I found a way around this peculiar situation… or so I thought.

'Could I know exactly what you are all looking at folks?' "Da fuck you all looking at?"

Fuck you Cardin, fuck you so hard.


"Can I break his knees now?" I shouldn't have to say who that precise brand of questioning came from. Still, I kept her in my field of view as she would happily do break my joints if she could. Thankfully Ren was restraining her, if barely. Worse came to worse I could probably use a pancake and throw it in her direction while running in the other anyway...

So this is going to be a little experiment, I don't know how far I will take it but for now I am having fun.

The story is about a guy transmigrating and reincarting as cardin. So far so good. I wrote some part of the story some long time ago but as I am not a great writter and don't have that much time on my hand it was gather cyber-dust on one of my folders...

Now, with the advance of IA and all that it can do I had an idea... what if I used chat GPT 4 to write the story for me? I prefere reading than writing, and am not such a great writter myself. Hoever I know what I enjoy and given some prompt an dprecise script I should be able to have a decent result... well you will have to be the one to judge the result of that.

Just to give you an idea I will copy paste the part I wrote myself hereunder to have a possible point of comparison.

Now what I found out is that chat gpt 4 can ideed write. (Who woulda thought right?) No but what I mean is that it can actually give great results... now the process is a bit more complicated though... akin to trying to make an ADHD kid of about years old walk on a straight line to get from point A to point B... meaning, I have to always try and stop it from walking backwards or going left and right and jumping and doing his own things every 2 seconds and remind him of what we are trying to do and what we did so far. Just like a kid (and IA loves that) making it a game of earning point when they do great, or losing point when they do bad can help. Although I found out positive reinforcment works best and I have to encourage it to do it better again and again with more precises rules...

Although sometime it would go in completely unprompted directions and produce some stroke of absolute genius work. I mean Seriously !

Now... do I think this is a viable way to write a story? I am not sure myself :/ depends on how you write. If you are a "feeler" and write by the pants of your seat... well sorry but you're f**ked. now if you are the kind of person who plan exactly what happens in your story, from chapter 1 to 10, where you scenes happens, what happens, who do what and who says what and how... then this IA is an absolute monster of a tool. I genuinly beleive that given a bit of thought and with a skeletal idea of what should happens in a story everyone would be able to produce their "dream" fan finction or novel. Granted that, it wont be the best from the start, but as a base to improve and prof read and edit... yhea this is solid stuff.

without further adoo this is what I wrote. further chapters will be our IA friend works trying to do what I asked of him... and forcing him not to do anything else (Seriously stop and try to make Cardin appologize or feel bad and tries to be better every 3 lines please chatGpt4 !)


'Well, here we go' I thought somberly.

I rushed through the pages of my check-list. Hoping to find something that would miraculously help. Meanwhile, the alarms were still blaring.


I couldn't help but remember my earlier days as a trainee…

'… and you don't want to lose that! Life expectancy when it comes to loss of artificial horizon, if not detected, is just under three minutes. 178 seconds precisely if the NASA is to be trusted. So detect it!...'

Yhea… I probably should have remembered that one. Still, if you combine that with the loss of two engines due to bird strike it makes no difference in the end.

I looked to my left, immortalizing the lasts moments of my captain, struggling like all hells to Sully Sullenberg our ass out of this shitty situation. Well, there was no Hudson River here, only mountains… sorry chief.

Then I think I heard an explosion… Followed by nothing.

I was in murky dark place, somehow conscious but not really. If I had to describe it I would compare it to how we sometime feel when waking up in the middle of the night. Still stuck between two states, awake and yet still dreaming.

I could see blurry faces, hear muted words and I could swear I was sometime … fighting? What the hell?

I have no idea what an acid trip is like but that's probably it.

As I was thinking silly thoughts, and that maybe the ability to say stupid things in my head meant that I somehow survived a plane crash… Clarity hit me.

And I suddenly found myself thrown in the middle of cantina.

'...gusting!' I heard the end of a sentence, and from the tone someone was certainly not happy.

Stopping a second to take in my surrounding I saw a lot of teenagers, girls and boys, in uniform all staring at me with a frown.

'I don't know what they are feeding this people with or putting in the water here but I certainly want some' was my first, almost, coherent thought.

Seriously, no one would probably believe this, but the place was crowded with top models, handsome dudes with fancy hair and ripped liked Z-fighters, as well as gorgeous soon to be woman with toned body and perfect skin. I certainly did NOT look like that in my teenagers days… I mean come on; there was not even the shadow of the tinniest pimple present in this room. Even the midget with red tips in her hair looked like some kind of Korean child idol or something.

I turned around, facing some other students, or what I thought to be students, considering some were in uniform getting food. As to why others were wearing some kind of armor or fancy colorful disguises, well, I could only guess it was for an event of a sort.

Jeez, even the wannabe rebel with a green Mohawk looked good. I mean… Stupid like hell, sure. But that was still another model/idol/Korean pop-star in the making, IF he changed out of that bandit costume and put a little bit of effort with his hair.. To be fair I did have a Mohawk at some point, if only to have fun, so no judging.

Said Mohawk guy looked at me with what I am pretty sure was hidden contempt.

"What a freak."

Wait, what? Did I somehow do something?

"You got a problem?" Was that my voice? But I didn't say that…

"…op p-please?" came a small and scared cry from under me. Or to be precise, under my hand…my heavily armored left hand, buried in a hefty metal gauntlet. Cause I know armor when I see one and that definitely wasn't some disguise!

'What the fuck is going on here?'


'Oh yhea that's right, concentrate me… voice coming from under my hand covered in plating holding… ears? BUNNY ears?!'

"Da fuck?" Yes thank you voice of mine for translating so aptly my thoughts, still I could do without the angry tone.

I could feel my hand shudder, and it came from under what I was grasping. A pair of, somehow live, bunny ears connected to a cute girl… a cute girl with watery eyes.

'Please don't cry… I mean you're not going to cry right? You're a teen come on… please?' I prayed in my mind.

"Wait? You're gonna cry? Really? Oh please!" 'FUCK you me-voice! I know you kind of got the letter if not the spirit right, but do you/I have to sound like an ass?'

'Wait a minute' I froze as a second realization hit me…

I slowly turned around again… and as expected I found what I feared I would…

On a table not too far away I could spot a stupid (PunChaBle) dorky blond boy, a red haired beauty in an armor with some ancient Greek or roman design, a very buxom angry blond next to the idol midget from before, as well as an hyperactive girl spouting something about breaking knees (mines more likely) and her faithful soft-spoken partner-not-partner-yet…

'Well fuck…'

I knew where I was.

And considering where exactly my hand was resting, as well as the now crying Faunus under said appendix of mine… 'So sorry about that Velvet, I'll make it up to you later I swear'. I probably knew WHO I was as well.

'Fuck this situation'. What could I even do to salvage what I could? It was not like the good ol' 'Denny, denny, denny' was going to be of great help there. Every one present had a first row seat for this debacle of a show Cardin or, should I say I, just put on display.

'Okay, think fast here champs… there are no problems if there are no solutions.' I could almost hear the gear in my mind turn… and from the sound of it they most likely needed a bit of grease cause let's be honest: CARDIN, that should say enough about brain prowess. 'HULK SmAsh' was probably his idea of genius strategy.

I somehow got the distinct feeling of a middle finger shoved in my mind.

'Yhea? Well up yours too Cardin! Now I've got to deal with your mess.' Well no matter, I found a way around this peculiar situation… or so I thought.

'Could I know exactly what you are all looking at folks?' "Da fuck you all looking at?"

Fuck you Cardin, fuck you so hard.


"Can I break his knees now?" I shouldn't have to say who that precise brand of questioning came from. Still, I kept her in my field of view as she would happily do break my joints if she could. Thankfully Ren was restraining her, if barely. Worse came to worse I could probably use a pancake and throw it in her direction while running in the other anyway...

So this is going to be a little experiment, I don't know how far I will take it but for now I am having fun.

The story is about a guy transmigrating and reincarting as cardin. So far so good. I wrote some part of the story some long time ago but as I am not a great writter and don't have that much time on my hand it was gather cyber-dust on one of my folders...

Now, with the advance of IA and all that it can do I had an idea... what if I used chat GPT 4 to write the story for me? I prefere reading than writing, and am not such a great writter myself. Hoever I know what I enjoy and given some prompt an dprecise script I should be able to have a decent result... well you will have to be the one to judge the result of that.

Just to give you an idea I will copy paste the part I wrote myself hereunder to have a possible point of comparison.

Now what I found out is that chat gpt 4 can ideed write. (Who woulda thought right?) No but what I mean is that it can actually give great results... now the process is a bit more complicated though... akin to trying to make an ADHD kid of about years old walk on a straight line to get from point A to point B... meaning, I have to always try and stop it from walking backwards or going left and right and jumping and doing his own things every 2 seconds and remind him of what we are trying to do and what we did so far. Just like a kid (and IA loves that) making it a game of earning point when they do great, or losing point when they do bad can help. Although I found out positive reinforcment works best and I have to encourage it to do it better again and again with more precises rules...

Although sometime it would go in completely unprompted directions and produce some stroke of absolute genius work. I mean Seriously !

Now... do I think this is a viable way to write a story? I am not sure myself :/ depends on how you write. If you are a "feeler" and write by the pants of your seat... well sorry but you're f**ked. now if you are the kind of person who plan exactly what happens in your story, from chapter 1 to 10, where you scenes happens, what happens, who do what and who says what and how... then this IA is an absolute monster of a tool. I genuinly beleive that given a bit of thought and with a skeletal idea of what should happens in a story everyone would be able to produce their "dream" fan finction or novel. Granted that, it wont be the best from the start, but as a base to improve and prof read and edit... yhea this is solid stuff.

without further adoo this is what I wrote. further chapters will be our IA friend works trying to do what I asked of him... and forcing him not to do anything else (Seriously stop and try to make Cardin appologize or feel bad and tries to be better every 3 lines please chatGpt4 !)


'Well, here we go' I thought somberly.

I rushed through the pages of my check-list. Hoping to find something that would miraculously help. Meanwhile, the alarms were still blaring.


I couldn't help but remember my earlier days as a trainee…

'… and you don't want to lose that! Life expectancy when it comes to loss of artificial horizon, if not detected, is just under three minutes. 178 seconds precisely if the NASA is to be trusted. So detect it!...'

Yhea… I probably should have remembered that one. Still, if you combine that with the loss of two engines due to bird strike it makes no difference in the end.

I looked to my left, immortalizing the lasts moments of my captain, struggling like all hells to Sully Sullenberg our ass out of this shitty situation. Well, there was no Hudson River here, only mountains… sorry chief.

Then I think I heard an explosion… Followed by nothing.

I was in murky dark place, somehow conscious but not really. If I had to describe it I would compare it to how we sometime feel when waking up in the middle of the night. Still stuck between two states, awake and yet still dreaming.

I could see blurry faces, hear muted words and I could swear I was sometime … fighting? What the hell?

I have no idea what an acid trip is like but that's probably it.

As I was thinking silly thoughts, and that maybe the ability to say stupid things in my head meant that I somehow survived a plane crash… Clarity hit me.

And I suddenly found myself thrown in the middle of cantina.

'...gusting!' I heard the end of a sentence, and from the tone someone was certainly not happy.

Stopping a second to take in my surrounding I saw a lot of teenagers, girls and boys, in uniform all staring at me with a frown.

'I don't know what they are feeding this people with or putting in the water here but I certainly want some' was my first, almost, coherent thought.

Seriously, no one would probably believe this, but the place was crowded with top models, handsome dudes with fancy hair and ripped liked Z-fighters, as well as gorgeous soon to be woman with toned body and perfect skin. I certainly did NOT look like that in my teenagers days… I mean come on; there was not even the shadow of the tinniest pimple present in this room. Even the midget with red tips in her hair looked like some kind of Korean child idol or something.

I turned around, facing some other students, or what I thought to be students, considering some were in uniform getting food. As to why others were wearing some kind of armor or fancy colorful disguises, well, I could only guess it was for an event of a sort.

Jeez, even the wannabe rebel with a green Mohawk looked good. I mean… Stupid like hell, sure. But that was still another model/idol/Korean pop-star in the making, IF he changed out of that bandit costume and put a little bit of effort with his hair.. To be fair I did have a Mohawk at some point, if only to have fun, so no judging.

Said Mohawk guy looked at me with what I am pretty sure was hidden contempt.

"What a freak."

Wait, what? Did I somehow do something?

"You got a problem?" Was that my voice? But I didn't say that…

"…op p-please?" came a small and scared cry from under me. Or to be precise, under my hand…my heavily armored left hand, buried in a hefty metal gauntlet. Cause I know armor when I see one and that definitely wasn't some disguise!

'What the fuck is going on here?'


'Oh yhea that's right, concentrate me… voice coming from under my hand covered in plating holding… ears? BUNNY ears?!'

"Da fuck?" Yes thank you voice of mine for translating so aptly my thoughts, still I could do without the angry tone.

I could feel my hand shudder, and it came from under what I was grasping. A pair of, somehow live, bunny ears connected to a cute girl… a cute girl with watery eyes.

'Please don't cry… I mean you're not going to cry right? You're a teen come on… please?' I prayed in my mind.

"Wait? You're gonna cry? Really? Oh please!" 'FUCK you me-voice! I know you kind of got the letter if not the spirit right, but do you/I have to sound like an ass?'

'Wait a minute' I froze as a second realization hit me…

I slowly turned around again… and as expected I found what I feared I would…

On a table not too far away I could spot a stupid (PunChaBle) dorky blond boy, a red haired beauty in an armor with some ancient Greek or roman design, a very buxom angry blond next to the idol midget from before, as well as an hyperactive girl spouting something about breaking knees (mines more likely) and her faithful soft-spoken partner-not-partner-yet…

'Well fuck…'

I knew where I was.

And considering where exactly my hand was resting, as well as the now crying Faunus under said appendix of mine… 'So sorry about that Velvet, I'll make it up to you later I swear'. I probably knew WHO I was as well.

'Fuck this situation'. What could I even do to salvage what I could? It was not like the good ol' 'Denny, denny, denny' was going to be of great help there. Every one present had a first row seat for this debacle of a show Cardin or, should I say I, just put on display.

'Okay, think fast here champs… there are no problems if there are no solutions.' I could almost hear the gear in my mind turn… and from the sound of it they most likely needed a bit of grease cause let's be honest: CARDIN, that should say enough about brain prowess. 'HULK SmAsh' was probably his idea of genius strategy.

I somehow got the distinct feeling of a middle finger shoved in my mind.

'Yhea? Well up yours too Cardin! Now I've got to deal with your mess.' Well no matter, I found a way around this peculiar situation… or so I thought.

'Could I know exactly what you are all looking at folks?' "Da fuck you all looking at?"

Fuck you Cardin, fuck you so hard.


"Can I break his knees now?" I shouldn't have to say who that precise brand of questioning came from. Still, I kept her in my field of view as she would happily do break my joints if she could. Thankfully Ren was restraining her, if barely. Worse came to worse I could probably use a pancake and throw it in her direction while running in the other anyway...

So this is going to be a little experiment, I don't know how far I will take it but for now I am having fun.

The story is about a guy transmigrating and reincarting as cardin. So far so good. I wrote some part of the story some long time ago but as I am not a great writter and don't have that much time on my hand it was gather cyber-dust on one of my folders...

Now, with the advance of IA and all that it can do I had an idea... what if I used chat GPT 4 to write the story for me? I prefere reading than writing, and am not such a great writter myself. Hoever I know what I enjoy and given some prompt an dprecise script I should be able to have a decent result... well you will have to be the one to judge the result of that.

Just to give you an idea I will copy paste the part I wrote myself hereunder to have a possible point of comparison.

Now what I found out is that chat gpt 4 can ideed write. (Who woulda thought right?) No but what I mean is that it can actually give great results... now the process is a bit more complicated though... akin to trying to make an ADHD kid of about years old walk on a straight line to get from point A to point B... meaning, I have to always try and stop it from walking backwards or going left and right and jumping and doing his own things every 2 seconds and remind him of what we are trying to do and what we did so far. Just like a kid (and IA loves that) making it a game of earning point when they do great, or losing point when they do bad can help. Although I found out positive reinforcment works best and I have to encourage it to do it better again and again with more precises rules...

Although sometime it would go in completely unprompted directions and produce some stroke of absolute genius work. I mean Seriously !

Now... do I think this is a viable way to write a story? I am not sure myself :/ depends on how you write. If you are a "feeler" and write by the pants of your seat... well sorry but you're f**ked. now if you are the kind of person who plan exactly what happens in your story, from chapter 1 to 10, where you scenes happens, what happens, who do what and who says what and how... then this IA is an absolute monster of a tool. I genuinly beleive that given a bit of thought and with a skeletal idea of what should happens in a story everyone would be able to produce their "dream" fan finction or novel. Granted that, it wont be the best from the start, but as a base to improve and prof read and edit... yhea this is solid stuff.

without further adoo this is what I wrote. further chapters will be our IA friend works trying to do what I asked of him... and forcing him not to do anything else (Seriously stop and try to make Cardin appologize or feel bad and tries to be better every 3 lines please chatGpt4 !)


'Well, here we go' I thought somberly.

I rushed through the pages of my check-list. Hoping to find something that would miraculously help. Meanwhile, the alarms were still blaring.


I couldn't help but remember my earlier days as a trainee…

'… and you don't want to lose that! Life expectancy when it comes to loss of artificial horizon, if not detected, is just under three minutes. 178 seconds precisely if the NASA is to be trusted. So detect it!...'

Yhea… I probably should have remembered that one. Still, if you combine that with the loss of two engines due to bird strike it makes no difference in the end.

I looked to my left, immortalizing the lasts moments of my captain, struggling like all hells to Sully Sullenberg our ass out of this shitty situation. Well, there was no Hudson River here, only mountains… sorry chief.

Then I think I heard an explosion… Followed by nothing.

I was in murky dark place, somehow conscious but not really. If I had to describe it I would compare it to how we sometime feel when waking up in the middle of the night. Still stuck between two states, awake and yet still dreaming.

I could see blurry faces, hear muted words and I could swear I was sometime … fighting? What the hell?

I have no idea what an acid trip is like but that's probably it.

As I was thinking silly thoughts, and that maybe the ability to say stupid things in my head meant that I somehow survived a plane crash… Clarity hit me.

And I suddenly found myself thrown in the middle of cantina.

'...gusting!' I heard the end of a sentence, and from the tone someone was certainly not happy.

Stopping a second to take in my surrounding I saw a lot of teenagers, girls and boys, in uniform all staring at me with a frown.

'I don't know what they are feeding this people with or putting in the water here but I certainly want some' was my first, almost, coherent thought.

Seriously, no one would probably believe this, but the place was crowded with top models, handsome dudes with fancy hair and ripped liked Z-fighters, as well as gorgeous soon to be woman with toned body and perfect skin. I certainly did NOT look like that in my teenagers days… I mean come on; there was not even the shadow of the tinniest pimple present in this room. Even the midget with red tips in her hair looked like some kind of Korean child idol or something.

I turned around, facing some other students, or what I thought to be students, considering some were in uniform getting food. As to why others were wearing some kind of armor or fancy colorful disguises, well, I could only guess it was for an event of a sort.

Jeez, even the wannabe rebel with a green Mohawk looked good. I mean… Stupid like hell, sure. But that was still another model/idol/Korean pop-star in the making, IF he changed out of that bandit costume and put a little bit of effort with his hair.. To be fair I did have a Mohawk at some point, if only to have fun, so no judging.

Said Mohawk guy looked at me with what I am pretty sure was hidden contempt.

"What a freak."

Wait, what? Did I somehow do something?

"You got a problem?" Was that my voice? But I didn't say that…

"…op p-please?" came a small and scared cry from under me. Or to be precise, under my hand…my heavily armored left hand, buried in a hefty metal gauntlet. Cause I know armor when I see one and that definitely wasn't some disguise!

'What the fuck is going on here?'


'Oh yhea that's right, concentrate me… voice coming from under my hand covered in plating holding… ears? BUNNY ears?!'

"Da fuck?" Yes thank you voice of mine for translating so aptly my thoughts, still I could do without the angry tone.

I could feel my hand shudder, and it came from under what I was grasping. A pair of, somehow live, bunny ears connected to a cute girl… a cute girl with watery eyes.

'Please don't cry… I mean you're not going to cry right? You're a teen come on… please?' I prayed in my mind.

"Wait? You're gonna cry? Really? Oh please!" 'FUCK you me-voice! I know you kind of got the letter if not the spirit right, but do you/I have to sound like an ass?'

'Wait a minute' I froze as a second realization hit me…

I slowly turned around again… and as expected I found what I feared I would…

On a table not too far away I could spot a stupid (PunChaBle) dorky blond boy, a red haired beauty in an armor with some ancient Greek or roman design, a very buxom angry blond next to the idol midget from before, as well as an hyperactive girl spouting something about breaking knees (mines more likely) and her faithful soft-spoken partner-not-partner-yet…

'Well fuck…'

I knew where I was.

And considering where exactly my hand was resting, as well as the now crying Faunus under said appendix of mine… 'So sorry about that Velvet, I'll make it up to you later I swear'. I probably knew WHO I was as well.

'Fuck this situation'. What could I even do to salvage what I could? It was not like the good ol' 'Denny, denny, denny' was going to be of great help there. Every one present had a first row seat for this debacle of a show Cardin or, should I say I, just put on display.

'Okay, think fast here champs… there are no problems if there are no solutions.' I could almost hear the gear in my mind turn… and from the sound of it they most likely needed a bit of grease cause let's be honest: CARDIN, that should say enough about brain prowess. 'HULK SmAsh' was probably his idea of genius strategy.

I somehow got the distinct feeling of a middle finger shoved in my mind.

'Yhea? Well up yours too Cardin! Now I've got to deal with your mess.' Well no matter, I found a way around this peculiar situation… or so I thought.

'Could I know exactly what you are all looking at folks?' "Da fuck you all looking at?"

Fuck you Cardin, fuck you so hard.


"Can I break his knees now?" I shouldn't have to say who that precise brand of questioning came from. Still, I kept her in my field of view as she would happily do break my joints if she could. Thankfully Ren was restraining her, if barely. Worse came to worse I could probably use a pancake and throw it in her direction while running in the other anyway...

So this is going to be a little experiment, I don't know how far I will take it but for now I am having fun.

The story is about a guy transmigrating and reincarting as cardin. So far so good. I wrote some part of the story some long time ago but as I am not a great writter and don't have that much time on my hand it was gather cyber-dust on one of my folders...

Now, with the advance of IA and all that it can do I had an idea... what if I used chat GPT 4 to write the story for me? I prefere reading than writing, and am not such a great writter myself. Hoever I know what I enjoy and given some prompt an dprecise script I should be able to have a decent result... well you will have to be the one to judge the result of that.

Just to give you an idea I will copy paste the part I wrote myself hereunder to have a possible point of comparison.

Now what I found out is that chat gpt 4 can ideed write. (Who woulda thought right?) No but what I mean is that it can actually give great results... now the process is a bit more complicated though... akin to trying to make an ADHD kid of about years old walk on a straight line to get from point A to point B... meaning, I have to always try and stop it from walking backwards or going left and right and jumping and doing his own things every 2 seconds and remind him of what we are trying to do and what we did so far. Just like a kid (and IA loves that) making it a game of earning point when they do great, or losing point when they do bad can help. Although I found out positive reinforcment works best and I have to encourage it to do it better again and again with more precises rules...

Although sometime it would go in completely unprompted directions and produce some stroke of absolute genius work. I mean Seriously !

Now... do I think this is a viable way to write a story? I am not sure myself :/ depends on how you write. If you are a "feeler" and write by the pants of your seat... well sorry but you're f**ked. now if you are the kind of person who plan exactly what happens in your story, from chapter 1 to 10, where you scenes happens, what happens, who do what and who says what and how... then this IA is an absolute monster of a tool. I genuinly beleive that given a bit of thought and with a skeletal idea of what should happens in a story everyone would be able to produce their "dream" fan finction or novel. Granted that, it wont be the best from the start, but as a base to improve and prof read and edit... yhea this is solid stuff.

without further adoo this is what I wrote. further chapters will be our IA friend works trying to do what I asked of him... and forcing him not to do anything else (Seriously stop and try to make Cardin appologize or feel bad and tries to be better every 3 lines please chatGpt4 !)


'Well, here we go' I thought somberly.

I rushed through the pages of my check-list. Hoping to find something that would miraculously help. Meanwhile, the alarms were still blaring.


I couldn't help but remember my earlier days as a trainee…

'… and you don't want to lose that! Life expectancy when it comes to loss of artificial horizon, if not detected, is just under three minutes. 178 seconds precisely if the NASA is to be trusted. So detect it!...'

Yhea… I probably should have remembered that one. Still, if you combine that with the loss of two engines due to bird strike it makes no difference in the end.

I looked to my left, immortalizing the lasts moments of my captain, struggling like all hells to Sully Sullenberg our ass out of this shitty situation. Well, there was no Hudson River here, only mountains… sorry chief.

Then I think I heard an explosion… Followed by nothing.

I was in murky dark place, somehow conscious but not really. If I had to describe it I would compare it to how we sometime feel when waking up in the middle of the night. Still stuck between two states, awake and yet still dreaming.

I could see blurry faces, hear muted words and I could swear I was sometime … fighting? What the hell?

I have no idea what an acid trip is like but that's probably it.

As I was thinking silly thoughts, and that maybe the ability to say stupid things in my head meant that I somehow survived a plane crash… Clarity hit me.

And I suddenly found myself thrown in the middle of cantina.

'...gusting!' I heard the end of a sentence, and from the tone someone was certainly not happy.

Stopping a second to take in my surrounding I saw a lot of teenagers, girls and boys, in uniform all staring at me with a frown.

'I don't know what they are feeding this people with or putting in the water here but I certainly want some' was my first, almost, coherent thought.

Seriously, no one would probably believe this, but the place was crowded with top models, handsome dudes with fancy hair and ripped liked Z-fighters, as well as gorgeous soon to be woman with toned body and perfect skin. I certainly did NOT look like that in my teenagers days… I mean come on; there was not even the shadow of the tinniest pimple present in this room. Even the midget with red tips in her hair looked like some kind of Korean child idol or something.

I turned around, facing some other students, or what I thought to be students, considering some were in uniform getting food. As to why others were wearing some kind of armor or fancy colorful disguises, well, I could only guess it was for an event of a sort.

Jeez, even the wannabe rebel with a green Mohawk looked good. I mean… Stupid like hell, sure. But that was still another model/idol/Korean pop-star in the making, IF he changed out of that bandit costume and put a little bit of effort with his hair.. To be fair I did have a Mohawk at some point, if only to have fun, so no judging.

Said Mohawk guy looked at me with what I am pretty sure was hidden contempt.

"What a freak."

Wait, what? Did I somehow do something?

"You got a problem?" Was that my voice? But I didn't say that…

"…op p-please?" came a small and scared cry from under me. Or to be precise, under my hand…my heavily armored left hand, buried in a hefty metal gauntlet. Cause I know armor when I see one and that definitely wasn't some disguise!

'What the fuck is going on here?'


'Oh yhea that's right, concentrate me… voice coming from under my hand covered in plating holding… ears? BUNNY ears?!'

"Da fuck?" Yes thank you voice of mine for translating so aptly my thoughts, still I could do without the angry tone.

I could feel my hand shudder, and it came from under what I was grasping. A pair of, somehow live, bunny ears connected to a cute girl… a cute girl with watery eyes.

'Please don't cry… I mean you're not going to cry right? You're a teen come on… please?' I prayed in my mind.

"Wait? You're gonna cry? Really? Oh please!" 'FUCK you me-voice! I know you kind of got the letter if not the spirit right, but do you/I have to sound like an ass?'

'Wait a minute' I froze as a second realization hit me…

I slowly turned around again… and as expected I found what I feared I would…

On a table not too far away I could spot a stupid (PunChaBle) dorky blond boy, a red haired beauty in an armor with some ancient Greek or roman design, a very buxom angry blond next to the idol midget from before, as well as an hyperactive girl spouting something about breaking knees (mines more likely) and her faithful soft-spoken partner-not-partner-yet…

'Well fuck…'

I knew where I was.

And considering where exactly my hand was resting, as well as the now crying Faunus under said appendix of mine… 'So sorry about that Velvet, I'll make it up to you later I swear'. I probably knew WHO I was as well.

'Fuck this situation'. What could I even do to salvage what I could? It was not like the good ol' 'Denny, denny, denny' was going to be of great help there. Every one present had a first row seat for this debacle of a show Cardin or, should I say I, just put on display.

'Okay, think fast here champs… there are no problems if there are no solutions.' I could almost hear the gear in my mind turn… and from the sound of it they most likely needed a bit of grease cause let's be honest: CARDIN, that should say enough about brain prowess. 'HULK SmAsh' was probably his idea of genius strategy.

I somehow got the distinct feeling of a middle finger shoved in my mind.

'Yhea? Well up yours too Cardin! Now I've got to deal with your mess.' Well no matter, I found a way around this peculiar situation… or so I thought.

'Could I know exactly what you are all looking at folks?' "Da fuck you all looking at?"

Fuck you Cardin, fuck you so hard.


"Can I break his knees now?" I shouldn't have to say who that precise brand of questioning came from. Still, I kept her in my field of view as she would happily do break my joints if she could. Thankfully Ren was restraining her, if barely. Worse came to worse I could probably use a pancake and throw it in her direction while running in the other anyway...

So this is going to be a little experiment, I don't know how far I will take it but for now I am having fun.

The story is about a guy transmigrating and reincarting as cardin. So far so good. I wrote some part of the story some long time ago but as I am not a great writter and don't have that much time on my hand it was gather cyber-dust on one of my folders...

Now, with the advance of IA and all that it can do I had an idea... what if I used chat GPT 4 to write the story for me? I prefere reading than writing, and am not such a great writter myself. Hoever I know what I enjoy and given some prompt an dprecise script I should be able to have a decent result... well you will have to be the one to judge the result of that.

Just to give you an idea I will copy paste the part I wrote myself hereunder to have a possible point of comparison.

Now what I found out is that chat gpt 4 can ideed write. (Who woulda thought right?) No but what I mean is that it can actually give great results... now the process is a bit more complicated though... akin to trying to make an ADHD kid of about years old walk on a straight line to get from point A to point B... meaning, I have to always try and stop it from walking backwards or going left and right and jumping and doing his own things every 2 seconds and remind him of what we are trying to do and what we did so far. Just like a kid (and IA loves that) making it a game of earning point when they do great, or losing point when they do bad can help. Although I found out positive reinforcment works best and I have to encourage it to do it better again and again with more precises rules...

Although sometime it would go in completely unprompted directions and produce some stroke of absolute genius work. I mean Seriously !

Now... do I think this is a viable way to write a story? I am not sure myself :/ depends on how you write. If you are a "feeler" and write by the pants of your seat... well sorry but you're f**ked. now if you are the kind of person who plan exactly what happens in your story, from chapter 1 to 10, where you scenes happens, what happens, who do what and who says what and how... then this IA is an absolute monster of a tool. I genuinly beleive that given a bit of thought and with a skeletal idea of what should happens in a story everyone would be able to produce their "dream" fan finction or novel. Granted that, it wont be the best from the start, but as a base to improve and prof read and edit... yhea this is solid stuff.

without further adoo this is what I wrote. further chapters will be our IA friend works trying to do what I asked of him... and forcing him not to do anything else (Seriously stop and try to make Cardin appologize or feel bad and tries to be better every 3 lines please chatGpt4 !)


'Well, here we go' I thought somberly.

I rushed through the pages of my check-list. Hoping to find something that would miraculously help. Meanwhile, the alarms were still blaring.


I couldn't help but remember my earlier days as a trainee…

'… and you don't want to lose that! Life expectancy when it comes to loss of artificial horizon, if not detected, is just under three minutes. 178 seconds precisely if the NASA is to be trusted. So detect it!...'

Yhea… I probably should have remembered that one. Still, if you combine that with the loss of two engines due to bird strike it makes no difference in the end.

I looked to my left, immortalizing the lasts moments of my captain, struggling like all hells to Sully Sullenberg our ass out of this shitty situation. Well, there was no Hudson River here, only mountains… sorry chief.

Then I think I heard an explosion… Followed by nothing.

I was in murky dark place, somehow conscious but not really. If I had to describe it I would compare it to how we sometime feel when waking up in the middle of the night. Still stuck between two states, awake and yet still dreaming.

I could see blurry faces, hear muted words and I could swear I was sometime … fighting? What the hell?

I have no idea what an acid trip is like but that's probably it.

As I was thinking silly thoughts, and that maybe the ability to say stupid things in my head meant that I somehow survived a plane crash… Clarity hit me.

And I suddenly found myself thrown in the middle of cantina.

'...gusting!' I heard the end of a sentence, and from the tone someone was certainly not happy.

Stopping a second to take in my surrounding I saw a lot of teenagers, girls and boys, in uniform all staring at me with a frown.

'I don't know what they are feeding this people with or putting in the water here but I certainly want some' was my first, almost, coherent thought.

Seriously, no one would probably believe this, but the place was crowded with top models, handsome dudes with fancy hair and ripped liked Z-fighters, as well as gorgeous soon to be woman with toned body and perfect skin. I certainly did NOT look like that in my teenagers days… I mean come on; there was not even the shadow of the tinniest pimple present in this room. Even the midget with red tips in her hair looked like some kind of Korean child idol or something.

I turned around, facing some other students, or what I thought to be students, considering some were in uniform getting food. As to why others were wearing some kind of armor or fancy colorful disguises, well, I could only guess it was for an event of a sort.

Jeez, even the wannabe rebel with a green Mohawk looked good. I mean… Stupid like hell, sure. But that was still another model/idol/Korean pop-star in the making, IF he changed out of that bandit costume and put a little bit of effort with his hair.. To be fair I did have a Mohawk at some point, if only to have fun, so no judging.

Said Mohawk guy looked at me with what I am pretty sure was hidden contempt.

"What a freak."

Wait, what? Did I somehow do something?

"You got a problem?" Was that my voice? But I didn't say that…

"…op p-please?" came a small and scared cry from under me. Or to be precise, under my hand…my heavily armored left hand, buried in a hefty metal gauntlet. Cause I know armor when I see one and that definitely wasn't some disguise!

'What the fuck is going on here?'


'Oh yhea that's right, concentrate me… voice coming from under my hand covered in plating holding… ears? BUNNY ears?!'

"Da fuck?" Yes thank you voice of mine for translating so aptly my thoughts, still I could do without the angry tone.

I could feel my hand shudder, and it came from under what I was grasping. A pair of, somehow live, bunny ears connected to a cute girl… a cute girl with watery eyes.

'Please don't cry… I mean you're not going to cry right? You're a teen come on… please?' I prayed in my mind.

"Wait? You're gonna cry? Really? Oh please!" 'FUCK you me-voice! I know you kind of got the letter if not the spirit right, but do you/I have to sound like an ass?'

'Wait a minute' I froze as a second realization hit me…

I slowly turned around again… and as expected I found what I feared I would…

On a table not too far away I could spot a stupid (PunChaBle) dorky blond boy, a red haired beauty in an armor with some ancient Greek or roman design, a very buxom angry blond next to the idol midget from before, as well as an hyperactive girl spouting something about breaking knees (mines more likely) and her faithful soft-spoken partner-not-partner-yet…

'Well fuck…'

I knew where I was.

And considering where exactly my hand was resting, as well as the now crying Faunus under said appendix of mine… 'So sorry about that Velvet, I'll make it up to you later I swear'. I probably knew WHO I was as well.

'Fuck this situation'. What could I even do to salvage what I could? It was not like the good ol' 'Denny, denny, denny' was going to be of great help there. Every one present had a first row seat for this debacle of a show Cardin or, should I say I, just put on display.

'Okay, think fast here champs… there are no problems if there are no solutions.' I could almost hear the gear in my mind turn… and from the sound of it they most likely needed a bit of grease cause let's be honest: CARDIN, that should say enough about brain prowess. 'HULK SmAsh' was probably his idea of genius strategy.

I somehow got the distinct feeling of a middle finger shoved in my mind.

'Yhea? Well up yours too Cardin! Now I've got to deal with your mess.' Well no matter, I found a way around this peculiar situation… or so I thought.

'Could I know exactly what you are all looking at folks?' "Da fuck you all looking at?"

Fuck you Cardin, fuck you so hard.


"Can I break his knees now?" I shouldn't have to say who that precise brand of questioning came from. Still, I kept her in my field of view as she would happily do break my joints if she could. Thankfully Ren was restraining her, if barely. Worse came to worse I could probably use a pancake and throw it in her direction while running in the other anyway...

So this is going to be a little experiment, I don't know how far I will take it but for now I am having fun.

The story is about a guy transmigrating and reincarting as cardin. So far so good. I wrote some part of the story some long time ago but as I am not a great writter and don't have that much time on my hand it was gather cyber-dust on one of my folders...

Now, with the advance of IA and all that it can do I had an idea... what if I used chat GPT 4 to write the story for me? I prefere reading than writing, and am not such a great writter myself. Hoever I know what I enjoy and given some prompt an dprecise script I should be able to have a decent result... well you will have to be the one to judge the result of that.

Just to give you an idea I will copy paste the part I wrote myself hereunder to have a possible point of comparison.

Now what I found out is that chat gpt 4 can ideed write. (Who woulda thought right?) No but what I mean is that it can actually give great results... now the process is a bit more complicated though... akin to trying to make an ADHD kid of about years old walk on a straight line to get from point A to point B... meaning, I have to always try and stop it from walking backwards or going left and right and jumping and doing his own things every 2 seconds and remind him of what we are trying to do and what we did so far. Just like a kid (and IA loves that) making it a game of earning point when they do great, or losing point when they do bad can help. Although I found out positive reinforcment works best and I have to encourage it to do it better again and again with more precises rules...

Although sometime it would go in completely unprompted directions and produce some stroke of absolute genius work. I mean Seriously !

Now... do I think this is a viable way to write a story? I am not sure myself :/ depends on how you write. If you are a "feeler" and write by the pants of your seat... well sorry but you're f**ked. now if you are the kind of person who plan exactly what happens in your story, from chapter 1 to 10, where you scenes happens, what happens, who do what and who says what and how... then this IA is an absolute monster of a tool. I genuinly beleive that given a bit of thought and with a skeletal idea of what should happens in a story everyone would be able to produce their "dream" fan finction or novel. Granted that, it wont be the best from the start, but as a base to improve and prof read and edit... yhea this is solid stuff.

without further adoo this is what I wrote. further chapters will be our IA friend works trying to do what I asked of him... and forcing him not to do anything else (Seriously stop and try to make Cardin appologize or feel bad and tries to be better every 3 lines please chatGpt4 !)


'Well, here we go' I thought somberly.

I rushed through the pages of my check-list. Hoping to find something that would miraculously help. Meanwhile, the alarms were still blaring.


I couldn't help but remember my earlier days as a trainee…

'… and you don't want to lose that! Life expectancy when it comes to loss of artificial horizon, if not detected, is just under three minutes. 178 seconds precisely if the NASA is to be trusted. So detect it!...'

Yhea… I probably should have remembered that one. Still, if you combine that with the loss of two engines due to bird strike it makes no difference in the end.

I looked to my left, immortalizing the lasts moments of my captain, struggling like all hells to Sully Sullenberg our ass out of this shitty situation. Well, there was no Hudson River here, only mountains… sorry chief.

Then I think I heard an explosion… Followed by nothing.

I was in murky dark place, somehow conscious but not really. If I had to describe it I would compare it to how we sometime feel when waking up in the middle of the night. Still stuck between two states, awake and yet still dreaming.

I could see blurry faces, hear muted words and I could swear I was sometime … fighting? What the hell?

I have no idea what an acid trip is like but that's probably it.

As I was thinking silly thoughts, and that maybe the ability to say stupid things in my head meant that I somehow survived a plane crash… Clarity hit me.

And I suddenly found myself thrown in the middle of cantina.

'...gusting!' I heard the end of a sentence, and from the tone someone was certainly not happy.

Stopping a second to take in my surrounding I saw a lot of teenagers, girls and boys, in uniform all staring at me with a frown.

'I don't know what they are feeding this people with or putting in the water here but I certainly want some' was my first, almost, coherent thought.

Seriously, no one would probably believe this, but the place was crowded with top models, handsome dudes with fancy hair and ripped liked Z-fighters, as well as gorgeous soon to be woman with toned body and perfect skin. I certainly did NOT look like that in my teenagers days… I mean come on; there was not even the shadow of the tinniest pimple present in this room. Even the midget with red tips in her hair looked like some kind of Korean child idol or something.

I turned around, facing some other students, or what I thought to be students, considering some were in uniform getting food. As to why others were wearing some kind of armor or fancy colorful disguises, well, I could only guess it was for an event of a sort.

Jeez, even the wannabe rebel with a green Mohawk looked good. I mean… Stupid like hell, sure. But that was still another model/idol/Korean pop-star in the making, IF he changed out of that bandit costume and put a little bit of effort with his hair.. To be fair I did have a Mohawk at some point, if only to have fun, so no judging.

Said Mohawk guy looked at me with what I am pretty sure was hidden contempt.

"What a freak."

Wait, what? Did I somehow do something?

"You got a problem?" Was that my voice? But I didn't say that…

"…op p-please?" came a small and scared cry from under me. Or to be precise, under my hand…my heavily armored left hand, buried in a hefty metal gauntlet. Cause I know armor when I see one and that definitely wasn't some disguise!

'What the fuck is going on here?'


'Oh yhea that's right, concentrate me… voice coming from under my hand covered in plating holding… ears? BUNNY ears?!'

"Da fuck?" Yes thank you voice of mine for translating so aptly my thoughts, still I could do without the angry tone.

I could feel my hand shudder, and it came from under what I was grasping. A pair of, somehow live, bunny ears connected to a cute girl… a cute girl with watery eyes.

'Please don't cry… I mean you're not going to cry right? You're a teen come on… please?' I prayed in my mind.

"Wait? You're gonna cry? Really? Oh please!" 'FUCK you me-voice! I know you kind of got the letter if not the spirit right, but do you/I have to sound like an ass?'

'Wait a minute' I froze as a second realization hit me…

I slowly turned around again… and as expected I found what I feared I would…

On a table not too far away I could spot a stupid (PunChaBle) dorky blond boy, a red haired beauty in an armor with some ancient Greek or roman design, a very buxom angry blond next to the idol midget from before, as well as an hyperactive girl spouting something about breaking knees (mines more likely) and her faithful soft-spoken partner-not-partner-yet…

'Well fuck…'

I knew where I was.

And considering where exactly my hand was resting, as well as the now crying Faunus under said appendix of mine… 'So sorry about that Velvet, I'll make it up to you later I swear'. I probably knew WHO I was as well.

'Fuck this situation'. What could I even do to salvage what I could? It was not like the good ol' 'Denny, denny, denny' was going to be of great help there. Every one present had a first row seat for this debacle of a show Cardin or, should I say I, just put on display.

'Okay, think fast here champs… there are no problems if there are no solutions.' I could almost hear the gear in my mind turn… and from the sound of it they most likely needed a bit of grease cause let's be honest: CARDIN, that should say enough about brain prowess. 'HULK SmAsh' was probably his idea of genius strategy.

I somehow got the distinct feeling of a middle finger shoved in my mind.

'Yhea? Well up yours too Cardin! Now I've got to deal with your mess.' Well no matter, I found a way around this peculiar situation… or so I thought.

'Could I know exactly what you are all looking at folks?' "Da fuck you all looking at?"

Fuck you Cardin, fuck you so hard.


"Can I break his knees now?" I shouldn't have to say who that precise brand of questioning came from. Still, I kept her in my field of view as she would happily do break my joints if she could. Thankfully Ren was restraining her, if barely. Worse came to worse I could probably use a pancake and throw it in her direction while running in the other anyway...

So this is going to be a little experiment, I don't know how far I will take it but for now I am having fun.

The story is about a guy transmigrating and reincarting as cardin. So far so good. I wrote some part of the story some long time ago but as I am not a great writter and don't have that much time on my hand it was gather cyber-dust on one of my folders...

Now, with the advance of IA and all that it can do I had an idea... what if I used chat GPT 4 to write the story for me? I prefere reading than writing, and am not such a great writter myself. Hoever I know what I enjoy and given some prompt an dprecise script I should be able to have a decent result... well you will have to be the one to judge the result of that.

Just to give you an idea I will copy paste the part I wrote myself hereunder to have a possible point of comparison.

Now what I found out is that chat gpt 4 can ideed write. (Who woulda thought right?) No but what I mean is that it can actually give great results... now the process is a bit more complicated though... akin to trying to make an ADHD kid of about years old walk on a straight line to get from point A to point B... meaning, I have to always try and stop it from walking backwards or going left and right and jumping and doing his own things every 2 seconds and remind him of what we are trying to do and what we did so far. Just like a kid (and IA loves that) making it a game of earning point when they do great, or losing point when they do bad can help. Although I found out positive reinforcment works best and I have to encourage it to do it better again and again with more precises rules...

Although sometime it would go in completely unprompted directions and produce some stroke of absolute genius work. I mean Seriously !

Now... do I think this is a viable way to write a story? I am not sure myself :/ depends on how you write. If you are a "feeler" and write by the pants of your seat... well sorry but you're f**ked. now if you are the kind of person who plan exactly what happens in your story, from chapter 1 to 10, where you scenes happens, what happens, who do what and who says what and how... then this IA is an absolute monster of a tool. I genuinly beleive that given a bit of thought and with a skeletal idea of what should happens in a story everyone would be able to produce their "dream" fan finction or novel. Granted that, it wont be the best from the start, but as a base to improve and prof read and edit... yhea this is solid stuff.

without further adoo this is what I wrote. further chapters will be our IA friend works trying to do what I asked of him... and forcing him not to do anything else (Seriously stop and try to make Cardin appologize or feel bad and tries to be better every 3 lines please chatGpt4 !)