

Ning walked out of the room and walked along the large hallway of the ship, making his way down the ship. The large ship would require him to walk for at least an hour to reach the end of it.

"How is gravity working here?" Ning asked the system.

<The ship's spin is creating the illusion of gravity.>

Ning looked toward the ceiling. "Is that the center?" he asked before continuing his walk. The hallway was short and led to an open space with many people wearing similar clothes to the one Ning was wearing right now.

They were also all completely dark-skinned individuals, just like the ones in the room he had just left. There were both adults and children in the hall, ranging from toddlers to old people who could barely stand without a cane. 

Some ate canned food. Some played a few musical instruments. Some simply talked with each other to pass the time.

'Canned food?' Ning thought. 'Were these people technologically advanced?'