
Total Years

"Ely?" Ning asked in surprise. 

Eleonora looked up and saw the relatively young face of Ning. "I-is that you, NIng?" she asked, unsure of herself. 

"Yeah, it's me. I just came out of my cultivation an hour ago," Ning said. 

"You… You are finally out," she asked in surprise. 

"W-what? Why are you still here? Didn't you go back to your house?" Ning asked. 

"YOU ARE FINALLY OUT!" Eleonora shouted. "Haha, I thought you were never coming out until I died."

"No, I… I'm not sure what I would've done myself," Ning said. "Weren't you in closed cultivation yourself? Also, how come you've not aged a day? Aren't I the one immortal?" 

"Haha, I bought a skill from my system that game my eternal youth. I stopped aging physically since that day," Eleonora said. 

"I-I came out so many times, but missed you every single time," Ning said. "I'm glad I finally got to see you."