
Red Hair

"Where are we?" Taron asked. 

Ning, Saphandra, and Taron stood on top of a tall mountain looking down at a valley below.

"We should be in a small village called Gornavu, or at least close to it. That should be the village down there," he pointed below.

They stood on a plateau that looked over a beautiful scenic view of mountains that went on forever.

This was an area with multiple mountains that spanned over multiple mountain ranges, between which lay many valleys that were littered with villages.

Little blue flew through the air, chirping as she did so. Ning almost thought he could understand the language, but he didn't. That just went to tell him that she wasn't actually speaking.

"Well, someone's happy," Ning said as he looked at her.

"Well, she's just glad to be in a place where Spiritual energy is available," Saph said. "She was so downtrodden the last few days due to not being outside that energyless city."