
Reincarnated As Black Diamond

Someone from our world is Reincarnated into Steven Universe as a Diamond, there's not much else to it. Watch as she struggles to cope with her new identity as a gem while ruling a Gempire. (OC will also have multiple forms so all images I use aren’t mine. Same with cover.) (This might be multiverse as Steven Universe is fun but I think it might be cool to see a semi-op space gem goddess in other universes/genres.)

GaZe_Zero · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Home World

"Well, aren't you charming." I calmly say as I lower my hand for her to get on it, luckily my new Pearl already knows what to do so she gracefully leaps onto my hand.

I did my best to hide my giddiness towards my new Pearl and instead put on a calm and mature face. It would not be proper for my new Pearl to see me inappropriately acting towards her.

My Black Pearl smirked slightly and did a bow while I brought her closer towards my face. "Why thank you my Diamond. To hear that from you must mean I am doing something right."

'Did I add too much confidence?' I raised an eyebrow at the last bit she said to me while smirking. I didn't dislike it, far from it as I actually wanted her to act like that. It was just a little surprising to see her act this way towards me so suddenly.

Chuckling at my thoughts and stood fully and looked towards the center hand console and thought about something. "Pearl, I am curious would you care for anything to be custom made for you? I know the Reef has silly things like ribbon twirlers and other objects, do you care for anything like that?"

My Pearl grew a surprised look on her face and blushed slightly. "My Diamond, you don't need to give me any gift. Being here and serving you is already the greatest thing I will ever have."

'Seems I caught her off guard.' I smirked slightly and walked over to the console despite my Pearls protests and looked to see what the Reef had.

Pressing my hand to the console a holoscreen appeared and listed off a multitude of objects that I can gift Pearl. 'A ribbon twirler, an umbrella, fancy flying brooms-Wait what? Flying brooms... I am not even going to ask.' I thought as I kept scrolling through this list of items before finding an interesting tool.

It looked like a silver bracelet, but I knew it wasn't that at first glance. It was practically a multitool, as a gem could mentally hook up to this bracelet and transform it into any physical object of a similar size and weight that they wish. A very versatile tool if I have any say.

"Pearl, what about this bracelet right here?" I asked her as I zoomed in on the specifics of said bracelet.

Pearl blushed even more before looking at the bracelet and quickly looking away. "My D-diamond, I am fine without any gifts, please."

'Playing hardball huh?' I thought as I could notice her secretly glancing at the bracelet and also what seemed to be a massive pillow bed? 'What's that...' I thought as I clicked on a giant pillow that could fit even a Diamond the size of Yellow or Blue on it in stature.

"Hmm, alright Pearl, I have decided to get you these two things. Reef! Get these two items ready for me immediately." I said with authority as I stepped away from the console.

Taking a glance at Pearl I could see that she tried her best to put on a calm demeanor to hide her blush. Wanting to mess with Pearl I smirked slightly and raised a finger to pat her head.

"Aren't you just the cutest? Now, what do you say in response for me getting these gifts Pearl?" I grinned as I saw her blush even more before she suddenly grew serious.

Pearl smiled slightly and looked me in the eye before saying "Thank you my most radiant, dazzling Diamond, I will make sure to pay you back in full in any means necessary."

My Pearl then chuckled slightly and looked abashed before saying "Who would think my Diamond is vying for me already."

'Wha?' I blinked once before accidentally repeating it allowed. "Wha?- What do you mean?" I asked as I blinked owlishly at her.

"Well, my Diamond, you must know it looks strange for you to not only gift me a piece of jewelry, but also a bed that is big enough for the both of us? I can only imagine the hidden intentions that you have by doing this." Pearl put her hand to her cheek and looked sideways avoiding my eye contact.

I opened my eyes widely and stared at her in shock. 'Yup definitely made her not afraid to speak her mind.' I thought slyly as my mind moved to less... noble intentions before I suddenly blushed.

'Nope! You just got Pearl, do not! Think! of her! like that!' I blinked twice before looking at Pearl who sad a sly smirk on her face. Shaking my head, I carried the both of us over to where I saw a clam shell emerge from the floor with the two objects.

"Pearl, don't joke like that. If someone overheard you saying that they could get the wrong intentions. Or get very confused... One or the other." I told Pearl and set her down so she could grab the objects.

Pearl grinned before doing a slight bow and responding with "Of course my Diamond.". She then looked at the objects and scratched her gem before closing her eyes to concentrate.

"Pearl are you sure you can fit an object that large into your gem?" I asked concernedly as the pillow is... massive to say the least. If something can fit me like a large beanbag chair, then it is definitely huge.

"My Diamond, please don't worry. Pearls were made for carrying everything we need for who we serve, something this big just takes a little... concentration." And with that Pearl scrunched up her eyebrows before a light exited her pearl causing the massive pillow to disappear.

She sighed out in relief and figuratively wiped her sweat from her forehead before look expectantly towards me. "My Diamond, if... if it's not too much to ask for can you put the bracelet on me?" Pearl blinked her eyes trying to look pretty before giggling a little bit.

'What? I messed up entirely... Maybe it's because she was just born?' I was worried slightly for how bold she was before she cut me off.

"I'm joking my Diamond, or well I hope it was a good joke according to the information you gave me, but I believe we should stop wasting time." Pearl said as she grabbed the silver-colored bracelet before putting it on her left wrist under her outfit.

I sighed in relief before looking towards the exit. "Pearl, you must remember to not act that way around anyone else, ok?" I looked back at Pearl and saw what I would call the most professional face that she could put on.

Honestly, I knew I designed her to look and act like one, but I am just now noticing how right now she is the perfect image of a butler.

Pearl did a small bow and said, "Of course my Diamond." before going towards the door. Pearl then waited by the door, and I took this as a sign showing that it's time to leave.

Taking a few strides over to the door I watched Pearl press a button that suddenly opened it. In front of the door, I could see my Citrine guards lining the walls of the hallway and all were staring at me.

The commanding Citrine broke off from the hallways wall and approached me, stopping a good distance in front of me while performing a Diamond salute.

"My Diamond, are you ready to go back to the ship?" She asked as Pearl walked up to my side and closed the door behind her.

'Hmm well theres not much else here at the Reef. And I am going to be seriously busy later sooo...'

"Yes, please lead the way." I said making sure my order was short, sweet, and simple like White showed me earlier.

The Citrine Commander began to walk forwards at a jogging pace, and as she passed any Citrine guard on the wall they would break off and follow her. Soon enough 12 Citrine were in front of me jogging to the warp pad.

Looking down at my Pearl I put my hand down for her to get on. "Come on Pearl, let's leave." I said to her.

Pearl did a small leap and landed on top of my hand. Raising my hand to my side I walked forward at a steady pace, quickly catching up with my Citrine guards.

It only took a few minutes to make it to the warp pad and successfully warp back to Whites ship. As soon as we warped into the ship, I saw the same Peridot give me a Diamond salute.

My guards slowed their pace once we made it off the warp pad and begun to break off and make a formation around me while we all continued to walk to the ships bridge.

Everything was silent and the only sound was the march of the gem guards and my high heels as we soon made our way to the ships bridge. As we approached the bridge, I noticed the guards that walked around me began to slow down and stop, lining themselves on the walls.

Soon enough it was only the Commander Citrine left who went up to the door, opened it, and allowed me to enter as she performed a Diamond salute.

"Oh Black, there you are. It took you long enough. Take a seat we are going back to Home World now." Whites voice sounded out as I approached my massive chair.

Looking at Pearl in my hands I leaned down towards the floor and let her jump off. Immediately after she jumped off, I went towards my throne and sat down in it, noticing from the side of my eye that White was staring at me.

"Well, Black? Let me see the Pearl that you took so long to design." White asked me to which I looked down towards the side of my chair for Pearl.

Pearl heard White and quickly went around the front of my throne before performing a Diamond salute.

'Hmm I wonder what White will think of her outfit.' I thought as I carefully watched White look at my Pearl.

White seemed to be thinking about something before chuckling slightly. "Ah I can see the work you put into her Black, good job." White said to me before tapping her holoscreen. "Anyways, we have wasted enough time, let us get back to Home World."

I nodded towards White and felt the ships thrusters activate, pulling us away from the Reef world. Inwardly I was sighing in relief that White liked Pearl and didn't say anything bad about her design.

It was interesting to watch all the gems in the command bridge at Whites command suddenly burst into action. Peridots typing away on holoscreens were accompanied by Nephrites that adjusted controls before suddenly I felt the ship stretch.

'Oh, this is the Gravity Singularity.' I thought to myself as for a brief second, I felt the ship stretch before rapidly picking up its speed.

"So White are you ready for Home World? We are going to be very busy pretty soon." I made some small talk with White and contemplated all of the work I would be doing at Home World.

White glanced at me before she continued to work on her holoscreen. "Of course, Black, I agree that we are going to be busy soon, but it shouldn't be too difficult."

She then started scrolling down her holoscreen before saying "We just need to get you coronated, design your new court, pick out planets for you, allocate resources for your court, design your palace, make multiple design changes in the Empire, and finally we will have a break together where we will both plan the future for our Empire."

'Oh my Stars... She just said that like it was nothing she really was overworked, and I'm about to be as well.' I looked somewhat sad before perking back up again. 'At least we will be doing it together.' I thought before mentally working on all of those problems.

The problems could luckily all be solved with some help from other Gems under us, but some of them require a personal touch. 'This will be a lot of work but at least it will be fun work.' I thought until I felt myself stretching backwards slightly before the feeling disappeared entirely.

"Black look." White said prompting me to look at her. She was eyeing the bridges window, and the sight in front of me was... amazing.

For the first time in my life, I was seeing Home World with my own eyes, and it was beautiful. The planet itself was split into multiple pieces but using something called Gravity Rings, White has managed to find a balance for the planet to stay in one shape.

I could see spires of gem technology, ships, and decorative palaces even from space. It looked like a piece of art honestly. The planet almost looked like a massive, cracked geode, as the surface was so covered in gem buildings that I couldn't see any natural ground.

The planet itself glimmered like a star and I occasionally would see ships flying to and from Home World rapidly, doing whatever they were tasked with doing at utmost haste.

'Wonder what everyone else thinks.' I thought before looking around the room. The other gems seemed cold and uncaring to the sight, but I could tell White was proud of what she has made.

Glancing down towards my feet I saw Pearl who had a professional look on her face but deep in her eyes I could see her hidden awe at the sight.

"It's beautiful White." I said after refocusing on Home World. I knew I would never forget this site and as I felt the ship begin to enter the atmosphere, shaking as it did so, I knew I had a lot of work in store for me.

(Image of Home World:


A/N Time: Sorry for short chapter despite delay, just got busy. I plan on releasing another chapter tomorrow though.

Anyways this was mostly filler with some interactions between Black and Pearl. More of a fluff episode before we delve into the coronation of Black.

Still trying to get the interactions between gems down so please put up with it if its a little rough, anyways cya next time.