"What?" William looked in disbelief.
Upon his arrival on this world for no more than a day, he was already tasked that he was going to meet SCP-173. One of the most famous, if not dangerous, that the SCP Foundation could ever have in their containment right now.
"Yeah, get up and prepare now. I'll give you five minutes for you to be ready before escorting you to the containment room."
The guard left from the window's vision. It seemed that he went to another cell room to inform some of the other D-Class personnel to also get ready for their duty calls. There isn't much anything that he could do besides to be careful about his movement later, or he'll be killed.
SCP-173 "The Sculpture", Euclid Class SCP.
Special Containment Procedures, SCP-173 should be kept within a room or container at all times. Entering SCP-173's containment room must be performed with no fewer than 3 personnel at all times. Two of them will keep their vision and eyes directly towards SCP-173 until everyone has vacated from the room and locked the door.
Description, SCP-173 is a sculpture resembling of a figure, and it is extremely hostile. SCP-173 could not move itself if it were being watched by someone within the line of sight. If that contact is broken, SCP-173 will begin to move at high speed. It is advised to alert the other person before blinking to make sure the line of sight isn't broken. If by any chance the line of sight is broken even within a blink, SCP-173 will begin to attack anyone near it by snapping their neck. In the event of an attack is happening, personnel is directed to perform Class 4 hazardous object containment procedures.
SCP Object itself was separated into different categories. The most used ones are Safe, Euclid and Keter. Safe means that the SCP Objects are easy to contain or be taken care of. You don't even need extra precautions for Safe SCPs. But that doesn't mean Safe Classed SCP isn't harmless, some of them are harmful, but they could be avoided with no effort. Euclid means that the SCP needed more effort or resources to contain them. It is because most of SCP Classed SCP are creatures, and their behavior can't be understood fully or is just unpredictable. They could sometime cause trouble but also remain inert in their cells, just like SCP-173. As for the last one is Keter, which means that the SCP is really difficult to contain because Keter Classed SCP always tried to break through their containment room. Keter doesn't mean that the SCP is dangerous. It's just really hard to contain them because of their anomaly.
It was a really bad day for William to be given a duty to be facing a hostile Euclid SCP. He knew very well about SCP-173 and how it would behave in front of people because he had read its articles back in his world.
His cell door was opened, and there was the same guard waiting for him in the hallway. Other than that, there is also two D-Class personnel coming out from their cell too. Most likely, they were also given an order to do this job.
They lined up in the hallway. The guards started to put William and the other two D-Class handcuffs and leg chains on all of them. So that they won't go anywhere else and be chained up together, after all of them were strapped, they were instructed to follow the guard's lead.
William was in front of the other D-Class, and he looked at them. Behind him were a skinny-looking person and a dark-skinned person with tattoos all over his body. Based on their identification number on the shirt, they should be D-1140 and D-1020.
D-1140 looked very scared and nervous, William doesn't know how long he had been here, but he can tell that he had experienced so many things here and barely survived from the horrors that lurk within this site. As for D-1020, he doesn't look frightened at all. Maybe he was already getting used to living with this kind of condition.
He drew his attention back to the front and asked one of the guards, "Uhh, what are we gonna do for today?" William said.
The guard didn't look at him but instead said in a mocking tone, "Of course, all of you are going to clean up our friend's poop. It's been a long trip for him since his original containment area needs to be renovated on the original site. Since then, he had been making his mess in his own room lately."
William isn't surprised in the slightest that he had to clean SCP-173's containment room. The Foundation wouldn't dare to use their janitor or guards to clean it because it would be a waste if something goes wrong. In comparison, D-Class personnel are best for this kind of job.
"Don't worry, that'll be your only agenda for today. After the job is done, you guys can go back to your cell and enjoy your rest."
All of them arrived in one big room. In front of them was a big steel gate. Based on the scraping noises that came out of that room, it must be where SCP-173 is currently being contained in. They were released from their cuffs and chains and put on side by side with each other.
A researcher came into the room not long after, followed by another guard carrying cleaning supplies such as mops, buckets, soaps, etc., in a trolley cart.
"Good Evening, gentlemen." A young-looking researcher greeted William and the other D-Class as he entered the room, "How are we doing today? Another day, another job. Yeah?"
William didn't know how to respond, and neither of his colleagues. It was only an awkward silence that echoed through the room.
"Well, I'd say we save for the chitchat later. My name is Richard Wells. You can call me Richard, Rich, or Wells. However you like it. Let's just get down to business, shall we?" Dr. Wells walked toward the cleaning supplies trolley and picked up one of the mops in it.
"Today, all of you are going to clean up inside SCP-173's room. Simple, right? I know. Pretty easy and quick job. You guys go in, clean this and that, and you're it!"
Despite Dr. Wells's energetic and friendly explanation, people could tell that he was being sarcastic about what he said to all of them.
"After you guys are done, you can go out from SCP-173's cage and then enjoy the rest of your day! Of course, inside within your cell. Are we clear enough?"
Dr. Wells puts back the mop inside the trolley cart. We all nodded in understandment regarding what we were going to do later.
"Alright then, good luck to all of you. I expect a good job from all of you."
Dr. Wells then waved his hand, instructing the guards present to follow him and leave the big room before the big steel door of SCP-173's containment room was opened for them to clean it.
"Oh, one more thing." Dr. Wells stopped just as he was at the door leading to the exit. He turned around to look at all of them while pointing his finger up, "Always remember this. Don't blink."
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