
Tim vs Redfist

Tim walked into the center of the mound, tapping into his box to pull out everything he had stored in there. Not everything was out at once, but would should he need it.

"We begin at the sound of the gong," Redfist said and nodded to the side.

The gong rang loudly.

Redfist charged.

As a man whose chest was higher than Tim's head, and arms that reached much further than Tim, he would have an easy time in the fight.

He didn't hold back anything in his charge, choosing to grapple Tim first before attacking him.

Tim stood still, doing nothing. Redfist grabbed him and suddenly found his arm moving through Tim, almost as though he was grabbing at air.

Tim wasn't real.

Tim appeared from the side, shouting as he punched Redfist. Redfist managed to put his arm up to defend and was surprised to feel the strength of Tim's punch.