

Ning and Saphandra passed the entrance exam without even having to wait for the results to show up.

Ning was now under the old woman Verina, while Saphandra… none of the teachers really knew what to do with her.

The old woman wanted Ning to come with her immediately, but Ning told her he could only start tomorrow. 

The old woman grumbled for a bit, but accepted it in the end and left. 

Ning waited for the result and only 5 of the 50 different people passed, with Trevain being one of them. With his blue hair and his high rank, it was obvious he would pass.

Once done, the 7 of them were alongside the teachers to one of the buildings to the side where they were all enrolled in the school and given their identifications.

Alongside that, they were also given places where they would be staying outside of the school and what course they would be taking for now.