
Run, Ren

I watched as my homeland caught flames, the buildings lit up on fire, the surrounding tides of water turned into large hails of ice and water, the people of my village screamed in fear as the enemy attacked us with all their might.

Although I was only 5 at that time, I remember it very clearly, the ashes of my loved ones, their burnt bones, their dead faces showing burnt smiles from all the skin shrinking from the fire. My family getting frozen into ice and getting dusted by the white disintegration light beams. The smiles on my parents faces as they hid me from the enemies.

I remember it very clearly.

At just the age of 5, I was an orphan, and had nowhere to call home.

After the Chaos ended, I got out of the sealed bunker my parents kept me in, I was the only one that survived, I looked under the rubble, under the houses and the wooden beams, All I could find where people mauled and brutally killed, The enemies didn't even bother cleaning this place.

For the next week I was left starving with no food on me, the Uzumaki reserves were drained dry by the enemy alliance, I could only go to the beaches and kill fishes with the limited knowledge of chakra I had.

Over the next month, I ate fish, researched the Uzumaki archives and sealed whatever I could find into a scroll I found, thankfully my parents taught be the basics of sealing.

They also left me with a bracelet, it was made up of gold and had many advanced seals adorning its figure. When my mother gave me it, She said that it would help me in the future, I had no idea what she was talking about.

As the years passed, I travelled to the nearby areas, Searching for food and shelter. Whirlpool became much dangerous as the enemy villages regained their forces and started Searching for the remaining Uzumaki's.

I travelled the dangerous regions of The land of fire, the sandy deserts of the land of wind, the rocky mountains of the land of lightning, the barren land of the land of Earth and the shores of the land of water, I travelled them all, As I got older, Living became much harder and my clothes started getting smaller, my life was already at what seemed like it's end.

But I strived to live, unable to let go of the Uzumaki legacy, I settled in a small village in the land of lightning for a few years, even then it was hard to conceal my crimson red hair.

And they found me...

"Catch him, He is running away." A man screamed, he had white hair and was adorning a headband with the symbol for cloud.

'Its Kumo, Run.' Ren screamed internally as he put all his energy into hopping from tree to tree.

"Hit him with weapons, we might get him." Another shinobi screamed at the redhead. The men started throwing their metal arteliary, kunai's and shuriken's.

'At this cost, I may be able to ou-'

"Augh, My leg." A kunai stabbed into his calf as his leg collapsed, he fell down from the tree like a heavy branch, looking at the ground getting closer and closer.

'Sorry Mom, Sorry dad, I wasn't able to live... No, I am Ren, Ren Uzumaki of Uzushiogakure, I must live.' Sudden Rush of Adrenaline flowed through his body as a set of chains sprouted from Ren's hand, keeping him just inches away from hitting the ground.

The Kumo ninjas didn't just sit and watch the small boy sprout chains and went into action, bombarding the Uzumaki with a flurry of kunai's, As a last ditch effort, Ren pumped all of his chakra into his newfound jutsu, the. chains sprouted from all places from his body, a total of 10 chains ran at the Kumo nin, Slicing through all of them in one swoop.

The tips of Ren's hair turned white as he collapsed in the ground.

"I... Did it... Gasp." The sound of a sword sweeping through the air made it's way to Ren's ears and he was too slow to react as it drew blood.

"I... Will... Take... You... With me... Demon." Just before Ren's eyes closed, he saw the image of a Kumo ninja holding a sword piercing his chest, the Kumo ninja had a chunk of his head missing, most likely from the golden chains and his brain was starting to spill out of his bloddied cranium.


"Where am I?" A redhead got up from the ground holding his head as he recalled the memories of the past.

"I have been Reincarnated?" Was the thought running through his mind.

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